Dobs I’m sorry about the limbo. Whatever happens I’m sure it’ll be for the best. If he decides he’s all in, then that’s amazing. If he decides it’s not for him, that’s okay, because you deserve someone who is all in for you AND for A.
Flueks oh boy. You have way more willpower than I do, I’d be testing once a day minimum lol. I hope you get the result you want. It’s great that E sleeps such long stretches, and that she’s gaining weight well! I’m glad you’re doing well with adjusting to your DH being back at work. Good luck with the WW! My mom quite liked their meetings when I was a kid. If she’d kept going to the meetings she might’ve had more success, but you know, working mom and all.
AFM I seem to be starting my period, which is odd because that gives me a 10 day luteal phase. It also means the IUD will come out on CD8 uggggh. Whatever, it’s close enough. I tried to match it up, but life likes to screw up our plans. It’s just annoying cuz I feel like I could literally reach in there and pull it out, but of course you’re not supposed to do that.