Dang fluek that cheescake looks so good. I am a bit sugared out after these holidays but I can still appreciate a good cheesecake!! I didn't know you hadn't had "the talk" with hubs about surrogacy. Do you think he'll go for it? Also would it be a situation where you used your eggs/more IUI or would you do an IVF thing, with their sperm/eggs? I could definitely see myself doing that but I think hubby would be extremely opposed to it.
Shae I hope you get what you are hoping for, however I would have to say I hope you get pregnant when you both can be super excited for it. Trust me, I know how it feels to be crazy broody and not have your SO on board. Be careful with that. That's how I was with DS1; I talked hubby into it (a very NEW hubby, as we were only pregnant a month when we conceived) telling him it would likely take several months. NOPE. We were pregnant about two weeks after we had that conversation and he was NOT ready. When I had the baby, it was such a rough go. He had a hard time. The first baby is extremely tough, IMO, and even moreso for men. We were 25 & 27 at the time, stable jobs, our own home, help from grandma for babysitting, and it was still tough because he wasn't there yet emotionally. We made it through and he was 100000% better with the next kids but it was 5 years later. Just some food for thought. But regardless, I know YOU are ready and I hope it happens at a good time

ANYWAY will you be testing soon? I dare not deny my POAS needs; i'd be busting those things out at 7dpo if I were in your shoes

only the cheapies though
Winter your name looks so dang familiar to me though, how long have you been a member? Had we said hello before? Anyway congrats on the pregnancy, I hope this is your sticky one! Just remember the most scary scenario is also usually the most unlikely one

You need to get a ticker in your signature! How old are you, if you don't mind my asking? Also just because you had difficulty this time doesn't mean anything about next time. The body is so different for each pregnancy, i swear.
Oh gosh, pros and cons on getting pregnant again....
Money. Those things are 'spensive. We are skirting by now, so I feel like another would tip us over the edge....but on the other hand, I feel like we always can make money work. I feel like people always figure it out, and we would, too. But dang boys eat a lot!
The emotional strain of recovering from surgery (I'd be having a c-section) while trying to deal with the 3 other kids. Also the physical pain of recovery. It's rough...And I am REALLY not looking forward to the entire infant stage; the lack of sleep is so brutal, and doing that on top of care-taking for the other kids....yikes. But that said, I know that phase goes by so quickly. I can't believe my youngest is going to be 3 in less than a month. Things go by so fast!
Feeding a family of 6 (my kids are so picky as is, I'm already spending too much time cooking different foods for everyone). At least me a my hubby will eat whatever, but the kids all have different tastes.
Laundry. I do everyone's and it's so monotonous and time consuming. And babies...ugh you do so much MORE laundry!
The fact that I'm 35, and now officially "advanced maternal age". I worry about defects with the baby, and the increased possibility of twins. Just basically anything going wrong with a pregnancy.
Having to find a more holistic style OBGYN who will respect my medical choices (my last one wasn't very good). But I'm sure I'd find someone....just don't want to go through it; or the appointments and all the poking and prodding for that matter.
The logistics of moving around a family to do anything, like simply errands to going to parties, etc. But on that note I know #2 is almost fully capable of buckling himself it/getting himself ready/etc, so really I'd likely just be back to dealing with 2 kids and getting them ready.
I worry about my Mom even being able to babysit for us anymore with a baby and 3 other kids....
Homeschooling 4 kids of different ages is going to be challenging. I am scared of having a girl. I am scared I'll be sad if I don't have a girl.
Not looking forward to all the baby gear around the house, more diapers, the cost of diapers and formula (my boobs are under-achievers)....and I am afraid my youngest will absolutely despise a baby.
I have a side business right now and I know once a baby comes along that will be put aside. I feel like I could build it back up when things improved, but it could also crush my business. Hard to say.
I have weight loss goals I won't be able to tackle if I get pregnant.
But I really want to experience the excitement of TTC and being pregnant again. Being pregnant is quite lovely! I really feel like I didn't embrace it as much as I could have last time. I worry if I don't have a fourth, I will regret it. Big families are so wonderful, but then I think, isn't my family a big family already?
I am scared of having a girl and what her future may hold but I am also excited about possibly finally having a daughter. Although I am also excited at the idea of having another boy. Though I worry about the ages of my kids and their behavior, I also realize that a baby at soonest 9 months away, and they will all be different; but then I worry about the age gap...it'll be 3.5-4 years between my youngest two. Right now the 3 have such a nice dynamic. Will 4 be as nice? But it could be fine! They could be older brother protectors of their youngest sibling. Also both a good friend of mine and my SIL are thinking about having another; We were all pregnant together when I was having #2. It was really fun to be pregnant with someone else; also if my SIL has another, we will once again have similar aged children, so they would have more cousins to play with. Right now her oldest and my 2nd are the same age and they're BFF's.
Ugh I don't know I have a lot of thoughts/feelings! But to be honest the more I'm writing it all down, the less thrilled I am about it. It all sounds like a lot of work; but I don't want to say "more work than it's worth" because I am spread pretty thin anyway and it's totally worth it, I obviously love my kids! And honestly, my biggest fear is that fear of regret I keep talking about.
Part of me wants to just throw caution to the wind, "try" for a couple of months, then give it up and let that time be the deciding factor (I don't want to be any older that 35 having a kid). The other part says this is a horrible idea and don't even try it!
I did mention it to hubs and though we haven't had a serious discussion, he said, "I don't think it's a good idea but I sure love practicing" which is his code for he wants unprotected BD with no P/O, ha!! I said, "try or do not try, there is no practicing!" -- he knows dang well that we're too fertile for it not to be risky! But we both also have a problem, and that problem is baby making BD is, for us, the best ever. It's super thrilling and awesome and therefore very tempting
Oh and last thing I will mention is I am going to get my tubes tied if ever we have a 4th. I'm considering doing it anyway but it would be an out of pocket cost and I don't think we can afford it. But wow I really hate having to play this "should we or shouldn't we do the baby thing one more time" game....it would be so easy to just not have to make that choice. Also BD would be so much better.
And for those new to my story, I can't take hormonal BC and my uterus is weird shaped so no IUD's for me. Hubs won't get snipped (not do I want him to).
Good grief this was a word vomit if I ever saw one.