General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Dobs don’t kill me, I don’t remember 9/11. I was only a couple years old. SO remembers it, he’s a year older. I have vague memories of worry but I don’t know if they’re from 2001 or hearing stories later. We had no family in NYC, just upstate NY. SO has a ton of family in NYC (all were okay). I know every year after my dad and I watched the footage/documentaries about it on 9/11. I’ve seen those towers collapse way too many times, and I’m an emotional person, so it makes me cry to hear those last phone calls. I still make myself watch it every year anyway. We started talking about 9/11 every year in school when I was probably 7. But it wasn’t as emotional to us because we didn’t remember it, we weren’t having flashbacks to staring at the TV watching the live coverage like our teachers definitely were. We were somber, we knew it was a terrible day, but it’s impossible for us to have the same reaction as someone who lived through that day fully aware of what was happening.

ANYWAY. Happy thoughts.

I appreciate you having good thoughts about my timing :haha: Honestly if I don’t get pregnant from sex O-5 I’m going to cry so much, because now my app won’t give me safe days that late and I probably won’t have another chance of early O causing pregnancy. So SO better have sperm that live as long as his family members (relatively speaking) because his family lives a LONG time, they all make it to their 90s.

Winter re: the antibiotics

That’s interesting about pregnant women. I wonder if it has something to do with the baby sending stem cells to protect against the infection? Idk, other immunocompromised people tend to take COVID very hard, like people with diabetes tend to get hit hard. I’ve also seen a lot about increased fetal death when the mom gets COVID unfortunately, but I think that was happening more with the original variant, I don’t hear about it much now.
I texted my sister to tell her about the small chance of pregnancy and she was like “I just woke up from a nap where I dreamed about you telling me that and you were pregnant” and I swear to God if I’m not pregnant AHHHHHH
Lol Shae it’s all good. Just crazy how time flies/we’ve reached a point where there are legal adults who weren’t alive when it happened. Have you mentioned it to your mom? I know you mentioned before she tends to have prophetic dreams.

Winter I’m so sorry you’re not feeling well! Misery does not love company. You’re so right though. It’s such a bittersweet thing to have strong symptoms. Hoping it’s a good sign that your little bean is getting nice and cozy.

AFM just two more half days then officially on winter break. I’m a little nauseated here and there, but outside of that my symptoms are completely gone. And even that is questionable because I sent a student home this morning for throwing up during class. And it’s not the usual morning sickness trigger. It’s any time something touches my neck. Still no motivation to take a bumpie since week 5. No motivation the last three days to bother with my prenatal. Forcing myself to take it. I just really can’t shake this feeling that I’m going to go in Weds and find out she’s gone. I just keep wondering how I can go from measuring two days ahead to four days behind and to only have my hcg increase 25% in two days and my symptoms to disappear shortly after. I know everyone says it’s fine but idk.

In other news I told TB it was a girl and he literally just said he doesn’t need any updates. Where have all the good men gone? Eyeroll
Dobs I did mention it to my mom. She doesn’t have a feeling one way or another. We’ll see around normal implantation time. She told me today that her blood test was negative at 11dpo when she was pregnant with me (I guess easy access to blood tests in the 90s were a doctor perk lol), so now I’m like geez I might implant late I guess? As long as I implant by 12dpo we’re good cuz I start spotting on 13dpo.

I’m sorry about the bad feeling. It does worry me because mother’s intuition is pretty powerful. I hope it’s just anxiety.

AFM started taking baby aspirin because apparently it increases your chance of successful implantation.
shae - Gonna be honest, I too just sit here smiling and nodding when you talk about cervix position and your temp and all that, but definitely keeping FX for you. Also, the gender swaying FB group I'm in has at least one member who got pg 8 days after ovulation. So, anything is possible. And happy to hear that he'd be fairly ok if you were pg now. And I agree that it's probably a pretty low chance that the baby would be born on the 11th. I know 3 people born on the 11th, all long before 2001 though, and it doesn't seem to have affected their lives much. WW2 basically started on my German grandma's 6th BDay. Kurt Cobain was found dead on my 7th BDay. Chester Bennington died the exact day Alex was born. A date is just a square on a calendar. It's people that give it meaning. Like Dobby said, it's not the same for kids these days cuz they didn't experience it on the actual day like we did. Best to wait and see if you're even pg first, but it'll all be fine regardless.

Dobby - Ya, my scan is on Wednesday. And I agree that being so far along, and with 3 guys in the house, theoretically makes a girl result that much more accurate. Plus, what are the odds I'd be in the 0.9% of incorrect results? But it'll still be comforting to hear it from a medical professional.
Keeping everything crossed that she's all good and sticky on Wednesday. How much time off do you teachers get in the States? And jeez, that's cold. His loss though.

Winter - So many cars these days have automatic lights. Dunno why some people don't just set it and forget, but anyway...
I know a bunch of women who've lost pregnancies before, especially first ones and I was so sure that Alex wasn't gonna make it out of 1st tri, but now he's almost 4.5yo. I totally get how you're feeling, but women and babies beat the odds all the time. Just take things one day at a time.
SO's cousin's wife is named Alva. She's from Dublin, born and raised. Never heard that name before her. Kinda like the name Autumn too. That was almost my sister's middle name.

Re:gifts. Alex's 2 teachers and Matthew's 3 teachers are all getting a box of chocolates and a $20 gift card for a coffee shop chain. Ended up with 2 extra boxes of chocolates, so those with probably go to the 2 directors of the daycare. And gonna bring in a big box of chocolates and a box of chocolate covered biscuits for the office staff (4 ladies including my boss). SO is getting a Sodastream (that I hope he'll like) and a few edible treats. My mom said don't get her anything cuz I "overdid" it for BDay last month. Still got her some treats though. The boys are getting about a dozen or so items each, of various sizes. And then a toy each for my niece, nephew, and a friend's toddler.

AFM, how am I like a week away from being half way done? Omg!
I ordered a couple shirts for the boys that say "Little Sister Security" to help us announce the gender on XMas when we go see family, but I have a bad feeling they won't get here in time. :/ Back up plan is probably some balloons in a box or whatever.
Started wrapping gifts last night. Trying to get a jump on things, so I'm not up hella late on the 24th.
AND SO and Alex went shopping today (cuz they're both off) and apparently bought me actual gifts. SO is not the greatest with shopping before the 24th and will repeatedly ask me what I want. But no questions this time and there are 3 already wrapped gifts for me, one from each male in the house. Almost don't care what's inside, it's just the thought. :)
Oh also what a douche re: The Boy. Who the hell doesn’t at least want updates about their child?
Pretty that’s good to know re: your gender swaying group. Speaking of, if I get pregnant it’s much more likely to be a girl, isn’t it, being O-5? I highly doubt baby would be born on 9/11 as well, I just don’t love having that as a due date. Definitely would be announcing with “due September 2022” and not specifying the exact date lol. I know someone born on Hitler’s birthday (4/20) but when you say 4/20 people think “blaze it” at most :rofl: I feel like there are very few dates that are recognizable in that format, just like major holidays that are on the same day every year and 9/11. Idk. Just praying I have an egg fertilized right now and making the trip down my fallopian tubes.

I’m very excited for your scan Wednesday, really praying that sneakpeek was right and it’s a little girl!

I really hope those shirts get to you in time, that’s such a cute way to announce to your family :)
Woke up mildly nauseous this morning. It’s most likely just acid reflux from something I ate yesterday (or didn’t eat), but of course I want it to be a good sign. I know you’re not supposed to get symptoms before implantation, though anecdotal evidence suggests otherwise. My mom first had nausea with me at 4dpo. She loves roller coasters, never has a problem with them, and she rode one and got super nauseous, nearly threw up when she got off.

My mom would tell me to stop torturing myself and that hope can be cruel. She’s not wrong.

I could fall asleep in the bathtub right now. I was like “I’ll be good and get up and shower” and that always devolves into me sitting in the tub for 2 hours first. I woke up at 5:30 to SO’s alarm for work. I didn’t get to sleep until after midnight, so I’m tired. I felt awake so I got up but now I’m like nope back to bed, no shower for you. But also the bath water is super warm and comfy and it’s cold out. A little worried about falling asleep in this tub and the water overflowing though.

ETA: it’s definitely acid reflux. But like, pregnancy causes that too, so who knows :rofl:
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Pretty that is so sweet!!!!! I love that! The shirts. The boys getting you gifts. Absolutely lovely. Cannot wait for your scan update tomorrow!

Shae yikes that’s scary when you fall asleep in the tub. I’ve had symptoms at like 5/6dpo but I implant early. Keeping my FXed but echoing the hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

Yeah. The thing is I’m not anxious. I’m really at peace. I just feel like she’s not alive in there but I’m not stressed or panicked about it. Not like with A where I was so scared all the time that I lost him. Constant nightmares and crying and asking my ob/bnb for reassurance. It’s just bizarre. Even my bloat is gone now. Like i’d be shocked at this point if I walk in and she’s there happy and healthy.
Dobby, thinking of you. I do think there is a thing about a woman's intuition but I do hope you are wrong. I had very little morning sickness with S. I only vomited 2x during that pregnancy and that was because I was brishing my teeth and was very anxious about giving a speech.

Oh and what a total dick move from TB. I understand his preference was the A word, but still rude.

Shae, I will say I get heartburn/reflux in luteal phase regardless of pregnancy status. I do hope it's because you are pregnant though. Also, so glad you Od 5 days after BD. Also, chances of a baby being born on their EDD isn't common. I don't know anyone personally that had their baby on the end.

It's okay about not have actual memory of 9/11 when it occurred. It is just a shock to those that are older that we have aged to the point of those not being alive or having memories of historic events. Just imagine in 15 to 20 years people not being alive or recall when Covid first broke out.

Pretty I hope that your original gender reveal happens. Either way, it'll be cute. Congrats on being nearly halfway there! So sweet SO stepped up husband present game :)

Winter sorry you are not feeling confident about your pregnancy. Lots of positive thoughts for this sticky baby! Yup, I used to think kegels were the be all, end all.

AFM not much going on here. Wishing everyone a merry Christmas if I don't get on here before then
Dobs :( I really hope you’re wrong but the losing bloat worries me a lot :(

I fell asleep for a split second in the tub and almost dropped my phone so I got out and went back to bed lol. I slept until 2 pm. Oops. I’ve got a bunch of Christmas cards to address still, plus laundry to do for work tomorrow, wrapping paper to buy, etc. Agh.
It's interesting to hear you ladies talk about mother's intuition because the last time I was pregnant, I just felt different. I felt less connected and just very indifferent. I was having a hard time thinking about names and picturing my future with the baby (even though it was very much wanted and planned). The day I started bleeding and began to realize I was miscarrying, I even wiped expecting to see blood earlier in the morning and thought "silly me... I'm pregnant! Why would I be expecting my period?!" Then several hours later, sure enough. So I definitely think there's something to mother's intuition. Now, I also think many of us are guarded because we don't want to face the pain of loss again. I so hope and pray your little girl is growing nice and strong, and I can't wait to read all about your appointment tomorrow!
Thanks everyone. :hugs: I’ll update you

Shae glad the phone didn’t fall in the tub! Sounds like a busy few days. Hopefully enough to help pass the tww

right?! The bloat was the last symptom to go. I have a lot of gas/a painful pressure in my abdomen. I’m just not bloated. Like I was on the verge of switching to my old mat jeans because I couldn’t even button my pants. Now I’m perfectly fine. =\

Fluek seriously it will be so surreal to see covid in textbooks/kids don’t really know what it was like. They made a “what was” the covid outbreak book and it blew my mind. I’m curious if there will be a “I survived” book as well down the line.

I hope you have a fantastic holiday!

Monroe hope you’re doing well! Good to see you pop in! Thank you for the good vibes but also the real talk.

re TB yeah I’m on no mood for his s*. I was going to tell him he’s an a** but decided just not to dignify it with a response.

In other news the superintendent just said that enrollment for kinder starts 1/11, but we can start pre-registration in two days. I’m not crying. I’m not ready to have a kindergartener. Heeeeeelllllp
Dobs omg I can’t believe A is old enough for kindergarten, I think he’s perpetually like 3 in my mind. What year was he born again?

Prayers for your scan tomorrow, hoping it’s good news but here for you if it’s not.

AFM acid reflux went away when I ate half a granola bar and went to sleep, I woke up and it was gone. I think it was just empty stomach causing issues. Working for the next 3 days, so hopefully I can be distracted enough not to think constantly about symptom spotting and all that. But we’ll see lol.
I know it was dumb but I had some spare hpts. Couldn’t sleep last night. Technically 4 hour hold (peed at midnight and 2am). Diluted the Wondfo and it didn’t get much darker like last time. Taking with a grain of salt because I’ve never ever used an hpt at week 8. I’ll know in 8-9 hours

Shae glad that work will keep you busy and keep mind of symptoms. I get it though, it is very hard not to symptom spot and am certainly guilty of doing it. Are you off Christmas? That's nice if you are.

Monroe I'm sorry about your loss.

Dobby, I know I'm dying a bit thinking of V starting Kinder next year. Ugh, not ready. It'll be so strange with her not being home with her sister's during the day.

I've only used at 8 weeks for hook effect and that's it. Just wanted to use them up before ethey expired and test for science lol FX for you
Thank you for the pep talk :) Nothing for me to do but wait for a couple of weeks until I get a scan. I have very mild nausea and some cramping, but not what I would call strong symptoms. Who knows :shrug: Just have to wait it out.

Good luck today, Pretty! Hope everything looks great and they can confirm that she's a girl ❤️ I can't believe you're halfway :shock:
And i agree- the shirts sound adorable. When are you due? May? I think that'll be such a lovely time of year to have a NB.

Shae- when can you test? Still more than a week away? I get the excitement, but don't convince yourself this is it.... Just don't want you to have sky high hopes in case it isn't. :hugs:have everything crossed for you.

Flueky- Merry Christmas to you, too! Hope your girls are suitably excited for Christmas.

Monroe- hi! How are things going for you?///

Good luck, Dobby. I do believe in Mothers intuition... But not always. I was super nervous about my LO the whole way through, and turned out all was just fine. On the other hand- felt all would be well with both mc experiences. So :shrug:. I think sometimes it's intuition, but other times anxiety and stress and what not gets in the way. I hope all is going just fine ❤️ much like my situation- things will turn out as they're going to turn out at this point. I have high hopes you'll come back to us with good news.

And I'm sorry about TB's reply. I still think he will come around. I think he is kind of setting boundaries, and wanting to start out without being committed. Doesn't have to be a dick about it though, of course.

AFM- just chugging along. Turned up to speech therapy yesterday and his therapist was out getting a covid test :shock: I was considering taking a few weeks off. Have accepted covid, but also not wanting it in first tri (don't want a fever) or late (as that's when it seems bad for pregnant women). Was just thinking a month off may make sense and probably not make a huge difference for him. :shrug: Have accepted covid isn't going away... Just working out what living with it means for us
Dobs the diluted definitely looks darker to me. Fingers crossed for good news this afternoon.

Flueks yes I have Christmas off! But I work the 3 days before and the 2 days after ugh.

Winter I’m 3dpo so I can test in 7 days.
Yikes re: speech therapist. I’m glad I already had it, so I’m less likely to get it again.

AFM woke up with acid reflux and a headache so that’s fun. Feeling better now after eating and taking an aspirin w/ Tylenol and caffeine. Working until 3pm today, so not bad.
I know I need to chill out but seeing so many studies say there’s a 10% chance of pregnancy with O-5 BD is making me like AHHHHHH, this is the highest chance I’ve ever had to be pregnant. Knowing my family’s fertility, if I’m not pregnant, it’s definitely his sperm that’s lacking in lifespan. I would be incredibly shocked if it was me. Also the sheer number of people who’ve gotten pregnant from O-5 BD makes me feel like if I’m not pregnant from this, something’s wrong with one of us fertility-wise.
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Quick, selfish update and then I'll comment properly tonight.

So, long story short, the tech didn't show me the "money shot" and when I asked if if she could see the gender, she said yes, but she would have it reviewed by the head tech and would send the report to my midwife in 2 business days. I told her about the SP test and it saying girl and she said something to the effect of "that result doesn't appear to be incorrect." And, just before I left, I kinda asked again and this time she said something like "that seems to be what it is (a girl), but we'll get that double checked."

Soooo, that sounds like it actually is a girl, right? Probably ok to tell everyone on XMas? My MW clinic is always closed on Fridays and they don't give results over the phone, so I won't get the official report until January 10th.

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