Winter forgot to respond re: post wedding TTC. We don’t have an exact plan for that, although he said he knows I’ll want to start trying as soon as we’re married. It’ll probably depend on what’s going on with our jobs, living situation, etc. We plan to renew the lease and our roommate wants to stay another year so that will likely effect it. Though if we get pregnant immediately after the wedding we’ll have time to let him know before we renew the lease so he can choose to get the heck out. He doesn’t like kids much so I think he would.
Yay for a positive OPK/peak fertility on the monitor! I’m glad it worked for you. I assume you have to buy disposable strips for the monitor? I feel like with my occasional cycle of ovulating 2 weeks late (like this cycle), I probably should stick to my cheapie OPKs. Usually I never know whether I’m going to have a long or short cycle but this cycle I spotted through CD16 so I was pretty sure it would be extended due to my uterus not finishing emptying until then, and that’s exactly what happened.
Anyway. Fingers crossed your OH doesn’t change his mind over money troubles. It’s a tough situation to be in but I do believe that you’ll never regret having another baby, but you may regret not having another.
For the wedding gift, ask them if they have a registry! I put gifts of all price points on my registry to make it easier for people to find things they can afford to buy and for rich aunties to find the rest

(I don’t actually have a bunch of rich aunts lol, maybe one but she exclusively buys people gag gifts lol.
Dobs wow you did go all out on Etsy! But it sounds super fun and I totally get that way with themed parties, though my issue is that usually I end up planning to make 10 different foods and it’s just not possible in one kitchen

sorry about the kid with the complicated diet, but I’m sure it means the world to your friend that you include her AND accommodate her dietary needs so she doesn’t look like the odd one out. It’s annoying for sure to deal with dietary restrictions but for people who have legit allergies or intolerances I bet it’s super appreciated when people go out of their way to include them. If they’re unappreciative or demanding then that’s when you stop inviting them, no time for that crap.
The venue we looked at this weekend offers dietary accommodation meals for no extra charge, thank God, because I have vegan and gluten free family/friends. Not many, this is New England, but the few I have do still need to be fed if they’re coming. They also offer kids meals for no extra charge so I’ll be labeling that option “Kid’s meal/picky adult’s meal” because I know some adults who won’t eat anything but chicken tenders or grilled cheese. I don’t understand it because I’ll try most things and those foods just taste like crap to me, but I don’t want people to starve because they’re picky, either.
Gigs I’d love an outdoor ceremony, but they have an indoor ceremony space for inclement weather, and they set it up if there’s even the slightest chance of rain, just to be prepared. Apparently if it rains but stops prior to the ceremony they get a leaf blower and blow all the water off the chairs
Yay for swim lessons! I couldn’t keep myself afloat until I was 10 years old so I’m glad I wasn’t exposed to deep water in those 10 years.
Flueks we did tour the venue, it was lovely! I’ll describe more another time because I keep falling asleep writing this post.
Wow, 1/2 a cow in your freezer is an insane amount of beef. Also, awesome progress pics!