General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Shae- I'm so glad that a lot seems to have happened for you out of this cycle ❤️ a pregnancy this month seemingly wasn't meant to be, but it's amazing that it has made such a change of heart for your SO. I hope the engagement happens soon, because I want to hear about the wedding planning!! And dress selection :) I hope your bread worked out! I have a bread maker, and it's super easy to use, but I have killed two loaves by using water that was hot instead of warm. I assume it killed the yeast. Lesson learned!

Giggle- your home sounds amazing. And like such an amazing place for your kids to grow up. I had a duck at one point when I was about 10, and have a soft spot for them. We did one of those school projects where you hatched eggs in an incubator etc. He was so sweet, and quite smart. He imprinted me as his Mom, and would chirp in this particular way when he saw me. Ahhhh, the memories! It was so sad when we had to give him away. He went to live on a farm that belonged to friends of friends. I do like animals, but just can't imagine having any right now with our lifestyle. I'm sorry about the BFN. I wish your OH would relent! But I get that some decisions are better made logically, than emotionally. :hugs:

Hi Katie! Thank you for stopping by and sharing ❤️ I'm so glad that you found a way to totally turn your life around.

So what's the latest for A and school, Dobby? It seems like it is all so confusing. They are probably a bit on the back foot, trying to deal with everything and pressures from every angle. Now is probably THE time to do Disney :rofl: if you're cleared to be out and about, I'd really consider it. I bet the crowds are way down, and hopefully prices are too?! Although I agree with Flueky that I wouldn't be keen if it is masked. Sorry that work has been such a mess with lack of support/subs etc. I'd really love to see an audit of where the billions in covid relief went. Because it seems like nobody did anything useful with it.

Let us know if you find a good beach spot for families in Florida, flueky! We want to do some kind of big meet up with OH's family (from lots of different places). The Florida panhandle seems like a spot that would work. Have you heard of Destin? I just remember researching that years ago, and then no family trip came of it. Exciting that V will be off to school this year. I kind of dread the end of the baby/toddler phase (I love both!) but had a friend's Dad really hype me up for school age. He said he loved when his kids were like 7/8 and started to really get into hobbies, topics, interests etc and you can start to have real chats with them. ❤️

Pretty- been thinking of you, and hope you're feeling fine both physically and mentally. Do you have any idea where you would've caught it? I hope everything is mild, and will pass soon for you. Please check in and let us know how you are. :hugs:

AFM- been feeling pretty rough the last couple of days. Been going to bed way too late, and then feel really flat and unwell the next day. Need to get a handle on that. I was very anxious in pregnancy #1, and am trying not to give back into that. I asked my OB if I can use a cream for eczema (Eucrisa). She looked it up, and said as it's topical, she thought it would be fine for a week or so. So, I went ahead and used it, and then googled for myself after a few days. It doesn't have a pregnancy category in the US, but has a fine one in Australia (no human studies, but no harm in animal studies). None the less, it says it isn't recommended, so now I feel worried and guilty. Logically, 4 days of a cream on my hand is unlikely to have done anything, illogically I feel really bad about it. I am not a glower- more of a worrier, who gains way too much weight :rofl:
Gigs right?! I mean, I’m an a*hole so I kind of get a good chuckle out of them. Usually because it’s not directed at me, and I know who it is directed at LOL. Hope you can make it out to the aquarium! Always a hit. Even if LO doesn’t fully remember it, its still fun in the moment. Sorry about the wally test,’ and I agree that focusing on you and the fam sounds like a great plan. You’re a rockstar for juggling so many responsibilities!

Fluek yeah I can’t imagine a mask in humidity lol. It’s hard enough wearing them at work here. The union at least negotiated n95s to be shipped out this week, but they were saying double mask. I had tried that the week after I got my bfp. I couldn’t make it 30m.

Winter omg that duck sounds adorable. I did see on instagram that Disneyland is discounting prices from now until April LOL. I may look into to for real but idk. I hate the idea of taking him alone, and I worry about meltdowns. So idk. Or like what would I do if he decides mid ride he wants off. I’m sure the lines are more manageable, but idk. Just a lot can go wrong, and I’d have no backup. Hugs. I know it’s hard not to worry. I’m sure all is well though. When is your repeat scan? So sorry you haven’t been feeling great. It’s definitely a cycle. Hope you can manage a good night’s rest and that resets things.

Pretty hope you’re feeling alright <3

AFM yeah idk I don’t feel like nagging the daycare about the rules on kids who just had covid. I think even if they let him go Friday, I’ll still take the day off. Not banking my sick days now anyway and I could use the Friday and Monday to recoup. Still no sub. I haven’t been able to do my sub plans because A is being extra clingy since I picked him up early on Friday. Might look into pricing on the hotel and tickets but I’m just exhausted.
I'll have to backtrack through instagram, maybe the deal was only linked through social. It was saying like up to 25% off I think. I just checked their site, and if we stay at a Disney hotel (my paranoid preference) then we're looking at close to $600 just for a couple of nights. If I drive though, we could stay out in Pasadena and just drive to the park in the AM nbd. I just like the idea of being close to the park if he gets overstimmed/ he does still nap in the middle of the day. Even if I lie and says he's not 3 yet, and let's get real with his speech delays/babbling I can get away with it, my ticket is still another $250. Plus gas prices are still insane right now, and it'll take about 3-4 tanks (at $75/tank) to get there and back. Factor in feeding ourselves, I'd be shelling out nearly a grand just for a couple of days... ... I'd be happier somewhere in the like $700 range for a 2 day excursion. Especially when he doesn't particularly give a s*. Like if I know he wanted to go and would have a blast, shut up and take my money.

Re the perks I do have a coworker who unfortunately cannot have kids and her hubs never wanted kids, but they love taking their nieces and nephews/love Disney. So they have a Disney credit card and use it to pay for everything. So they end up going to Disneyland a few times a year essentially paid for from their rewards program.

ETA the hpts must have been the reverse of hook effect. I took one today, and it's way down to 0.5. I'm still spotting off and on, but I imagine it'll stop soon. It's pretty scant. And to add salt to wounds, my cousin is scheduled to be induced to bring her baby girl into the world tonight. Sigh.
I have a friend who took her son to Disney alone, and she said it was great! This would've been pre-covid, and they went to Florida, so a slightly different moment in time. Her son was 5/6. I know what you mean about having no back up, but the flip side is that you're master of your own destiny. :shrug: I hate negotiating on what restaurant to go to etc. It just seems like a chance to make lemonade out of a crappy time, but at the same time- I get that doesn't make the drawbacks magically go away!
Yeah I mean I love traveling solo for that exact reason. I’m not worried age wise. I think 5 is a great time to go. But developmentally, he’s not really 5 in a lot of ways. So between the sensory issues and autism issues, I just don’t know that it’ll be a positive vs negative for him
That's awesome re: the credit card. Makes sense if you live close. I've never been, but maybe someday. Really sweet of them to treat their fam, too. ❤️

Yeah, that does sound very expensive. We couldn't do it without planning and saving up etc. What about a VRBO or Air BnB somewhere new, but not too far away? You guys can go out wherever if you don't have to fear covid, and have been cleared to reenter society!

And glad the HCG is dropping :hugs:
Hey all. Just caught myself up as best I could. I'm also using my laptop to reply instead of SO's desktop, so forgive me if I forget some stuff.

Dobby - Oh, I won't be painting for a while. She'll be in the master bedroom with us until Matthew gets a twin bed, or we get both boys a set of bunk beds. Possibly XMas of this year.
Glad to hear that your hcg level is finally coming down. Hopefully your cycles going forward are as calm as they can be. And I totally agree with not shelling out all that cash if your kid(s) isn't gonna really enjoy it. Do you actually think you'll go on a little trip this weekend, or are you just thinking out loud?

Flueky - That's quite a view. Are you guys that out in the open, or do you have a fence around your property?

shae - FX that propsal comes very soon. 22/2/22 does sound like a pretty perfect and memorable date. :) Hope your bread turned out well this time.

Winter - Thanks for the thread link. I'll check it out.
I'm sure the baby will be fine if you only used the cream for a few days. Do you think your unwell feeling is your poor sleep schedule or pg related?

Katie - Welcome and good for you for overcoming your addiction and sticking with it for so long.

Gigs - Sorry that your last test was definitely negative. As much as you wanted it, maybe it's better to not have to deal with a newborn and homeschooling 2 kids at the same time. Good lukc with the working out and weight loss.

Re: Raising animals for food. My paternal grandfather used to raise rabbits in the 50's in Germany. After a while, he decided he didn't want to anymore and killed the ones that were left. I don't think my (single digit aged) dad saw that part of it, but he was there when his dad was gutting them and he swears he saw one of the hearts "thump". So, his dad picked up the heart, dusted salt on it and it started beating like crazy. Weird science and a crazy story. The stuff our parents were raised seeing and experiencing. lol

AFM, I took a rapid test on Tuesday morning and it was negative. I know I was feeling bad enough to bring some Buckley's pills with me to work on Thursday, and then was feeling worse on Friday when I got my positive. I didn't have a fever, but I feel like I spent Friday night "sweating it out" and didn't have any aches by the morning. My sore throat and ear pain is pretty well gone. My nose is back and forth between being 50-90% clear. I still have a cough, but it's mainly for getting rid of phlegm. SO and my mom have been watching the boys while I stay in Alex's room. I put a camera monitor in the living room, so I can still see them. Alex has seen me a few times in passing and kind of understands what's going on, but Matthew hasn't laid eyes on me since Friday morning. I changed his diaper in the middle of the night last night (while masked) and held him for a couple mins while he slept. SO was told Matthew needs to stay home for 10 days, but the daycare director called me and said only 5. So, I'll call on Tuesday and try to get that confirmed. I also need to only stay home for 5 days assuming my symptoms go away, which they are. Thinking about doing another test tomorrow morning and, if the test line is faint, maybe I'll hang around them with my mask on. Not seeing my kids for 5 days is bullshit.
Hey all. Just caught myself up as best I could. I'm also using my laptop to reply instead of SO's desktop, so forgive me if I forget some stuff.

Dobby - Oh, I won't be painting for a while. She'll be in the master bedroom with us until Matthew gets a twin bed, or we get both boys a set of bunk beds. Possibly XMas of this year.
Glad to hear that your hcg level is finally coming down. Hopefully your cycles going forward are as calm as they can be. And I totally agree with not shelling out all that cash if your kid(s) isn't gonna really enjoy it. Do you actually think you'll go on a little trip this weekend, or are you just thinking out loud?

Flueky - That's quite a view. Are you guys that out in the open, or do you have a fence around your property?

shae - FX that propsal comes very soon. 22/2/22 does sound like a pretty perfect and memorable date. :) Hope your bread turned out well this time.

Winter - Thanks for the thread link. I'll check it out.
I'm sure the baby will be fine if you only used the cream for a few days. Do you think your unwell feeling is your poor sleep schedule or pg related?

Katie - Welcome and good for you for overcoming your addiction and sticking with it for so long.

Gigs - Sorry that your last test was definitely negative. As much as you wanted it, maybe it's better to not have to deal with a newborn and homeschooling 2 kids at the same time. Good lukc with the working out and weight loss.

Re: Raising animals for food. My paternal grandfather used to raise rabbits in the 50's in Germany. After a while, he decided he didn't want to anymore and killed the ones that were left. I don't think my (single digit aged) dad saw that part of it, but he was there when his dad was gutting them and he swears he saw one of the hearts "thump". So, his dad picked up the heart, dusted salt on it and it started beating like crazy. Weird science and a crazy story. The stuff our parents were raised seeing and experiencing. lol

AFM, I took a rapid test on Tuesday morning and it was negative. I know I was feeling bad enough to bring some Buckley's pills with me to work on Thursday, and then was feeling worse on Friday when I got my positive. I didn't have a fever, but I feel like I spent Friday night "sweating it out" and didn't have any aches by the morning. My sore throat and ear pain is pretty well gone. My nose is back and forth between being 50-90% clear. I still have a cough, but it's mainly for getting rid of phlegm. SO and my mom have been watching the boys while I stay in Alex's room. I put a camera monitor in the living room, so I can still see them. Alex has seen me a few times in passing and kind of understands what's going on, but Matthew hasn't laid eyes on me since Friday morning. I changed his diaper in the middle of the night last night (while masked) and held him for a couple mins while he slept. SO was told Matthew needs to stay home for 10 days, but the daycare director called me and said only 5. So, I'll call on Tuesday and try to get that confirmed. I also need to only stay home for 5 days assuming my symptoms go away, which they are. Thinking about doing another test tomorrow morning and, if the test line is faint, maybe I'll hang around them with my mask on. Not seeing my kids for 5 days is bullshit.

Oh man that's awful I don't think I could stay away from my kids that long was bad enough when my 10 year old tested positive before Xmas turns out the guidance had changed to 7 days on the 22nd so he was 4 days in by then so Xmas eve and Xmas day we tested him and he wanted to come out and spend Xmas with us all, and in all honesty I eas getting separation anxiety from him was awful, hope the symptoms go soon for you love xx
Proper post later but pretty just be careful. The new guidelines are 5 days isolation if vaccinated and boostered but then it still mask indoors/around people. But I will say A likely got it from his BT, and that was with distance as much as the job allows, masking, hand sanitizer, and taking temps.
Dobs have you ever look to see if the park has special days/times for special needs kids? Around here they do that as carnivals, keeps things low key so kids with sensory issues can still enjoy it.

winter that’s so cute about your ducky friend! Did you ever see it again after it was at its new home?
Winter, right?! I’m like want to adopt me?! I have a Costco card for the money back. I think next month I get about $600 cash back. It’s not a Disney vacation, but boy is it helpful.

Pretty for sure for sure. I feel like you mentioned that, but I got goldfish memory. I probably won’t. I want to take him to SF Zoo or some other fun children’s stuff in the bay. But a lot of it is outdoors and I’m cold. And I hate driving. And again with the nap in the smack middle of the day makes things hard with trying to avoid traffic. I just hate sitting at home all day with him watching his iPad and me watching tv. I am sorry that you haven’t been able to see them. It’s so much easier when they have it but you don’t. Like idc bring on the covid germs, I want to snuggle you. But I can’t imagine it being the other way around. :( Do you have access to those like n95s or maybe so a surgical with a cloth over it? Glad to hear that the symptoms are at least easing up.

Gigs it’s been on my to do list to either email or call them and ask. I haven’t checked into it, but word of mouth from my friends with kids who have autism or adhd or both is that Disneyland hasn’t been as accommodating or helpful as you’d expect them to be. Which I kind of get. I can see people taking advantage or just the sheer volume of kids with special needs. But I haven’t checked directly. It does look like they have a Disability Access thing that would make the wait time less. And some quiet areas that are accessible for kids that are overstimulated. Does require some planning though as you’re supposed to register for the DAS two days before. Earliest I could get that done is tomorrow. Tuesday to drive down. W/Th to do parks. F to drive back up. S/Su to be exhausted. Monday I have off but the preschool is open. My mom said no though. Mostly cuz she can’t go, so I think she’ll be sad. Which she would. And he would. But like WE HAVE IMMUNITY when will we ever feel safe again?!

I’m exhausted. I spent an hour chasing A around school as he broke a million things because my stepdad was late to get him. Don’t get me wrong, I’m so glad my parents took him so I could get my sub plans done. Ever since I picked him up early on Friday, he’s been glued to me. I was about to lose it. I couldn’t type my plans. Took 3 hours to put together some shoddy plans for M-Th, and I don’t have a sub. And the science teacher is out tomorrow with no sub. So that’s at least two preps cancelled. I’m sure others will as well. And apparently there was no custodial work done last week. Everything is dirty and gross. I feel for my boss. He’s so stressed.
What a mess Dobs. Yeah count me out for running any school outside of home :haha:

well y’all, af has officially arrived. I’m fine with it and wondering if that urgency to ttc will hit me again at ov time…we’ll see I guess!

i’m feeling really motivated right now though to straighten my house. Sadly I was motivated to workout first and now my legs are jello and moving is difficult:-k
I'm glad that you're feeling well Pretty, all things considered. :hugs: Seems hopeful that you'll be right as rain after a few days. I'm not sure what I would do in your shoes (it's always easy to say, but not so easy when it's your reality!). I guess it depends on how you'd feel if the rest of the family got it. Its always possible they may already have it/you could have gotten it from them in the first place? I guess you could read up on the times when you're most contagious? I think it is the early days of infection. Just thinking that may already have passed as you said you had some symptoms for days before the +. :shrug: If you'd be really upset about anyone else getting it, I think I'd isolate until a negative or almost negative test. I think a lot of the guidelines are totally made up at this point, and not necessarily about health (ie. it's about getting people back to work asap, even if they spread it). So, you just have to think through what you think makes sense and what you're comfortable with. Also, I wouldn't put any trust in a mask preventing spread. Even CNN advises that cloth masks are useless. Sorry, it all sucks :sad2: it is interesting to hear the difference in your experience vs Shae's... I guess you have Omicron (because it seems pretty mild), and Shae had Delta (loss of taste etc)? Wild. I hope all your symptoms pass, and you don't have to worry about it all for too much longer, anyway.

I think the feeling rough is pregnancy... I had much worse MS with my LO, and with the MMC. So it seems weird that I'm not sicker. I just seem to feel decent so long as I drink a little bit of caffeine (which I didn't do with my LO) and get to bed at a decent hour. Getting nervous for the repeat scan, but hopefully all will be right on track after seeing the hb last week, and having no bleeding or pain or anything over the past week. I want to get properly dated, so I know my due date!

No, Giggle. I never saw the duck again. My parents said they called and the duck had found a new mother to adopt him, and was very happy at the farm. I don't know if they really called, or just lied to me and gave him a happy ending, no matter what the truth was ;) We did both chickens and ducks at school- one girl kept her chicken as her family had a coop. Turns out the chickens were bought from a supplier selling them to be meat. Her chicken was like twice the size of her other chickens, because it was clearly never intended to grow to adulthood. Then it dropped dead as some early age to boot. Kind of terrifying to think that this is the meat we eat (and this was like 20-25 years ago!).

Sorry that work is such a mess, Dobby. Again- it just seems so stupid that in a lot of areas, it seems like despite months to prep and tonnes of $$$, everything is still a total shambles. Hope that you get your plans done, and that your classes are taken care of. And I hope you find a way to enjoy the forced time off. When will you be back at work?
Sorry AF got you, giggle :hugs:will be interesting to see how you feel when the next round of hormones hit. Have you felt the need for another like this and it has just built up? Or did it come out of nowhere? These things do tend to work out as they should... So I hope either your OH has a change of heart, or you get to the point of not craving another. :hugs:i think logically this will be it for us. Outside chance of one more, but I cant see it happening as I'd be 37+ by then.

Good luck straightening up the house! I need to do that too :shy:
Thanks winter, I got a good bit done and am laying down now while the younger ones sleep and the older one does some science work on the computer. My ute is a crampy b* so just relaxing feels nice, only as I’ve gotten some house work done. Otherwise I just feel guilty.

oh those meat birds… *shudder* my BIL got one from tractor supply. Long story short they sold him about 20 at a discount for him to take all— turned out they actually sold all egg layers, except for two — one meat bird and one turkey poult lmao! The meat bird grew to be a sad site. She was just so large she could hardly walk. She was huge! I think it was kind of a merciful thing to process it in the end. Now the turkey we were originally going to have for thanksgiving, but it’s like we were talking about earlier— when you just have one you get attached, and my SIL did. It is a white female turkey they let free range. My SIL says it’s a good guard dog and alerts them to foxes. I’d really love a pair of turkeys but not sure how they’d do with the ducks.
Oh about broodiness…it comes and goes. I think you hit the nail on the head — my hearts says LET’S GO!!! And my head says DON’T BE AN IDIOT!!! But I get fixated in things, so if I can convert this into weight loss efforts I’ll be good.
Gigs lol idk I applaud you for homeschooling your boys and doing an incredible job at it. I feel like I'd go mad if I homeschooled A. But when it's other people's kids, it's different. Haha. I do wonder if the broodiness will come back when you O. I honestly don't want a second kid, but golly when I'm in the fertile window. I'd pretty much let anybody knock me up. It's such an intense pull. Hopefully you can rest those legs and get enough cleaning down to feel productive. But hey, you worked out! So I count today as productive regardless of cleaning. Got nothing to add. Closest I come to any meat animals are the wild turkeys that roam around the city hahahaha. The ones by my house look mangey af, but the ones by my work look pretty solid. A*hats though, They've def learned we'll all brake for them so they just waddle in the street without a care in the world.

Winter I am so with you! The guidelines at this point are clearly just about getting people back to work ASAP and not about protecting anybody. I could have direct exposure, and symptoms or not still go to work until I test positive even though they know you are contagious before you necessarily test! Or what about how it takes 2-5 days to get results?! SMH. My friend sent this hilarious reel about it. I feel bad laughing, but it's funny because it's so accurate. It does sound like things are going smoothly in your pregnancy. Which always feels like something is wrong. Excited for your next update <3 And happy you've found a routine that works to keep the MS at bay. That's crazy about the "meat" chicken! But makes sense if they're bred for size vs longevity. Does make you wonder like you said about how that impacts us as the consumers. Which is why I'm not gonna think about it :rofl:

Sounds like there is at least a body in my room. They pulled someone from the district office who has a teaching credential to take my class. Yikes. The PE teacher covered first period while it got sorted. I have 6 students out today on quarantine. 3 precautionary, 3 direct exposure. Been fielding emails left and right all morning even though I'm "off" lol. A is mad. He keeps shutting my computer and saying "all done work!"
Haha A is off to school tomorrow thank goodness

ETA just checked to see when I’ll get my results back from my test on Sat. It says expect them 1/12. Like really?! A 4 day turnaround? Especially you’re supposed to isolate five days after a positive test. I wouldn’t even know if I was smfh

ETAA spent all day answering emails. Also said G damn it and now A is just randomly say it so oops
Last edited:
Totally selfish post incoming...

Had my follow up scan and left without a clear answer, and feeling pretty low about it all. Started out using the same scan machine as last week, which is seemingly junky. Still couldn't get a clear image beyond seeing a flicking heartbeat and an ill-defined blur. So, the Dr moved me to another room and asked the tech to do a scan. So, did that and saw a HB at 153, and baby measured 7w exactly one time, and 7w1d on checking.

By LMP, I should be 9w. Timing wise, that didn't make sense, but anything less than 8w doesn't seem right either re: when I got my BFP :sad2:so, was told to be "cautiously optimistic" and come back in 2 weeks for another scan. Just feel totally deflated, and like everything I know doesn't add up right :sad2:
I'm also quite angry I didn't get a better scan last week. It did appear that things had changed in the past 6 days, but I don't have the two proper measurements to compare. :cry:
I'm so sorry you didn't get definitive good news. Will be hoping all will be well at scan in 2 weeks and their machine is just junk.

Dobby socks that you spent time working when you are supposed to be off. V sill say shit, totally my fault. She doesn't say it much anymore thankfully.

Gigs sorry about AF. I hope the broodiness doesn't return and that you can focus your energy towards getting healthier.

Pretty hope you are feeling better and able to spend time with your kids.

No. It's open field for us. One of our neighbors has a fence up so we do have it on one side. The back has some trees and vegetation so kinda like a fence lol

Will update more later

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