General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Dobby sorry A is sick. I hope he recovers soon. The virus going around in our area seems to last a week or two. Glad it's not Covid. Also glad you got a response from your usual gyn.

AFM Ended up going back to the park Friday. Got there a bit earlier. MIL went with us, we gave her one of our bring a friend for Christmas passes. Going to take my step-dad this week with our last BaF Christmas pass and my mom can get a veterans discount so she can get in cheaper using that.

Even with eating at the park, managed to lose some weight. I've been a bit more mindful with portion sizes and I'm sure walking around while pushing a stroller helps too.

V and S rode a moderate thrill coaster with Dh and me. They both got scared some but no tears. S actually said she liked it and it was fun. V said it was a little too scary. S is for sure my daredevil while V is more timid. It was nice not to ride only "kid" rides too.
Dobby could be the hook effect. Can you dip one full urine? One 3/4 urine and 1/4 water. 1/2 of each, and then 1/4 urine with 3/4 water?

I would think especially with a free the hook effect would be the culprit at this gestation. I don't think I tested past 5 weeks or a few days after 5 weeks except to test hook effect.

As you said symptoms coming and going are pretty typical at this stage. I know it's hard not to worry though. Hope you get a call back soon.
FLUEKY I COULD KISS YOU RN lol. I didn’t dump my urine because I’m exhausted lol so it was still sitting there an hour later :rofl: I did dilute it with water and the dye stealer is back.

walking really does wonders. I know everyone immediately pictures like workout classes or gyms, but it’s so cool how just walking every day helps so much.

Super fun about the park! Did E like the rides a little better this time? And that’s amazing that your older girls were so brave! And , like you said, to be able to start going on those other rides now.

Glad I could be of help :)

Yes, my PT wants me to walk at least 10 to 15 minutes a day but I don't always get that done. She wants me to do it before I do any stretches or strengthening exercises to get my muscles ready/warmed up. I have always loved walking anyways but it's just hard sometimes to find time and/or energy lol

We actually didn't attempt any rides for her Friday. MIL sat with her while we took V and S on rides. MIL didn't want to ride anything so it worked out
Ooook that’s good it worked out.

phone doctor was nice enough to order me what is likely an unnecessary serial beta :rofl: came back 40,907 so an average of 38 hours doubling since the 13dpo test. No wonder I feel like absolute crap T-T
Dobs my first thought was hook effect as well. So glad that’s what it was! And so glad the beta came back so high :)

AFM I’m CD 3, AF is already decreasing. I think I’ll start taking my supplements in the next couple of days to encourage that early O lol. Though SO and I haven’t been getting jiggy with it for a good week and a half so who knows if I’ll even get a chance during safe days. Today SO was like “it seems God favors you over me” and I was like “well I’m not pregnant yet so clearly he’s looking out for you despite my prayers” :rofl:
Lol- love that joke, Shae :rofl: and glad to see you're laughing instead of crying. Sorry that it wasn't to be this month. Is your OH the person you see yourself going through life with? Just asking as I was thinking about your situation, and just wanted to say that the right partner is so much more important than the timing. I was thinking about the ex I mentioned, and how terrible it would be if we had kids together. If he's the one for you, then trust in that and all will come together in the end. Just my poorly expressed 2 cents.

Dobby- so sorry about what you have to deal with at work. Just ridiculous. I wonder if the parents see the same loss of basic decency? And I'm so glad that your beta came back looking good ❤️ the quarantining of a whole day care classroom is a lot. I totally get why they're doing that, but I also see the hardship it causes. I don't know what the path forward is... I'd just like to see no forced vaccines and no more (required) up the nose tests for small kids to go to school etc. I guess things will come together in time. And I wouldn't worry about your possible COVID exposure... I read somewhere last year that the average time for symptoms to appear is 5 days. As in almost everyone that gets it would have symptoms by then, but there are occasional outliers. Seems to hold pretty true.

Flueky- sounds like you're doing great with your health journey. I need to walk more too! I just did a lot of that last year and am so sick of the same scenery :rofl: I find that exercise in the morning is massively helpful- someone told me years ago that it kick starts the metabolism, and that seems to be true. Beautiful picture of you and your girls. ❤️ You have a gorgeous family. Makes me want a little girl! (Or 2- I always wanted a sister). And I laughed out loud at the "hangry baby" comment!!

Afm- set up appt to talk over my blood test results and then am 100% done with that office. They didn't call me because they were seemingly wanting me to do the hysteroscopy etc that I have declined multiple times... Anyway. I could see some results on my portal. It was pages and pages... But basically the only things that stood out to me were that the result of egg reserve (AMH?) was way above normal (can be related to PCOS according to Dr google), and one thyroid value was low. :shrug: will see what he says.

My LO had a blast at his speech evaluation. They had a little room with a low table and tonne of toys. The therapist was a really sweet young woman, and he was all about it. He's been so sheltered, that this seemingly counted as a massive outing. She had this huge book of pictures and basically just asked him what each was. He loved all the attention and was totally into it :rofl: she said he has a couple of advanced sounds ("sh") but is "dropping consonants". So he says "spy-er" instead of "spider" etc. And that's not a big deal here and there, but he's very hard for strangers to understand because he does it a lot. Ie. "I can't reach it" is "I ca wee ee". They advised 2 x therapy per week, which seems like a lot... Will do that for a month or so and see how it goes. Likely won't even be 2 x in Dec due to Christmas and everything anyway.p It isn't cheap, and I think we'll maybe change to once a week after Jan if he keeps going, and we see it helps him.

Have a good start to the week. I'm awaiting AF and hoping it happens soon. Took an antibiotic over Thanksgiving that isn't ok in pregnancy, so now I'm worried because AF didn't show today :sad2: not much chance because we avoided when I thought O was, and generally was a slow month in that dept. But paranoia is stepping in.
Eta- last cycle was 4w6d. So may just have been expecting AF days early- today was 4w exactly. I also forgot I did the smiley cb thing, so should all be fine...
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Winter I was crying when I started spotting, I had a full on bawl fest. Partially cuz hormones, I rarely properly cry, but I really hadn’t been moody all PMS week which I normally am, so apparently I had to overcompensate for that :rofl:. Now that it’s a few days later, those PMS symptoms have calmed and I’m able to be much more stable and logical.
Also, I definitely am willing to wait for SO to be ready vs picking someone else who is ready, I want to have kids with him, not just anyone. He’s so great with kids, I know he’ll be a great dad.

Glad the speech eval went well, it does seem overwhelming to go twice a week but it probably improves retention of new skills.
Glad to hear it, Shae! You have it all sorted out in that case- just need to hit that time when you're both ready. Although nobody is ever ready, and some of the best Moms I know didn't have it all set up "right" before they had a baby. Children are a blessing, and they find us one way or another :)

I should say the speech is only 30 minutes per session. She said it is more about frequency than length, and I can see he would probably be checked out after the half hour. So, will see how he goes.
Winter I would agree with her about the frequency, frequent short sessions would be best for young kids.

AFM I just checked my natural cycles app and after my last few cycles have had such late O’s, this month it’s giving me safe days through CD12. Soooo if I manage to ovulate by CD17 I could be in with a chance. I’ve done it plenty of times before but with how late I’ve been ovulating the last few cycles, it’s unlikely. But keep your fingers crossed for me! Going to start that myoinositol supplement tonight I think, it’s supposed to encourage ovulation in people with PCOS, I don’t have PCOS of course but worth a shot.
Sorry I may mia. I cried at work from the migraine. It’s constant, all day. Gets better for half a second after I eat. I was so happy I didn’t have them with A. I’m miserable. I’m tired. The pain near my ovary keeps getting worse. I’m having trouble eating anything I have to cook. And there’s a parent breathing down my boss’ neck (justified) because one of my students sent her kid to the hospital with a concussion for hitting him after the kid insulted him
Sorry for all the stresses, Dobby. When is your next/first proper appointment with your OB? I'd definitely talk to them about the migraine issue. Hopefully there is something that can help. (Either medicine or just some tips- have you tried simple stuff like Gatorade or food to graze on if that helps?) Hopefully it will pass, or they can offer some proper help. At the very least- I know it is a long way off, but this will eventually pass :flower: I had pretty bad morning sickness. Not HG level, but pretty bad. I had to take medication, and still felt mildly sick the whole time. I couldn't believe it passed as soon as my LO was born. Same with the m/c experiences. 8 months is a long time, but a) hopefully it improves and b) you'll get through it and have a little baby to hold in the end ❤️ would it help to set up little route markers? Christmas and Christmas break are coming up, appt, 2nd tri... I feel for you, and will hope it's only temporary.

And sorry as well for the work stress- yikes. I hope that whole situation can be worked out to everyone's satisfaction!!
Thanks ladies. Also had to CC the superintendent on an email because still no iep date for A. I’m just burned out, I’m trying to snack all day but when I’m teaching I can’t and I’m not hungry so it makes me nauseated. I’ll take nausea over the headache but yesterday I almost threw up while I was teaching. People are commenting that I look like shit and not my usual “we got this” perky self. I emailed my doctor because i took Tylenol and it didn’t help and I’m losing my mind. I’m at a point where I’m starting to hate the pregnancy because my head is just constantly splitting but she was out yesterday. My beta isn’t done yet either which is odd. Never takes this long
To pile on... I know after a while your hcg slows drastically. I usually don’t get betas done this late.
5w6d: 40,907
6w1d: 52,270
That’s 150 hours to double.... that’s like nearly a week to double....
Dobby so sorry for the constant or near constant migraine. I hope you get a response soon cause that would be misery. Hcg slows way down I believe at this point. I don't think your numbers seem abnormal.

Shae I hope the myoinositol helps and doesn't mess with your cycles. I remember thinking of taking it when ttc #1 but I chickened out.

Winter I hope the speech therapy is helpful. While it does such payment wise, I do think short more frequent sessions would be more helpful for kids.I would think at some point they could decrease visits to weekly and less and/or give you tools to help him at home.

When is your phone appt to discuss the results? I'm sorry they haven't been a good office for you.

Oh man I wish I could motivate myself to do morning workouts, but I never have. I am jealous of those that do workout in the mornings. I am turning more into a night owl than I ever have been. I suppose when school starts next year for V that'll change a bit.

AFM been enjoying my time off. Taking my mom to the theme park this afternoon with our bring a friend pass/Christmas. My stepdad decided not to go because he doesn't feel he has the endurance to keep up. I told him they have electrical scooters but he decided not to this time. Maybe in the spring he can come along.

My mom mentioned she's going to the Dr Friday as she's been having some pain in her right chest. No numbness or tingling in the arm, no sweating, no pain in jaw or neck, etc. Honestly, it scares me though to wonder about cancer. She has been exposed to my step-dad 2nd hand smoking for many years and he still smokes in the house. I haven't let on about me being worried because I don't want her to panic. Anyways I hope her appt goes well and will keep an eye on her today.
Dobs I agree with Fluek, at that hcg level doubling time is no longer relevant. It’s going up, that’s a good sign. An ultrasound is the only real indicator at this point.

Flueks prayers for your mom’s appt to go well, I hope it’s nothing serious :(


I might not even get a chance to unprotected BD on CD12 because SO managed to get a yeast infection or something on his nether regions, it’s itchy as heck, anything touching it makes it so much worse, and his member is so swollen it looks like a shar pei dog. Pic below for reference and laughs. He was very unamused at my comparison :rofl: He went to an urgent care and they decided it was a yeast infection and prescribed him clomitrazole cream. We are definitely not BDing until his symptoms subside, it would hurt like hell for him.

Unrelated, we tried to get Christmas cards made through Walmart and their printer sucked and put lines in our photo, and they couldn’t return them cuz I paid with PayPal. So, I had to start over and order cards 2x the price but much better quality I’m sure, I went through Minted. If they’re screwed up I’m gonna have an aneurysm because they were $130. Here’s the proof with all but our first initials crossed out lol, our names were on the tree so that’s why it’s got those weird white sections. It looks much nicer than the Walmart ones would’ve even if they printed well, so fingers crossed there’s no printing issues with Minted.
Shae so sorry SO has an infection. I'm sure it's very uncomfortable for him.

Also, I really love using Snapfish for printing pictures/cards out. Very nice quality and reasonably priced :)

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