Hey ladies. Was hella exhausted the last 2 nights, but I'm here now and ready to comment.
Flueky - Glad you all had a good time at your park visits. We bought seasons passes for a local amusement park too, but we'll have to wait for the warmer months to use them. Hopefully my kids will enjoy it cuz they have kiddie rides as well as a decent sized water park. But anyway, that's a cute pic of you and your girls.

Sorry your mom is dealing with some health issues. How did her appt go?
shae - Sorry to hear about your SO's man parts. Kinda makes me think of my SO's suspected balanitis. Hopefully the cream helps and clears it up fast.
And sorry about the issues with getting your XMas cards printed. Glad it worked out in the end though. Live and learn, right? They look good though. We've never done XMas cards, mainly cuz my SO is a wet blanket who hates having his pic taken. I'm hoping to maybe start doing them next year though and possibly just have the pic be of the kids. We'll see though.
Dobby - So sorry that your pregnancy is really kicking your butt. Maybe if you "don't care" at this point it's better just focus on doing what you can to make yourself as comfortable as you can and doing anything (within reason) that makes your symptoms more tolerable. If this bean is meant to stay sticky, it will. Even is things ease up during 2nd tri, that's still several weeks away. You have a kid on the outside and a job you need to focus on. Maybe this is a harsh, unpopular opinion, but focus on yourself. The baby is warm, getting it's nutrients, and not dealing with any pain. This kind of feels like a put the oxygen mask on yourself first kind of scenario. Just my 2 cents. Sending you positive, healthy vibes and wishes.
Winter - Hopefully you start seeing results from speech therapy real soon. My old Dr was suggesting putting my younger son in speech therapy, as well as checking if he had hearing issues cuz he could really only say Mama at like 18 months. He did know some baby sign language though, so that helped. He's probably saying close to 30 words now, with varying degrees of accurate pronunciation. Not much in the way of sentences though. The longest one we've had was "baby uh *imitates dog bark*" for "baby and doggie" (2 of his fav stuffed animals). As well as "dada poop", which is a frequent occurrence here. lol. But ya, every kid gets there in their own time and I'm sure his breakthroughs are just around the corner.
AFM, still hard to believe my SP results. I wanna believe it's true so bad, but I'll feel more confident after my next scan in 12 days. Hopefully they'll be able to see and tell me. I'd love to be able to announce on XMas. When I told SO, he said "I'm actually pretty happy about this." I'm really excited to see how he'll be with a little girl. We haven't discussed names yet, but he's brought up one name a few times. It's kind of growing on me, but we'll see. Probably best to wait til it's all confirmed.
Otherwise, still dealing with night time carpal tunnel and wee bit of sporadic nausea. Also just tired and not a ton of motivation to do general cleaning, so my house it a bit of a cluttered disaster. Hopefully I'll find some time and the desire to tidy a bit on the weekend.
Going to see my sister and her family tomorrow for a super small BDay party for my niece (she'll be 2 on the 14th). Last time I saw them was shortly after the whole pandemic started, so it'll be nice to see how big her kids are now.