General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Okay I forced pee out of my bladder :rofl: and took a wondfo and it was negative, so I should be good. I hate that for the next 8 months I’m gonna be so stressed about the thought of being pregnant instead of joyous about the thought.
Don’t stress Shae! Really it’s only for like 4 months. After that you can easily hide a baby bump in a wedding dress ;) bummer about the venue but I’m sure it’ll be repaired with plenty of time to spare. Are they located close to a road or something?
Omg the first and only time I tried to swear sexy lingerie for hubs was a disaster. My coworker had done my makeup as a test run for my wedding (she wanted to, I figured why not?). She CAKED it on, but she was happy with. I was indifferent but felt pretty so put on something I thought was sexy and waited for hubby (finance at the time) to come home from work. I pop out of hiding and he says, in horror, “You look like my Mom!” ROFL!! I mean I can look back and laugh now but I was mortified at the time. I immediately cleaned my face and disrobed. And I never bought sexy lingerie again lol!

ugh kids screaming more later
Ok they’re playing.

the baby in distress is doing much better! He is home now. He will be monitored on an ongoing basis but so far so good. Thanks for all the positive thoughts! They are working!

winter so exciting! I love that all is looking great so far! Wow, 12 eggs?! You overachiever you! Prayers up and fingers tightly crossed that one is all you need! So many exclamation points!

ok more responsibilities will be back later
Gigs that’s true, I could hide first trimester in my dress. Regardless, AF showed right on time!
Re: the venue, the driver drove through the parking lot and into the barn, the parking lot is right on the road but the barn is behind the parking lot.
Lol at the lingerie attempt. I would’ve probably cried :rofl:
So great to hear about the baby improving!
Gigs so glad the baby is home now and improving.

Shae def could hide tri 1 plus if you're having a dry wedding. That does take care of the two major reasons to avoid pregnancy as a bride to be. I guess there's that whole morality thing but we know which direction my moral compass points lol

Sorry sick and busy.
Winter awesome about 12 eggs!! I'm stating positive that at least one will be a healthy embryo. Do you know when you go back for your next step?

Also yes sometimes I just want a big Mac from McD's. I don't think anyone is bad just because they get food from a certain place or any fast food. A frappe is a weakness for me. I do substitute with almond milk which helps but I know there is still a lot of sugar. I do sometimes opt for sugar free syrups. They make a smores frappe with sugar free syrups that is really good.This is at our local coffee stand though.

Dobby thanks for the update on Pretty. I have been wondering about here but figured she was just busy.

Hope you feel better soon.

Shae don't feel bad about no alcohol at a wedding. We didn't except we had brought a bottle of my bubbly for ourselves. It was more of a byob thing.

Also yes if you were pregnant in 1st tri or early 2nd tri you could easily conceal it. I think I starting getting a small bump around 18 weeks with my V. It was earlier each subsequent pregnancy though.

Gigs how horrible to be told that while trying to be sexy!

Glad to hear baby is home and more positive thoughts that baby will have no issues in the future.

AFM looking forward to some time off towards the end of the week. V has a field trip this week. I have to meet at the site but she can rode home with me afterwards. Got a hair cut appt too when I'm off. It's been over 6 months so I definitely need it! My weight had climbed up to 161 but I think it was part inflammation from muscle soreness and some water weight. Was down to 157.6 yesterday morning!

Been trying to work some on potty training with S. It's going so so. Hoping she will be potty trained by end of year. Will be thrilled to have only 1 in diapers!
Dobs sorry you’re sick :(

Flueks we’re not having no alcohol, just no open bar, cash bar only. Might try to spring for an open cocktail hour.

Good luck potty training S!
Okay everyone, I need honest opinions.

I’m stuck on deciding between a punny wedding hashtag and a normal one (for people sharing photos online so I can see them). It would be fun to have a punny one, but I need you guys to tell me if it just sounds dumb.

SO’s last name is Scotti, which is the (spelled differently but pronounced the same) name of a character on Star Trek, and there’s a famous line from Star Trek, “beam me up, Scotty”. My parents used to watch the show, I don’t and SO doesn’t watch it either, but when we met he had a pin on his bag that said “beam me up, Scotty”, purely because it had his last name in the quote. I thought it would be funny to make the wedding hashtag #WifeMeUpScotti but is that actually cute or if you have no knowledge of that quote does it just come off as odd? Or if you do have knowledge of that quote does it still come off as odd?
Glad that the baby's outlook Outlook is improving, Giggle ❤️
Lol at your lingerie story :rofl: What was he thinking?! Not what you were going for, but at least you got a funny story out of it?

Good luck with potty training, Flueky! Have you read Oh Crap, Potty Training? That book is the best! And have a great time on the field trip. I don't think my LO goes on one this year. I believe they used to, but seemingly the school has used covid as an excuse to kill off a few things they probably had wanted to stop doing, anyway! Apparently instead of going to a farm like they used to, they now bring a petting zoo to the school.

Hope you're feeling better, Dobby! Have you had that chat with OA? How's A doing at school?

I get the hashtag, and I think it's cute! ...But not sure if that's meaningful as im like 10 years older than you! ;) I also think that with some of these things, you should just go with what you want. If you guys like it, go ahead and use it! Everyone else just turns up and will enjoy the wedding- they don't really appreciate the little details, anyway. Do what you like, and everyone will have a good time!

AFM- finally feeling good and healthy again! I felt pretty rough for a week, and now almost two weeks post surgery, I think I'm more or less back to normal. They sent the embryos that developed off for testing, and I should have those results late next week. I have to call and report that my next cycle started, not sure if that means no transfer in October. That would be fine with me as a month to recuperate sounds nice. I also have to say that I don't want to do a hysteroscopy... Will see how that goes. I may just leave it all for right now, and discuss everything once I have my results. I am hopeful for a healthy embryo, but am trying not to get ahead of myself.
Thanks all. I am in the run down, fatigue phase but feeling a lot better. <3

Shae I remember you saying cash bar. Not sure why I suddenly started thinking you were doing a totally dry wedding. Also I’m dead. DEAD. The fact that you felt you had to explain the hashtag makes me feel old. THANKS jk jk I love you. I think it’s cute. It’s just a hashtag. And the ones I’ve seen are all majorly cringe. I think you have an obligation to be punny vs normal. I would chuckle at the hashtag, and I have definitely rolled my eyes at some I’ve seen. And you know I’m brutally honest so if I thought it was dumb then I’d tell you. I will say that I agree with Winter in the sense that the hashtag should be meaningful to both of you, and I feel like it’s funny to you but more meaningful to him. So as long as YOU like it because you came up with the punny bit then it’s a go from me.

Fluek that sounds super yummy (the s’more frappe). Can’t say I’ve even done almond milk. I’ve seen a Bailey’s wth almond milk and I think about getting it but never do LOL usually because I’m trying to talk myself out of Bailey’s in general. Hope the potty training goes smoothly! Yay new haircut! Hopefully puts a little pep in your step. How was the field trip? It is nice when you can snag your kid and go home haha.

Gigs love your pop ins <333

Winter I love that book! Did you suggest it to me? Someone in this thread suggested it, and it was AMAZE BALLS. Especially for my kid who needed things to be broken down and taught explicitly. That’s nice that there’s on campus learning even if the field trips haven’t totally been phased back in. We just had some rainforest animals visit, too! I think it’s good to hope for the best but also prepare for the not best. 12 is an amazing numbers, so keeping my FXed crossed for multiple healthy embryos.

OA cancelled on me. He flew in Friday afternoon, picked up his DD, had her until Sunday morning, then flew out Sunday afternoon. He was profusely apologetic and it even results in a voice message and a few good morning texts since. He won’t be free for a couple of weekends, which is fine. I’m busy doing my own thing.

BUT now my coworker has made it clear he’s interested. He’s the type of guy I’d swipe right on, but it’s work. And I’m not trying to get fired over dating a colleague again.

A’s IEP is this week and they’re all starting s*. It’s going to be a battle but whatever. Job stuff is good. Life is good. A’s having nightmares again though. I think one of his BTs is a b* to him, and it’s really f*ing with his psyche.
Side note CA complaining gas is now $6.80. I paid $83 to fill my tank, and I wasn’t even fully empty :cry:

yesterday was so bad my students put a tissue box next to me. I tear Friday, Sunday, and yesterday for Covid but negative. My tenant is pissing me off already lol I’m about to rat her out to her mom. Wish me luck at the iep today
Dobs I hope the IEP went well! I hate that it’sa fight for you every time. Why do they make it so difficult?

ohhh fluek we need to see the new do! And that frappe sounds good. I need to find a good chocolate replacement. I tried lily’s sugar free chocolate chips which are pretty darn delicious but give you the sh*ts if you eat too many lmao

Winter I hope they are doing that thing where they tell you it will take a week but then i only takes a couple days. Waiting is so tough! If they give you the option to start the next step this month will you opt for that or wait? As an aside I’m so blown away they can test a single cell for anything without destroying it. So wild.

shae definitely punny over serious. I dig the wire however may I might a suggestion, a small edit? What about “Bride me up, scotti!” Instead? Only because it also starts with a B. Yup that’s all I got.

and over here…
SIL has her baby today! It’s a girl!!!!! I am so darn excited, even though I basically already knew. It was nice to have it confirmed and I definitely teared up. Hopefully I will get to meet her tomorrow. I got my SIL a little necklace for her awhile back that has all the kids initials on it (she already had the girl named picked out) and I’m excited to give it to her. I hope she likes it.

i can also now give her the bag of clothes I’ve been accumulating for the baby lol

sorry for any typos, it’s late and I’m lazy
It did not. We are back to “put him in SDC or we are pulling all of his services” so yay gotta lawyer up
I'm sorry, dobby. So annoying- Im sorry everything seems to be a battle. Did they tell you why they think it needs to be like that?

And glad you're feeling better- I have some sort of cold that feels very similar to when I had covid. (Mainly that I have back pain). But I took a test and it is stark white, so :shrug:.

Congratulations on your niece, giggle! ❤️ the necklace sounds beautiful, and very heartfelt :)

Im still waiting on results.... They should be in next week. Plan is to proceed right away, as it turns out if I start the process right now, I won't be getting the transfer until late November or early December. I go through this cycle of being worried about the results, then forgetting about it, then worrying again... They are what they are, just anxious to find out!
That said he can’t access first instruction whole group even though he’s now at least sitting and appearing to listen but I know as a teacher that we only catch 60% of kids with first instruction and he was never going to be one of those kids with his disability so I told them that’s bull and if we put kids in SDC for that then half the students would be in sdc regardless of disability or not

then they said he’s disruptive because he can’t control his body and wiggles and moves too much. And I’m like yeah again that’s his adhd and you just said it has improved so much so stfu
Remind me what sdc is?

winter ugh I do not envy your waiting game but am here to listen to your venting about it all! Are you doing anything in the coming days to keep you distracted?
I just got an email with my results! 5 healthy: 3 boys/2 girls! I'm so happy. Like over the moon happy! :) I wasn't expecting to hear anything over the weekend, so that was really unexpected.

Im sorry, Dobby. From what you say, that doesn't sound that out of the ordinary for his age. He also hasn't had much time to settle in, so it seems a little premature to make such big changes. I hope you're able to get it all sorted out for him in the right way.
Shae my bad. If you can't swing a cocktail hour though, I wouldn't worry.

I like the wife punny hashtag. I'm a nerd though lol

Winter I have heard about it and know the general concept. That's what we ended up doing with V. I was mostly following it with S but she apparently isn't ready. She isn't able to fully empty from what I can tell. She had an accident, took her to potty to finish, but she had another accident within 30 minutes. It's happened 3 times so I feel like she just isn't quite ready yet. Oh well, will try again in the nearish future.

This was the first field trip in 2 years so it was a big thing for the school. They are tentatively planning a trip to the local zoo in the spring.

So happy that you had 5 healthy embryos!! Are you going to select the gender? Also that's awesome they called on a weekend!

Dobby the field trip went well. V was pretty well behaved and I wasn't chaperonning other kids. Feeling responsible over other people's kids gives me anxiety. The hair cut was okay, she did a decent job but probably won't go back to her. Potty training wasn't a success but that's okay.

Sorry about coworker being interested. I agree that it's not a good ideal mixing work and dating. It can definitely cause some workplace issues if things go south.

Sorry you have to fight so much for A to get what he deserves. It's not right how they are acting towards A.

Are you feeling better?
Gigs what about dark chocolate? It is still a bit sweet. Earing a few bites is helpful for me.

Also yeah for SIL having a baby girl! Huge congrats to them :)

How is MIL?

I'll update on myself later
I just found that book super helpful in that it kind of gets into the child's point of view. Ie. They've been in a diaper since they were born, and what you're asking of them make no sense to them initially. I think that what you're doing is the right approach- if they're not ready, just go back into diapers and try again in the future. I have a couple of friends who got stuck with half potty trained kids, and that's a nightmare! The only thing we did different from the book was waiting until he was 3/we knew he was for sure ready.

The field trip sounds lovely! Glad that it was just you and V. I agree that I don't like to be responsible for other people's kids! I hope the zoo trip goes ahead :)

I was very surprised to get the results today, but very happy! I guess we will end up picking the gender. Not sure what we will choose, though. Might see which embryo looked best and have that be a determining factor. Would love a girl, but I always wanted a sister, so kind of like the idea of having brothers :) you also only get to pick to a point. Obviously, I hope we only need to do one transfer and it works, but you never know.

I wouldn't rule out dating a coworker. I'd just say that it is only worth doing if you're sure it would be a real relationship. I don't think I would rule it out because you work together, would just tread a bit more carefully. No problem with being friends and only taking it further once you know each other etc :)
I promise I will eventually read and respond but I saw the 5 eggs!!! That’s wonderful news!!!!! I think going by which is healthiest, especially since it sounds like you have a great perspective on either outcome, is lovely. I’m so thrilled for you!

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