Shae, I’m sorry for the delayed response. If I’m being fully transparent, I was having a can’t digest anything longer than two sentences moment. I’m sorry those memories came back, and that you went through that. I’m sorry that things had to get really bad before they got better, but I am glad that they did and he’s an amazing father now.
You all are wonderful. I don’t take offense to anything you’ve said. I’d be more worried if nobody said anything because it is a very tricky and very dangerous line to flirt with. I just really want to break the cycle for A, so I get really disappointed in myself if I’m passed buzzed in front of him. And yesterday, while I was still very much giddy and playful drunk, I was at a level that I don’t want to be in front of him. So all the alcohol went down the drain this morning. Like I love my family, but there's just so much generational trauma that was passed down on both sides. I just want A to have the best life possible.
Gigs, sorry that the testing didn’t work out! That dream sounds so lovely! But also so hard when you wake up after a dream like that and reality sets in. Anxiously awaiting your test. I know his pull out game is strong, but you never know! Wow! Clearing snow definitely sounds like a workout to me. Hope the delivery comes through smoothly. And that the restaurant is open! Jk just saw that it was haha win! So sorry about the trees! And I was going to ask why was hubs home but now I know haha. Does he like it when he gets to work from home? Or is it one of those jobs that is easier on site?
Winter I’m so sorry that you didn’t get definitive reassurance at the scan due to the positioning. That’s so frustrating. But yay for a heartbeat at 7w! That’s really great news! I’m glad that the measurement on the sac is consistent with the bd timing. Also great news! I feel like a broken record LOL but to echo Gigs again

exactly my thoughts, woohoo for a bonus scan! And thanks! It's pretty bare because I never decorated the room itself. Just has a second bookshelf and the rocking chair in the corner. There's a fisher price slide, his soccer goal, a fisher price basketball hoop, the gym bar, the ball pit, and some annoying alligator ball toy thing. He's over soccer now, so it's mostly the ball pit/slide/bar that he plays with. He also has a trampoline downstairs lol. This kid is spoiled. The formal dining room is his man cave, he has his bedroom, and then that gym room. I'm pretty sure he's going to eventually be diagnosed with ADHD, they said the type of sensory processing disorder he has tends to develop into ADHD. So the gym/trampoline were our saving grace during the lockdown.
Re Taco Bell. I’d so be down for a taco binge fest lol. I’d order all the things haha.
Re my mom, this is just her. She can’t handle when her kids are sad and there’s no immediate fix, so she just either shuts down or yells. She did call an hour later because I sent kind of a b*y text about it, and I think my brother yelled at her. But by that time I was over it and didn’t want to talk to her, just wanted to go to bed. It’s just frustrating because my therapist will be like talk to your family about x,y,z but if I try they all freak the eff out. Then I get criticized for being stoic all the time. Can’t win. I do appreciate being able to vent here. My two close friends have been great, and my grandmother did talk to me a little about it this morning. She calls every day, but mostly to check on A but today was the first time she asked really how I was doing.
AFM spent all morning getting these at home kits from my district. It was insane! They ended up having to have the police department come out to manage traffic and a*hat people. I was there at 9:40 and got home at 11:50! (I live 15m away) I didn't have any snacks for A, though we did stop at McD's for his "cheese" (english muffin with two slices of cheese and he just eats the cheese... .... ...) and thankfully he snuck the iPad in the car, so I just turned on a hotspot. He was surprisingly good in the line (was supposed to be drive through but then it got so busy cops told us to park our cars and walk in). I was like ERMMMMMM we have germs but whatever you say, hot cop. Just boss me around. That's how I like it

Absolutely bonkers. And of course it came back negative. I do have a pcr scheduled on Saturday and at work they do PCR apparently. Not going to lie, I was planning to be out anyway with grievance but I wouldn’t be mad about using these use them or lose them COVID sick days. I also just got my “don’t infect your household” kit from Kaiser LOL like what good is this going to do me? And what if I actually had a household to protect. I feel bad about sending A to school. I know he’s cleared by his doctor, but golly I’d feel like crap if we gave it to anybody somehow. And in last news, I got my charger! So my old phone is charging right now lol.