Fluek lol on puppy that destroys toys...that was my thought, too, haha. We also did a toy purge right before xmas. I'm already itching to do one again, what with all the toys around here! They seriously have too many. We have too much stuff in general though. This past summer we actually filled a dumpster of things (granted a lot was trash in our woods) plus had a "pay what you want" yardsale where we got rid of a LOOOOOTTTT of stuff. It really felt nice to offload so much but I still feel like we have a ton. I think I'm going to get rid of a lot of clothes next....try to sell a few things and donate what doesn't sell. Hmmmm I'll have to give the instapot a try if I get a chance, but I honestly don't see myself using it too much and it may become one of those things I just don't use and another thing to get rid of. I'm also a crock pot addict, especially this time of year. I make a boat load of chili every week it seems like. My middle boy loves it, youngest sometimes likes it, and hubs and I woof it down. If you have any crock pot recipes to share, send it my way. I can send you the chili recipe I found that I've been hooked on recently. I think I've made it 4-5 times in the past month. I also made it for guests during xmas.
Winter I'm looking forward to your appointment!! I would love to see u/s pics! Regarding homeschooling, it was definitely tricky at first because I didn't know what the heck I was doing. I heard so many opinions on how to do it/which programs to use (there are a ton)...in the end I totally winged it the first year, and was nervous for an annual evaluation (which is required in my state), but it was cancelled due to covid stuff (with the schools closing and all, then cancelled assessments for homeschoolers). That was a relief, and it helped us ease in a bit. My son's been doing great though! We had started with a hodge podge of tools; mostly a variety of activity books for his grade level. Last year we signed up for time4learning, and online program, and I would make up lessons for him, and he does a lot of the leading himself -- like if he gets hyper interested in a subject, we'll research the crap out of it. Last year he was SUPER into space, so he did a lot of research on space; he learned how to look up info on line and also wrote down his findings in his notebook. He was having trouble with math as it got more complicated, so this year we added "the good and the beautiful: Math" to his curriculum and he's been doing really well with it.
DS2 is just starting out now; he's been reluctant to practice handwriting (he's only 4 so I'm not too concerned yet as he will still try here and there), but does enjoy drawing/scribbling. I just downloaded ABC mouse so we'll start there. Technically he won't be in school until the fall (staring kindergarten), but not harm in starting now

Plus they all three like ABC mouse and they have games with math, letter, etc. so why not!
All that to say, starting is the hardest part, followed by finding other homeschoolers/a support group/friends. We still haven't successfully accomplished that.
OMG A BALANCE BIKE, that's on my "to get" list and I keep forgetting!!! Thank you for reminding me!! None of mine can ride and that's my goal this year, to get all three going on it, even if ds3 is just on a trike. The other two should be able to, especially my oldest....but he has an aversion to anything remotely difficult *eye roll*
Shae how insanely odd of your mom to say the figure is pregnant! I actually saw the picture first and thought, what a sweet statue! Then I read what your mom thinks....??? I guess maybe I can see it but meh. Is your mom the type of have a lot of strong opinions on things?
Ok still broody over here but hubs and I talked one last time and he's put his foot down, so until we have a true "oops" that's it for me. I'm fertile right now so I'm sure at least part of these feelings are fueled by hormones...so I'm sure they'll subside...they have to...!