Cooked sushi is a good idea! I might try and make my own just with avocado, cucumber, cooked tuna... Though I told OH I wanted to make some and he was very skeptical

oh well, more for me! I was really strict about the food stuff last time, mostly as a mental thing more than anything else. We went for dinner at a colleague of my OH's and they grilled steak. The husband was really sweet and made a big show of mine being well done. I cut into it and it was like medium-rare, but I felt so awkward that I just ate some of it and left the rest. Anyway, going home I felt so worried and guilty, and from then just kind of adhered really strictly to the "food rules". Obviously, my LO was fine etc, but I went a bit mental with anxiety that something would go wrong. So being stupidly OTT about food kind of took that factor out of it if you know what I mean? I also never had even heard of listeria before, so that really freaked me out!
The scan was internal, which is always fun.

It just didn't seem like a top quality machine. They have machines that the ob uses for appts like this. Then they have a much better machine and a tech who does the anatomy scan, any formal growth scans etc. I saw someone's 7w scan in the gender guessing area on BnB, and it looked pretty similar to what I saw, which was reassuring. Not much to do beyond see what happens next week, but it all seemed positive, so going with that.
I don't think anyone should do a drug screen on you before you consent. I also think you should consent if it's a pregnancy thing but

just generally very big on medical autonomy.
Good luck, giggle! Sorry that the odds are so low

If it is any consolation: I think I will always want one more baby. Even if I had 5 right now, I'd be wanting another

so, at some stage (likely at either 2 or outside chance 3), I'd have to agree to be done, even though deep done I wouldn't be 100% on board. If nothing else, age eventually rules it out for all of us. Did any of you ever see Ladies of London? It's a terrible Bravo show from a few years ago... One of the women on that had a horrendous 3rd pregnancy. She had a placenta issue, and I think had to have a hysterectomy during the birth. She was really upset about it (as you would be) and her Dr was really kind. He basically said that even after having 3 kids, it is hard to accept you won't have more- she was likely done anyway, but struggled with having that decision taken away. Although very different specifics, I can see how it is hard to be done when you don't feel totally and completely on board with it.
Dobby and Giggle- sorry for your past traumas

i don't have any advice or insights to offer beyond saying I'm so sorry, and neither of you deserved whatever happened.
I'm not anti-pink walls.

or anti-pink. Some of the tiny baby pyjamas that are pink are beyond adorable.

If I have a girl, I will buy some pink stuff. I'm just not keen on the everything pink thing. Like pink car seat, pink stroller, all pink wardrobe, all pink toys... Though I wouldn't judge if I went on a playdate and someone had all that. It's just not my thing

although with that being said, I had a hot pink cell phone for years because it was like half the price of the regular black design