General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

I hope the test was negative, and doing it wasn't too painful for either of you, Dobby.

Seems like a good chance to make a work friend, Shae!

Just dropping in to wish you all a Merry Christmas. Really appreciative for all of you :)
Merry Christmas everyone!

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” ~Romans 15:13
I texted my mom and asked if she had any feelings and she said “nothing definitive” and then when I pressed she said her best guess was no, I’m not pregnant. So that sucks. I’m kinda sad. I know she could be wrong because it’s likely too early for implantation right now and she didn’t know people were pregnant before they could test positive in the past. But it definitely puts a damper on my hopes.
I woke up at 2 am and my temp was 97.6 as usual, then I woke up at 5:30 am and it was 98, so I’m like ??? It was 3 hours of sleep but idk if I can trust it, who knows if I woke up for a minute in the middle and forgot. I’m going with the first temp, maybe it’ll be up tomorrow morning though? I hope so.
Hey y’all!! Long time no see!! My anxious a* has been avoiding forums for obvious reasons but I’ve been thinking about you all and thought I’d drop by to see who’s still around. I am surprised and happy to see y’all here!

pink huge congratulations on the little lady!!! You will have to fill me in on how you convinced your SO for a third!

i will admit I tried to go back and find answers on things but I just have questions now lol.

dobs I am sorry for your loss; intentional or not, a loss is rough. I did find that with my own non-viable pregnancy, I had the same feeling of being totally disconnected from it. I was sad but not really upset, if that makes sense. I definitely think intuition is a thing. So tell me, are you trying to have a second? I wasn’t sure if this was a slip up or not since I saw you were testing before this one…I think…?

shae and whaaat you’re in a 2ww? How did that happen?

fluek how are you lovely? How are the ladies? I read you were considering surrogacy, are you still?

Hi winter! I don’t think we “met” but how are you?

if I missed anyone…Hi! I hope you all had a lovely holiday.

i am good :) the boys are good except my youngest is in a super crazy mean phase. I didn’t go through this with the other two so it’s been a challenge! He just throws things and hits and has fits when he doesn’t get his way — pretty standard for a 2yo I understand

we got a dog which you all may have know …? I was starting to get broody again but felt like it was a bad idea. The dog helped for a bit but now I’m feeling it again; like this desire for a last kid, and soonish since I feel like I’m just getting to be too old to have kids. But the practical side of me says don’t do it, it’s not a good financial decision, and I would be worn out mentally…and exhausted…

but also I fear I’ll regret it in the future when it’s too late to change it.

anyway I have a big pro con list in my head but I’d love opinions:)

ok back to lurking

So great to hear from you! Sorry your littlest boy is going through the terrible twos. I feel like people rarely regret having extra kids in old age, just not having more. I think you have decide if your family feels complete yet or not, or like there’s something missing, outside of just baby fever.

Re: 2WW, I’ve been using the natural cycles app to avoid pregnancy so it tells me my safe days, I gave up the diaphragm after it started causing irritation after sex, so we’re doing withdrawal on fertile days. However, my cycles have been so long all year that the app gave me through CD12 to be safe days, and I ovulated on CD17 this cycle. So I’ve got an O-5 going for me.
Gigs lovely to hear from you. I feel ya. There are times I think about a 4th, but DH got snipped and that was OUR decision. I still believe it was the right one. I am beginning to think maybe you never fully lose that desire. It isn't a constant want for a 4th and there are so many reasons it would not be good. Oh what kind of dog did you get??

Sorry about the temper tantrums. My 2 y.o. also has a tendency to throw things when mad but has been improving lately. She's typically the sweetest of all my girls.

I am still considering surrogacy but waiting for the right time to mention it to DH. I didn't want to get him potentially upset before Christmas. There are times to that I think of how my body is nearly "my own" again (breastfeeding 2 to 3x/day) and not sure I want to give up my bodily freedom again. In any case, even if we decided to go to surrogacy, it would be late next year or the first half of 2023 so I have time to have my body to myself lol. Also, waiting to see what federal judge decides about CMS mandate for Healthcare workers.

Shae fertility friend says temp is accurate with at least 3 hours sleep and taken at usual time. So FX for you.

Winter I'm thinking low Vit D may have been contributed to difficulty conceiving. The month before we conceived we went to Disney for a week and I got lots of sunshine. The month we conceived S I went to Dr at start of AF and found out my Vit D was low, so started supplements immediately as well as more outdoor time. I'm a but more of an indoor person (reading and video games are some of my fav favorite hobbies). I do think that sometimes being so stressed about ttc can hinder your chances too. Stress can raise cortisol levels which isn't good for our bodies.

Dobby sorry about the illness woes. Hope that you get the Kindergarten you want for A. I hope you got to enjoy your holiday even with everything going on :hugs:

Sorry if I forgot anyone.

AFM had a pretty good Christmas eve and Christmas. DH worked Christmas so we did our Christmas with just us and the girls on Christmas eve. They opened Santa gifts and gifts from the grands yesterday evening.

I baked a Reese cheesecake and it was delicious! My stepdad even praised it and he isn't much for dessert. I also cooked a bourbon honey glazed ham in the crockpot and heated some yeast rolls up. The grands brought a side dish each. So pretty yummy Christmas :)

I was gifted a vacuum sealer which I'm sooo excited to use :) Also, a volumizer, styling hair dryer brush. Hopefully I can figure out how to use it. I gifted DH some PS4 games, a shirt, some assorted nut gift box, and a controller to use when mobile gaming. Girls got many many presents. Too many to go over lol. I did goof up and but S a toddler size bedding set instead of twin size. I have ordered a twin size. I already laundered the toddler size so will just see if anyone I know could use it. Maybe I can donate to a local Isaiah House since it hasn't been used.

Stepped on scales thus morning. Managed to lose a little which I'm very proud of considering the holidays!
First things first: that cheesecake is amazing! It looks bakery worthy. Glad to hear that it was a huge hit with everyone! Now you've made me want to go out and have cake and coffee somewhere swanky ;) glad you had a lovely Christmas.

We had a low key day. No family, so just us. LO "got it" and was excited for Santa etc, which was really lovely. We walked through Christmas lights in a local neighborhood on Christmas Eve and he was blown away ❤️ he also seemed to understand that Santa ate the cookies we left out, and found that really funny. OH bought me a sweater, and a sweatshirt dress, which was nice. "Santa" (aka me) gifted a wave tool for my hair. Wonder if I'll manage to work out how to use it :rofl: LO got a set of Paw Patrol guys from Santa and was very happy about it. He also got lots of clothes, books, and puzzles from the extended family. We had ham for dinner, which I didn't really care for. Much bigger fan of Thanksgiving food- love turkey, cranberry and green bean casserole!

Hope everyone else had a lovely day ❤️

Nice to "meet" you Gigglebox. I used to read along sometimes a couple of years ago, and remember you :) I didn't have the guts to sign up and get involved until now. (And did take a break from reading forums, too... I was quite anxious, and as helpful as forums were, I'd also get really anxious about bad pregnancy outcomes etc.) What prompted you to take a break? I have a 2yo too :) he doesn't really have tantrums as such, but we do have an issue with throwing toys- both for fun and when frustrated #-oim 5-6w pregnant after two losses this year (mc at 7w and MMC). So, trying to be positive and excited but also terrified. :shock: I'm always on team "more babies", so I'm not good at helping people make logical decisions :lol: what are your pros and cons? I'd love to have 4-5. But that doesn't seem super likely given my age and recent difficulties. :shrug:

Hope you're doing okay Dobby. ❤️ How are you feeling after having a few days to think things over?

Shae- not long now to test! Interesting that the diaphragm caused issues. I have never even had a Dr offer me that as an option. My OB was suggesting a copper IUD. But I don't know- im not really keen on having anything placed in my body. Ive been off bc for almost a decade, and don't want to go back on it.
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Dang fluek that cheescake looks so good. I am a bit sugared out after these holidays but I can still appreciate a good cheesecake!! I didn't know you hadn't had "the talk" with hubs about surrogacy. Do you think he'll go for it? Also would it be a situation where you used your eggs/more IUI or would you do an IVF thing, with their sperm/eggs? I could definitely see myself doing that but I think hubby would be extremely opposed to it.

Shae I hope you get what you are hoping for, however I would have to say I hope you get pregnant when you both can be super excited for it. Trust me, I know how it feels to be crazy broody and not have your SO on board. Be careful with that. That's how I was with DS1; I talked hubby into it (a very NEW hubby, as we were only pregnant a month when we conceived) telling him it would likely take several months. NOPE. We were pregnant about two weeks after we had that conversation and he was NOT ready. When I had the baby, it was such a rough go. He had a hard time. The first baby is extremely tough, IMO, and even moreso for men. We were 25 & 27 at the time, stable jobs, our own home, help from grandma for babysitting, and it was still tough because he wasn't there yet emotionally. We made it through and he was 100000% better with the next kids but it was 5 years later. Just some food for thought. But regardless, I know YOU are ready and I hope it happens at a good time :hugs: ANYWAY will you be testing soon? I dare not deny my POAS needs; i'd be busting those things out at 7dpo if I were in your shoes :haha: only the cheapies though :P

Winter your name looks so dang familiar to me though, how long have you been a member? Had we said hello before? Anyway congrats on the pregnancy, I hope this is your sticky one! Just remember the most scary scenario is also usually the most unlikely one :hugs: You need to get a ticker in your signature! How old are you, if you don't mind my asking? Also just because you had difficulty this time doesn't mean anything about next time. The body is so different for each pregnancy, i swear.

Oh gosh, pros and cons on getting pregnant again....

Money. Those things are 'spensive. We are skirting by now, so I feel like another would tip us over the edge....but on the other hand, I feel like we always can make money work. I feel like people always figure it out, and we would, too. But dang boys eat a lot!

The emotional strain of recovering from surgery (I'd be having a c-section) while trying to deal with the 3 other kids. Also the physical pain of recovery. It's rough...And I am REALLY not looking forward to the entire infant stage; the lack of sleep is so brutal, and doing that on top of care-taking for the other kids....yikes. But that said, I know that phase goes by so quickly. I can't believe my youngest is going to be 3 in less than a month. Things go by so fast!

Feeding a family of 6 (my kids are so picky as is, I'm already spending too much time cooking different foods for everyone). At least me a my hubby will eat whatever, but the kids all have different tastes.

Laundry. I do everyone's and it's so monotonous and time consuming. And babies...ugh you do so much MORE laundry!

The fact that I'm 35, and now officially "advanced maternal age". I worry about defects with the baby, and the increased possibility of twins. Just basically anything going wrong with a pregnancy.

Having to find a more holistic style OBGYN who will respect my medical choices (my last one wasn't very good). But I'm sure I'd find someone....just don't want to go through it; or the appointments and all the poking and prodding for that matter.

The logistics of moving around a family to do anything, like simply errands to going to parties, etc. But on that note I know #2 is almost fully capable of buckling himself it/getting himself ready/etc, so really I'd likely just be back to dealing with 2 kids and getting them ready.

I worry about my Mom even being able to babysit for us anymore with a baby and 3 other kids....

Homeschooling 4 kids of different ages is going to be challenging. I am scared of having a girl. I am scared I'll be sad if I don't have a girl.

Not looking forward to all the baby gear around the house, more diapers, the cost of diapers and formula (my boobs are under-achievers)....and I am afraid my youngest will absolutely despise a baby.

I have a side business right now and I know once a baby comes along that will be put aside. I feel like I could build it back up when things improved, but it could also crush my business. Hard to say.

I have weight loss goals I won't be able to tackle if I get pregnant.

But I really want to experience the excitement of TTC and being pregnant again. Being pregnant is quite lovely! I really feel like I didn't embrace it as much as I could have last time. I worry if I don't have a fourth, I will regret it. Big families are so wonderful, but then I think, isn't my family a big family already?

I am scared of having a girl and what her future may hold but I am also excited about possibly finally having a daughter. Although I am also excited at the idea of having another boy. Though I worry about the ages of my kids and their behavior, I also realize that a baby at soonest 9 months away, and they will all be different; but then I worry about the age'll be 3.5-4 years between my youngest two. Right now the 3 have such a nice dynamic. Will 4 be as nice? But it could be fine! They could be older brother protectors of their youngest sibling. Also both a good friend of mine and my SIL are thinking about having another; We were all pregnant together when I was having #2. It was really fun to be pregnant with someone else; also if my SIL has another, we will once again have similar aged children, so they would have more cousins to play with. Right now her oldest and my 2nd are the same age and they're BFF's.

Ugh I don't know I have a lot of thoughts/feelings! But to be honest the more I'm writing it all down, the less thrilled I am about it. It all sounds like a lot of work; but I don't want to say "more work than it's worth" because I am spread pretty thin anyway and it's totally worth it, I obviously love my kids! And honestly, my biggest fear is that fear of regret I keep talking about.

Part of me wants to just throw caution to the wind, "try" for a couple of months, then give it up and let that time be the deciding factor (I don't want to be any older that 35 having a kid). The other part says this is a horrible idea and don't even try it!

I did mention it to hubs and though we haven't had a serious discussion, he said, "I don't think it's a good idea but I sure love practicing" which is his code for he wants unprotected BD with no P/O, ha!! I said, "try or do not try, there is no practicing!" -- he knows dang well that we're too fertile for it not to be risky! But we both also have a problem, and that problem is baby making BD is, for us, the best ever. It's super thrilling and awesome and therefore very tempting :P

Oh and last thing I will mention is I am going to get my tubes tied if ever we have a 4th. I'm considering doing it anyway but it would be an out of pocket cost and I don't think we can afford it. But wow I really hate having to play this "should we or shouldn't we do the baby thing one more time" would be so easy to just not have to make that choice. Also BD would be so much better.

And for those new to my story, I can't take hormonal BC and my uterus is weird shaped so no IUD's for me. Hubs won't get snipped (not do I want him to).

Good grief this was a word vomit if I ever saw one.
I'm 35. Which appears to be my issue... I had genetic testing done after the MMC, and the baby had a trisomy that was "incompatible with life". I also have a couple of my own issues (PCOS and thyroid- though apparently neither would influence this pregnancy/pregnancy in general once conception happens). Just hard to expect things will be different after two losses in a row. We were going to try again either December (as in now) or Jan. And I'd thought we'd actually avoided my fertile window in November. So, just all unexpected right now :shrug: it is also still early, but not having much in the way of symptoms. I feel like pregnancy/parenting has been a lot about accepting that there's only so much I can control. So, fate is already in motion on this one. I signed up in September(?) after the MMC experience. Was just looking to have some people to talk to- not many people in real life know any of this happened, and those that do haven't asked much. Everyone has been lovely on here, and it is really nice to have made some new friends who are in the same stage/mind set about babies and everything. I was reading along on and off when I was having my LO/he was a baby. I feel like a lot of people in this group were having babies then, and the forum was much busier in general.

It was interesting to read your stream of consciousness :winkwink: would I be right in summarizing it as: mind says no (or is at least more cautious)/heart says yes? Maybe your timeline idea is the way to go? Talk about setting a time frame and see what happens, and just going with that? Although I know it is hard to stop trying once you've gotten your head around having a baby, and begun to get hopeful/excited. I love hearing about new babies, so I'm terrible and will just encourage you to go for it :lol: it is weird isn't it, talking about creating new people? Were you homeschooling before covid?
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Gigs hm I feel like doing a couple months of NTNP until that timeline is up could be a good idea, but that’s just me. Give the possibility a chance and if it doesn’t happen, it wasn’t meant to be, if it does, it was.

Re: SO, he definitely doesn’t feel ready, but at the same time he’s super good with kids and while he’d definitely rather I not be yet, he’s really not stressing out at all, he’s been pretty chill and saying if it happens it happens.

I’m 7dpo now and I’ve been trying to be good, I’m trying to wait until 9dpo at least, I feel like if I test now all I’m gonna get is a negative that means nothing because it’s too early, so there’s no point. I’ve definitely been feeling to the urge to test though. Idk, so far I feel the same as usual which doesn’t fill me with hope, plus my mom’s prediction certainly doesn’t help my optimism. I’m just praying every day that God will allow me to get pregnant, this is the highest chance I’ve ever had in my life.
Shae, How is this your highest chance? If there is a story here, I couldn’t find it. Give me some brief deets. I know you dtf o-5 but was it totally unprotected? Was SO on board even with the risk? Also as an aside I wouldn’t worry about your fertility. If he’s good at pulling out, it is as effective as any BC. Hubs and I use it exclusively and only got pregnant when we wanted to, EXCEPT for the suspected chemicals where he broke a pull out rule — no re-entry after he finishes.

winter fate had another plan for you! How wonderful. Have you had an ultrasound yet?

Well hubs and I had a serious conversation about #4 and decided it would be a bad idea. If it happens on accident we’ll consider it God’s plan and go with the flow but we will not actively try. We had a lot of reasons but a big reason was we didn’t want to spread ourselves too thin.
Jeez, that was a lot of reading. Alright, here we go...

First off, Merry belated Christmas to everyone.

Winter - I think if left to his own devices, my 4yo could get himself like 75% ready to go out
in the snow on his own. lol. Glad to hear your potential mom friend replied.

shae - Can't really say that I've uped my nutrition game too much in any of my pregnancies, but this time around, I was doing intermittent fasting while working. So, no more of that. lol. Still keeping everything crossed for you, but I will agree with others that having your "princess day" first would be better. Not having to worry about who'll be watching your kid while you get ready or if they have a meltdown during the ceremony, etc. I dunno, I'm just a worrier and there's already so much to deal with leading up to and the day of a wedding.

Gigs - Hey! Good to hear from you again. I felt like I didn't have to convince SO too much. I just told him I'd like one last baby/a chance at a little girl and he didn't say no and we spent like an hour and a half discussing various ways to make it work. It took 2 cycles to get my BFP and the rest is history/still developing.
Glad you and your DH would able to come to a fairly final decision. I'm not religious, but I do believe most things happen for a reason. If a 4th LO is in your future, it'll happen and I'm sure you'll make it work.

Flueky - Wow, that cheesecake looks great. Also sounds like you got some pretty nice gifts for XMas. :) And yay for not gaining over the holidays. I haven't weighed myself in weeks. I don't feel like any of my clothes feel tighter, but those preggo pounds can creep up on you. lol

Dobby - Hope you're doing alright. <3

AFM, our XMas went alright. Went to a Chinese buffet with my mom and SO's cousin on the 24th. Presents on the morning of the 25th with my mom, then off to 2 different family gatherings. I did end up announcing the gender at each get together and then on FB. My mom screamed and everyone else was very happy and congratulatory. Today (the 26th) shoulda been a chill day, but I've decided to take this opportunity to potty train Matthew. He spent the whole day bottomless (except for while sleeping) and had a handful of accidents before his nap. After his nap, he did 3 full pees on the potty, but he was sitting on it for extended periods of time. He also seemed a little out of it and barely ate anything. I hope he's not getting sick again. Probably still just recovering from how hectic yesterday was.
But anyway, wish us better luck tomorrow.
Gigs it was totally unprotected with no withdrawal, the fertility awareness method birth control app said it was a safe day so we went for it, then I ovulated earlier than I have in over a year, making it O-5. Pullout has been working for us for 2 months now with no pregnancy, so I trust it’s pretty effective. No withdrawal, not so much :rofl:

Sounds like you’re in agreement, that’s what matters. Glad you two talked it out.

Pretty yay for announcing the gender! Good luck potty training Matthew, I hope it goes smoothly and he’s not getting sick.

AFM last night I dreamed I had a positive OPK so I took a pregnancy test and it was positive (in the dream). Really hoping that dream is right, but I’ve had dreams like that a few times before.
I don’t want to get your hopes up shae, but that is exactly how a friend of mine got pregnant irl; she ov’ed a week before her ap said she likely would. Also I’ve had a bfp dream right before every pregnancy. I’ve had dreams a ton of being pregnant (often with twins lol) but testing positive was always a day or two before it was a real one.

and just saying….if you aren’t pregnant, going forward you may want to wait until ov is confirmed before not pulling out to be on the safe side, although I know you don’t necessarily want to be on the safe side… :P

pretty I love that your mom screamed!! How darn cute. What was your family’s reaction to being pregnant a third time? Also wow can’t believe you’re potty training already! I waited until 3.5 with ds1 (we tried around 2.5ish be he didn’t get it at all), and after 3 with ds2. Ds3 is almost 3 and we haven’t tried yet but my plan is to start next week after the craziness of the holidays is through. He is definitely ready.

what is y’all thoughts on the youngest two sharing a bed? I think they want to. Right now ds3 has his own room because he sleeps terribly but I’m wondering if he would sleep better with his brother. Recently he has been waking up and crawling into our bed, so I’m wondering if he’s already in the bed with his brother, will he stay there and sleep better?
Hey. I read and have a lot to say but no energy to say it. Sorry

Gigs so good to see you. I think about you often. Bunk beds? I went through a time when I didn’t like sleeping alone, and my parents locked me out of their room. So I’d go into the twins’s room and sleep on the floor between their cribs. Sometimes it’s just needing to hear them breathing/know they’re there versus the actual physical contact. Nothing wrong with sharing a bed if it’s big enough fir them. I just like my space

pretty that’s amazing that everyone was so excited

Shae FXed I’ll be stalking for your tests in a few days

winter also stalking for your updates. I forgot when your first appointment is

flueky cheesecake looks delicious

sounds like everyone had a lovely holiday and hopefully ringing in the new year is just as nice

afm still no bleeding, they’re supposed to call me today to talk about what I want to do. Either give it one more week or just get the assist now. Leaning towards get the assist at this point. I had a pity mimosa and the pain floored me. I think it’s related to the hormones because the margarita I had the night before my bfps was the same excruciating stomach pain. Anyway I’m going to crawl back into my hole. Thank you for the well wishes. Love you all
Good to hear from you, Dobby :hugs:And good luck deciding what to do. I'm really sorry that all of this is turning out the way it is. Nothing to add, because these are all such personal decisions :hugs:Just do whatever you feel will be easiest. I know, it's a range of bad options, and you don't want any of them :cry:

Pretty- I'm so glad that everyone was excited. Especially your Mom ❤️ Love her reaction! good luck with the potty training! What approach do y'all take? I think we will wait until 3, and then do the 1 week in a single room/bottoms off approach. So, sounds kinda like what you're doing. I have read "Oh Crap! Potty Training" which is really good. She explains one approach of how to do it, and a lot of the background that has made me think, too. Basically she's like "imagine you're born, and they immediately put you in a diaper. For your whole life you've pooped like that, and now suddenly someone takes it all away and tells you not to do that any more" :rofl: Hopefully it all clicks for him very soon!

Sorry that the discussion ended in a no, Gigglebox. :hugs:I guess there's always the chance of a true oops. I think that there is a lot of wisdom in not spreading yourselves too thin. Having a baby is one of those few decisions in life that can't be undone, so trying to make the "smart" decision makes sense. :hugs:hopefully you'll stick around even if you aren't TTC :) What kind of a bed are we talking about? If there's room, I'd maybe suggest sharing a room but having separate beds. Don't want them to interfere with each others' sleep and all of that. I also wonder if that would be hard to undo in the future if either you or one of them wants their own bed, and the other one doesn't etc. Just my two cents!

Shae- I agree that the pull out method has been effective for us, too. The problem is the temptation not to :rofl: I think it makes sense when you're at a point in your life/relationship when you aren't trying to I get pregnant, but would be ok with it happening. Which more or less seems to be where y'all are at. Still hoping you get the result you want, but worried about how you'll feel if you don't. :hugs:

Thank you for the support and optimism. Feeling a bit queasy today, and have sore breasts (which I don't recall having with any other pregnancy, successful or unsuccessful) but still just feeling like it will inevitably end badly :shrug: I have a scan next week (Wednesday, I think). So just waiting until then :coffee:

Flueky- was it the instapot that you made the cheesecake in? Now I'm extra interested in getting one :rofl: does it come with a recipe book? We've loved the air fryer so much, and we've done lots of stuff with it. Maybe we're ready for a new kitchen adventure. :rofl:
Gigs I’m really praying hard that I’ll get my bfp soon, I think I’ll start testing tomorrow (9dpo), I’ve been good about waiting so far. I also don’t want to test too early and be super sad if it’s negative when it’s just too early. Idk. Agh.
The dream was very weird, I feel like it was different than the other ones. It was SO and I staring at the test and it was positive, and he was like “that’s two lines” and I felt completely stunned and frozen and then was like “it might just be like… uh…” trying to come up with a reason it’s not real :rofl: and he was like “yeah no it’s real”.
I’m a little worried because this morning I woke up sweaty down there, and it wasn’t full body night sweats but I always get night sweats a good few days before AF, and I’m concerned it’s the start of it. My temp did go up a little this morning but I woke up for a sec at 5:13 am and then fell back asleep and temped at 6:03 am, so not sure if that brief moment awake checking the time without really moving would’ve screwed it up.
I feel pretty much the same as I always do, only different thing is that I’ve been super gassy all of a sudden the past few days. My boobs don’t hurt, I’m not nauseous (well, no more than my usual acid reflux nausea after a large iced coffee). I feel fine :shrug: but I know lots of people don’t have symptoms until way after they test positive. Idk. I just know I’m going to be so so sad if I’m not pregnant. I’ve been getting half decaf coffee and trying to eat more consistently the past week in case I am pregnant, and I’ve been really good about taking my prenatals and extra folic acid. Fingers crossed.

Re: the boys, depends on the kids, some will be up all night playing and others will sleep better. Hard to tell. I shared a room with my sister for a while and we did get decent sleep, but we weren’t sharing a bed.

Dobs I’m sorry you’re not bleeding yet :( I hope they can get you taken care of sooner rather than later :hugs:
I just emotionally and logistically want her out. I had some brown spotting and cramping the last two days so I was hopefully she’d come on her own, but I want her out by the end of this week. I hate carrying her around knowing she’s already gone. I’m still miserable from whatever hcg is in my system. I just want to move on.

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