General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Shae lol I’m sorry that sucks like you just convinced yourself it won’t happen and she hits you with the well sometimes people win the lottery fact. Sorry hugs. Congrats to your friend.

Pretty ah yeah the icu space is a huge factor :(.

re the boy I do wonder if I’m the other woman in a situation like my ex. He is obnoxiously charming when we’re together which so doesn’t fit the casual state of things. And I get flashbacks of how my ex tossed it into my face how this particular girl was always dressing up for him. I’m gonna straight up ask him wtf is happening. Also gonna demote him to nothing or full booty call mood. I don’t feel guilty dating other guys. I just feel guilty asking my parents to babysit so much.

And not being with A. As much as he drives me nuts I love my little boo. Even if he did break my dad’s picture this morning and opened the front door while pantless. Luckily he was busy debating if it was safe to leave and one dog knew better than to go out without permission, but the Aussie bolted out after a cat. I’m shocked cuz she was at full speed back to me by the time I got outside, and she actually listened to my command to come back. Maybe it was my I’m not even f*ing playing rn tone :rofl: cuz my dogs don’t listen
Dobs yeah he might be totally innocent but it is very weird how he’s so romantic and yet noncommittal and bails so often. I agree that a convo setting the record straight is in order.

Oh geez that’s wild about A :rofl: was he at least wearing underwear? (I can’t remember if he’s fully potty trained now or if that regression is still going on). I’m glad he didn’t go out and that the Aussie listened to you.

Pretty I’m not sure how much ICU space there is around here but I’m sorry you guys are having a tough time with it. We’ve had varying levels of COVID patients at the hospital I’m at right now, but we saw a COVID patient getting transferred to the ICU this week. One of my non-COVID patients went to the ICU and got put on a ventilator recently as well. :( re: your SO, I hope his attitude on it softens a bit in time for July TTC.

I took a nap this afternoon and woke up somewhat disoriented and temped because I didn’t realize it wasn’t morning, and my temp was post-O range. Could’ve been artificially high cuz it was the wrong time and not 3 hours of sleep, though. We’ll see in the morning. If I ovulated today, and I get pregnant (unlikely), I’d be due on 12/25 aka Christmas, which I just realized a few hours ago. So that’s... interesting. I’d hate if my birthday was near Christmas, it means less presents lol. I keep imagining a cartoon version of like one tired barely hanging on sperm just hanging out in my fallopian tube waiting for my egg, for some reason. It’d have to be some supersperm though to make it 7+ days. I’d be pretty damn impressed.
A was definitely no pants no underwear. He just had an accident so I was mid changing him and went upstairs to get clothes.

Sorry to hear about some of your patients not doing well. Hopefully they recover. I know it’s part of the job, how are you holding up?

yeah my mom is a Christmas baby and she hates it lol even though we make a point to separate them

re the boy no such talk happened :rofl: but we did make some progress. He isn’t dating anyone else. And we are now social media friends. He was extra cute. Bought me a small gift (nothing crazy just a treat we have a little home about). My bff’s drunk husband loves giving relationship advice so she called him over and he’s like without missing a beat “He’s going to fall in love with her.” My friend was like wtaf he never says that. And he basically said guys don’t lay around and cuddle and hold hands with a girl for 2-3 hours without feeling some type of way. But then he ragged on him for living with his dad still at 36. Which like he’s not from the peninsula so he doesn’t really get that if you want to buy something you have to live with your parents or inherit money or get financial help.
Okay I didn’t actually ovulate yesterday, temp still low this morning, so not a straight up Christmas due date in the unlikely event of conception, it would be 12/26. Less cool to announce though :haha:

Re: patients, I’m doing okay. Had a long term patient die a week or two ago, but other than that no deaths. And I wasn’t there for it. Still haven’t seen a code personally.

Good to know he’s not seeing anyone else. I agree that he definitely feels some type of way. Not sure what exactly that way is, but it’s some type :rofl: no judgement on still living with his dad, I still live with my parents and so does SO. It’s just until we can afford an apartment.
That's good. Hopefully for everyone's sakes you don't have to see any codes. You're a rock star!

Yeah, 12/26 doesn't have quite the same ring. I'd still say due Christmas Season just has a nice ring.

Re boy lol exactly. I just don't know what to do about him. He's still doing the annoying cutesy when I hit him with a you annoy me. Like we were talking about how much happier he was when we first met and I made a little jab about how I liked that version of him more because he liked me more and laughed and he just leaned over and gave me long, tongueless kiss. Didn't say anything. Just rolled back over and I just went on talking about something else. :rofl:
Dobs yeah I’d probably just say due December or having a Christmas baby or something.

Yeah I have no idea how to interpret that. I’m very glad that I don’t have to deal with dating (like at the beginning) as an adult.
Dating is stupid. Get married and have babies lol

Happy Easter/Resurrection Day to all who celebrate!

i effed up A’s cupcakes. So I tried making cake pops cuz that’s what they do on baking shows and looked east. I think I put too much frosting cuz it wouldn’t hold. So gg. Huge mess and made like a handful of edible but fugly slightly overbaked cupcakes
Happy Easter!

Sorry about the cupcake/cake pop situation :(

I have assignments due tonight and all I want to do is fall asleep (likely due to how much chowder I just ate). I have so much crap to do that I’m just frozen. I want to be done with it, but of course I don’t want to do the work required for that lol. But I really have to get some stuff in, I don’t have an option, so I need to get my crap together. Maybe I could nap until 10 pm, I’ve done that before with success... I’m seriously the worst procrastinator, and without a set deadline, it’s never going to get done. If they say the due date is flexible, it’ll be a month late. So I currently have something a month late and the instructor is pissed. Oops. Wish me luck and motivation.
Lol I did the assignment that was strictly due at midnight and then only wrote 3 sentences of my 2 page journal I need to write (that’s way overdue) and I’ve been sitting on my phone ever since. I should probably just go to bed at this point.
Got my temp rise, so officially 1dpo :thumbup:

Unless SO’s sperm can live 8.5 days it ain’t gonna happen... though I suppose if his sperm take after his family in terms of lifespan (they live to 90s+) there’s a chance :rofl: jk, I know that’s not how it works.
Lol well try not to drive yourself mad. Glad you got at least one assignment done. I remember those days lol

afm saw my crazy a** fam. They almost had a fist fight/baseball bats but still glad that I stopped by cuz I missed them. Even if they are unhinged.

going whale watching and outlet shopping tom
I always drive myself mad :rofl:

I wrote a paper in about 3 hours just now (it was due at midnight, got it in at 11:55) so I need to go to bed. Wish I could say I was caught up on work, but I’m not.

Glad you got to see your family... are they okay? :rofl: my family gatherings do not involve physical fights lol but to be fair they’re kinda boring, so :shrug:

Whale watching sounds fun, I’ve been a few times. It’s lovely as long as the sea isn’t super choppy lol, I once spent the whole boat ride to the whale sanctuary staring at a cloud using it as a fixed point so I wouldn’t puke. But I think you’ve been a few times before, right?

I’m finally starting therapy, my appointment is in the AM. SO was suggesting it more and more with my baby craziness lol, I think I need it more for general life anxiety/stress but I suppose both can be addressed :haha: then I have to drive back to school, nap, go to clinical, sleep for a few hours, go to class, sleep, go back to clinical, sleep, go to the gym with my friend, get to sleep at a normal time, job interview, drive home, get hair toned, and then I finally have Saturday and Sunday off (except for homework). Meanwhile, SO has started a new job (not in his field sadly, just a minimum wage job, but it’s better than nothing) plus he’s going to the gym like 5 days a week thanks to his gym rat brother (I’m not actually mad, he’s getting in shape, it’s a good thing), so starting this week I will sadly be seeing him very infrequently. I am an attention wh*re whose love language is physical touch so this will be tough on me lol, especially since we don’t live together and him being super busy and stressed makes his sex drive tank :/ So yeah I’m a neurotic mess but hopefully therapy will help with that.
I am... incredibly confused


My temp is pre-O today. I retook it because I was confused. My room is pretty cold this morning but I don’t think it should’ve affected it that much. I googled and saw that some people get a “fallback rise” in which the temp drops below coverline for a day in the first few days post-O and then goes back up. Hopefully it’ll be back up tomorrow. I’d be so confused if I didn’t actually ovulate.
I did some more googling and it looks like the fallback rise isn’t super uncommon, FF showed a bunch of common chart variations and showed 3 examples of fallback rise and it drops at 2dpo in all of them. Hopefully it goes back up, I won’t be able to take it until tomorrow afternoon due to clinical :/
Oh that’s odd and frustrating. Hope you get some clarity soon. How was therapy?

I’m living my best life. Touched wild dolphins, eating and drinking to the fullest, morning walks on the beach... currently buzzed off my mimosa flight cuz I haven’t eaten yet today
Dobs how cool! I wonder if the dolphins you have on the pacific are a totally different species than the ones we have in the atlantic cuz they look different from the ones I’ve seen. I’m used to seeing bottlenose dolphins (but I only see dolphins when I visit Florida and the Bahamas).

Therapy was pretty good, it was mostly me talking about myself cuz first meeting.

My temp spiked back up today so I’m going to say with medium-high confidence that the drop was a fallback rise and no biggie.

Back to clinical again tonight, so I’m about to try to nap for a bit. I had to get up at 12:30 due to class.
Dobby - Glad to see you're enjoying your vacation. All those drinks look yummy. :)
Re: half naked kiddo. Usually when Alex poops, he'll step out of the bathroom with his pants and underwear still down to let us know he needs to be wiped and he doesn't care if it's just us or if we have company over. lol

shae - Jeez, that sounds busy. So thankful I'm not in school anymore. Though I was never in any program as tough as being a medical professional. Sending you whatever will power and drive I have left. Happy to hear your first therapy session went.

Re: Christmas BDay. Ugh, that would suck. Matthew's BDay is 3 days before Halloween and I can't even imagine how much of a pain that's gonna be between planning parties and carving pumpkins and all that. I like Christmas, but I LOVE Halloween.

Happy belated Easter to all.

AFM, not too much to report. It's passed midnight where I am, so it's officially my BDay. Nothing big planned, obviously. I had something of a virtual party last year, but this year, I didn't even want to put in the effort. Just gonna order food from my fav restaurant and have a cake I just made tonight. SO apparently ordered me something, but it's not gonna be delivered til next week. And in the last 4 hours, my body has gifted me with a sore shoulder and pinchy ankle. :/
But anyway, they've now updated our province's stay-at-home order. Big box stores are only gonna be allowed to sell food and meds, so I guess no perusing the aisles at WalMart for a while. lol. I also just heard they're apparently gonna be letting people 18 and older get the vaccine in hot spots and I believe I live in a hot spot. Otherwise, you gotta be 60+. So, hopefully we'll be getting vaxed soon. My (70yo) mom just had her first 2 days ago.
Shae we generally have the same species, but this the first time I’ve seen common dolphins. They’re supposed to have a good range on other coasts and some of the highest populations (hence the name common dolphin lol) but first for me. We did also come across a pod of equally inquisitive bottlenose dolphins.

You’re a rock star doing your clinical and classes! I know it’s tough now. Hugs

and that’s good. I’m glad you walked away feeling positively. Hopefully it’s everything you need it to be and more.

Pretty LOL sounds about right lol oh kids. And yeah I remember that being a concern with the due date so close to Halloween. The nice thing is that three days gives you enough buffer to celebrate it the weekend before. Especially since it’s during the school year so most people do parties on weekends vs actual birthday. But yeah if you’re doing a big Halloween and then also want to throw a very distinctly not Halloween bday party that’s a lot.

Happy Birthday! I know SIP birthdays can be disappointing, but sounds like you got some treat yo self vibes going! Woot! That’s awesome that your mom got her vax! Hopefully you can get yours soon. I will say our rollout was really slow, but once they got the super centers up at our two big arenas it’s been crazy. My whale watch tour was a couple, the capt, and the first mate. We were all fully vaxxed so we ditched our masks. My mom’s cleaners are vaxxed, all the beauty technicians are vaxxed... I hardly run until anybody these days that isn’t vaxxed.

Oh and in kid news finally get to take A to his 3 year old check up next week :rofl: I emailed the doc in a panic cuz according to the stupid cdc or who guidelines (pretty sure it was who) he’s overweight. But the kid eats so insanely healthy. No juice, no junk, no added sugars or artificial sugars. He’s active all the live long day. So I’m trying not to stress about it but it did prompt them to realize I wasn’t able to bring him in clinic for his 3 year wellness check.

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