Shae- I had no idea with my LO. Wasn't trying, so only tested beyond when I was expecting AF. Also don't seem to have many symptoms right off the bat. I wouldn't know I was pregnant right now without the test.

it can take a healthy couple a year to fall pregnant when actively trying, so I wouldn't read too much into anything that happens this cycle. Have everything crossed for you, but don't want you to be crushed if it doesn't happen.

i always wanted children, and thought about names and stuff for years before it was on the cards. The intense medical/detail aspects just seem very you and your mom specific! Me and my Mom are totally different people, although weirdly have had similar thoughts about some of the covid stuff

this never usually happens!
Pretty- I hadn't even thought of the snowsuit issue

yeah, a few months without dealing with that sounds ideal! Hopefully by next year your oldest might be able to do some of that largely by himself, too(?). I think the way you've told people the gender sounds perfect. It seems 95% clear, but best to keep that caveat just in case! Maybe you can hold off on the social media etc until that date in Jan? That would also work if the brother shirts are delayed and all of that. Sorry that they couldn't/wouldnt give you a definitive answer. I agree that they should be allowed to say HR and gender. Kind of sucks to leave with no news! Plpll
Flueky- that's wild that you didn't even feel like testing and it was the month you got your BFP.

I wonder if it was the whole "relax and it will happen" thing.

you remind me of a friend of mine- took almost a year to fall pregnant with #1, but she had 2/3 very quickly and either without trying or only semi-trying.

she felt like the first baby sorted out some issue. Who knows?!
Dobby- again, just so sorry

I suppose it was a good thing that you had that feeling. At least it wasn't a total shock. good luck deciding how to manage everything going forward. I know it is one of those situations where there is no good option.

sorry- I just wish it was all different for you.
Re: A and covid test. Does the school require it? Or do you want to know/need to know before seeing extended fam? I ordered some Binax tests off Walgreens online yesterday. They seemingly will take a few days to arrive, but if they're still available- would be on hand in the future. They were $23. So not, expensive, but not cheap either

And don't feel bad about sending A to school. I would've felt that exact same way in 2020- but I think by now it is clear that kids were much better off being in school. I wish we hadn't isolated so much for speech and social reasons. It is what it is- we all did what we thought was best at the time
Thanks ladies for the speech feedback. I'm not that worried about the session this week. Obviously his therapist was out, so they had us see someone else. Just thinking that if this year is a repeat of last year, cases will go way up. Very conflicted as I regret isolating, but also hard not to because I can. I'm also not that keen on the therapist wearing a mask, as the replacement lady did this week. Seems to defeat the purpose... So, I'm in a weird mindset about partially covid-concerned, partially not wanting the masks. He also doesn't do much in the sessions- he's so into the toys that he's just playing. The thing that is useful is at the end when they say what sounds to work on etc. So, I do have those notes to go on for a few weeks

so sick of making all these decisions. If I wasn't pregnant, we'd just go. The Mom I was trying to make friends with replied

so maybe we can do some outdoor playdates instead for a few weeks. Anyway...
Thinking of you in particular, Dobby.

what helped me in that moment was to do some of the things you can't when youre pregnant. Get some sushi, drink tonnes of coffee. Just do whatever you feel like. Hope it all happens naturally for you, and you can at least avoid that decision.