Dobby- I hope your sneak peek works! Do you have a feeling either way? How is the migraine situation? Any idea yet about when you'll tell your family? Any more contact with TB?
Shae- how's OH going? I hope he'll be better and in the mood over the next couple of days. Sending all the whoopsie baby dust your way!
Pretty- I'm glad the family party went well! Do they live far away? Are you going to do a baby sprinkle or anything like that? I'd hate to have one for me, but love to attend someone else's! I can't remember if you said- but do your boys know about the baby yet?
Flueky- that cheesecake sounds amazing! How do you make it in the Instapot? I'd looked at getting one of those a while ago- we ended up getting an air fryer instead, so that was the new kitchen toy. (It's awesome, if anyone's considering it!) How long did you do the PT for? I fell off the wagon, but did some Jillian from The Biggest Loser video work out things and they were surprisingly good.
Thank you all for the support and weeks estimates

I still can't believe it. My OH was really happy, which was nice. The plan was to try in Dec or Jan, so he asked what wouldve been different by then, anyway. Which is true... Unless the fertility Dr drops some kind of bombshell about my blood test results. What had gone "wrong" the previous times was clearly at conception, so what's done is done already. I think I do feel "different" than last time, but not sure if I'm just convincing myself that it will be different.
Also somewhat unhappy on a totally unrelated note- my son has had a cold, but nothing major. This morning he was just wailing and saying "my ear, my ear"... So I took him to urgent care and the poor guy has a double ear infection. We've been there before, and they're really good... But were quite busy. So we waited out the front, and then the receptionist was like "I'll go clean your room". All good. Then I hear "pfft pfft" of a Lysol can, and like one minute later she's like, "room is ready!" I'm not worried about COVID in general any more (we've made our adjustments and kind of accepted it wasn't going away), but not looking to get it while pregnant. Anyway... At least LO really did need to go, and will hopefully be better once the ABs have kicked in. He has had two doses so far. Poor little thing is miserable. Hopefully he sleeps all night