Dobby- so glad the migraine situation improved. Maybe just a surge of hormones, and now your body has adjusted? Here's to hoping that it keeps getting better from here. I count going to bed early as a small degree of self care! Though hopefully you'll be able to do some more enjoyable unwinding as you start to feel better.

I agree that I wouldn't tie my tubes if I had an issue with keloids. Practically there would be some sense in me tying mine whenever we have the last baby, as I'd have a c section anyway. But, then I looked into some of the side effects and was no like "nope, this one's on OH!".
Sorry about the rude Dad. Honestly, a lot of guys are like that. Shortly before covid happened, we went to a BBQ with probably ten families. There was a pretty big range of involvement from the Dads. Some sat down with a beer and didn't lift a finger the whole time. Others were handing off back and forth, and one or two the Dad were probably doing more. I had a bit of an argument with a friend of my brothers once. He does nothing with his two kids (they both work, she does the house and all the kids stuff), and he was lecturing me about how easy having kids was.

Saddest part is that I used to think he was so cute. Turns out he's a bit of a dick, unfortunately! Best not to to get involved in general. I said some things to my brother about him not pulling his weight, and he just got mad, and changed absolutely nothing about his behavior. Turns out they had all sorts of issues going on... So I guess you never know what is happening with other people.
Pretty- so excited for your scan! I really hope you'll get your little girl

I think that finding out the gender and being able to plan makes it all much more real, and easier to bond. That's amazing that you got so many gifts! And that your friend will put on a sprinkle

Very lucky that those bulbs arrived just in time. I was driving through a horrible storm yesterday (rain, not snow), but it was scary. Had my hazard lights on etc, and some people didn't have any- legit couldn't see them until I was super close. I imagine it is even worse driving in snow.
Flueky- that's so interesting about the tight muscles. I kinda thought that kegels were always the answer

so great that you could get some tips that help, and really sound like they're good tips in general for being healthy, core strength etc. I'm not coordinated at all- tried yoga a couple of times, but wasn't very good. I was also thinking I was nailing it, but then the instructor was like "no, not even close".

Hope you find a way to help with teething. We really didn't do anything for our LO unless he was really suffering- then Tylenol. Luckily my LO seems to do ok with it.
Shae- I wouldn't worry about the drinking or gummy either. I've never heard "drink until pink", but that cracked me up

something like 50% of pregnancies are unplanned. So that kind of thing must happen A LOT. (Also:

at your clarifying question, Dobby!) Still hoping for you this month. And that's a sweet story about him wanting an picturing y'all having a son
AFM- just feeling really down about the pregnancy whole thing. It seems too easy (we'd literally avoided the whole week around my positive opk), so I'm wondering if my body will just give anything a go. I can't picture turning up to my scan and being told anything other than bad news.

still enjoy thinking about names and stuff, but just don't feel like this will stick. My LO is doing much better with his ear infection, but complained when we missed one dose of antibiotics. So will do the full ten days and hope that does the trick