Glad that the baby's outlook Outlook is improving, Giggle

Lol at your lingerie story

What was he thinking?! Not what you were going for, but at least you got a funny story out of it?
Good luck with potty training, Flueky! Have you read Oh Crap, Potty Training? That book is the best! And have a great time on the field trip. I don't think my LO goes on one this year. I believe they used to, but seemingly the school has used covid as an excuse to kill off a few things they probably had wanted to stop doing, anyway! Apparently instead of going to a farm like they used to, they now bring a petting zoo to the school.
Hope you're feeling better, Dobby! Have you had that chat with OA? How's A doing at school?
I get the hashtag, and I think it's cute! ...But not sure if that's meaningful as im like 10 years older than you!

I also think that with some of these things, you should just go with what you want. If you guys like it, go ahead and use it! Everyone else just turns up and will enjoy the wedding- they don't really appreciate the little details, anyway. Do what you like, and everyone will have a good time!
AFM- finally feeling good and healthy again! I felt pretty rough for a week, and now almost two weeks post surgery, I think I'm more or less back to normal. They sent the embryos that developed off for testing, and I should have those results late next week. I have to call and report that my next cycle started, not sure if that means no transfer in October. That would be fine with me as a month to recuperate sounds nice. I also have to say that I don't want to do a hysteroscopy... Will see how that goes. I may just leave it all for right now, and discuss everything once I have my results. I am hopeful for a healthy embryo, but am trying not to get ahead of myself.