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General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

CB I've attached that below. In any case I'm hoping the lc can help. I hope they call tomorrow to schedule.

AFM feeling better... sort of today. Mentally better but physically ugh. S decided to wake at 12, 3, 530, and 730. I caved and had some coffee. I had a fun day with the girls yesterday and we went to a new pizza place for dinner yesterday. It was so goood. We got a bbq pork pizza with apple, red onion, bacon, and bbq pork. So yummy :drool: going to fix some homemade cookies today.

Flueks that’s insane about the magic number thing, idk how working moms make time to pump that often! I’m guessing they don’t and they have to supplement with formula. That’s what my mom had to do with me. She was only producing 1-2 oz per session and could only pump 3 times a day max at work. So she had to supplement with formula so I wouldn’t starve. She said they didn’t know as much about stuff like fenugreek and other lactation aids back then so that might’ve helped her, but we’ll never know. Hopefully I have an easier time in the future.
Honestly Flueks you are a trooper :hugs: pumping & working a fulltime job & being a Mum, are u avoiding formula or is Serena having an odd bottle here n there? I tried pumping once/twice & got like maybe 1-2 ounces off & that was it, it was easier for me just to bf & then top up with Formula as i needed a break in between feeds whilst he slept so i could do things lol! I do look back & miss the bf as il never ever do it again but its nice having ye body back :) Your doing a grande job :thumbup: Ooh that pizza sounds delicious, did you get to make the Cookies? Im well into baking atm, i have everything i need to make Nualas Birthday cake this Saturday as she turns 3 on Sunday 11th! Where does the time go eh?!

Shae i think u may have recently Ovulated.. forgot to add before, u never held a newborn? Aww you’ll love it <3

The MIL has Riley & Nuala today, shes taking them out somewhere for the day, its abit rainy this morning & sunny this afternoon, im off to town to buy my sister her birthday prezzie & card as her birthday is the day before Nualas & my nephews is on the 13th eeesh expensive month ££!!
CB no clue yet if it was O or a random temp jump, cuz I keep getting those. I missed the last temp cuz I woke up at 2 am with a migraine and didn’t think to temp, and I didn’t get back to sleep until 8 am until 11 am, and my temps where I go to bed past 5 am are always high for some reason. It was legit 98.62 when I woke up, a full degree higher than the day before, which was already a jump.
Nope never held a newborn, just babies a few months old and older. I’m sure I’ll love it, I’m just scared I’ll be terrible at it!
Good luck with the presents, it always sucks money-wise when a bunch of birthdays are close together.
Period came with no O again this month, on to next month, hoping for a Birthday positive (2nd September)
Kitty aw I’m sorry :( fx’d for next month and a birthday surprise.

AFM it’s looking like I did ovulate? We’ll see if the temps stay up, I made up a temp for yesterday cuz I didn’t have one which is why it’s got the arrow, I put that I got up late that day. But I woke up at 8 am this morning so that temp is almost definitely accurate :thumbup:, and CD27 should be accurate as well. Not like it matters a ton since I’m not TTC but my cycles have been super long the past 3 cycles so I’ve been keeping track of that.
Edit: I guessed that my oversleeping temps were tending to be about 0.8 degrees higher than the previous day, so I subtracted that from CD25’s temp and put it as late wake up and it gave me crosshairs :thumbup: I went through and did the 0.8 subtraction from my other crazy temps as well.
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Shae, you'll have to tell us how you feel about your first experiences holding the newborn babies. I feel like anytime I even SEE a newborn, I ovulate. Lol

Flueks- That pizza sounds wonderful...yum.

Oscar turns 5 next week. He is having his 2nd Thomas-themed party (he had a Thomas party when he was 2,), as he's a big fanatic. He loves Spiderman too, which we did last year.

Is it stupid that I already have my kids' Halloween costumes? I like to get them early, because then I can start shopping for Char's birthday (in early November), and spread out the expense of Christmas. I'm a planner, girls. I get all anxious if I can't prepare, and get everything in order.

So, I've dropped 10 lbs recently. I've been eating a whole food plant-based diet, with no dairy, soy, added sugar, or gluten. Small amounts of meat, fish, and eggs throughout the week. I feel GOOD. Like better than I have in a while.
Wooks I’ll definitely share how my first experience goes! I wouldn’t be surprised if I ovulate on the spot too :haha:
I would say getting costumes far in advance is not stupid, as long as they will still fit the kids come Halloween.
Happy early birthday to Oscar!
That’s awesome about the weight loss and the diet! I’m so glad it’s working for you!
Wookie, wow that's awesome on the weightloss! And happy birthday to oscar as well!

Shae, I missed it, when are you starting your time with the babies?

I forgot the rest, I swear I read most days!
Afm, it looks like the last of my farm animals may be rehomed. I have held on to my sheep, but DH and I have decided to hold out on buying a property for now. (Chances are good that our budged will go up over the next few years, so we feel like we'd settle for something small that we'd outgrow and have to sell again.) We've moved enough to say we want to settle into a place and call it a home for longer, buying another temporary home makes it just more complicated, so the next place to buy/move into should be permanent.. In the meantime It's more fair to the sheep to be in a home where they can be looked after every day. :(
Shae I know, it's hard enough getting getting 3 pumps at work. I bf or pump 7 to 8 times a day on weekdays and 8 to 9 on weekends. I wish I had a larger capacity so I could get enough with the times I'm doing already.

CB I was giving a 4 oz bottle of formula 3 to 5 days/week. Now she needs 8 to 10 ounces 5 days/week. I can't pump 20 oz a day unfortunately. She's content after I nurse her so that's going well, I'm afraid though it's going to lead to her not being content at the breast.

Yes, I made the cookies and they were good. They were slightly crunchy and I prefer gooey cookies but still good. What kind of cake flavor are you fixing? Oh and yes it is hard to believe she's turning 3.

Kitty so soory dear. I hope you O this month and get your birthday bfp!

Wookie congrats on the weight loss and happy early birthday to Oscar!

Shae I love looking at newborns! It does give me that "I want another baby" feeling. I hope you love it.

AFM lactation appt set up Monday! S is 5 months now :)
Wooks that’s amazing on the weight loss, well done you :) Lol @ newborn ov’ing :haha: funny you should say that really as my older sister says everytime she holds newbies she gets uterine cramps haha bizarre.. Hope Oscar enjoys his birthday, Riley loved Thomas as a lil un :hugs:

Pacific, moving is stressy - well the its the packing & unpacking of it really not the move to somewhere you like.. have you found an actual place or you like the area & your now actively looking?

Sorry Kitty.. onwards & upwards to this month & good ol Birthday BFP :hugs: Has Evie had her birthday yet? I cant remember when you said it was.. :-/

Shae you will love the newborn cuddles, it’ll make you insanely broody if you aren’t already Lol

Flueks hopefully the lactation cons will be able to give some extra advice, its hard bf’ing & working.. 5 months waaah thats gone so fast! Your fb pics are adorable <3

Any of the other ladies that are lurking, i hope you are doing ok :hugs:

Im seriously regretting being fully sterilised by having my other tube removed! I should’ve let SO get the snip, my period cycles are seriously p***sing me off! Im CD11 today & im having ewcm/watery but still blooming well spotting!! Its been like it the last 2/3 cycles.. i wonder maybe i should go have a smear/pap test to make sure all is ok down there, im sure it is but i dunno why im having it?! Last cycle i think i spotted pretty much majority of the cycle it’s annoying! & they say period cycles remain the same after tubal removal pahhhh my arse!!!
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Cb if that is the case I'd definitely mention it at the next doctor appointment.
Someone I know in her late 60s starting having what she thought was her period. Turns out it was stage 1 cancer! She was vigilant enough, that it cought it so early, they were able to remove it and she didn't need any other follow up treatment. Don't want to scare you, but if it's unusual it's worth it getting checked out.

As for moving. We have a decent idea of what we want and like our area but probably don't want to stay here longer then 5 years. Ideally we'd buy a large acreage on the big island. With that move we'd cut out the ferry travel when seeing family. However that is above our current budget nor does the job currently allow for the move. In 2- 5 years it should!
Buying, selling, moving is expensive! To do it 2 more times is daunting, so DH (and I) would prefer to stay in the rental. We will outgrow it, as in not enough space in the house for us 4, but if we do it smartly it'll coincide with our move back to the island.
Sorry I hope my ramble makes sense?
PL the first half of the fall semester is newborns and their barely postpartum moms. We have both of them as patients, mom and baby.
Sorry about the sheep, but glad you’re trying to do what’s best for them. I’ve never moved before but it sounds exhausting. I’m not looking forward to the process of finding my first apartment. All I can do for now is try to get my credit score as high as I can, I guess.

CB sorry about the crazy cycles! Irregular periods suck. :hugs:

Flueks good luck with the lactation consultant!
Shae, I hope you enjoy your time with the babies and moms.
Side story: my midwife has admitted to me that babies aren't her favorite part of her job. She isn't doing it for the babies. Her favorite part is watching two adults become parents and a family. Totally opened my eyes!

As for moving and sheep, I actually enjoyed it the first few times. But now I have a feeling of wanting to settle into a "forever home" because we have been very unsettled and moved so many times.. If that means we are going to rent for the next few years while our budget grows to buy what is currently a dream (and just out of budget), I can wait.
As for sheep, I'll miss them, but yes it's better for them and my marriage. ;)
I most def will pacific, thing is with those types, its already set in as they usually have no symptoms & then you get them.. il see how the be t couple of cycles go & if its the sane still il def book a check up apt! Im fully clear & having white creamy CM now so thats good, i mentioned to my sister also, she has 4 kiddies & she had her tubes tied & she has a similar issue so im feeling its def a hormone thing with the egg not getting through etc it’s bizarre!

That’s lovely for a midwife to say that as usually esp at first it would be loving the teeny babies<3

Forgot to say well done on the Cookies Fluekd i bet they still tasted yummers! :)

Well, Nuala turns 3 tomorrow & we still yet to go out and get her a couple lil bits, she wont need alot just couple prezzys & lotsa balloons lol & maybe a giant no3 helium one ha ha! Im making her birthday cake today & then fondant decorating it this evening when shes in bed eeee! Its a Peppa Pig cake, i have the cutters for most of it & all the diff colour pinks & purples etc so fx it turns out ok.. :-/

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