General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Quick post because at the car wash lol
Shae great points on ivf. I agree in responsiveness in general, but especially for a wedding. You’re already under stress, I’m not saying they have to totally bend over backwards but I can’t imagine if you had an issue that needed addressing and potentially not hearing back for days. And I agree. Not everyone has to agree, as long as everyone is respectful it’s a shame to lose friends or family or disagreements.

Winter so sympathize with that feeling. Hugs. I know my mom kept her eggs until fairly recently. Not for her but in case something happened where I couldn’t have kids then she wanted me to have the option to use her eggs. But I do know multiple people who went with the standard implant three because the odds are low ending up with twins or triplets. My brothers being exactly that. Any big change is scary but it’s all going to work out for the best however it works out. Hugs hugs
Got the preview pics for the bouquet I ordered, they send pics of the bouquet before sending it to you. I’m very excited!
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Oh Shae it’s absolutely gorgeous!!!! I love it!!!! That is so exciting! I’m glad they sent a picture first before emailing it. And I’m glad you shared it with us!

AFM I saw OA yesterday for lunch. We had a really good restorative conversation and the goal wasn’t about getting back together or to fix anything. I had already said what I wanted, and it was his turn to explain what happened and what he’s thought about since. I did sleep with him because it’s me :rofl: but he didn’t ask, hint, touch me in the slightest without me initiating. I actually could have easily walked away end of lunch, but I wanted it so I just asked :rofl: no regrets. He will be traveling again for two weeks, and I told him I’m open to repeat. Meantime, I’ll keep my options open because I want someone who looks at me and goes wow, she is so great that I want to do the work with her. I’d love for him to turn around and be that person, but right now he isn’t. The TLDR was things in his work life are even more complicated than he let on. He said people who have formed unhealthy patterns have two choices: try really hard to change or stay in the pattern. That he doesn’t know how to balance his career ambitions and a romantic partner. He’s tried prioritizing his partner more but that led to missed promotions or being laid off, which made him resent his partner. He’s tried focusing on his career and obviously that doesn’t work for a relationship. And right now he is at a pivot point in his career that he wants to focus on his career for the next six months. So I gave him my blunt two cents on that then ultimately said I’m not his ex wives, I get to decide my boundaries, and that I know he knows I would weather the next six to eight months with him because I have my own stuff to deal with but since he’s not asking and doesn’t want to do the work with me, nothing left to say. So I’m just going to live my best life.

In other dramatic news lol my mom is getting a facelift next week. This is partly what annoyed me, I knew deep down she didn’t actually want to go to Thailand for two months lol. But she told her doctor she wanted to get it done asap since the recovery is 10 days and she wants to be good to go for A’s birthday.

And my favor bags came in! I love Etsy lol

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Dobs thanks! Glad you kept your boundaries with OA. Are facelifts super common in Cali? They’re not here. I’ve seen young people with lip fillers or nose jobs but rarely. Those are the only things that I ever hear people talk about in the light of actually getting it done, nobody ever talks about getting facelifts.

SO’s mom has been trying to convince me to check out some other venues and I’m like “but it doesn’t have a barn, I really want a barn” and she’s like “well maybe they could do an outdoor reception” and I’m like “outdoor is not a BARN” AGGGGGHHHH. She’s just trying to help but I’m like dude this is one thing I really care about having if I’m gonna have a legit venue. My coworkers were all like “is she paying for it” and I was like “no” and they were like “then book it where you want it, no need to wait”. I texted SO to let him know the situation and then we had a phone conversation about it (while I was at work) and he could tell I was super frustrated about it. I told him I was stressed because we were running out of time to get a good date and she wanted us to consider all these places still that didn’t even have what I wanted. I already found a place I really liked and wanted to book before there were no dates left. So he said since I have my heart set on the barn, we should just book it. He liked the place too, he had wanted to look at some other places just to compare (not because he was super interested in them) but agreed we really don’t have time to do that. So, I emailed the venue and they have the date I want, June 10th, 2023 at 5 pm. I claimed it! I mailed out my deposit check today.

Reminder of what it looks like:

barn during daylight hours

barn after dark

ceremony gazebo

outside of the barn

Now I have to reach out to my lead pastor and see if he’s available on that date, fingers crossed! If not there’s other pastors at our church who perform weddings. I just like the lead pastor’s style best.

Haven’t actually told SO’s mom yet, I asked SO if he would tell her because I don’t want confrontation and I’m nervous she’ll be upset. He doesn’t think she will be, but she’s his mom so he can deal with it lol. I told my family and the bridesmaids, they’re very excited.
shae - Yay for getting the date you wanted. With what little I know about weddings, I feel like nailing down a venue and date is arguably the biggest thing. So, it's nice to be able to relax a little now. Honestly, outdoorsy/rustic weddings aren't really my thing, but all the pics you've shared look really nice. FX things go smoothly from here on out.

Dobby - Alex (and Matthew) love Encanto too. I'd thought about doing an Encanto party for him, but every time I have a themed party, I always end up with too much stuff left over that I can't really use for other parties. Probably just gonna take Alex to Party City next week and see if anything strikes his fancy. Otherwise, I'll just have him choose a couple colours he likes and get plates and napkins and whatnot in those colours. All the stuff you have so far looks great though. :)
So, are you and OA gonna make a proper go of it in 6 months time, or just revisit the convo and see what you lives look like then?

Flueky - You can really see the progress between those 2 pics. So great. Already looking forward to dropping a bunch of weight once I'm done BFing.
How are you feeling since Covid? Any lingering symptoms?

Winter - Do they check the quality of your eggs before or after they fertilize them? Either way, as much as it's easier said than done, try to worry about other things. There are bigger fish to fry first. Worry about how many eggs they get, their quality, getting pg, staying pg. Just wait and see if you have any extra embryos and then take it from there.

Hope everyone else is doing well. :)

AFM, obviously been busy/adjusting to my new normal. Alex just started summer break and Matthew is only going to daycare 3 days a week. So, it'll be less stressful in the mornings, but now I also need to keep them entertained. I'm so bad at getting them out of the house for anything but shopping trips. Probably just need to say eff it and take them out and it'll get easier and more routine as time goes on.
Our Little Miss Zo is doing well. Sleeping 6-9 hours straight just about every night, on top of at least one 2+hour nap during the day. Just took her to her 1 month appt and she already weighs 10lbs 4oz. Starting to coax some smiles out of her and just trying to enjoy this time as much as possible. At this moment, I feel like I could physically and mentally handle one more, but time and finance-wise, 3 is good. lol

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Pretty so sweet! She is beautiful and gaining weight. Ah glad she is sleeping so well for you. It makes such a difference to get a good or at least decent night's sleep. Just keep soaking in those days with baby Z

Oh and also I know I don't get the girls outside as much as I "should" it's been too dang hot for one thing. It'll be 90+ without the humidity factor several days over the past 3 weeks. It's usually pretty humid too so miserable heat. Also, in your case it's hard tending to everyone when you have a newborn. It always made me a bit nervous so I tried to sneak outside while E was napping so I could easily tend to V and S.

Thank you it was so hard while BFing E because I wanted to drop weight but I tried and my supply dipped so had to remind myself to be patient. No longterm or lingering symptoms of Covid, thankfully!

Shea that venue is absolutely gorgeous!!! I know it's aggravating but I think she was trying to be helpful. So exciting you have a date set now too! Less than a year away :)

Dobby glad you kept your boundaries. Also, love Etsy! I'm glad your mom will be present for the party. Oh and all the party supplies are so cute! If I have leftover plates and napkins, I just use them up in the days after the party.

As far as your mom and the face lift, do you think since she's in process of divorce she's wanting to look younger and catch a partner? I know a lot of people have cosmetic surgery because it makes them feel better. I've decided I'm going to accept aging. I do sometimes use skin care products but definitely won't be spending money on botox, etc. I don't have a bad opinion of those that do cosmetic procedures though.

The kinderboost event for parents on day 1 was a bit lackluster but the program overall was great and very glad V was able to attend.

Winter, I'm sorry you have been feeling doubtful about IVF. Have you considered trying to implant 2? I mean there is always the risk of both being successful but also increases potential of at least one implanting successfully. I'll be praying that when your time comes next month it is successful and that the political climate hasn't F'd up ability to do IVF. :hugs:

I'll post an update on me later. Sorry if I missed anything important. I've been reading/skimming along but dang I've been exhausted.
I've been going to classes to learn about our new EMR and had meetings about the cutover. The cutover is moving around 700 to 800 patients from our current EMR into our new one that goes live on August 1st. We did do some cutover Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday while we had the EPIC team from WI at our office to work out any issues and/or assist us in the process. Our office cutover begins on July 5th. I feel pretty good. I feel like I should be able to cutover 15 to 20 patients a day as long as our intake dept has done their part. Sorry probably explained a little much.

My gallbladder gives me pain about 1 or 2x a week buy it's not severe. Thursday, my right upper abdomen started getting tender to touch and was more painful than usual but not severe. Still tender to touch but it hasn't had that pain without touching it. I go Tuesday to surgeon for consult. Going to schedule surgery for end of August or early September. Since symptoms are progressing, I feel like it's a matter of time before one blocks the bile duct and causes infection and severe pain.

Girls are doing good and same for DH. I just haven't been able to spend much time with them as I've been busy with work and having to commute almost every day. Not been able to track my food most days and not exercising as frequently so I'm only down 1 lb from 2 weeks ago. I'm just doing the best that I can during these busy and stressful times.

Anyways hope everyone has a great weekend and a 4th for those that celebrate!
I just woke up so lol

Shae! Omg that’s so freaking amazing! Not just that you booked the venue, which is huge!! But to get the date you wanted! And I really think SO gets snaps for standing by you and listening to your needs. Wedding planning is so stressful and people are going to weigh in, and it’s such a beautiful moment that he is working as a team with you. That venue is just stunning and I’m so, so excited for you!

Pretty so glad the appointment went well and Zo is growing and sleeping so well. I love her with her brothers. You can just feel the love. And lol who takes their kids out “enough”?! I sure don’t.

Fluek not gonna lie I didn’t understand any of that work stuff but it sounds like you’ve got it handled. You’ve got this! I’m sorry about the increasing pain. Hoping you get a resolution soon. Remember anything worth doing is worth doing poorly!

Safe and happy fourth weekend!

Re facelifts: I think it’s more prevalent in the liberal areas aka SF Bay and LA. Places where there’s quite a bit of keeping up with the Jones/ vanity/ extra money lol. My mom has wanted a facelift/cos surgery for years. Decades. She’s just terrified of dying during a cosmetic surgery. But all of her closest friends have gotten facelifts in the last five years, so she wants one before she goes to Thailand. She’s actually pissed that she didn’t do it married because it’s a good chunk of change and now it’s out of her pocket vs my stepdad had offered to pay for it when they were together but she just couldn’t do it. I’m just going to age lol. Idgaf. And black don’t crack anyway :rofl: my one bestie had a breast augmentation in her 20s. She lies about it but at her birthday once another friend thought I knew and putted her. I’m pretty sure she also had her booty done, but she hasn’t owned up to that but girl I’ve known you since 3rd grade lol. That’s not your butt. My other bestie gets frequent Botox. My cousin did her breasts/booty. It’s super common. I will say as I get older my butt isn’t as great as it used to be so I get the appeal and I’m still self conscious about my lack of chest, but not enough to go spend that kind of money or get surgery. Ask me again in ten years lol

ETA the girl that’s too long version of the OA response. I saw a reel that sums it up “He may love you, he probably thinks about you all the time, but that isn’t what matters. What matters is what he’s doing about it, and what he’s doing about it is nothing.” Which he literally said to me on Wednesday so GG
Re OA honestly idk. I didn’t ask. I did say last time we’ll see each other, and he says obviously not. And I was like um what you mean when I run into you in this small town when I’m out with my family lol. He said not what he means. I asked what he meant. He didn’t say. So not my monkey not my circus. He’s clearly left the door open and said I’m the type of woman he wants to build a foundation with, but he feels so inadequate rn as a partner and father. So he’s fine taking the easy route. And that’s where I lose interest. He knows I’ll work with him through this, but he won’t ask and he doesn’t want to try. So too bad. I’ve been back online. Two guys made it to I’m not impressed but I’d give them a chance at a date, but the way this one guy asks I think he’s just looking to DTD. First he said coffee then I came back with brunch or dinner. Then he asked if I was free on the freaking 4th to find something fun to do. Which maybe I’m over analyzing but he also never asks questions about me unless I’m clearly annoyed from carrying the conversation. The other just seems a bit immature in general. They’re both my age (mid 30s) but yeah. I’m going to keep my eyes open. If OA decides he wants to try, I still really admire who he is and how he treats me so I would be open to it. I’m just not here to convince anyone to see my worth/be with me. ETA the other reason I’d be willing to try if he was, on top of me liking so much of his character that there’s a lot of things he does that I hope A grows up to do. He’s so into consent and so respectful when it comes to certain things he does for me. And I tell people all the time, that should be your first question when dating with kids. Does this person model what I want for my kids? The way we communicate when we disagree is so healthy. And his respect for women in general is phenomenal. And he is a good to his daughter/ involved dad. And he is ambitious and driven. The only thing I don’t want A to pick up from him is this quitter attitude lol. So over dating lol.
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Pretty ahhh baby Zoe is so cute! I’m glad she’s sleeping well.

Flueks sorry about the gallbladder, I hope they can get it out before the pain becomes severe/it gets infected.

Dobs that’s interesting about facelifts. Re: the venue, his mom called today and he told her we booked it, and she was all “why didn’t you check out this place and this place, it’s cheaper” and he was like “we had concerns about the responsiveness, they still haven’t gotten back to us, and shae really wanted a barn” and he was just repeating “I know” over and over into the phone ugh. So of course after the phone call it caused an argument that we can’t afford this etc and I’m like see this is why she needs to stop, it causes issues. He calmed down though. The deposit is nonrefundable to we’re locked in (lucky for me).
Shae I'm sorry that the phone call led to an argument, but it sounds like it was a pretty short lived one. Hugs. And exactly! You're locked in. But in all seriously, sure you may have splurged a little on the venue but, in my opinion, the three most important purchases are your venue, your dress, and your photographer. You can absolutely get savvy with other aspects of your wedding, but if you cut corners on those then things fall apart real quick. Yes, you wanted the barn but also customer service/responsiveness is so huge. My friend cut corners and hired a photographer who only charged about half the going rate for a wedding and gave her plenty of discounts, and now they're about to go to court because she hates all of her photos and they had some billing issues. You get what you pay for. And you already ran the costs and you know you can make the barn work while staying in or near budget. Hugs hugs hugs. She'll cool down. And honestly so much of adulting is tuning out the noise and outside opinions. Smile and be respectful, but do you at the end of the day.

Yeah I remembered that the reason why she is doing it now vs 5-15 years ago! She goes to consultations every few years then bails last minute before signing. This time her hairdresser did it, and she gave her the info for where she got it done. It was like a suite in an office building, 1 woman show, it was FILTHY. She doesn't even knock the person out just does like local anesthesia. She actually booked a consult with my mom while she was in the middle of a facelift just walked out and left the woman there DOOR OPEN and came out to talk to my mom then just walked back in and went to work. Like soooooo sketchy so my mom said if her hair dresser could get it done there and not die then she feels a lot safer getting it done with a licensed person through Kaiser.

Oh so the best way I can be more concise about OA. My bff sent a song called Project. The guy talks about how he's a hot mess and he's watching his gf break trying to support him and help him. And my immediate reaction was why do you like this song? This is such a toxic situation. If he knows she won't leave him and he won't change, then he should break up with her! And then I realized that literally what OA did. Which, naturally, makes me like him even more that he did the right thing because he cares about me. I just wish it was a cared about me enough to do the hard work. Ya know? Anyway I put off cleaning for a week so I hope everyone enjoyed the weekend!
Dobs yikes I’m surprised the hairdresser didn’t have complications getting it in done at some unlicensed sketchy place. I’m glad your mom is going for a licensed practice. I’d be terrified to let anyone near my face with sharp objects, especially when it’s meant to alter my face. I can’t even commit to a tattoo because I’m scared I won’t like it and I’ll cry like when I got my hair done in February 2020 and it came out bleach blonde, I panicked and got toner put in somewhere else later that day (the original place had closed for the day) which brought it to a nice medium dirty blonde, thank God, I was so so relieved when I saw the color after the toner, but the few hours being called Britney Spears by SO’s dad were rough. Now it’s mostly grown out, my ends are light blonde but I dyed them dark ash blonde to try to match to my roots (turns out I’m not *that* ashy, but it was close enough) so now I just look like I have very dark blonde or light brown hair. Depends on the lighting.
pics taken 30 seconds apart just now for reference because why the heck not
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not sure why they’re sideways but whatever
Vs after the toner got added 2 years ago, I have no pics of the Britney blonde lol
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Shae sorry about the issues the phone call caused you and SO. I think that maybe where his family was from a lower financial class than your household was they may just be prone to being more cautious about spending money and feel like the best deal trumps your favorite. It is ultimately yours and SOs life and financial decisions to make and not theirs.

I liked your hair color either way tbh but I can get it not turning out how you expected. Also with someone teasing about it can make it worse.

Dobby omg that sounds horrific. I would be terrified to get anything done at a place like that. I hope her procedure goes smoothly.

Also, omg you are so right. Black people have amazing skin! I was shocked to learn the age of some of the black nurses I worked with because they looked so much younger.

AFM had my consult yesterday and surgery is booked towards the end of next month. My dad is going to come and stay with us for a little bit while I recovery to help out with the girls.
Flueks oh I have no pics of the Britney Spears blonde, that was after it got fixed.
I’m glad you got your surgery booked!
Does anybody else’s mobile site keep going to random sites even though you not clicking on ads? It’s happening frequently on my phone (like if I leave the bnb tab for a while then come back to it)

I second Fluek! I like all the hair colors hehe. But I get it when you have an idea of what you want/what others like may not be what you like. The teasing, even if it’s playful, sucks. My uncle used to call me fugly growing up and I wouldn’t respond. I finally snapped in my early 20s, and he was so shocked. He said that he had no clue it bothered me and he only said it because it’s so obviously not true/the opposite of the truth. Eye. Roll. My other uncle called me Beyoncé so it evened out LOL

yeah Fluek I’m not gonna everyone I know my age has those eye wrinkles, some quite extensive. But I don’t. And I don’t take particularly good care of my skin or anything and my mom got eye wrinkles younger than me. No complaints here. But even if I had them I probably wouldn’t care. I’m too tired to care about things anymore lol

So glad you got the surgery booked! And that your dad will be able to come help out!

afm nothing new lol excited to see Thor tom
shae - If you hadn't said your ends are coloured and your roots are natural, I never would've guessed. Pretty sure we've all dealt with bad dye jobs or haircuts before. At least your hair didn't get wrecked and it was an easy enough fix.
Sorry you and SO got into a bit of an argument, but sounds like you're over it now. I'm sure the extra cost will be worth it. :)

Flueky - Glad you don't have to wait too long for your surgery. My mom just had her spleen taken out a few weeks ago. She'd been having pain and swelling for months and it turned out she had stage 1 cancer. Now that her spleen's out, she's feeling a lot better and is in remission. But anyway, will they need to make a big incision or can they do it mainly laparoscopically? And does it generally take a while to recover?

Dobby - That's a really good question to ask yourself when looking for a new partner/stepparent for your child.
Well, FX your online searches yield better prospects soon.
Let us know how Thor was. I wanna see it. lol

Re: Cosmetic surgery. I think I've mentioned it before, but decent chance I'll need a tummy tuck after I lose all this baby weight plus some. Also considering a breast lift and fat transfer.

AFM, not too much to report. Set up a Registered Education Savings Plan for Zoey today. This summer is slowly filling up with various appts. Optometrist, dentist, baby wellness checks, hearing check, etc. But that's Mom Life and I love it. :)
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Shae your hair looks totally fine. Actually I don't know if I've said this before but you look like a disney princess. Like you could totally be at a theme park as Alice or something. I guess she's not a princess but ygwim. The venue is beautiful and WOW those flowers!!! Hey since you have your date set, I think it's time for a new ticker ;)

Pretty, dang, she's over a month already?! I'm impressed you're already thinking about #4! And I'm jealous, your infant officially sleeps better than my 3yo. Tell me more about this "fat transfer"...? That sounds amazing. I could use some of that, take it from my gut and give it to my boobs, haha. Regarding going out with 3, I found it easiest when #3 was young so I could just baby wear. I threw the two older kids in the cart when I shopped. Fortunately the grocery place we shop has 2 kid seats. Now that they're older, ds1 has to walk beside the cart while the other 2 ride in it. He gets annoyed but whatever lol.

Dobby sorry about all the family drama! Are you feeling ok seeing OA casually? I mean no harm in that, right? And maybe see if there is someone better/more available out there. At least he has enough self-awareness not to drag you along and try to make something happen that simply can't. How are you feeling about your mom's prospective new look? Do you think she'll go through with it this time? Is it for any reason other than vanity? You know I always thought people were crazy for getting things like face lifts done but the older I get, the more I can definitely see doing it in the future lol.

FLUEK, you look freaking amazing!!! I bet you feel awesome, too! Nice score on the cow. Maybe not what you wanted but you're set for awhile and prices ain't gettin' any cheaper! At least you save big time in the long run. We split a cow 3 ways with family last year and I loved it. There's nothing like that feeling of food security when your freezer is stocked (although it did create a new fear of a power outage haha). and omg the ground beef was so good!

MIL had her surgery. After much debate she got a lumpectomy rather than a mastectomy and had a the breast reduction done at the same time on both sides. She loves the way they look and how much weight has been lifted from her, but of course is nervous about the upcoming chemo. She starts it next month. I'm selfishly missing her babysitting services. Admittedly, I am getting insanely burnt out on the kids. Love them to pieces but dayum. They'll wear a woman down. Hubby and I had a couple hours break last weekend for a sand sculpting competition (on 4th of July -- we won!) but otherwise it's been awhile since I've had a break. I've been looking for a sitter once a week but so far no luck. Doubt we could afford it anyway. Hubby is working toward trying to take a day off a week but it's more so that he can get work done around here and have some reprieve himself, not so much for me. My Mom who was supposed to move closer hasn't made any progress towards actually doing that. She told me she was going to get a pre-approval for a loan a few weeks ago but never actually did.

otherwise, I am beyond frustrated with weight loss efforts. I have cleaned up my diet big time, rarely eat sugar, cut way back on the milk (which I thought was my downfall before as I was drinking 3-4 cups a day, but no change since cutting back to 1 cup every day or every other day), have been lifting weights regularly, and as of yesterday I was down a total of 2lbs in over a month. That's terrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and my body composition isn't changing either. I've been measuring with tape; no difference. I don't look any different either. I have no idea how to make this weight come off. It's extremely discouraging, to the point of tears....but I've been sticking to it anyway. On the plus side I am getting stronger, at least I feel like I can lift more than I used to, so that's what I'm trying to focus on because everything else sucks. There's legit no room for improvement in my diet either....I'm just at a loss and frustrated. Just needed to vent, so thanks for listening/reading!
oh also forgot to add that we feel pretty done at 3. I haven't had any more desire for another, especially with how horrid my sleep is all the time. My kids have been a handful recently, and with less help than ever it's been super trying and I don't think I could handle a fourth.

also Winter forgot to comment!! Don't let ivf freak you out. Your hubby will come around. Yes, your chance of multiples increases but that's still less likely than a singleton. I actually only know one person who did iui (had a baby) and one person who did ivf, and she ended up with triplets -- ironically they inserted 2 embryo's hoping at least one would catch; well both caught and one split! pretty wild, and definitely rare. They weren't prepared for it but they made it work and wouldn't have it any other way! It will all work out the way it's meant to :hugs:
Pretty that’s awesome you set that up! I liked Thor a lot! I wasn’t particularly excited to see it as I’ve never been a big Natalie Portman fan. I think she’s overrated and falls flat as an actress. But I enjoyed it a lot. I’m seeing it again with my brother today.

Gigs I don’t think it’s selfish at all to miss the help. That’s natural. I’m glad the surgery went well and she likes the end results. Hoping the same will be said about chemo. I wish I had some insight into the weight. Maybe it’s in the atmosphere because I’m having the same issue. I haven’t lost any weight and even my body comp hasn’t changed despite a few weeks of diet and exercise. hugs. Sorry to hear you’re still having sleep troubles. Wish I had insight on that as well. :(. Any particular reason why your mom did go through the pre approval process yet? That’d be awesome

ok questions.
OA: I honestly am in a situationship :rofl: Because I thought we had the talk and broke up in June. Then he was back to back traveling, and when we talked in person last it was more a dating break than full break up. And I’m seeing him today and this time is very much established we will be in bed all afternoon :rofl:. So idk what he’s thinking, but as far as I’m concerned he’s a fwb/situationship. I’m not looking too hard right now online because my birthday is the 17th, I’m moving 18-20th, A’s bday is the 21st, and his party the 24th, then I’m getting my classroom keys 8/1. I’ve also got A waitlisted for adaptive sports (horsemanship, swimming, soccer, and basketball) so I need to start following up. For sure, I want him on swimming. The horsemanship program would be amazing even though it’s 33 miles out one way. But I have to start nagging phone calls as the availability is super tight. Plus I need to get my unit fixed and ready to rent.

Re my mom’s facelift, I just hope it’s a good job. We were watching tv and the interviewer clearly had one and couldn’t move her mouth certain ways. So I’m just hoping it’s done well. And I hope it’s what she wants it to be because sometimes she thinks something will make her happy then it doesn’t. She’s also worried she’ll still be swollen for A’s party so hopefully that’s not the case. I am a little sad because I had hoped to overnight in Napa or do a short hahaha cruise before my birthday but she’ll be recovering so pin in that

Winter thinking of you!

AFM my old district FINALLY settled on a contract so I am hoping to get two stipends (they didn’t specify when) but one stipend should be about 4K and the other about 3k which would be so helpful to recoup some losses from fixing up my condo and going crazy on A’s birthday. Thank goodness my mom bailed me out of an impulse buy (I got A a Guardian Ethos bike and a personalized pottery barn backpack) so she said she’ll pay for the bike as long as it becomes her gift to him. I’m hoping my stepdad or grandmother will offer to buy him a desk :rofl: I’m so broke rn because I messed up my calculations for the next few months and got my deferred pay since I resigned. I basically don’t have any spending money at all until I get paid end of September.

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