J, I agree with if you can't discuss it soon then you can have that convo when you fall. He either nuts up and donates or accepts your donor. You want this and have been waiting, so don't feel bad making it happen.

I LOVE you woman! Say it and make it so!
I am totalllllly on

Met my SortaSO earlier, and after a make out session on the couch- he decided he had a question. Apparently dude doesn't like condoms so he wants to get tested together- not a prob- check that off the list.
Then we yet again went over my beliefs and his- IMO I don't care if you aska a friend, neighbor, co-worker, Priest or pray directly to the Great Opossum in the sky- ALL they give you is THEIR advice, knowledge and perspective. Ultimately YOU make the decision to act on it, ignore it, or act on it in an amended fashion.
Basically he had to rethink his new religion choice bcuz he agreed I was right.
So with this open convo going I said I had a question- rehashed my year of TTC and explained how the donor pick ups are ( left out the last one with all the touchy feelies), and I asked outright- do you not want more kids of your own, or you can't date someone who is preg and has a baby??
He said he didn't want his own, and felt it's diff to date me knowing this is what I am doing. THEN he said :
Continue working with the donor, I know it's important to you and in case we don't work out in the future, I don't want you mad to have missed this chance for a baby
OMG OMG gushing

over here. I'm in puppy love!!
LOL total

I meet the Donor tomoro!!! yay!!

I'm back on the Bus AND found a new SO who is understanding of TTC !