General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Sending hugs Shae. I know it's ultimately for the best, but I know it still sucks to have your hopes dashed like that. Your time will come, and it will be magical when it does.

AFM I think it's time to ditch my weight loss ticker. I feel like I've lost the core amount of weight that I want, and now it's more about the shaping and strengthening than weight loss
Just making sure I’m in the clear. I need people to reassure me they don’t see anything lol cuz my tired eyes are playing tricks on me. It was about a 1.5 hour hold because I took a nap. Pic at exactly 5m.

ETA k whatever I was seeing was just wet test eye lol. It's totally dry now, and I don't see anything irl or in photos.

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Dobs thanks :hugs: I’m a little bummed but I’m not too upset about it, I figured it was unlikely to happen. I’ll continue to do daily OPKs like usual cuz it still could be earlier than last cycles, just not early enough for that CD11 sperm to still be alive. I’m sure after O I’ll still obsess over that 6% chance like usual lol, but my expectations are lower now that the diaphragm has worked twice in a row. Clearly it’s doing its job.

Re: the test, I don’t see anything that I could say wasn’t my line eye. Glad it dried blank.
I thought there was another bd after cd11? Or was the diaphragm in for that?

yeah that was not a fun little bit lol. I need to remind myself in the future wondfo is still wet at 5m so look closer to 7-10
Dobs no, there was no BD after CD11 and before yesterday (CD14), yesterday was the first BD since and it was with the diaphragm

I thought you were supposed to read it wet because evaps can occur when they dry? But like if there’s a line when wet and no line when dry, that’s also negative?
Dobby I don't see a line. I have terrible line eye now too.

Shae sorry for no early O, but it will be much sweeter to get a bfp when you guys are actively ttc :) I know it still hurts though

Jez nice to see you again. Yup I had my 3rd and final baby while you've been gone.

Pretty hope you can get SO on board to ttc in July :)
Lol the irony. I think Jez was here when I took the rail off the bed. Guess who finally rolled out of bed today :rofl: luckily it was a slow roll and he was in the blanket so more of a gentle plop on the ground.

re hpt I think there’s a sweet spot of dry but not too dry? I always see lines on wet tests but def neg if nothing is there. Insure I’m not pg but my back is killing me and I had a craving for McDonald’s lol so just for my sanity took one.

and hugs I agree with Fluek. It really is that much better during full on ttc as much as I think your SO will be sweet about it. I remember with my Canadian fiancé how much more romantic and sweet and satisfying the bd was when we decided to ttc. I mean thank goodness we had no idea how fertility worked cuz obviously I dumped his a** lol but still. You get the point.

Fluek what about you? How are you doing?!
Dobs oof I’m glad he’s okay!
I do know that BD and finding out I’m pregnant when TTC will be way more of a positive experience. I’m hoping the experience is mostly positive either way, but yeah, more positive would be ideal.

In recent news, I applied for a nurse residency that has postpartum as an option last week and I just got an email requesting an interview! Ahhhhhhh I’m freaking out, I really want to go straight into postpartum or L&D, and transitioning from postpartum to L&D is so much easier than from med/surg to L&D. I’m trying not to get my hopes up too high, but an interview is a good start!
Hey all.

I just have about 1 more page of posts to get through til I'm all caught up, but I'm having trouble keeping my eyes open. I promise my next post will not be selfish, but this one kinda will be.

So, a kid in Alex's daycare class tested positive and now him, Matthew, and me all have to stay home for 2 weeks. Today (Wednesday) was our first full day at home. SO is already working from home, so no real change for him. Matthew kept waking up crying last night. I'm fairly certain it was teething issues and he seemed normal today, so FX he doesn't have it. Alex is a little stuffy and SO and I are fine.

Just to quickly answer Dobby's question, I would ideally like an April girl, like me. SO's BDay is Feb, Alex is July, and Matthew is October. I just want BDays that are nicely spaced out, but I don't mind sharing my birth month. But really DTD any time this summer for a Spring 2022 baby is fine by me.

In other baby #3 news, Alex was in our bed a couple nights ago and he said something about SO and me snuggling together and SO said something along the lines of "but if Mama and Dada snuggle, you might end up with a little sister. Ugh. Can you imagine how much more crying there'd be." :/
And then at dinner the following night, Alex was asking SO about presents and if he likes them. And SO's like "some of them. I got a couple I wasn't expecting, but they turned out ok... some days. (To me) He's alright." And I'm like "which he?" And he says depends on the day.
So, ya, some mixed msgs and SO being SO. But mark my words, there will be a baby #3 one day.
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Dobby - Good to hear A is alright after falling out of bed. We had a rail up in Alex's bed, but he's pretty good about staying put, so we took it down a while ago and so far so good. That's also so great about him reading and speaking more. And so great that you got to have a nice visit with your grandma. :)
And that's a lot of Boy drama I've read over the last couple days. lol. Be careful with those feelings. SO started as a FWB and I caught feelings fast and hung around for a long time waiting to get properly asked out. Still hasn't happened and we've been banging for 13 years now with 2 kids and a house to show for it. haha

shae - Gurl, I feel you on always wanting to see that 2nd line on a pg test. I had baby names picked out at like 14 and didn't have Alex til I was 29. The waiting sucks, but it will be so awesome when it's your time. I'm also doing opks, but only during the middle of my cycle. I'm gonna use The Babydust Method to try and get my girl and you need to track your O for a least a few months before trying. Hope SO is doing well and his libido picks up soon. And good luck with your interview.

Jez - Hey. Welcome back. Ya, another little boy for me 17 months ago. Hope you and yours are doing well.

Flueky - Sorry to hear about your MIL. Hopefully she'll decide to see a specialist and get some help/answers. And hoping life will be less stressful now that DH is not at his weekday job anymore. Glad to hear all your girls are doing well. :)

Hope everyone else is doing well too. Stay safe!
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Ooo Shae super exciting! Hope the interview goes well! Sounds like a great match for your plans. Hopefully they see your passion.

Pretty hey at least he can joke about it. Jokes always have a root, so he’s clearly thought about another on some level. And since he isn’t full on cringing, I think he could be coaxed into it for sure. April is a fine month so fxed things turn out for a spring baby!

sorry about the covid! I’m surprised they closed the full fourteen. Here I think they only have to close for ten days now and only if there was close contact within 48 hours of symptoms. Knock on wood, we’ve had no closures in the 8 months we’ve been back. Hopefully this is just a fluke. That’s really rough when you’re counting on them being away from home.

yeah I’m still at a point where I’m happy when he leaves. And as much as he drives me nuts in between, it’s not affecting my eating, drinking, job, or life in general. So I’m ok with it. I’d like the label just for the security and the pressure it adds on him to step up a bit but whatever. He said pending work we could do a lunch date tomorrow. I’m more annoyed about lack of concrete plans because there’s other things I could do if the answer is a definitive no. So I texted him to make a call one way or the other, and if I don’t hear back soon I’m just gonna book a mani pedi. Part of me is thinking wait and do it in San Diego but my calluses are baaaaad and bothering me when I sleep lol. I’m too much of a wuss to do any callus stuff at home lol

but I am officially on spring break!!!! A is at school two more hours and I’ll have tomorrow 7-4 to myself. Gonna go ham on the house.
Shocker *insert sarcastic eyeroll* he bailed on lunch. So 2 for 2 bailing on proper dates. To make excuses, they were both during the work week but still. You have to stop to eat at some point, and I even offered to pick up take out vs go out. I already booked hair and nail appointments so I’d have said no anyway, but I deserved to say no! Lol

And idk if I’m over analyzing but lately he’s been all about pushing out DTD to afternoon vs at night. Which sure I love my sleep but like 2-6 is such a classic I’m avoiding lunch or dinner time. So are you avoiding it because you are avoiding an actual date or because you’re dating someone

and I’m honestly ok to just be here for the sex but then stop stringing me along with the cuddling and saying we can spend more vertical time together.
Dobby things are okay...better than last week. This is long.......

We have had a lot of rain and because of the screw up from our 1st contractor it caused some issues of some mud in the road and on Saturday some got into our neighbors yard. This woman is a straight up bitch!!! She called the road super 2 weeks ago and we had the new contractor put up some hay with T post to hold it in place. Well because our ditch was full of mud some mud got in the road last week. DH had a call from the road super that we needed to get fixed and that there was pending legal action because ppl claiming it was a road hazard.... wtf?! David called him back and the road super apologized because he said he'd just drove by and it was much better from last week. 15 minutes later we get a call from the guy over building and zoning, Tim. Tim said our building permit was suspended until things got fixed. DH ended up talking with both. Both apologized and said it's because the neighbor is calling TDOT and so they are getting heat from people above them. We live in the freaking county this isn't some fancy subdivision or a big city. Anyways Tim said he'd reinstate our permit if we put up a silt fence which we did next day (it was raining hard the day he called). Well we got horrible storms Saturday and it didn't hold up so the county removed the road tile we had in and dug a new ditch since ours didn't exist. DH hasn't called building and zoning but out contractor is putting large rocks along the side of our driveway to help keep rocks from washing out and once we get a tile in the can load more smaller rocks to finish the drive. We will lay some grass seed down too to cover any mud left.

The neighbor is from Chicago and worked narcotic in the force. She later went into hospice apparently. She told me all this as she came out when we putting the silt fence up and spoke with us. She even said, "oh don't worry about a little mud, no one around here would complain". It took every bit of patience to bite my tongue. I want to try to keep things civil and the good thing is our home will be 840 ft from the road so will have little interaction with her.

I haven't been served so hoping we don't get sued but I don't think there is anything really justified for legal action. Also, no one else has ever heard of getting permit suspended for this, I think she just knows the right channels to complain to with her history of being a cop.

Shae good luck!! L&D and PP are hard areas to get into but this sounds promising!!! Fx!!

Pretty oh that sounds positive with his joking. Definitely agree with Dobby!!

Dobby, yay for spring break and boo for The Boy canceling again. I'm suspicious for sure. Well I hope you and A enjoy your break :)
WTAF Flueks wtf?! Wow big props to you for being the bigger person. That’s so effing stupid. I’m so sorry you had to deal with that. What a disgruntled, unhappy b*.
Dobby I know!!! I think if we had that interaction the day that we got those calls, I wouldn't have been so polite. I would like for things to not be a constant battle as neighbors too so I figured I will try. However if she keeps being an entitled witch, I'll have to be a complete asshole but be sure I'm legal with everything. Anyways sorry for the large vent lol
Flueky - Jeez, that sounds like a nightmare. I definitely wouldn't have been able to hold my tongue. FX things go smoothly from here on out.

Dobby - Everything is still all 2 week waiting periods here. They've actually just decided lock down the whole province again for the next 4 weeks. We're already fairly shut down, but as of Saturday...

  • Prohibiting indoor organized public events and social gatherings, and limiting the capacity for outdoor gatherings to a five-person maximum — except for gatherings with members of the same household, or gatherings of members of one household and one other person who lives alone.
  • Limits on in-person shopping: a 50 per cent capacity limit for supermarkets, grocery stores, convenience stores, indoor farmers' markets, other stores that primarily sell food and pharmacies; and a 25 per cent limit for all other retail including big box stores.
  • No personal care services.
  • No indoor and outdoor dining. Take out, delivery and drive-thru options are allowed.
  • Prohibiting the use of facilities for indoor or outdoor sports and recreational fitness, with very limited exceptions.
  • The closure of day camps.
  • Limiting capacity at weddings, funerals, and religious services to 15 per cent occupancy per room indoors, and to the number of people who can maintain two metres of physical distance outdoors. This does not include social gatherings associated with these services such as receptions, which are not permitted indoors and are limited to five people outdoors

At this point, all I really care about is that things will be ok enough for Alex's BDay in July and for Matthew to have an actual BDay party in October.
That sucks about the Boy, but go enjoy your pampering and spring break. You deserve it. :)

Re: jokes. I hope so. I remember before I was even pg with Matthew, SO said "If you can convince me to have one more, I'd like a girl." I feel like this'll be a bit of a hard sell, but I'll do my best. I feel like I can already hear him saying something like "Is there any point in me saying no or debating this?" lol

Our little princes in the king bed
Matthew Gone Wild, lol
Fluek I feel that. And I second Pretty hope things are smooth from now on.

Pretty great pics! It def sounds like he’s got some pink on the brain. Fxed for both a smooth convo and lots of pink dust. That’s crazy about the restrictions! Is it because of the new strains? We’re finally starting to see counties move out of the worst two tiers into the middle tier, so we’re seeing a lot open up. Our district stopped negotiations with the union though so I’ll be DL for sure for the rest of the year. I am not planning on things being better in July honestly. I doubt even think they’ll be better by Fall, so I’m curious how that’s going to work with supposed full person return to campus. I’m planning to either rent out the gym just for him again or just do a backyard thing. I want to take him to the aquarium though. So we’ll see. They are open now by reservation only.

yeah I’m torn cuz my instinct is to drop him. My mom says don’t rush and just keep dating other people. But I don’t think 3 months of talking + 2 months of DTD is rushing. Like a girl just wants to know wtf is going on. Not trying to lock you down on FB. I just want some clarity. And maybe a proper date here and there. You talked such a big game about wishing shit was open to take me out. Well they are and we’re both full vaxxed and our immediate friends and fam are vaxxed. Oh my bro and his gf got their first doses last week. Other bro got his second as well. So that’s a load off
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I’m exhausted so this is probably gonna be a crappy reply, apologies in advance, I did read everything.

Dobs hm that’s sus that he keeps bailing during the day. I don’t blame you for wanting clarity, if he’s seeing someone else you have the right to know considering he’s having sex with you, and you want to make sure he’s not cheating on some girl who thinks they’re exclusive. That’s worst case of course, but a valid concern.

Pretty hm I’m not sure how I’d interpret his response. Without hearing his tone it’s harder to tell. Could be joking and he’s not 100% against it, could be that he’s currently a hard no. Only way to really know is ask him. Sorry about the lockdown :( Such cute pics of the boys!

Flueks oh geez, what a b*tch to threaten legal action and get you in such trouble and then act like she’s innocent and nice. Sure, mud can be annoying, but there’s only so much people can do, and a little mud on your lawn is not a big deal. Just don’t step over there. No need to get the town/county involved. Like if she’d spoken to you guys about it and gave suggestions for preventing it, that’d be fine, but reporting it? It’s just mud!

AFM my LH surge appears to be starting. I expect it’ll be positive in the morning, but hard to know.
OPK turned positive at noon. So, chances of pregnancy are super low because I’ve had diaphragm protected sex since CD11 and I’m likely to ovulate tomorrow, so CD19. Then my mom goes “yeah I’ve seen sperm live a week+ not just 5 days, that’s one of the reasons why NFP sometimes fails even with perfect use” and I’m like “cool, back to being anxious/obsessed”. So please excuse me, I know my obsessing is likely annoying :rofl: oh also, I still have no real EWCM, just trace amounts where I’m like “maybe?” among the creamy CM. So that’s weird, but I’m clearly still ovulating so I guess it doesn’t matter that much, I’m not TTC (except in my heart) so whatevs.

In baby related news, my old roommate had her baby at 39w0d on Thursday, healthy little baby boy. I’m very much jealous but also happy for her of course.
Dobby - I think the main issue is the lack of space in our ICUs, followed an increase in daily positive cases.
I don't think you're going too fast with him, but I do agree to keep your options open. If there's no firm agreement to be exclusive, don't feel bad for dating other guys.

shae - Congrats to you old roommate. And to you for being 1 cycle closer to conceiving, I guess? lol
SO's tone wasn't stern. It was mainly joke-y, but also kind of the chuckle of relief when you've dodge a bullet. Honestly, he's still probably leaning more towards no, but hopefully I'll make a good case.

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