General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Flueks always possible. At this point I’m hoping I just had a super quick surge and missed it, because my cervix seems lower now and I still have some EWCM. More likely my body is just being screwed up. I can’t temp tomorrow morning though because I’m away from home and forgot my thermometer, and either way I’m going to be drinking a lot tonight so my temp would be artificially elevated. Idk.
Oh wow Shae that’s weird. Sorry about no bbt tomorrow. Hf tonight though!

Fluek so sorry about the teething woes :(

I took two naps today. Had brunch with my friends. It’s odd because he was poly with her at one point, and we definitely were sleeping together. I’ve had a few “you stole my life” drunk moments. Not a good look. But she’s so sweet and has never held it against me. I definitely do still have some envy, but omg like he didn’t lift a finger! And had no problem telling her to. Like one point she dropped a shoe while she was feeding the baby. I would have picked it up but I was literally in the corner and trapped. He was basically like you dropped the shoe. And she’s like oh ok. And he’s like are you gonna pick it up? And she’s like I’m a little busy *death eyes* and at that point I’m like he’s obviously going to pick it up. NOPE. I was like daaaamn but I didn’t want to chew him out cuz I’m not trying to get in the middle of people’s shit.
Dogs yikes :shock:

At this point I kinda hope I didn’t already ovulate because I just assaulted my liver with alcohol and a grass-like substance in gummy form (this is not common for me, I’ve only done it at house parties where I know the host and the host supplies it, total 3 times in my life including today, so don’t worry lol)
Winter - My sister doesn't live too far. Still in the same city, just a 20+ min drive from me. A friend already told me months ago that if I ever have a girl, she wants to throw me a sprinkle. I know the mom-to-be is supposed to stay as out of the planning as possible, otherwise it seems like kind of a cash grab. So, I think I'll just tell her to let me know what date and where to show up, otherwise it's her call on theme and all that. I've told the boys there's a baby in my tummy. Dunno how much the 2yo understands, but our older one kinda gets it, I think.
So sorry about your son's ear infections. I got them all the time when I was younger and it sucked. Don't think I ever had both at the same time. Hopefully he's feeling much better now.

Flueky - Glad to hear PT has really helped. And sorry that E's teeth are making her so uncomfortable. Have you been giving her any kind of meds to help with the pain?

Dobby - I kinda low-key feel you on not being super attached. I was all happy to see 2 lines on a test, hear a HB on the doppler, and see pics from my scans. But I'm waiting on some definite kicks and still dunno how much I trust my SP results. Like, I've really been hoping for a girl, but I kinda feel like I don't even know who's inside me right now til I get some confirmation at my scan. Either way, still sending you lots of sticky dust and I hope your SP was right. FX.
That sucks that's your friend's SO is such a lazy jerk. Has he always been like that?

shae - Sorry that you're still waiting on a positive opk. Maybe you can fake being exhausted for the next few weeks and try to keep DTD with SO to a minimum. And then suddenly have all this energy when it's getting close to O day next cycle and really go at it a lot. Just a thought.

AFM, the other headlight on my car burned out literally 4 hours before the replacement bulbs I ordered showed up. So, I changed those and also filled up my washer fluid. Kinda considering taking my car to one of those garage chains that specializes oil changes, but I'll see.
With XMas around the corner, some of my regular customers gifted me some stuff this past week. So far, I've gotten 2 bottles of wine, 2 boxes of chocolates, a gift bag of chocolate, a $25 gift card, and $225 in cash. And there's another gift card I haven't been able to check the balance of yet. Looking forward to what's to come next week. :)
And I may have jumped the gun a little and made some girly purchases. A pink laundry basket for her future laundry, a few pink and purple storage cubes, and 4 sleepers (all of which were on clearance). Really hoping I get to use them. -.-



At least the EWCM was legit after all.

I get my positive OPK 5 days after the unprotected sex, meaning I will ovulate 6 days after, and sperm have less than a 1% chance of being alive after 5 days. So my safe days are going to be squashed down to like CD8 AND I won’t get pregnant. My only hope is that the sex was like 9 PM on CD12 and this positive OPK is 8 AM on CD17, and I didn’t test yesterday afternoon so it could’ve been positive then, so there’s a tiny chance I could ovulate within the 5 days. Uggggh :cry:
Shae FX for you it is a short surge and you O today!

Oh and I believe in drink until it's pink (Even then "early bfp days" I don't think you can cause harm to baby). I also think the gummy will be fine too. I understand though about anything hurting chances of conception though.

Pretty yes I've given some ibuprofen here and there. It does help mostly.

Oh I love your girly purchases :) so exciting that you should find out definitely this week!!! Glad you got those bulbs and crazy the other went out so close to when the replacements were delivered. How sweet that you received some Xmas gifts :)

Dobby sorry the brunch was awkward.
I found a huge study that found you can get pregnant from sex up to 7 days before ovulation so now I’m getting my hopes up again
Study Link DEFINE_ME
Not sure why the link is turning into that title but whatever.

Pretty I really hope you get good use out of the girly baby stuff!

Flueks that’s good to know, thank you!
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Not gonna lie Shae you keep talking about your cervix but idk how they work so I’m just smiling and nodding lol. I agree with Flueky with the drink til it’s pink mentality.

pretty I feel you. I’d think because you were so far along/live with so many boys it’s accurate but i get wanting that ultrasound confirmation. Your anatomy scan is wed? Love the girly purchases! And yay! That’s really awesome that your clients are being generous.

Yeah idk because I’ve known him since 9th grade. It’s a whole weird timing never worked out thing. Even when we were sleeping together it was just casual like sleep together then have brunch the next morning. He is a typically gentleman. He comes from a well off family. Like I live in an affluent town, his parents have a house high up in the hills and a house in the mountains/snow. His family dynamic is weird, but I know they raised him right. So I was shocked at how generally unhelpful he was. I feel really bad. I feel like I should have stood up for her, but also I don’t know her that well. I don’t know if she’s bd thankful or offended if I got in their business.
Dobs lol high cervix is a sign that you’re in your fertile window (or pregnant if it’s in the luteal phase).

Today SO showed me a super cute video set to “still into you” by paramore where a girl shows a bunch of pictures of her husband with their baby son being super cute and of course I melted. Right after I told him about the small possibility of pregnancy. He reacted pretty well, he first asked if the morning after pill was an option and I said no, I’m already having my LH surge, so it’s too late. He said okay, no point stressing, can’t change the outcome now, if you get pregnant we’ll just go with it, is what it is. We also had BD last night where both of us were super not sober and he did pull out a good few seconds in advance but he finished on my inner thigh right next to my parts and I may have got some on my parts when wiping it off.
Lol Shae is that a may have gotten some on your parts who knows or like DEFINITELY got some on your parts lol

and ah got it got it. Well I’m glad he took the potential well. I do still root for you to get the marriage/ttc journey I never had. But I know if that bfp comes now it will be such a happy moment for the both of you. So fxed!
Dobs it’s an “I was drunk and high and did the very naughty thing of wiping towards my parts for a moment, but it mostly soaked into the boxer briefs he handed me, so a trace amount definitely got on the outside but probably not enough”. I definitely feel bad about it but honestly I think the O-6 has a higher chance of getting me pregnant. He also says he can’t guarantee he didn’t have a little spurt in me because he was totally zooted, I don’t think he did though.
Dobby- so glad the migraine situation improved. Maybe just a surge of hormones, and now your body has adjusted? Here's to hoping that it keeps getting better from here. I count going to bed early as a small degree of self care! Though hopefully you'll be able to do some more enjoyable unwinding as you start to feel better. ❤️ I agree that I wouldn't tie my tubes if I had an issue with keloids. Practically there would be some sense in me tying mine whenever we have the last baby, as I'd have a c section anyway. But, then I looked into some of the side effects and was no like "nope, this one's on OH!".

Sorry about the rude Dad. Honestly, a lot of guys are like that. Shortly before covid happened, we went to a BBQ with probably ten families. There was a pretty big range of involvement from the Dads. Some sat down with a beer and didn't lift a finger the whole time. Others were handing off back and forth, and one or two the Dad were probably doing more. I had a bit of an argument with a friend of my brothers once. He does nothing with his two kids (they both work, she does the house and all the kids stuff), and he was lecturing me about how easy having kids was. :dohh: Saddest part is that I used to think he was so cute. Turns out he's a bit of a dick, unfortunately! Best not to to get involved in general. I said some things to my brother about him not pulling his weight, and he just got mad, and changed absolutely nothing about his behavior. Turns out they had all sorts of issues going on... So I guess you never know what is happening with other people.

Pretty- so excited for your scan! I really hope you'll get your little girl :cloud9: I think that finding out the gender and being able to plan makes it all much more real, and easier to bond. That's amazing that you got so many gifts! And that your friend will put on a sprinkle :flower: Very lucky that those bulbs arrived just in time. I was driving through a horrible storm yesterday (rain, not snow), but it was scary. Had my hazard lights on etc, and some people didn't have any- legit couldn't see them until I was super close. I imagine it is even worse driving in snow.

Flueky- that's so interesting about the tight muscles. I kinda thought that kegels were always the answer :rofl: so great that you could get some tips that help, and really sound like they're good tips in general for being healthy, core strength etc. I'm not coordinated at all- tried yoga a couple of times, but wasn't very good. I was also thinking I was nailing it, but then the instructor was like "no, not even close". :oops: Hope you find a way to help with teething. We really didn't do anything for our LO unless he was really suffering- then Tylenol. Luckily my LO seems to do ok with it.

Shae- I wouldn't worry about the drinking or gummy either. I've never heard "drink until pink", but that cracked me up :rofl: something like 50% of pregnancies are unplanned. So that kind of thing must happen A LOT. (Also: :rofl::rofl::rofl: at your clarifying question, Dobby!) Still hoping for you this month. And that's a sweet story about him wanting an picturing y'all having a son :)

AFM- just feeling really down about the pregnancy whole thing. It seems too easy (we'd literally avoided the whole week around my positive opk), so I'm wondering if my body will just give anything a go. I can't picture turning up to my scan and being told anything other than bad news. :sad2: still enjoy thinking about names and stuff, but just don't feel like this will stick. My LO is doing much better with his ear infection, but complained when we missed one dose of antibiotics. So will do the full ten days and hope that does the trick :coffee:
Just adding: love lots of the A names you mentioned! Aiden and Alexander are lovely ❤️ I also liked Adeline, Alyssa, Amelia, Autumn, and Austin. Others I'd thought of were Alice, Artemis, Alva. I like all kinds of names, but old man/old lady might be my fave. Have a bit of a crush on the name Colin.

Does that mean that if this baby is a girl you're definitely going with Aria, Dobby? ❤️
Winter oh gosh please do the full 10 day course, not finishing it risks not killing off all the bacteria and making the remaining bacteria antibiotic resistant. Never just stop taking them when symptoms stop, you need the full course as prescribed.

I’m sorry you’re not feeling good about this pregnancy’s chances :( :hugs:
Sorry for the lame reply in my phone and exhausted.

Shae LOL it’s all good. Don’t feel bad. I do agree if it’s a bfp I’d suspect an 0-6 super survivor vs a boxer bfp.

winter I second Shae finish it! My little brother would get on you about creating a superbug! Lol

sorry I keep smelling blood even though I’m not getting a nose blood. Having the same abdominal pains and unamused. Just spent $70 I don’t have on dumb holiday bags for my coworkers. Which like for 11 people isn’t bad. Just gave them each a Christmas bag of regular m&ms, peanut m&ms, two bags of popcorn, and a chocolate chocolates. Was trying to recreate that holiday movie bucket you see at target that’s $9 lol while shaving off a little cost. Got my boss a bottle of gin. He’s easy to shop for lol.
Soooo I may actually be O-5 BD

I woke up at 3 am soaked in sweat and temped and I was up 0.5 degrees, I often wake up at 3 am and temp then in case I don’t get enough sleep before my next waking. I definitely fell asleep before midnight, so I know I got at least 3 hours of sleep. I was having lower abdomen cramping yesterday evening that I was like “is it gas? Is it ovulation? Is it both?” And I felt some air in there but it may have been both considering the temp rise. If that was O, I BD’d CD12 around 9 pm, and I was having that cramping CD17 around 9 pm.

Dobs a superbug is exactly what I’m concerned about lol, it’s the nurse in me, is this your brother in med school or am I remembering wrong?

Sorry about the blood smell and abdominal pains :( it’s very nice of you to make holiday bags for your coworkers, I am not doing that :rofl: maybe I’ll bring in a bag of candy and toss it in the break room, maybe I’ll do absolutely nothing :rofl: I still haven’t got SO a present, idk what to get him aggghhhhh. I got stuff for my parents and sister, as well as my best friend.

If I ovulated last night (which it seems I did) and I get pregnant, my EDD is 9/11 nooooooo that does not seem like good luck
Yeah he’s in Med school/always knew he wanted to be a doctor lol

Idk why but I had a feeling you’d end up being O-5 vs 6. Didn’t wanna say anything and get your hopes up in case it did end up being O-6. As for EDD, I feel that. I was devastated that A’s due date was my dad’s passing anniversary. Was not bad luck at all. And chances are you wouldn’t end up delivering on 9/11. It’s so weird talking about it with my students now. They really have no idea what happened/they do only because someone told them. They just don’t feel that weight the same way. Well watch the cnn 10 special and I’ll be bawling in the back and they’re totally fine.

I usually don’t because I’m broke and everyone knows it. But my teammate got us all Costco kettle corn big old buckets so I was like f***** fine. But then it’s like there’s 3 people in the office, 4 people on my team, 3 people I eat lunch with every day, the PE teacher gives me extra prep every Wednesday lol. Like fff and then I gotta get stuff for A’s two BTs and his two teachers and principal :cry:
I know you're meant to do the whole course... I've always been more of a stop once you feel totally recovered + 1 or 2 days :-$ Never had an issue with that approach, but I know it drives anyone in medicine absolutely nuts. The exception to that may be our pediatrician, who is a "medication as a last resort" kind of guy.

Shae- I keep saying the same thing, but: good luck! I guess the thing to do is expect a BFN but have hope for a BFP. I know it's a wild rollercoaster, because you so want for it to happen. Will have everything crossed that it will happen for you this month. Knowing all the timing and fertility signs is a double edged sword. Great to be empowered, kind of maddening to know so much all the time. If it is meant to be, it will be :flower:

Woke up this morning with a pretty terrible headache. Nothing like a migraine, just a headache... But yeah, not enjoyable. Feel even more for what you've been experiencing, Dobby. The 1% of your experience I'm having is not enjoyable! Drank some Pedialyte, and that helped. Then I realized I have nausea too, which is nice. I had less nausea with my two non-viable experiences, so hoping that's a good sign. Still just feeling stressed and worried. I go from day dreaming about twins, to picturing bad news at the scan. :nope: I kind of feel like I'm flitting between fantasy (twins) and the likely reality. Oh well, nothing to do but wait- if it is meant to be, it will be.

And in weird news of the day- just read an article about a study apparently showing pregnant women as the most likely to carry covid and be asymptomatic. At first I was like "that doesn't sound right", but then again I think that your immune system overreacting is a big part of covid. So maybe having a pregnancy-suppressed immune system is a thing?! Weird. Maybe it's different at different points in the pregnancy? If you're interested:

Four in 10 Covid cases are asymptomatic and pregnant women are most likely to be 'silent carriers' | Daily Mail Online
PS. Pretty- I read your last reply before I logged in, and just now saw the pictures of your purchases. I love those PJs ❤️ Love that style for a little girl.

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