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General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Shae I hope it's better now, cooler up there for you. How's SO doing? Do you go back to college next month?
Shae I hope it's better now, cooler up there for you. How's SO doing? Do you go back to college next month?
Kitty aw unicorn themed sounds adorable!

Flueks yay for S gaining weight! Poor V re: crying after using the potty, was there a specific reason for the crying or do you think she’s just not quite ready?
This weekend has been cooler, thank god. SO is okay, working a lot. His boss is so bad at scheduling a bunch of people are talking about walking out and higher up bosses have commented it’s a problem, so that’s a whole thing lol, honestly he works crazy hard there and gets burned and treated like crap for $12 an hour so I have no sympathy for his boss. I’m not worried about him losing the job or anything so it’s whatever. Other than that things have been fine with him.
I go back to college at the beginning of September. I’ll be starting maternal-newborn so I’m super excited for that. Too bad I’m also taking pathopharm and a literature/art class (not by choice, it’s a gen ed requirement), I’ll be crazy busy, probably too busy to enjoy the fact that I’m giving babies baths. The maternal-newborn course is only 7 weeks, I have peds starting in late October. Not sure how they’ll fit that all in lol, I’m gonna go nuts cuz I really have no idea how to study (idk how I passed med/surg, honestly). All that said, I’m still very excited. I’m just not ready for summer to be over, so I’m glad I have another month to go. I haven’t earned nearly enough money for summer to be over.
I had my first work evaluation for my summer hostess job and apparently they didn’t bother to tell me I wasn’t doing something I was supposed to do for 2 months...?! So of course they marked me down on the eval for it and I legit had no idea I was supposed to be doing it. It makes me so mad, like how do you not mention that to me for 2 months and then still mark me down for it???? If they’d told me of course I would’ve started doing it but nope, just don’t mention it. Ugh. Anyway, just pissed about that. Pretty sure it means I don’t get a raise too.

BnB seems to still be having issues, I kept getting error pages while trying to load the next page and having to go back and try again because refreshing didn’t work.
Same...I've been trying to catch up, but keep getting errors.
Same...I've been trying to catch up, but keep getting errors.
Every time I click on a new page it says error, then I have to wait 3-4 hours and refresh before I get to that page! It’s sooooo annoying!!
I have to refresh every time I load a pages. You would think it would be fixed by now. It’s been a minute. And then I never know if my stuff posts so I don’t want to type anything =\

Im going to put a spoiler because I know some of us don’t want to read about the news and this is a doozy
I am just heartbroken. This is the first year my friends didn’t go to the garlic festival. Thank God my family in Gilroy is safe. A mother and grandmother shot, their 6 year old son/grandson died before his other grandmother could get to the hospital. Over a dozen confirmed dead. Was the world always this ugly? How do we raise kids in this world where mass shootings can happen at such innocent places? Where children are dying for no reason.
Dobs comment on spoiler below
I hadn’t even heard about that, thank god your friends didn’t go. So terribly heartbreaking. Being a parent must be even more terrifying these days (although they used to have TB and polio all the time so they had other worries, my aunt’s friend from across the street died from measles in the 50s when he was like 5). SO and I have talked about how we’re scared to bring kids into such a dangerous world. Doesn’t mean we won’t, but it’s scary.
Edit: it just came up on my apple news page :(

Re: BnB errors, I’ve found if you get the error page you just have to use the back page button on your browser and try clicking on the next page button again, then it usually loads, no need to wait ages. But still super annoying. I always get an error when I hit post but it always actually posts, I just refresh to double check it did indeed post. Hopefully they’ll get these issues fixed soon.
yeah it’s so scary. I have nightmares about picking up A and having to run or telling him to hide under a dead body. You’re right, I guess the fear is always there it’s just different things to be afraid of. I almost kept him home from school today, but I’m so tired.

I’ll try to read back and catch up. Had A’s party over the weekend and it was lovely. We had it at his gym so they played then we did cake. It was small, but fun. I didn’t want to repeat last year’s stuff and I wanted it to be kid and allergy friendly. So I just did infinity fruits, pizza, and dessert. The pizza got delivered too early so it was cold but oh well =\

I feel a little bad I don’t make his desserts, but idk. Mom guilt lol. The bundtinis were a huge hit though.

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Dobs adorable pics! Looks like the desserts turned out well. My mom never made my birthday cake when I was a kid, it was normal for us to go to the store and pick out a cake design together, so don’t worry that you didn’t make them. Also, what are bundtinis?
He killed a 6 year old, 12 year old, and 20 year old. The cops were there in under a minute. I’m crying so much.

He killed a 6 year old, 12 year old, and 20 year old. The cops were there in under a minute. I’m crying so much.

Bundtinis are just small bundt cakes. We have a nothing bundt cake store in town so they are popular at staff events, so I thought I’d get a couple dozen.
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BNB is annoying so haven't been posting....

Dobs, those look delicious! Can I come?

Afm, e has discovered "the screech"... He's also kept us quite awake the last few nights so DH suggest to put him into the crib.... I am not ready but he might not be that wrong.

Our sheep broke out last night which brought up our disagreement on rehoming the sheep, they are my last farm animals... And that's currently triggering a downward spiral of loneliness (yeah I don't hang out with other people but DH and my kids ), I see my friend when we look in on the sheep.
I get alone time when I shower if the kids let me, no hobby or friends, ... F&CK. I can't even use words to describe how I feel at the moment, lonely? Or am I just being ungrateful for having a wonderful family and wanting it all?
PL I get it. Your not ungrateful at all. It’s totally understandable that you are attached to your sheep. Especially if they are your last farm animals. I’m sorry that you may find yourself having to refine them
Pl, I completely feel you. I had a total falling out with any "friends" i made here after Lev was born. My hobbies are all pretty solo events so hard to meet people that way...i pretty much exclusively see famiky these days. Some times I care a lot about this and sonetimes I don't at all...but mostly I feel like I'm a fail mom for not doing the play date stuff.

Dobby your party looks insane! Wow, looks like all the effort paid off.

Kit so sorry about the confusing cycles :(

Pretty, so what happened with the hoise? You were bot a fan of #2 but SO is?

Baby is upset but will just say anxiety is hanging out in the background but much better then it's been.
Stress remains from lack of sleep. It's really running me down. Now Mykes has decided he's a belly sleeper and that's adding a new layer of difficulty to the small amount of sleep I was getting.
Stressed because I am hosting a party for family/hubs' bday tonight and have no help. I asked MIL to help me with the kids so I could clean but she never responded.

Got about a half hour nap in, thank god, but it just doesn't feel like enough...

Now des is crying at me because the xbox controller is on the fritz...

Lord help me
GAaaghh i have to read back as bnb has had no server for like 4 days! I was scared id never chat to u gals ever lol
Thank god the error messages seemed to have stopped!!!

Turns out I never ovulated, and I think AF is arriving so on to August/September!
PL you’re not ungrateful, your feelings are valid :hugs:

Gigs glad the anxiety has been a bit better recently. Sorry about the stress

Kitty dang sorry you didn’t ovulate :(

AFM currently awaiting ovulation, my temp spiked 2 days ago but fell back down so I discarded the spike, it spiked again today but both days it spiked I had slept in until afternoon so that may be why. So my temp may very well drop again tomorrow morning. I’m keeping this spike until I see if my temp drops tomorrow. Had some uterine cramping yesterday, could be coincidence, could be not. Ya never know with me lol
Cb,thanks for your Facebook post this morning, I needed to see that.

Gigs, our family is 5 hours away. Dhs mom has never come up and probably never will. Dhs brothers are quite busy with work, coaching and refing. My parents are probably the most hurtful ones, they claim we have too little space here. (They would never leave their dog behind, and the dog likes to chase our cat) honestly of they had a little control over their dog it would be fine. It's just a lame excuse for them not having to spent the money on gas and ferry to come see us.

I spent the evening with some of "mom's happy juice" aka wine. It helped, but the issues aren't solved yet.

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