General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Ty all. I’m going to hermit for a bit until I can sort out my feelings/this headache situation.

cute school photos pretty <3
Pretty lovely photos! Matthew is such a charmer! I’m really hoping that the SP was right, I so want you to get that girl you’ve been dreaming of.

Dobs fair enough, I can’t deal with screen lights when I have a bad migraine so I would be going hermit too. We’re here for you whenever you’re ready to peak out of your hidey hole, however briefly.

Winter SO has a kinda low sex drive but he’s been very frustrated lately because he’s actually been in the mood the past few nights and he can’t do anything about it. So I think once he’s no longer in pain, he’ll be very excited to BD. However, if it’s past my safe days I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t be so excited that he would forgo pulling out.
I think it was you who said you imagined me as a brunette, I have very dark blonde hair, my ends are much blonder because I got bleached to medium blonde about 2 years ago. It’s been growing out since then, my roots are just my natural hair growth. Pic that includes all my hair for reference:
Dobby- I really hope that you're feeling better both physically and mentally. Xx

Shae- your hair looks lovely! Lucky for you that the whole balayage look is a thing right now :) I also used to color my hair all the time, and at some point was just totally done with the cost and the maintenance. I'd go in and ask for a "few highlights" and come out super blonde. Or ask for it a "bit darker" and come out a dark brunette. In the end I just decided to bite the bullet and grow it out. So much time, effort, money saved in the end! My hair is similar to yours, probably a bit darker. It used to be straight, but developed a wave after my LO was born. Are those your natural curls? Or do you style them that way? Looking for tips as mine just looks scruffy now as I have no idea what I'm doing :rofl: if anyone has curl/wave style tips or products tips, please share them!

AFM- no AF as per yet :sad2: unless it happens in the next day or two, would be out of sync compared to last month. Quite depressed about it, and now wish I'd just tried on October when everything felt like clockwork :sad2: oh well, at least I lam seeing the fertility Dr this week, so can see what he says. Wonder if I could try clomid if this is pcos related. I'd love twins, but not higher order multiples :shock: so need to think about that. Also considered buying/trying vitex. Anyone tried it?

Flueky- did your Mom have her dr appointment? Have been thinking of you and hope you aren't too worried.

Pretty- can't wait for your scan to confirm gender. I'm excited for you to decide a name and everything else :)
Winter, I used vitex. It worked well the regulate my cycles after stopping bcp. I took it after having dd1 when my cycles were a bit off (I think I was taking it when I conceived dd2).

Shae well I hope that his libido helps him be a bit careless.

Dobby take all the time you need. I can't imagine a constant migraine. :hugs:

Pretty lovely pics! Love seeing all our LOs growing up. In less than 2 weeks you should know if SP was right? I'm so excited though and feeling like it was accurate :)

AFM my mom's appt went well. They did an ekg and it was normal. She mentioned it hasn't been bothering her for several days now. So I dunno. She goes back in 3 months.

Fixing to update my ticker but I'm soooo close to getting out of the 190s! So happy that my hard work is paying off. I'm thinking my PT is wanting to discharge me. I am probably ready, just want to talk with her. I think I'm at the point it's just about getting my muscles stronger and relaxing my pelvic floor muscles. She mentioned about 2 weeks ago that it may be more cost effective to see a personal trainer but I'm thinking of just doing beachbody of demand (no shakes or supplements) and I can do modifications if I need. No HIIT as I don't want the stress on my joints.

Am totally taken back thinking that Christmas is less than 2 weeks away! I do think I'll splurge a bit for Christmas, want to try making a Reese's cheesecake in my instapot.
Winter the curls are natural, sorry, no style tips here :( I showered right before the pics and let it sit dry, that was the result. I used to try to use products in my hair to enhance the curls and reduce the frizz but I decided I don’t care, I use shampoo and conditioner and after that it does what it wants. But I’m glad it looks decent enough that someone might think I did it on purpose :rofl:
Sorry about the off cycle :( hopefully seeing the fertility doc will be helpful.

Flueks thanks! I’m glad the appt went well and all was normal. Yay for the weight loss and being ready to stop PT! I’ve not been going to the gym at all, I’m paying for it though, oops. I walk plenty at work lol, but my nutrition is quite poor.

AFM last night SO said he tried to test things out by himself to see if he was ready to BD again and the answer was a resounding no :rofl: I’m CD10 so he has 2 more days, he’s hoping he’ll be okay by then. I’m still taking daily myoinositol and d-chiro inositol, plus daily vitamin D and folic acid (extra apart from the prenatals), plus the herbal blend at night that has vitex in it (though I think I forgot the herbal blend last night, oops). We’ll see when I ovulate :shrug:
Dobby - Take as much time as you need. Thinking of you.

Flueky - Glad to hear that so far things seem alright with your mom and she's feeling better. And yay for weight loss. Would you consider doing keto and/or intermittent fasting? That helped me lose like 60lbs in a year (40 of those were in the first three months). I low-key can't wait to lose all my baby weight and then some after I finish BFing. lol. Let us know how the cheesecake turns out. Sounds yummy.
And ya, 10 days until my anatomy scan where they'll hopefully be able to tell me the gender.

shae - Sorry to hear SO is still out of commission. FX he's better in time for an "oopsie" this cycle. lol

Winter - I can't wait either. I just hope the baby cooperates and that they're allowed to tell me. A clinic I've been to in the past had a bunch of signs up saying they won't tell you gender at your appt, but I assured the tech I would continue with the pregnancy regardless of what the gender was and she told me. That was with Alex.

AFM, the "party" went well. That's in quotes cuz it was literally just my family and my sister's family (fiance and 2 kids). But it was still nice. We basically just hung out and ate for 6 hours.
Also, my car is being a pain in the butt. I need to get the winter tires put on, but the earliest appt I could get at the dealership was January 8th. It also keeps telling me to change the oil and fill the washer fluid AND one of the headlights burned out a few days ago and I haven't been able to find the exact bulb I need in stock at like 4 different stores. Just gonna try Amazon and hope it gets here ASAP.
Selfish post because I'm freaking out.... Just took another pregnancy test to rule a pregnancy out... And got a clear positive (First Response) and same on a cheapie strip. :shock: Really worried, as it seems like this is likely going to be non-viable again. Just seems like everything is off :sad2:

If I got a totally blank negative last Thursday, and a clear positive today (def lighter than control line, but clearly there), what gestation would you guess I'd be? :sad2:
Maybe less than 4 weeks? Gonna keep everything crossed for you and hope this bean will be extra sticky.
Oh winter, try not to worry yet. Actually to go from a negative to a clear bfp in that matter of time would suggest your hcg levels are rising well. Prayers for a sticky baby!
Thank you both. Still quietly freaking out :shock: hopefully seeing the fertility Dr on Wednesday will be reassuring. I was going to ask him about the thyroid issue, and/or trying clomid. Now hoping he says that all looks positive... And secretly hoping he'll offer extra scans and what not :rofl: Think this must have happened the week after Thanksgiving. So, the smiley face CB the week before wasn't accurate for me, or I managed to ovulate twice(?)

Ahhh, wild. My Grandma was one of like 15 kids. Clearly come from fertile stock :rofl: still find it hard to hope that this will turn out any better than the last two experiences.

Hope everyone else is having a less drama filled day. And glad your Mom got good news from the Dr Flueky :happydance:
Im sure that's a huge relief.

Shae- hope your OH is feeling better today :)

Pretty- I hope all the car issues get sorted quickly. We had a chipped windscreen, and had to wait 6 weeks to get it filled :shock: hopefully there isn't too much extreme wintery weather before you get it all fixed. I like the cold, but not sure a Canadian winter is for me :lol:

Dobby- hope you're feeling better. :hugs:
Still feel like poop but still lurking. Winter that’s so exciting! I second Pretty that my guess would be around 3.5-4w. I don’t so for like 2 days after my solid smile, so maybe you ovulated that weekend? And so testing Thurs (around 10-12dpo) could have just been too early if you had just implanted. I second Flueky as well that to go from negative to clear positive in just a matter of days is really promising. Keeping my fxed crossed

I love the rest of you but I don’t have more in me sorry <3
Aside from the misery I did do my sneak peek but I’m pretty sure I contaminated it by using a soap that has fallen into A’s bath water to wash my hands and arms. The lid broke off so it like half bath water half soap. I just wasn’t thinking until it was too late. Shrugs
Dobs well if it says girl it’s probably right, you just know to take a boy result with a grain of salt. Sorry about the possible contamination :(

AFM CD11 today, pretty sure no BD tonight, but the goal is for BD tomorrow night at CD12, aka last safe day. Fingers crossed for me. I pray that those supplements work. Eventually my cycles will have to start regulating, we’ll just have to see if it’s sooner rather than later. Please pray for me to ovulate by CD17 :rofl:
CD12 unprotected BD secured :thumbup:

SO didn’t realize how much he missed it until we did it and he was like “wow, we’re doing this again tomorrow” :haha: not unprotected though, he sadly has his wits about him and is very aware that this was the last “safe day” according to the app.

Please please pray for me that I ovulate by CD17 so I have a chance at pregnancy this cycle! And if I don’t ovulate by CD17, please pray that I don’t ovulate until at least CD19 so it doesn’t shorten my safe day window :rofl: I used to have 29-31 day cycles, so I know I am perfectly capable of ovulating by CD17, it’s just up to what my body decides to do this cycle, and I suppose if God says yes or “no, you dumb idiot” :rofl:
Lol Shae I’m glad that you got to have some fun and hopefully SO’s drive keeps up for a bit. And hoping you don’t have a long cycle.

still doubtful and wondering if maybe it’s just too early but

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Dobby- I hope your sneak peek works! Do you have a feeling either way? How is the migraine situation? Any idea yet about when you'll tell your family? Any more contact with TB?

Shae- how's OH going? I hope he'll be better and in the mood over the next couple of days. Sending all the whoopsie baby dust your way! :dust:

Pretty- I'm glad the family party went well! Do they live far away? Are you going to do a baby sprinkle or anything like that? I'd hate to have one for me, but love to attend someone else's! I can't remember if you said- but do your boys know about the baby yet?

Flueky- that cheesecake sounds amazing! How do you make it in the Instapot? I'd looked at getting one of those a while ago- we ended up getting an air fryer instead, so that was the new kitchen toy. (It's awesome, if anyone's considering it!) How long did you do the PT for? I fell off the wagon, but did some Jillian from The Biggest Loser video work out things and they were surprisingly good.

Thank you all for the support and weeks estimates :shock: I still can't believe it. My OH was really happy, which was nice. The plan was to try in Dec or Jan, so he asked what wouldve been different by then, anyway. Which is true... Unless the fertility Dr drops some kind of bombshell about my blood test results. What had gone "wrong" the previous times was clearly at conception, so what's done is done already. I think I do feel "different" than last time, but not sure if I'm just convincing myself that it will be different. :shrug:

Also somewhat unhappy on a totally unrelated note- my son has had a cold, but nothing major. This morning he was just wailing and saying "my ear, my ear"... So I took him to urgent care and the poor guy has a double ear infection. We've been there before, and they're really good... But were quite busy. So we waited out the front, and then the receptionist was like "I'll go clean your room". All good. Then I hear "pfft pfft" of a Lysol can, and like one minute later she's like, "room is ready!" I'm not worried about COVID in general any more (we've made our adjustments and kind of accepted it wasn't going away), but not looking to get it while pregnant. Anyway... At least LO really did need to go, and will hopefully be better once the ABs have kicked in. He has had two doses so far. Poor little thing is miserable. Hopefully he sleeps all night :sleep:
:happydance:Good for you, Shae! I'll have everything crossed for you!!! And I agree with your OH- it is fun :rofl:

Oooo, Dobby! That's exciting :) like Shae said earlier, seems like a decent chance it is true if you were worried it was contaminated with boy dna!
Shae fx for an early O. Have you noticed an fertile-ish CM? I'm thinking I'm going to O tomorrow, Thursday, or Friday.

Dobby FX that ot isn't too early. I imagine it would be nice to have each gender. How are you feeling?

Winter, I have read the recipe for this one but I've made a classic cheesecake in the instant pot. I think it's called #17 cheesecake. I have made it 2x and amazing both times. It gives you options on how to do if you prefer a creamy or dense cheesecake. Dense for the win for me :)

I actually have a instant pot and a ninja foodi, which the foodie is an air fryer and pressure cooker. I just have different lids on the foodi for air frying vs pressure. Love it!!

As for PT, I started in April this year. Major improvements since then. I feel like a new person. I actually went during my last trimester or maybe a little before with dd3. It did help control my pain and somewhat for urine leakage. Highly recommend a pelvic floor PT during or after pregnancy.

I'm so happy you feel different and OH is happy! I am very hopeful for you :) Also, I hope your LO feels better soon. So hard when they are sick.

AFM nothing much new for me.
Pretty thank you for your advice. I hope you can get parts sorted sooner. You have had a lot of outside stresses during this pregnancy. Glad party went well.

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