General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Dobby honestly eves barely says anything but no one is worried about her so please try not to worry about A (way easier said than done I know) some kids just take longer than others that’s all :hugs:

Another low temp, I’m just discarding the high one now. I’m just fed up on not ovulating! CD 20 and nothing, my cervix is in the wrong place and no fertile CM anymore, it’s just shitty!! Because I’m young the doctors won’t consider anything until Its been at least a year. I bought a new supplement today, called ovaboost, praying it works!
CB omg is murder him lol. Like you best stay out of pillow throwing distance all days haha jk but yikes. That’s a big reason I’m hesitant to move A to his own room. Now when he wakes I just grab him or he climbs into my bed himself and falls right back to sleep. But I also think I’m waking him lol with my snoring or moving so oh well

Kits thanks :). I’m not worried about it. He says about 15 words and 3 phrases (but she said count them as words not combined words). And his receptive language is totally fine. He reads well. He had all his book handling skills and he knows certain books so well that he can turn the pages in time or help with words he knows. He does a lot of the Wiggles dances and can do 5 Little Ducks, 5 Little Monkeys, Baby Shark, If You’re Happy, and Head/Shoulders/Knees/Toes. Follows directions are daycare. It’ll come.

I just don’t want kids to pick on him. I’m the only single mom at daycare. And I know the daycare is good handled it when the kid said that (this kid is basically 3), I don’t want A internalizing that something is wrong with him. And same with the girl at the gym. Like her mom is a teacher and she jumped in as soon as she said it, but what happens when adults aren’t around?

But yeah the speech pathologist said they may notice and not understand why he doesn’t talk to them but kids this age don’t typically bully or ostracize or treat kids differently.

Also A is two today! I’m sad lol we have gym today but nothing special planned haha
Re: NHS fertility testing, dang that’s crappy. I think it’s pretty common in many countries for doctors not to be willing to send you to specialists unless it’s been a year and there’s multiple obvious crazy issues. It’s annoying.

Kitty fx’d the supplement helps!

CB yikes, hell hath no fury like the mom whose SO woke up the baby. I’d be pissed too. Hopefully you can get a nap in or something.

Dobs happy birthday to A! Sounds like he’s making good progress, and that’s what matters. Sorry other kids have made comments, they probably are just genuinely confused as to why he isn’t socializing with them, but it still sucks when people make comments.
Phew quick birthday update.

Overall good day, just got home and in bed. So tomorrow will be rough. Took A to his gym class in the morning. Always fun plus he got a crown. Then, on the way back from gym I find this lovely playhouse/slide for $10. Little faded but exactly what I wanted but wasn’t willing to shell out $300+. So we got that in my parents backyard play area while he napped. Then we went to Monterey Bay Aquarium and had dinner on Cannery Row. We have dinner there at least a few times a year, and sure it’s very common to see sea otters and maybe a seal lion. Check and check plus raise you a small pod of dolphins! S* you not. A was so burned out that he fell asleep the moment we got in the car. I can’t believe my boo is two!

I’m so nervous about him moving to discovery preschool tomorrow =\
Awe, happy birthday to A! Sounds like he had a good and tiring day ;)
As for speech and other kids, I would not worry too much yet.
I had a 7 year old ask me why L was more interested in playing with toy x on his own then with him like something was wrong with L. Just the tone of voice in which be said it, I know he genuinely ment it in a nice way so didn't take any offence and explained "kids his age play along each other, not with each other. It's a skill they develop and you can help him gain".

L is currently learning that his toys will soon be (some already are) shared... Oftentimes it's still "me me me" but he is starting to grasp the concept of others playing with the same toy (for example his train set). On the other hand, today he tried to share his popsicle with E. Good for L, that's the spirit, but not quite appropriate for a 5 month old, lol. Kind of proud of him too for wanting to share such a *high value* treat.
Hello Ladies. I am still alive, just been busy af. lol

Dobby - The spots were just there. Several of them moved onto my face and a few of the women at work were nice enough to point that out. But haven't had any recently.
That sounds like a busy, but fun BDay week. :)

Flueky - Good to hear things are going fairly well with S's sleep training. And I hear you on being excited for #3. I'm already planning in my mind what would be the most opportune time to have a 3rd. We'll have a July '17 and Oct '19, so maybe Feb-May '22? That way BDays will be spaced nicely and my body will have more than a full year to rest before another pregnancy. Here's hoping you're as financially stable as you'd like by the time you start trying. :)

CB - I kinda doubt my SO would ever get snipped either. Have his junk on display in a well lit room with at least a couple prople looking directly at it? Definitely not something he'd enjoy. lol

shae - It was giving me issues for a few mins this evening, but I haven't really been checking for the last couple days.

Alex's BDay party went pretty well. We had a great turn out considering we were in the middle of an extreme heat warning. My cupcakes turned out pretty well, but SO's aunt went a little too far with the cake. I asked for something simple that fit the theme and she had to go a little overboard. So, people paid more attention to her dessert. Call me bitchy, but he's my kid and treats that I made should be the belle of the ball, not hers. So, I doubt I'll be accepting anymore help with BDay cakes from her.
House Hunting - I know SO has been in contact with a lawyer he used 5 years ago, trying to track down some documents, but I don't think he's done much else. So, we're still just kind of in limbo. Can't remember if I've made the comment here, but if we're not moved in somewhere by the time I'm 38 weeks, then I wanna wait til after the baby is born. I'm not stressing myself out so close to my EDD, so we have about 70 days.
Names - SO brought up names again a few days ago. I said Matthew again and gave some reasons why I thought it'd be a good name. He was apparently serious about Ben, but I am far from sold.
Test results - So, the parvo/fifth's disease results came back and I am immune, thank fuck! I also haven't heard from my MW, so I'm hoping that means my GTT was negative.

I think that's pretty much it. Haven't been in too much pain recently, still feeling lots of kicks and movement, only put on 13lbs so far. Also been back and forth between thinking "omg, I'm crazy to think I can birth this baby naturally" and "It's only one day, it's all temporary, think how proud you'll be when it's done." Really gotta make sure my support team are on their A games when the time comes. lol

IMG_20190720_1259035.jpg IMG_20190720_1259406.jpg
Pretty im glad the party turn out was great! The main cake is great but i LOVE your Cupcakes, they’re awesome hun!! Im a cupcake lover & kids love them, always go down a treat! :)

When i was pg with Nuala i had freak out moments of ‘omg i cant do this, im gonna do an elective csection’ lol but i found as the pg progressed, labour seemed exciting & the wonder of when its going to happen was quite fun hehe im very excited for you! Does Alex understand about having a Baby bro yet?

Omg heatwave uk going on here atm, i love the summer but i am frickin melting over here! We had 29degrees yesterday & 30 today but the night temps are in the mid/later twenties, uhh! No aircon apart from the car, i feel bad for the kids at nighttime as its so uncomfy for them, Haydens head was sweaty last night for thing :( paddling pool purchase today i think..!

Hope all you lovely ladies are doing ok, happy belated birthday to A Dobby :hugs:
Pretty im glad the party turn out was great! The main cake is great but i LOVE your Cupcakes, they’re awesome hun!! Im a cupcake lover & kids love them, always go down a treat! :)

When i was pg with Nuala i had freak out moments of ‘omg i cant do this, im gonna do an elective csection’ lol but i found as the pg progressed, labour seemed exciting & the wonder of when its going to happen was quite fun hehe im very excited for you! Does Alex understand about having a Baby bro yet?

Omg heatwave uk going on here atm, i love the summer but i am frickin melting over here! We had 29degrees yesterday & 30 today but the night temps are in the mid/later twenties, uhh! No aircon apart from the car, i feel bad for the kids at nighttime as its so uncomfy for them, Haydens head was sweaty last night for thing :( paddling pool purchase today i think..!

Hope all you lovely ladies are doing ok, happy belated birthday to A Dobby :hugs:
BnB def being annoying! Server errors & the reposts my stuff like 4 times! Uhh ! Apologies
BnB def being annoying! Server errors & the reposts my stuff like 4 times! Uhh ! Apologies
Hello everyone, BnB hasn’t been working for me for a few days, it’s been hideously humid the last few days, it’s currently 30C in Evie’s room with no way to cool it down!

Been trying to plan Evie’s birthday party but I’m not doing brilliantly haha! I have no idea what food to serve or games to play since it will mostly be adults :shrug:

Have been taking myoplus and ovaboost for a few days so hopefully I’ll get a better ovulation this month or next month
Kitty mine keeps saying ‘error occurred’ uh! They must be updating the website again or something.. :-/ fx for a good Ovulation on next cycle hun, do you get much ewcm when you do gear up to Ovulate? I never really get any, i used Conceive+ fertility lube when ttc my first 2, it mirrors ewcm & sperm lives longer in it, always an extra to help things along, its a real slimy slippery lube, not sticky at all! :)

Is Evie having a themed party? Mini party food always goes down well with kids & adults, mini pizza, sandwiches, iced party rings, strawberries etc.. I wouldn’t worry to much about games unless you have the room space, she’ll probs want yo run riot with her Toys ;) lotsa balloons always goes down well, maybe a big helium no2 balloon? Nuala LOVES balloons lol
Kitty mine keeps saying ‘error occurred’ uh! They must be updating the website again or something.. :-/ fx for a good Ovulation on next cycle hun, do you get much ewcm when you do gear up to Ovulate? I never really get any, i used Conceive+ fertility lube when ttc my first 2, it mirrors ewcm & sperm lives longer in it, always an extra to help things along, its a real slimy slippery lube, not sticky at all! :)

Is Evie having a themed party? Mini party food always goes down well with kids & adults, mini pizza, sandwiches, iced party rings, strawberries etc.. I wouldn’t worry to much about games unless you have the room space, she’ll probs want yo run riot with her Toys ;) lotsa balloons always goes down well, maybe a big helium no2 balloon? Nuala LOVES balloons lol
CB aw such cuties! I had the same error message.

Kitty yikes that’s crappy weather! We had an awful heat wave here last weekend, they set up cooling centers with AC and water in the town hall and everything. It got up to 35 C (95 F) that weekend, and 37.8 (100 F) in a town 45 min away where we were originally planning on going that weekend (there’s an outdoor amusement park there). Needless to say, that plan was cancelled. We have awful AC at my house, just one that barely cools 3 feet in front of it. We open the windows at night (unless it’s a hot night) because otherwise it’s way hotter and more humid inside the house at night. I’ve walked into my house after work many times only to be hit with hot humid air.

Anyway, I hope the new supplements help this cycle, and if not, next cycle! Any ideas for a theme for Evie’s party? Is there a movie or show or character she really loves? Or just a favorite color? That said, if it’s going to be mostly adults might as well just get food and cake and let people mingle. If you don’t feel the need to make it themed, no sense spending extra money on it. She definitely won’t remember the decorations at her 2nd birthday party.
Gah these error messages are seriously bugging me!!

We were thinking unicorn themed (she’s obsessed with this toy unicorn my sister gave her) and it’s nice and easy! Got plenty of space (and a good sized garden if the weather holds up) I feel bad that we didn’t throw her a party last year due to money problems, I really just want to make sure she has some pictures of a birthday party from when she was little!

I get ewcm all through my cycle at random times, probably because my ovulation is so whacky! I’m hoping with these new supplements I’ll have a more standard cycle!
Pretty party looks great! I'm interested to see what theme Victoria will as for next year but she might not care yet. Also yeah I wouldn't move that late into pregnancy either. I'm super cautious with V being early that I probably wouldn't after 34 weeks.

I usually either do sandwhiches, hot dogs and hamburgers, or pizza for parties. Occasionally just snack foods depending on the time of day. A unicorn theme would be very cute :)

CB I love that pic of your cuties. Nuala is going to be all sass. Bahaha. My V is too so we will suffer together :rofl: ugh that stinks about no air conditioner. I couldn't imagine with all the heat we had last week and weekend. It was much cooler this week.

Kitty I took Fertiliaid and Ovaboost when I conceived V :) I'd been on it 4 months I think. I hope it helps sort your short lp out and gives you a bfp!

Dobby how did preschool go for A?

Pacific that's cute he tried to share that. V tried to give S some fritos :haha: I told her "thank you for wanting to share but sissy isn't ready to eat foods, just momma's milk."

Shae hope it's cooler now. How's SO? Do you go back next month to college?

AFM hope bnb is done being glitchy as hell. Things are going pretty well on my end. S doenst cry or fuss at all at night. Just rolls herself onto her tummy (after I put her on her back) and puts herself to sleep. She also mastered bottle feeding at the sitters so yay!!! She gained 6 ounces in 2 weeks (supposed to gain 1lb a month now) so I feel alright now. She's on the right track again and I'm getting more rest. She is a happy girl and loves to cuddle and coo. V is wild still but she loves S. She loves to hug her and sometimes kisses her. V is still behind with speech skills but I'm not worried. She spits out short sentences and can say several words clearly. She peed in the potty once and cried afterwards :haha: poor girl. The sitter gave her praise and a sweet afterwards. No more success since but it'll happen.

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