I just read a whole lot, so apologies if I miss anything!
Pretty- yay for MWs all set up. And that's sweet that they were so excited for you

glad you got your concert ticket, too. My OH has an old ipod in his car, and you can't add music any more (software phased out), so it's stuck in like 2008ish. He has a couple of older Avril Lavigne songs on there

I was surprised (he's kind of classic rock generally), but apparently his younger self had a thing for her. Lol. There's also a Hillary Duff song on it, too! Sorry that Matthew had to get tested again. I'm really over some of the excesses, and I think the burden on children (especially small ones) has been too much, and for too long. Rant over! But I hope they stop requiring testing unless a child has clear COVID symptoms or COVID symptoms after known exposure etc. Any news on the gender test/eta for results?
We have a fake tree. My family had real ones growing up, and they're magical. The fun of going to pick it out was great, and the smell of Christmas filled the house for weeks. But then... Yeah, I don't want to deal with that.

I also remember having to pick up pine needles, and it being a whole thing to get rid of in Jan. Your tree looks great, Shae!
Dobby- what does quarantining A's daycare room involve? What was the story with the poster, and how old are these kids? That's awful. I feel like society has been broken over the past two years, and I'm not sure it will be repaired any time soon.

how do you deal with that sort of thing?
I'm glad you got a scan, although disappointing you didn't see a pole/baby. It seems like we've known about your pregnancy for ages- finding out so early is a blessing and a curse! Sounds like everything is going well

I also had a whole lot of Teen Mom thoughts after watching the reunion, and thought of you!
Flueky- that's so interesting that you have the charts! I got nothing to refer back to. Has your fever passed? Glad that you could get through without having to see patients. And fingers crossed the mandate stuff goes ok. When's the final date? Great that you got to buy some new clothes

did you get anything in particular that you really liked? I need to buy some stuff for myself at some point. And great job on seeing changes in your body. I've lost 5lb, but now largely seem stalled out. I feel less flabby too, which is nice. Ideally would like to lose like 15-18 more. But would be happy with 5-8 in the short term.
So sorry, Shae. I know it must be so hard to have everything all set up, and feel ready for that next step but not have it happen. You also have it harder than I did at your age as you have the set up, and I didn't, so the yearning must be a lot sometimes. I still yearned for marriage and babies, but knew it wasn't happening iykwim? (I'm guessing you're mid 20s?) I had a serious relationship that ended poorly (we lived together and he basically had set up a new place for himself and then dumped me... Brutal!) and felt like marriage and kids was never going to happen when that all was going on. Then I met my OH, and was so pleased that the other relationship didn't make it. Clearly, would've been a disaster to have a family with him! My rambling is meant to say... It will happen. Easy for me to say, and so hard to not be able to make it happen. But it will all work out. Is it worth having a talk with OH about what you're both expecting? What timeline does he have? I know it feels crappy to feel powerless. Big hugs, and commiserations, internet friend.
AFM- nothing new. Still waiting on test results, which is getting a bit ridiculous. A friend of OH's just texted him and he had a severe issue after his booster. Seemingly he has Bells Palsy.

His work mandated the vaccine (not the booster, though), so hopefully they are good about time off and him recovering. Not sure how long that will likely take. Have speech assessment for LO on Friday. Interested to hear what they say. I think he's close to a year behind where he should be. Understands really well, and actually has a good vocab... It's just nobody but us understand him

he also reverts to pure gibberish with strangers so... We'll see what they say.