General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Sorry 5% and just waiting on the doc but pretty sounds to me like she’s a girl but the tech just isn’t authorized to say it officially. If I remember with A even despite the very obvious penis flashing she wasn’t allowed to say boy lol. Congratulations!!!
Pretty yup she’s definitely saying it’s a girl, the tech is generally not allowed to say anything even though they usually know what they’re seeing.

Dobs waiting anxiously for your update, hoping your intuition is totally wrong
I agree, Pretty. Sounds like a girl but she can't say it... Who are you announcing to? Maybe could go with something like
"We got some news- looks like the baby is a girl, but will get final confirmation Jan 10". I'm a "just in case" planner type, though ;) Beautiful scan pic! ❤️

Good luck, Dobby :hugs:

Are you and your mom really alike, Shae? You're so detail oriented, and her remembering so many details about her pregnancy with you suggests she is too! Mine pg was like 2-3 years ago and I think she remembers you better than I remember my LO! :lol:
Pretty yup, I think she said it as clearly as she could within her role. I know I had an ultrasound as a teenager of my ovaries and the tech couldn't say anything. My obgyn office will let techs tell gender though. They can't give much more information than that or heart rate. I'm very excited you are getting your girl :)

Dobby on pins and needles waiting for an update.

Shae, I'm thinking even with perfect timing odds are 20 to 25% of conceiving each month. I would not assume either of you have fertility issues if you don't conceive this month. I mean this in the nicest way possible. I'm not trying to be rude, I just don't want you to think either one of you have issues. :hugs:

Winter oh no, I understand being cautious about having a high fever during 1st tri.
Winter my mom and I are similar in a lot of ways, different in a lot of others. She did raise me, so I think I’m bound to be a lot like her :rofl: she’s much more type A than I am, I’m a big procrastinator. We also have very different religious and political beliefs, I used to believe the same stuff she did but ended up diverging from what I was taught. I try to avoid talking to her about stuff I know will get her mad lol, she doesn’t mind talking about religion so much though. She was just like me as a young adult wanting a baby super bad. I thought I was extra crazy, she was like “no, just ask your dad, I spent my 20s buying/reading books about pregnancy and babies from the local bookstore. Not used, because I wanted up to date info.” I bet she remembers those details because she totally obsessed over them at a slightly unhealthy level back then.

Flueks don’t worry, I’m not offended! The general number is 20-25%, yes. The reason I’d be concerned is my family history of fertility. In my family, you have a 100% chance of conception each month with proper timing of sex. So I’d be a bit concerned just because of that.
Shit day. Mother's intuition was spot on. Got home and A's BT has fucking covid, and A doesn't wear a mask so he's pretty much fucked. They have to shut down the room for 10 days, so so much for getting a fucking break next week. F.M.F.B.S.L.
Oh, Dobby. I'm so sorry. I was so hoping that it was just anxiety, and all was fine. Wish I could give you a big hug. Xxxx if you want to talk, we're all here. It's a terrible experience, and I wish you weren't going through it.

And sorry about the covid issue, too- that constant extra bit of sh*tty news.
Dobby - So sorry that your intuition was right. </3

shae - In theory, I think a longer cutoff time is supposed to mean girl. I had a slightly less than 4 day cutoff.
I know someone born on 4/20 as well. It was kind of a waste though cuz he WAS a straight edge Jehovah's Witness. But now he's come out as gay and drinks and will occasionally have pot. lol
As "nice" as it is to have symptoms early on, hopefully they'll subside, so that you're not miserable at work. And I hope things aren't too hectic for you.

Winter - Ya, I'm due May 17th. My first choice would have been April, but I just wanted a spring baby in general. And May is probably better cuz we can still sometimes get snow storms in April. And ya, it is a good time. Things will be warming up and I can take her out a bunch with the boys and don't need to worry about snow suits and whatever til she's at
least 7 months old.
We'd be announcing to everyone. I already msged a friend and SO's mom, but told them about the less than direct confirmation. We're seeing my mom and having 2 family gatherings, so we'd tell everyone there and then post on social media in the evening.
Erring on the side of caution and keeping your son out of ST would probably be for the best. I agree that it shouldn't affect his progress much. Maybe ask the therapist if there are little things you can do at home to help

Flueky - And a Merry early Christmas to you and yours as well. :)

Thanks for the reassurance everyone. I was told during my scans with the boys that they were in fact boys. Figures when there's a time crunch, I get a tech that follows protocol. It'll just be nice to see it in black and white next month. I believe everything is wrapped with the exception of a gift or 2. Gonna make a double batch of cookies and spinach dip on Friday night for our upcoming gatherings.
Work's actually been fairly chill cuz a bunch of customers have cancelled, so I've only been doing like 2 houses a day and finishing by 3pm or earlier. And I've been gifted another $350 so far. Not too shabby.
Otherwise, just really looking forward to some much needed time off.
Pretty yay for work being chill!

AFM I have not successfully chilled out :rofl: I found one of those sites you can buy lab tests from (it’s BBB accredited so not a scam) and I’m praying I’ll get to spend $35 on a beta in a week, and another $35 2 days later. I won’t if I don’t get a positive test, though. My midwife appt is on the 30th, which is 11dpo, so I’m hoping I’ll be positive by then. There’s also a part of me that’s like “it’s never gonna happen by accident, I feel mentally the exact same so I’m probably not pregnant” but I know some people feel like they’re not pregnant and then are. Idk. I’m hopeful but also realize it’s not guaranteed. I’m still going to be broken if I’m not :/
Dobby I am so sorry :hugs:

Pretty wow nice getting done early and getting some extra $$. Definitely comes in handy while expecting.

Shae I had practically given up on conceiving naturally the month we conceived V. I didn't test until 13dpo because I was so over seeing bfns. My temp was up higher than usual though at 13dpo so I tested on a whim and quite obvious bfp. At 11dpo hcg may not be high enough to turn dr office test positve. I am thinking their tests are 50miu? As for the intuition, I did have it with S and E.
Flueks oh I know, my mom’s blood test was negative at 11dpo so I know a negative at 11dpo isn’t definitive by any means, and it likely wouldn’t show up at the doctor’s unless I was already getting a good line at home.

Good to know that the first time you didn’t have a natural sense that you were pregnant. I feel like it’s probably easier to know when you’ve been pregnant before, though that may vary person to person. Since I’ve never been pregnant I don’t know how my body reacts to it.

I told SO that I was going to bawl if I wasn’t pregnant and he was like “you’re gonna bawl either way, because if you are you’ll be scared of miscarrying” and I was like “dang you right” :rofl: he’s pretty chill at the moment, very clear that his preference is not pregnant but he won’t be super upset if we are, we’ll just have to have a shotgun wedding so his grandmother doesn’t have a heart attack :haha:
Thanks everyone. Idk. Still processing and have other things to deal with. They offered to assist the process, which was my inclination but now I’ve lost childcare for ten days. So I’ll guess I’ll just wait it out a bit. I think what sucks the most was that I called my mom to tell her and she kept cutting me off. She could tell immediately from my tone I was pregnant and kept interrupting with questions and was like why didn't you tell me I would have wanted to go to your prenatal if the dad wasn't going and I'm like will you just be quiet so I can get to the s* ending. I really expected her to be like well you shouldn't have gotten pregnant to begin with but she actually apparently would have been on board. So that just. Like I said. Shit day. Just kept on giving.

Pretty I agree that May is lovely. Who knows, I know all your boys came close or after due date but maybe she’ll shock you with an end of April birthday. Either way, sounds like a lovely time of year. Also just saw the pic. Dunno why i didn’t see it on my phone. Super cute profile! Definitely looks girlie. All signs point girl, and I know you said you didn’t get much time in the money shot area but you know with three boys you don’t need much time to see that p lol. It’s boom in your face. That’s such a win win with the work! Yay!

Winter your have to do what’s comfortable for you. Grand scheme of things, a few weeks of missed speech isn’t the end all be all. So don’t feel bad if you opt out. That being said, the SLP’s test could come back negative. A just recently stopped wearing a mask at speech, but she has a clear mask and also wears a face shield. They don’t do temp checks anymore, but they still require hand sanitizing, masks for adults, and social distancing. I’m surprised we’ve made it 15 months and this is our first true covid exposure. It’s hard because you’re placing your trust in people you don’t know to make safe choices/report it if they have it/get tested if they think they do. I remember crying almost every day when I sent A back to school. I hated that I felt like I had to risk his safety to be able to go to work, but ultimately I didn’t have a choice. And once it became clear our school community really valued safety and took covid seriously, the fear dissipated. I also second Pretty that you can talk to the SLP about maybe telehealth? It may not work for your son, but worst case you can get some parent coaching on things to do on a weekly basis. That’s what I did at the beginning of the pandemic. It was an online class for kids with speech delays and autism, we read a book, took a virtual live class, had a few telehealth visits with the SLP.

Shae I second everyone else. You remind me of me. I know my ex did a bit of sabotaging, but it’s always worrisome when people in your family pop up pregnant from just being breathed on by a guy and then you have good timing and don’t. Doesn’t mean anything is wrong though. I know you know there can always be one off issues with egg or sperm that aren’t indicative of overall fertility. I know it’s hard because this is the first time you’re like really really in with the timing, so I’m fxed for you. But I also do feel like you’re working yourself up. If you say you’re going to be broken, you will be broken. And maybe I’m just worried because my version of broken is pretty extreme so maybe I’m worrying over nothing. Re the lab, just definitely do your due diligence. I’ve filed three complaints against BBB accredited businesses that were scams/bad business practice. Glad you at least have Christmas day off. Hopefully things aren’t too hectic leading up to/after. Shae no shotgun weddings!!! Please please please do not deprive yourself of actual wedding planning and a nice wedding. It’s the 21st century. So many couples are getting married after having kids. Or at least promise me you’ll do all the wedding stuff and not skimp just to get it done quickly. Re intuition idk I didn’t think I was pregnant the first two pregnancies until my period didn’t show up, the third I knew the day I ovulated that I was going to end up pregnant, I can’t really recall the with the twins or A but I know I thought I was out with one or both of them, and this one I had no inkling that I was pregnant until I woke up bloated af and immediately registered as that’s pregnancy bloat. I’ve also had cycles where I was convinced I was pregnant and definitely was not.

Did all the registration paperwork and booked an enrollment appointment for kinder. Just hoping it works out to get into my site or the site that’s close to my house and on the way to work. Otherwise, I may go ahead and move us back to the other side of the bay and send him to the school district my parents live in.

Re covid I don’t wanna drag A all over town for a covid rapid test. Can’t get an appointment next week. My parents have one thankfully because they bought it for my brother. They’re dropping it off today. I’m thinking I will test him Friday morning. I don’t know when the BT was exposed, so I’m worried about testing too early. I know my test was negative on Monday, but I’m vaxxed and that was Monday. I just want to make sure we’re not going over for Christmas Eve/ Christmas prematurely.

Hoping everyone has a lovely holiday.
Shae- I had no idea with my LO. Wasn't trying, so only tested beyond when I was expecting AF. Also don't seem to have many symptoms right off the bat. I wouldn't know I was pregnant right now without the test. :shrug: it can take a healthy couple a year to fall pregnant when actively trying, so I wouldn't read too much into anything that happens this cycle. Have everything crossed for you, but don't want you to be crushed if it doesn't happen. :hugs:i always wanted children, and thought about names and stuff for years before it was on the cards. The intense medical/detail aspects just seem very you and your mom specific! Me and my Mom are totally different people, although weirdly have had similar thoughts about some of the covid stuff :rofl: this never usually happens!

Pretty- I hadn't even thought of the snowsuit issue :shock: yeah, a few months without dealing with that sounds ideal! Hopefully by next year your oldest might be able to do some of that largely by himself, too(?). I think the way you've told people the gender sounds perfect. It seems 95% clear, but best to keep that caveat just in case! Maybe you can hold off on the social media etc until that date in Jan? That would also work if the brother shirts are delayed and all of that. Sorry that they couldn't/wouldnt give you a definitive answer. I agree that they should be allowed to say HR and gender. Kind of sucks to leave with no news! Plpll

Flueky- that's wild that you didn't even feel like testing and it was the month you got your BFP. :rofl: I wonder if it was the whole "relax and it will happen" thing. :coffee: you remind me of a friend of mine- took almost a year to fall pregnant with #1, but she had 2/3 very quickly and either without trying or only semi-trying. :shrug: she felt like the first baby sorted out some issue. Who knows?!

Dobby- again, just so sorry :cry: I suppose it was a good thing that you had that feeling. At least it wasn't a total shock. good luck deciding how to manage everything going forward. I know it is one of those situations where there is no good option. :hugs:sorry- I just wish it was all different for you.

Re: A and covid test. Does the school require it? Or do you want to know/need to know before seeing extended fam? I ordered some Binax tests off Walgreens online yesterday. They seemingly will take a few days to arrive, but if they're still available- would be on hand in the future. They were $23. So not, expensive, but not cheap either :shrug: And don't feel bad about sending A to school. I would've felt that exact same way in 2020- but I think by now it is clear that kids were much better off being in school. I wish we hadn't isolated so much for speech and social reasons. It is what it is- we all did what we thought was best at the time :hugs:

Thanks ladies for the speech feedback. I'm not that worried about the session this week. Obviously his therapist was out, so they had us see someone else. Just thinking that if this year is a repeat of last year, cases will go way up. Very conflicted as I regret isolating, but also hard not to because I can. I'm also not that keen on the therapist wearing a mask, as the replacement lady did this week. Seems to defeat the purpose... So, I'm in a weird mindset about partially covid-concerned, partially not wanting the masks. He also doesn't do much in the sessions- he's so into the toys that he's just playing. The thing that is useful is at the end when they say what sounds to work on etc. So, I do have those notes to go on for a few weeks :shrug: so sick of making all these decisions. If I wasn't pregnant, we'd just go. The Mom I was trying to make friends with replied :) so maybe we can do some outdoor playdates instead for a few weeks. Anyway...

Thinking of you in particular, Dobby. :hugs:what helped me in that moment was to do some of the things you can't when youre pregnant. Get some sushi, drink tonnes of coffee. Just do whatever you feel like. Hope it all happens naturally for you, and you can at least avoid that decision.
Dobby, I'm so sorry! It's quite powerful to think that mommas know their babies that deeply and that quickly. What a loved angel you have. Praying that you can find moments of joy this holiday season.
Dobs ugh I’m sorry about your mom doing that, that’s so annoying when they don’t let you speak.
I’m not 100% sure I’d have a shotgun wedding but if I did I’d still wear a ballgown style wedding dress because that’s important to me, and we were thinking if we did that we’d have a reception like a year later when we can afford it, and I get to wear a ballgown again lol.
My version of broken is probably far less broken than yours. I’ve never been like comatose broken.

Agh getting paged at work gotta go
Dobs ugh sorry about the COVID situation, I used a binax now test on SO and it worked well, he came back very positive and it was correct. Hopefully A didn’t get it, was the person who has it masked? I didn’t give it to any of my patients when I was definitely contagious but also always masked with them.

Winter that’s a tough situation, I’d be nervous about risking COVID during pregnancy as well. Luckily I just had it so I likely won’t get it again, but it’s not impossible. Glad to know that you don’t feel any different than usual. I feel kinda crappy but that’s probably because I haven’t eaten lunch and it’s almost 3 pm. Could be both, who knows.

I told one of my college peer coworkers that I’m waiting to see if I might be pregnant so she’s now very invested and wants me to keep her updated lol
Thanks loves. My coworkers got me three bottles of wine because everyone knows I’m a lush. They keep checking in to see if I liked their gifts, so I guess at least now I can drink it.

Shae that is funny like mother like daughter. I forget what brand it is, but my parents just dropped off the test. My worry is I feel like I have to test A because he’s not vaccinated but I had such a hard time last time. I almost feel like I have to just put him in his car seat to do it.

forgot who asked I just want to be sure he’s negative before gathering as a family. Originally the school was hoping they could stay open so if he was negative then he could go back Monday. But then corporate said they had to close the room. The BT does wear his mask all the time so just gotta keep my fingers crossed.
Dobs that was nice of your coworkers! Poor A, I bet testing him is rough.

AFM two of my patients fell before noon today, I’d never had one fall before. Both of them are uninjured, thank God.

Trying to prioritize my health by eating real food at a reasonable hour during my shift. If there’s a chance there’s a baby in there I really have to up my nutrition game. So I got the side of veggies from the cafeteria lol.

5 dpo today. Might test on 9dpo just to indulge the POAS urge, though I doubt anything would come up that early even if I was pregnant. Ideally I’d wait until 11dpo, and even then a line isn’t guaranteed. We’ll see how crazy I get by then. Wishing work was consistently busy instead of switching from chaos to calm every few hours, now I’m sitting here bored and thinking about whether I’m pregnant or not. The two week wait is the worst :cry:

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