General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

You're so sweet. I can get all wound up about stuff like that- it's like dating, and now I feel like it's obvious I like her more than she likes me :rofl: ! She did text back and we said we'll try and do something next week. I'll let her follow up on that and see if it actually happens. :shrug: I'm so glad that you made a Mom friend! ❤️ We had a group of 3 of us for about 3 years, all with young babies or pregnant/TTC together etc, and it was great! Then one left right before COVID, and the other left when COVID hit... I think I've been a bit lonely the last two years. I don't need lots of friends, but 3-4 would be nice!

Hope you're all doing ok, flueky :hugs:how is your oh?

And thinking of you too, dobby. :hugs:
Winter I’m glad she responded! I definitely dread having to make mom friends because I have trouble making long term friends in general, and I suck at social interaction so most people think I’m weird or bitchy. Not exactly a recipe for success. My best friend doesn’t particularly want kids, but she says she’s accepted that whoever she marries likely will and she’s okay with having kids if that’s what her spouse wants. However, she’s happy to be a cool aunt, so at least there’s that.

Gigs autocorrect is a powerful tool to fake sober :rofl:

Wedding planning updates:
We scheduled a venue tour for the 18th at the place with the barn reception. We won’t be able to eat there at the tour because we had to make it a morning tour in order to make it to SO’s great grandma’s birthday party later in the day, but I may bring my dad there for Father’s Day so we can taste the food. Here’s some pictures of the venue:
Reception barn, it has an antique candle chandelier plus decorative string lights.
Ceremony gazebo

I noticed lots of the pictures from the venue have floral arrangements on the gazebo, so I started looking at options for that. A proper florist would be like $2,500 for bouquets and decor arrangements, so I’m looking at silk flowers as a cost effective alternative. Plus, they last forever, no risk of wilted flowers and it’s a keepsake! Here’s what I’m looking at at the moment:
Gazebo floral arrangements
Bouquets for me and bridesmaids
Sorry reading but not really processing/retaining. Took a new job so I single-handedly moved my classroom home. Took five round trips. Didn’t have help because my stepdad gave my brother Covid because he’s a selfish a**. And for whatever reason my brother had a sore throat for a day but didn’t test until an hour after we went over. A’s BT also had it last week. A and I are symptomatic but testing negative on pcr and rapid. So it must just be something else because the BT exposure was a week ago and the brother exposure was 4 days. OA and I had a chat where he said right person wrong time and it’s not fair to keep me in a relationship where I’m not getting everything I dreamed. My life is basically (still) a giant s* show.
I can be very particular and sometimes bossy/stubborn/opinionated about things, and that can come off as weird and/or bitchy, so I feel you on that one! It just seems so weird that it is seemingly a struggle to make a friend or two, you know?? I mean, maybe I am weird and/or off-putting :shrug: anyway, I'll shelve my self doubt/pity party. :pop:

Giggle- how'd you meet your mom friend? And what kind of stuff have you been doing together? Share your mom friend making wisdom!!

I love your venue pictures, shae! It's all absolutely gorgeous sometimes we don't get our first preference (OH's folks' house), but what we get instead ends up being a better fit. I'd totally put that venue in this category. It looks lovely, and there are practical advantages, too. :thumbup: Lovely flower ideas in those pictures!

Big hugs, dobby :hugs:
and fwiw- I don't think your life is a s*how. I admire a lot of what you do. Being a teacher is amazing, and you have a beautiful little boy. I know a break up hurts, but you had reservations about it, and there's usually no good that comes out of trying to force it. I'm impressed with how hard you work, and how you talk about/advocate for A in the things that you've discussed on here. Hope everyone in the fam is over COVID shortly, and things start to look up :hugs:id love to hear about the new job when things settle down and you feel like sharing.

Still thinking of you, flueky, and praying for your COVID troubles to be over for the whole family shortly. :hugs:

And hoping all is going well for you with the new baby, pretty! :cloud9:
Shae bahaha definitely a sign O is near LOL Also hope that feeling passed quickly so you could shower and rest before work.

I was pretty much the same as your friend until I met DH. I didn't really want kids but figured I probably would because my partner probably would. I met DH and them I really wanted to have kids with him. I didn't get baby fever until after we got married though.

Beautiful pics of the venue and I love the bouquets!

Winter ugh it is so damn hard because I over analyze things too. I do know I'm a bit odd anyways. I miss my "old" friends but we just kind of drifted apart with our lives going very different directions. I'm glad she responded though and hope you guys can meet up next week.

Gigs when is the disc golf competition this month?

Dobby maybe rsv? I saw one of my FB friends post about her kids having rsv. Also, I'm interested to hear about your new job.

Pretty hope you all are settling in well.

AFM thanks everyone. I feel mostly better. The fever is lingering though and I just notice myself getting tired easily. Could be much worse though. I think this means I can't go to work in person until Tuesday so I will miss another one of my classes for work. Oh well, can't help it.

Hope everyone has a great weekend
Winter thanks, the venue is lovely, unfortunately we’re looking at more like $18k (including attire, rings, etc) for a wedding at a proper venue like this or anywhere else, but it’s not the end of the world. As long as I’m not spending more than $20k. Might have to do some borrowing from my parents, they offered $2k as a gift but I may need to ask them about a loan from them. My credit card limit is only $4.7k and they won’t increase it because I apparently haven’t used enough of the limit to qualify for an increase? I’ve used at least $2k multiple times but I guess that’s not enough. I know my parents’ credit card has a MUCH higher limit (understandably so, considering they’re 55 and have a credit score over 800), so I might need their help with that while we earn the funds. My debit card will decline if I try to charge a large amount, it declined at the bridal shop even though I had plenty in my account, probably because it’s a small local credit union, they tend to do that. So if I have enough in my checking it doesn’t matter, my card won’t let me charge it. SO’s family has a lot less money than us so I really don’t expect them to be able to contribute much in terms of money, although I know they are always down for volunteering their time and hard work.
Anyway. Enough money talk. Agh.

I’ve thrown many a pity party about my apparent unlikeableness, so I feel you there :hugs: college sucked. I made one long term friend, and not until junior year. Quite frankly my SO is the person who understands me the best without judgement, and it is so nice to be able to relax and not worry what someone is thinking about me, I can just be totally myself and he loves every bit of it. I have my best friend who also likes me the way I am, although I do get the occasional well intentioned judgement :rofl: other than that, I have two coworkers I also went to nursing school with that I consider my friends, just not best friends. One of them actually hated me at the beginning of nursing school cuz she thought I was a know it all and a bitch lol, but everyone really softened toward each other during the last semester, and she told me that she likes me now because I mellowed out and recognized I don’t know everything lol (she’s not wrong). My coworker friends will absolutely still judge me lol but much less harshly than the average person. I’m inviting those two to the wedding, one actually asked me if she was invited and I had been struggling with whether I should ask if she wanted to come cuz I wasn’t sure how much we were friends vs coworkers so I was like “do you want to? I didn’t know if that was weird” And she was like “um YES I want to come, you’re my friend” so that solves that.

Flueks I’m glad you’re feeling better, sorry the fever is lingering though. My mom had fevers for several days, she really turned the corner to feeling much better around when they stopped though. Hopefully that means yours will be gone soon!
Currently looking at these for the florals. Found them on Etsy.
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Having a hard time deciding between bouquets because one is a little too pink but I like all the baby’s breath, and the other has too much pure white for me but I like the greenery style. Agh. They can customize it though so I may ask for the pinker one with a bit more ivory added in to balance it out.

I’m thinking for reception tables I’ll get burlap runners and ivory blush rose petals to sprinkle along the runners (instead of expensive centerpieces). The venue provides decorative candles and white tablecloths for the tables so I think that’ll tie everything together well.
Glad that you're feeling better, flueky. Hopefully you can kick the fever, and that'll be it. How's your OH feeling? That's so interesting that you didn't get baby fever until you met your OH. Love it! With three babies quite close together, I just assumed you would've always wanted a big family. "When you know, you know", right?

You sound quite similar to me, Shae. I can definitely be a know it all #-oand I have a couple of friends from various stages of life. But I moved around a lot, so no old friends where we live now to just kind of casually hang out with. Most of my friends from earlier on are childless, too. (I'd never quite realized that!) I have a few friends from high school/college/old jobs to email/text with- but that's not quite the same. Anyway... I should probably get into some sort of hobby for myself and spend some time with adults doing some kind of common interest. Mom friends would be nice, too! Thank you for the kindness and understanding, y'all! And I feel the same about my OH, shae. He's my best friend :) but it's hard then when you rely so much on one person for everything.

I can't remember what we spent on our wedding. I'd just suggest that you think over whatever financial goals you have for the next few years. A bigger wedding isn't worth the money if it means you won't be able to have vacations for years, buy a house etc... There's some kind of happy medium where you get the day that you want without going over the top. Just my two cents!

Love the flowers- and I'd go with the design you want and swap the colors like you say. Can they send you the sample picture before doing all the bouquets? It'd be awesome if you could give some feedback on what you like and they could offer 2-3 options tailored for you. And the table design sound like a great way to tie it all together without breaking the bank. :)
Winter I need a hobby too, I really don’t have any hobbies I’m really passionate about. Unless I can find someone totally obsessed with the details of natural physiological birth, which is really more of a special interest and not a hobby… I should take up sewing or something, idk. I have a new sewing machine I got as a gift that I haven’t set up cuz idk how and haven’t bothered to look at the manual yet.

Re: the flowers, they send you a pic of them before sending them so you can ask them to tweak them if needed.

We’re definitely skimping on a lot of things for the wedding. One of the groomsmen will be the DJ, he has a degree in music production and owns big speakers and everything. The photographer will be a family friend, we were going to splurge on it but honestly we just can’t afford it. We’ll encourage guests to take pictures and post them on our hashtag or something. SO’s mom is going to make my veil. No real flowers, can’t afford them. An affordable venue that’s nice rather than an expensive absolutely breathtaking one. Gotta cut costs where we can without feeling like we’re missing out.
Shae not gonna lie idk the context because I didn’t read but those photos are really pretty.

I have a few more hectic days next week then I’ll catch up

the long short was none of the districts immediately bordering my son’s or where I’m moving are hiring externally. There’s low enrollment in the bay. I got invited to an interview Friday and forced myself to go. Ended up loving the principal and teacher. It was a tough call because I had re-committed to staying at my current school. But the commute is 20-25m instead of 35-40 and without having to cross a bridge. I’ll make 6k more than my current salary plus they pay 100% of my medical benefits for both A and me. My health premium is $950/month and dental is $130/month. That’s so huge. They’re also offering a probationary contract right off the bat, so I can have my permanent status back in two academic years and having a prob contract means I have a lot more Union/job protection than a temporary contract where I can be released without any reason. They take ten years of service credit, so I don’t lose any years of service on the pay scale. I’m scared and sad to leave, but everyone at my school said it’s the right move. We’ve been working without a contract for two years. The state is funding schools to give a COLA of 5% (usually its 2-3) to teachers but our district just wants to keep it for themselves and not pass it along again. They’re getting sued for not paying the required $150/month medical contribution. I also looked up their contract. I have to be on campus at 7:45, which is fine as A’s AM care opens at 7. Then they get out at 2:10 with no requirement to stay after school, so I can prep for the next day, run any errands, then pick up A. My mom is taking a leave so she’s also offered to tag in more/ we’ll only live less than 15 minutes away.

I just always second guess my big decisions.
Dobby that sounds amazing! More salary and what a huge difference in benefits!! I am excited for you :)

Also, I get the second guessing of big decisions. It sounds like you made the best choice to me though :)

Winter DH has been feeling better. He actually felt better quicker than me. We didn't technically plan to have all 3 kids so close. It took me 18 months to conceive dd1 so we tried for #2 when V turned 1.....we conceived that month . E was a bit of a slip up with a failed PO. So grateful for her though. DH wasn't sure about having a 3rd but I did. E is such a Daddy's girl though and he is glad we had a 3rd.

Shae I like both bouquets! We did fake flowers as well. I didn't want any allergies ruining my day.
I guess these things work out as they're mean to, Flueky! Glad that you got to have the family your wanted ❤️ and great to hear that your OH is feeling better too.

Dobby- that all sounds amazing! Better conditions/benefits, shorter commute, more pay... The pluses seems to way outweigh the risks :) it is always scary to do something new, but from what you say, it seems like it would've been crazy not to do this.

I'm so annoyed- I've been using the cb ovulation monitor thing, and today was a key day to test but I forgot and missed the testing window (they give you 6hrs). It's now looking for an LH surge. I can't see clearly online- does LH go up/stay up for a few days? Or if I missed the test and today was the day- will it not see the surge this month?
Winter typically the surge lasts 2 days for me. Some people always have short surges though. I think overall most people have a surge that lasts more than 24 hours.

AFM Weight was 166 this morning. I can't believe how close I'm getting to my goal!
Pretty loved the birth story! So glad you’re all doing well. Been loving your posts on insta <3

Gigs that’s awesome that you can hubs have a system that you can both get some time to do your own thing. I’d be wary of the raw milk just because I’d be assuming it’s got a high fat content since it hasn’t been processed. Not that I know anything, but I did Google it and the first response said raw milk typically has over 4.5% fat where store bought whole milk has 3.5%. But obviously the fat content of raw milk will vary more because it’ll be based on a bunch of factors in the cow’s life vs being processed. I do hope you find a suit that you look! It’s so easy to say it to others to love your body and accept it because it’s beautiful but so hard to turn that talk inwards. While I don’t believe in finding a suit to please others, you should feel happy and confident in what you wear and live your best life. So hoping you find the suit that makes you light up. I do agree that weight is so finicky so definitely focus on the non numerical wins as well. I’m sorry about the chemo recommendation and I’ll keep my FXed that there’s another option and, if not, that the chemo works and isn’t too hard on her. I got no insight on the u/s pics lol but I agree girl just from lack of obvious penis. There was no hiding A’s lol.

I feel y’all on the trust issues with babysitters. I haven’t used I looked at it once for au pairs but they were out of my budget. Usually when I was a teen, I was hired by word of mouth/ friends of family or family friends. In college, I was hired through a college job site. I know mentioned that you live in a pretty rural area so that may not be an option. Sorry everyone is having a tough time finding a reliable and trustworthy sitter. FXed

Flueky sorry to hear about the ultrasound results, but I’m glad you’re not worried. Idk much about that or surgery, but I hope things either resolve on their own or the surgery is minor and goes smoothly. Hoping the tractor hunt goes well! And so glad V’s birthday went well! I echo everyone else about MIL. That’s really difficult that she’s being so stubborn but you did what you could and said what you had to say. Hugs. I’m so sorry you had covid. :( Glad to hear things are improving and hopefully you’re back to 100% soon. And that everyone else in the house is holding up well too.

Winter re swimming, I haven’t gotten A lessons because he won’t listen LOL. My friend got private 1-1 in her parents’ pool for her daughter during the pandemic. I’d say she got a handle of lessons before she got into it with the teacher and fired him. I took A to the pool like 2-3 times and tossed some basic info at him (blow bubbles, kick, use your arms). We got the kids together yesterday for a pool day, and honestly you’d think my kid had the lessons and hers had never been in a pool. We do use those vests with the floats attached though because buoyancy is not a thing for either kid LOL and mine loves to jump in and swim around with no mind to how deep the water is. YES right?! Making friends as an adult sucks! We met a mom at the kinder orientation and she was like so eager to get my number and get the kids together. I told her about A’s ASD and speech and she texted back this long sweet reply that her nephews have ASD and it’s nbd. But guess who has ghosted me since! Hugs. I met a teacher who is a single mom at this training but she lives north of here and I’m moving so it’s like we’d never realistically hang out. She wants to get together next week but A- I don’t want to drive that way and B- I don’t want to build a friendship just to ditch it in a month. I do feel bad though because I know adult friend making sucks and she was so hype to get our boys together. It’s so much worse than dating. I’m glad she ended up getting back to you! Woot! Re lh surges. I test compulsively LOL. I usually get two days of positives then the the third day I’ll go negative and that’s when I O. So if I had missed the first day of my surge, I’d still see it the second day.

Shae sorry the backyard plan fell through. I’m glad you found a barn in your price point! Reminds me of the proposal with Sandra B and Ryan R. Love the pictures of the venue! I like the idea of silk flowers, especially if it’s more cost effective. I don’t know how crafty your friends are, but I know watching “Bridezillas” that DIY parties are a thing. I feel like if there was alcohol and music and my friends, I’d enjoy sitting around making centerpieces and silk floral arrangements. That’s nice that the etsy seller will show you the arrangements before fulfilling the order/ shipping. It’s not my day and both are gorgeous, but I’m right there with you. Something in between the two bouquets would be perfect. I don’t know anything about the actual wedding day, but it sounds like you’re covering all of your bases and it’s going to be a beautiful day. The wedding industry and social media just want you to think you have to spend boat loads of money. My cousin spent 50k on hers, and for what? A bunch of unnecessary show and now she can’t afford to find a place to live because she can’t afford to pay two months rent upfront and her credit sucks. So I do agree think about any impending financial goals. I know you’re eager to TTC right away. When do you want to buy a place or what’s the rent like in the area you want to raise your babies? Do you want to vacation? Are you going on a honeymoon? While I don’t think any of that should stop you from having your dream wedding, I will say that the advice I always hear from my married friends is to never take a loan to pay for your wedding. Like for me, I wouldn’t mind it just because I have equity. So when I opened the HELOC to pay for my custody battle, it’s a 10 year term with a 25,000 line of credit. I used all $25. My payment is only like $100/month and it doesn’t impact my credit score. In fact, it improved it because I paid off my credit cards, which is what really hurts your credit. So my credit score was 805 then dropped to like 720 and now is up to 864. I know the funds are tricky, but sounds like you’re really being mindful and practical about it. Hehe. I also feel you on the I know when I’m ovulating because day to day I love my life and don’t want another baby but then suddenly for a week I’ve got baby brain HAHA.

AFM well I basically filled you in haha. The only downside to this new job is that it will be work. I teach in a very proficient school, so if you don’t really show up then the kids don’t suffer academically. This school definitely needs you to actually teach haha. I’ve gotten a bit complacent though so it’ll be a good kick in the pants.

Only other new thing is I have A’s second transition meeting tomorrow. Last one was HEATED. The gen ed team is coming to this one. I did take A to meet with the kinder teachers and rsp teacher 1-1 last week. The RSP teacher was a first year fifth grade teacher when I was in fifth grade there lol. She was like I didn’t have you but I remember you were next door with Andrea! Not a lot of black kids roll through that school LOL But she was like my observation is he’s really compliant. Obviously you know his deficits but a lot of kids come in lacking the fine motor skills. She said he responded really well to the timer and if/then statements (stuff he’s been working on with his BT) and that she actually thinks he could be more independent and successful with a part time aide. My friend/ his advocate was saying if she thinks he only needs a p/t aide then she’s not going to push SDC first. Which she did say that her recommendation for gen ed would be to start with a P/T aide then check in after 3-4 weeks to make any adjustments as needed. But she did also say SDC would could be a benefit just for the smaller class size and larger teacher ratio so he may learn independence faster in that situation. But it’s K-3 and honestly A is going to adapt to his peers and I know once they put kids in SDC it’s basically impossible to get them back to gen ed despite what people say.

My mom finally woke up in her divorce and realized that everything I was saying is true. So they’re going to end up in court probably. The only thing I wasn’t shocked by but was new was that the mediator said if my stepdad’s goal is to protect the kids then they should just put everything in the kids’ names now. And my mom said sure, let’s do it! And he said no. Then they argued about the properties because my mom’s two properties will be worth far less than his two. And he was saying but the potential of her two is better because the lot sizes are huge and she could develop them into huge money makers. And my mom said with what money would I do that? And so my mom said well if you think what I’m getting is so much better then we can switch. And he immediately said no. Like I’m not shocked because it’s not about the kids at all. I know it’s not about my brother/me/A. And I had a suspicion it wasn’t about the twins and was about him/his son from his first marriage. But this just confirms it. He's trying to keep her from going to court by saying that when he signed the house to her he legally only owned half, so she only would get a 1/4 which is less than what they're negotiating now. But the thing is he lied to her and said he owned it outright. And even gave her a deed that showed they owned it together not him, her, and his ex wife. And honestly I know he stalled signing the divorce papers for his ex so I think for sure he intentionally waited to sign them until after he signed the house to my mom for this exact moment. Either way, my mom found the hidden paperwork and snagged it before she left the house to prove he lied to her. He doesn't know she has it. And he lied to her about having a key to her house because I asked her for a key and literally same day HE gave me a copy of the key saying he made it for me that morning! So hello! I told my mom he literally does divorce mediation/cases, so he wouldn't even need an attorney. He knows you'd have to go get an expensive attorney. If what he's saying is true, after a year of arguing in mediation going to court would be better for him. So obviously he doesn't want you to go to court for a reason, which is he's getting a better deal in mediation than he would in court.
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Also apparently my friend is teaching her kid how to ride a bike and I'm like wait... I probably should do that LOL but how?!

And I'm hoping my mom doesn't piss of my stepdad too much cuz I'm using his backyard for A's party. My brother is home though for the summer and I know he won't cancel on me because my brother would be PISSED. I'd say it's low key. Except I rented a pony and a petting zoo :rofl: I invited two kids from his school knowing they'll likely bring their one sibling each. My cousin and her two kids. My friend and her daughter (the one we went swimming with). And a coworker and her son. But covid numbers rising aside, half these kids have special needs. One kid has a speech delay as well, one is my kid LOL, one has moderate ASD, and one is blind. So I don't want to overstim anyone with a huge party. And this is already pushing it in my opinion as far as numbers go. My friend made a cute comment that he's just like Antonio from Encanto, so LOL that's our theme now! I have about $150 visa gift cards from the end of the year so I'm hoping I can use them to buy Amazon gift cards and find some plates and what not that way. Snagged our matchy matchy shirts off etsy (thanks Shae for mentioning etsy or I'd have forgotten I want to do matchy shirts)

And also we've hit toddler stage of running around naked and playing hide and seek with his p* so :rofl:

ETA: Had A's second meeting and he'll be starting gen ed kinder with all the supports I wanted so hahaha eat it school district. And I went to see Jurassic Park and snuck in a shot because AMC doesn't serve alcohol at 11am like Century does hahahah

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Dobs I’m glad A is getting to stay in Gen Ed with an aide, that really sounds like the best solution. I remember when I was in elementary school a couple kids had a different adult focused on helping them, I assume now it was for kids with learning disabilities or other issues requiring extra help. But, we never had kids with more than mild ASD in gen eds, just those kids who are super smart and fully functional but won’t make eye contact and are sometimes a bit too blunt due to ASD, so we didn’t realize they had ASD until at least middle school, we just thought they were a bit odd. I’m glad that’s changing and more kids with ASD are getting to interact with the neurotypical kids, I think it’s good for everyone involved.

Winter my LH surge usually peaks about 24 hours after starting (I’ll notice it’s not positive but darker than usual and it’s darkest 24 hours after that), and then probably takes another 12-24 hours to drop back down to baseline.

Speaking of which, I had an aggressively positive OPK this morning. I don’t remember if I didn’t test yesterday or if it was just negative yesterday morning. But it took long enough, it’s CD29. It’s like when my body doesn’t ovulate at the normal time it just takes another 2 weeks, idky. But I was spotting through CD16, so I wonder if something weird was just going on. Definitely not normal for me to spot that long, maybe until CD10 tops. I took a digi hpt around CD15 to be sure and it was negative. Always possible that something happened and I missed it because I got my period 2 days early and didn’t bother to test until my spotting was ending, but I’ll never know. All I know is that when I started temping at CD11 it was in pre-ovulatory temp range. I didn’t temp the previous cycle so :shrug: it’s more likely my hormones were just doing something weird.

It’s been too long since that BD where semen got on the external area so no shot there. While I’m still baby crazy during ovulation, I also don’t want to not fit into my wedding dress, and I definitely don’t want to be visibly pregnant at my wedding. And of course my hormones had me asking SO for BD but he’s exhausted from working outside in 88 degree heat with high humidity all day, so he said no.
Woot! Great news on A's school arrangements :) that sounds like a fantastic result. I hope that it all goes well, and he really thrives. And im sorry about your Mom's divorce. These events just tend to bring out the worst in people :(

The bday tshirts are adorable! ❤️

So what do you think happened to you this cycle, shae??

Bravo again on the weight loss flueky :) What weight did you start out at, again? Losing 8lb has been a grind over here. I'm in awe of your efforts :) :) :)

Thank you all for the LH surge feedback. So flipping annoying... My test window is 6-12, and I realized I missed it at 12.07. gah! I got up to test at 6am the next day, and so far no surge :( Last month the CB digital device was seemingly bang on. AF started 16 days after it said my surge began. We will see what happens this cycle...

Slight disaster over here. Washed LO's clothes and put them through the dryer. Apparently there was a glitter purple crayon that is now stained and melted all over his clothes and the drum of the dryer. Wiped out the drum with nail polish remover (works well, btw!) And now soaking the stains on the clothes with dishwashing liquid. Hope it works to fix both the clothes and the dryer ](*,)
Winter will it really just not allow you to test outside that window? That seems odd. I take an OPK whenever I wake up and get up to pee, which could be 5 am or 1 pm depending on the day.
Sorry to hear about the glitter purple crayon. That’s honestly the stuff of nightmares to me. That and tissues being in a pocket so little bits of tissue get on all the clothes. Agh.

lol nevermind on SO saying no. I basically bargained by saying no cuddles without BD and he feels that he needs cuddles to sleep well at night (even though I’ve come in to him snoring many a time). He attempted to coerce me into coming to bed by taking my phone into the bedroom and then physically picking me up to take me to bed but I resisted and he didn’t want to hurt me so he couldn’t get me off the couch :rofl: he assumed I’d get bored without my phone but I lit a candle and took out a book so he gave up and said okay to the BD so he could get cuddles before bed. And then of course some :spermy: got on the external area again, mostly my fault cuz I kept moving my body into the :spermy: trajectory field/blast zone after he pulled out :blush:. He was fully aware of what I was doing lol. So here we go again for another TWW.

Of course about 10 minutes later I was like “I’m an idiot” but that fertile brain is a real b*tch sometimes. And then another 20 minutes later my brain was like “wait, if I orgasm it increases my chances” and I hadn’t so I went and did that. Now I have very mixed feelings, a mix of regret/guilt and also desperately wanting to be pregnant. SO was like “if you get pregnant without me finishing in you I’m gonna be pissed because I didn’t even get to fully enjoy it” :rofl: understandable tbh. It’s like when I’m not fertile my desire to be pregnant is only mild, but when I am fertile all logic goes out the window. I thought wedding planning was helping, but apparently not during ovulation lol.

We tour the venue in the pictures next weekend and honestly now I’m like AHHHHH what if I get pregnant and can’t fit into my dress because I’m only a few months postpartum. :dohh: good thing I ordered a size up. I’d be due in early March. Clearly I’m getting ahead of myself here but I’m also realizing that this is really the last month I could get pregnant and potentially fit into my dress. I really gotta be smarter about avoiding (unless of course it’s too late for that).

I shall request neutral vibes/thoughts/prayers as I don’t want anti-baby stuff going up to God but I also don’t want pro-baby stuff going up to him either. In these situations I tend to stick with praying that God’s will be done and everything turn out for the best, regardless of the outcome. I don’t want to pray not to get pregnant because if I then do get pregnant, I’ll feel bad I requested the baby not to exist. Maybe that’s way overthinking but it’s where my brain goes. There should never be a time (post-fertilization) when my future baby was anything but wanted and cherished.

Okay, time to stop being neurotic and go to bed.

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