General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Winter thank you, finally seem to be over it! The drive was beautiful, leaves were gorgeous. We have visited NC many times and love it. If we moved to another states, I believe that is where we would go. We love this little town called Bryson City. In a few years I hope to rent a cabin that way and stop in Bryson City. They have train ride. DH and I did it back in 2015.

I went to Myrtle Beach, SC for the first time about 11 years ago. It is such a tourist, spring break place though. I'm not really a beach person but I would opt to go elsewhere. That being said I wouldn't mind to visit other parts of SC. I really want to go NW area like Wyoming or something.

I am excited for your transfer in December. Lots of positive thoughts for you. I have a good feeling it will work but I understand wanting to be cautious.

Shae it's not too bad for me because I'm not in charge of anyone lol I don't like actual management. I'm just considered one as an auditor. I think one positive with our transition to epic is that I don't wear as many hats so I don't know how to do everything and our current plan is that we don't know how to do ALL things so we have better work/life balance.

NE sounds beautiful. We may have to travel up that way in the fall in the future.

Dobby holy foock!!! That is absolutely disgusting that adults acted like that. Lost of positive vibes for you and A to get justice for A. It sickens me that you are having to go through this.

AFM the drive was beautiful. We tried giving E some dramamine to prevent car sickness. I choose a bad route to go to Asheville, NC because it had better views. However it is winding mountain road so she vomited 2x on the way there. We chose interstate driving for the way home and only sick 1x. Ugh, poor girl. I hope she grows out of it. We stopped at Culver's because I wanted to try the curderburger lol It's quite unhealthy but I wanted to try it. It was tasty but quite greasy. I was having some pain from where I would have gallbladder pains so I won't eat that again.

V's school picture proof came in. Picture turned out okay. Her report card came out yesterday. She was scored a 2 in all but 1 section, which she scored 3. So happy for her since she was preemie and didn't have preschool/preK. They are expected at this point to be 2s so she is on track and that makes me happy so is on track.

Also, I cannot believe E is almost 2!!! We are going to do a blippi themed party as she loves Blippi.

Not much else going on here. Hope you all have a great weekend.
Flueks sorry the Dramamine didn’t do the trick. Glad to hear V is doing well in school. So crazy that E is turning 2!

Be careful out there everyone with small kiddos, RSV cases are already crazy this year. It’s not normal in New England to see RSV cases until November and my mom has seen 25, she says it’s the worst she’s ever seen. She was actually on the news talking about it lol.

AFM I sent out save the dates yesterday! Today I’m getting some routine labs done for my PCP because technically she’s new, I was seeing someone else in the practice who left. She wanted to get a new baseline for me. She also made me a referral to neurology for my frequent migraines.
Sorry reading not retaining.Tomorrow makes two weeks out of school and no chance he'll there for Halloween.
Dobs I’m so sorry :( that’s so unfair to A, I bet he’s struggling with the change in routine. Give them hell.

AFM labs all came back perfect, my TSH was way lower than last time so last time was probably a fluke. I’ve always had near perfect lab work so the only surprise was that my HDL was finally above 60, it’s always been lower than ideal before.
Dobs I’m so sorry :( :hugs:

AFM I did a fucky wucky
I’m drunk so I did a drunk fucky wucky
Me and SO we’re both drunk and we had sex and I caught his man juice in my hand and put it right on/in my girl parts and I still haven’t ovulated this cycle so that’s an oopsie and a half. He was unamused but also drunk and is now rambling about the potential of nuclear war and being drafted.

In retrospect I regret my actions, I blame to hormones

My cervix was high for two days and no positive test and then it dropped back down so I have no clue what’s going on at this point but I hope I didn’t just ruin my honeymoon cuz then I wouldn’t get to have the Italian wine.
S* is what s* is. We have a pre-filing mediation in two weeks. I need to call them again Monday to see if they’ll order an injunction in the meantime to stop this bulls* locking him out of his classroom.

Shae, it’s alcohol. It makes us all do regrettable things. Don’t beat yourself up over it. But yes I’d be especially this cycle and the next because of your 19 day Italy honeymoon. Wine aside, at 7.5 months pregnant I can’t imagine enjoying the cuisine and it’s a lot of walking around to enjoy the history and arts. Since your trip is nearly 3 weeks long, your ob may not even let you fly internationally that late in your pregnancy. There’s also a lot of boat based activities that you may not be allowed to do. I know I couldn’t have the baby moon I wanted because of gestational restrictions. You could very well have to cancel or significantly reduce the activities of your trip if you get pregnant this cycle or next.

Flip side, a baby is a baby. Lots of people don’t have honeymoons or such lavish honeymoons. Whatever happens, it will be a wonderful path for you and SO to take together.

Sorry to everyone else. I don’t have the energy to go back and reread but I am thinking of you all and will catch up one day
Shae glad your labs were perfect!

Also ditto on what dobby said in regards to drunk sex mishap as well as honeymoons.

Have you started travel nursing yet? How do you like it or if you haven't started when do you start?

Dobby, I hope the injuction is ordered. Fricking ridiculous they are locking him out.

No worries if you never catch up. Life happens and you have a lot on your plate that is far more important than catching up here :hugs:

Gigs and Winter, thinking of you both. Hope you are well.

AFM we were going to have pictures taken of the girls and other grand babies by my SIL but she has covid. Her 4 month old hasn't been sick so hopefully she stays well. SIL's husband had it first and my nephew seems to have caught it as well. Glad to have found out before doing pictures.

Girls had a great time at the school's fall festival. They had inflatables, hayride, trick or treating, a photo op, free books and shoes.

Not much else going on here. Hope you all have a great week
Based on how incredibly dry I was like half an hour later as well as this morning, I doubt his sperm could have survived such a drought :rofl: my cervix is back up but I’m dry as sand. Sounds like God did another one of his *whack* “NO!” reactions :haha: Fingers crossed my drunken stupidity will have no long term effects, cuz yeah there’s a lot of gestational restrictions. If I was vacationing in California I’d just say “I identify as not pregnant” and get to do everything :P

Dobs I hope you can get that injunction ASAP.

Flueks yikes, glad you found out in time before doing the photos.
Sorry been super busy!

winter where are you at in you IVf process? Sorry it’s more than you bargained for but hopefully it will be worth it all!

naughty shae! This is the second time!

dobs i’m so curious as to wtf happened. So sorry this has been such a battle. Yay for parents when we need them <3

fluek ahhhh good old blippi. I think we’re finally past that stage here. Does she accept the new blippi? Also ds3 used to get super car sick but has mostly outgrown it, thank god. There is hope!

just got back from visiting with my Bro who I only get to see once a year generally. He lives across the country and we can’t afford to fly, so we wait for him to come here. Him and his wife both make a pretty penny so they can afford it! It was a very enjoyable visit. They are talking about moving to the East Coast and I hope they do.

as far as here goes, my sister-in-law was cleared of the postpartum heart failure so that is good. Mother-in-law is doing good with chemo. All the scary side, my father-in-law had a mini stroke. He is doing fine though, thank God it was nothing full-blown and no residual effects so far that we can tell.

I am looking forward to the upcoming holidays, especially Christmas! What about you all? How was your Halloween?
On my phone but the nutshell is:
- Call back to May when they tried to say his placement was a trial and I didn’t consent to that? And I predicted that this would be an issue in October?

Everything seemed to be going relatively fine until two days before his IEP, the director sends me an email that anybody can see she had predetermined to change his placement. Cut to IEP, they’re saying all these great things then turn around and say it’s not enough progress so he has to go to SDC on the basis that he can’t access whole group instruction (but he can access small group and 1-1 instruction) and he has ADHD so his body movement is disruptive to other kids. If that was grounds for SDC, 2/3 of my current class would be there.

They tell me if I don’t consent, they’ll pull services. I was like beaucoup illegal. Then a week later we have a follow up where I blow up their set up of my son (which they later cut out of their recording!) and then told me come Monday that he can’t go to school. I call their bluff, send an army to drop my kid off. They sent three adults to lock the gate and hold it shut. Tried again a week later, same thing. I repeatedly ask them to provide the documentation where I consented or their court order, they can’t.

Call all these agencies listed on my safeguards only to be told only CDE can actually do anything but they take 60 days. We have a mediation in a week but it’s like A can’t go to school on the meantime.
Gigs I’m glad your SIL has recovered. Sorry to hear about your FIL, I’m glad he has no deficits. Have they started him on anticoagulants for prevent future TIAs and strokes or is he too high risk (history of bleeds like GI bleeds, frequent falls)?

Dobs I’m so sorry. That’s just straight bullsh*t. Why pull a child out of Gen Ed when they are progressing? It makes no sense.

AFM no worries on the drunk mishap, as I STILL haven’t ovulated. And NOW, for no reason at all, I have a yeast infection. I tried a boric acid suppository per my GYN at the first sign of it, but it didn’t seem to work. I did a high dose 1 day miconazole egg last night and shortly after I felt like my vag was on fire and falling off at the same time. I then decided to go through a telehealth company to get oral fluconazole to treat it systemically, especially with these recurrences I’m having. I picked it up and took it this morning, it’s just one dose, it comes with two doses in case there’s no improvement after two days. I legit wonder if God is punishing me for nearly ruining my wedding dress and honeymoon :rofl: but since I didn’t ovulate, I did book the plane tickets, and they’re nonrefundable, so we’re going to Italy whether we like it or not :haha:

My last day at my current job is tomorrow. Very bittersweet. I love my coworkers there, and I genuinely didn’t mind going to work most days. I start the new job next week. I hope it’s at least tolerable. Considering the pay increase, it just has to be tolerable. I bought a bunch of new expensive scrubs in fun colors (mostly pink), because the new hospital doesn’t have a required scrub color. They’re super stretchy, so I’m super excited about that. I thought I was wearing pajamas to work before, now I’m REALLY gonna feel like I’m wearing pajamas to work, they’re so darn soft and stretchy. Don’t mind me, nurses get excited over comfy scrubs that don’t make you look frumpy/like you’re wearing a sack.
Oh no sorry about the yeast infection :(

i hope the new job is lovely. You deserve that pay raise and a great work atmosphere

I think I have Covid. I’ve been sick a full week and miserable but haven’t tested. My mom is negative but I think my students have it and aren’t being honest about it

Still no movement with the school. Even a judge came down on them for mediation but they won’t budge. They won’t let him go back to school and they are refusing any home services.

Sorry I've been away for so long- we had family come to visit, and I just didn't have time for the Internet. Then I just kind of continued staying off the internet as it was really good for my mood not to read the news. ](*,)

I'm sorry, Dobby. This whole situation is so crappy. I'm sure it is incredibly hard to go up against the whole school admin machinery. :hugs:it is totally absurd that he can't be at school while you settle the whole issue. How are things going?

Your scrubs sound glorious, shae! And congrats on the new job!!! You can always go back to a different type of role in the future. For now, it makes total sense to just do what you've gotta do and save up everything you can! :) This is such an exciting year for you!!!

I hope your FIL is doing ok, Giggle. That's terrifying. I suppose always good to be thankful for small mercies, like the fact it was only a small stroke. Glad that your MIL and SIL are doing well. How's your jewelry business going? I hope you have some nice Christmas plans coming together!

Did you end up doing pictures with just your girls, flueky? I love this time of year- perfect for picture backdrops! Hope the extended fam bounced back from COVID. We haven't had flu or COVID, but jeepers... LO brings home a new cold constantly! I'm usually pretty good at not getting colds, but he's hit me twice recently :coffee: he was really sick just before Halloween- clearly just a bad cold, but he was coughing so much he would throw up. Poor thing dropped a lot of weight and was miserable for a week. Lots of fever type illnesses going around our area, too.

AFM- I've just started to prep for the frozen transfer. :) The transfer is likely to happen towards the end of the month, I think :) it's all very surreal! I still can't believe how much has happened since we first started trying/being careless nearly two years ago :shock:
Sorry, had an awful 2.5 week virus. Just starting to feel better. Still haven't caught up on what I missed, just working of the last couple of posts.

Winter, that is so exciting! I'm so excited for your transfer! Pardon me if I missed it, but did you decide to go for gender or the healthiest embryo or surprise? I'm so thrilled it's go time! I'm a bit biased, but I love the idea of a November/December transfer and a late summer/ early fall due date. Keeping my FXed all goes smoothly

Only new update is they waited until end of business day on Thursday to cancel my parent conference that's scheduled for Monday. Sorry, they'd have to acknowledge that they cancelled it. They're trying to pretend it doesn't exist. I took screenshots of it though because I have a hard time remembering things, and I hate having to open the website to see it. I told them I'm showing up, the teacher can have an admin present as long as it's not one of the admins who piss me off. I also bought a shirt off amazon to be petty. It says inclusion matters with a word heart around it that says respect bravery, potential, empower... yadda yadda. We also have a class playdate at the school tomorrow. I have another inclusion shirt to wear to that :rofl: My stepdad spoke at the board, so game on. Now that it's out in the open, I'm not pulling punches.
Do by glad you are starting to feel better. Ugh, sorry they are still being difficult.

Winter yay! It's almost time for transfer. I don't blame you for staying off the internet. I should probably do it more.

No pictures yet but going to do pictures next week. SIL is better but my MIL(not related to SIL) has covid. She is doing okay though.

Yes, seems like sickness is very frequent with V going to school.

Shae hope you enjoy your new position and the scrubs sound nice!

Gigs, E doesn't mind the "imposter Blippi". S and V will sometimes get into watching blippi too but they don't choose to watch him. Also so glad there is light at the end of the tunnel with car sickness.

Glad you had a great visit with brother! I hope they move to the east coast as well

So scary about FIL, glad that there aren't residual effects. Glad SIL was cleared and MIL is doing okay with treatment.

I'm looking forward to Christmas with family. The girls are getting older and it's more fun at the ages they are. Halloween was good.

AFM It's been a crazy week. Stomach virus hit E and S early in the week. I spiked a fever and had nausea Wednesday but nothing ever since so I must have been able to fight it off. We were worried we might not be able to do E's birthday party but we managed too as no vomiting since Tuesday and I was the last fever on Wednesday. Lots of cleaning and sanitizing on Thursday and some on Friday.

Party went well. Had a taco bar and some hot dogs for kids that don't like tacos. One of my coworkers that makes cakes on the side did a birthday cake. Strawberry flavor with buttercream icing. OMG it was sooo good!! MIL couldn't make it as she got covid.
Yeast infection is gone and I finally am ovulating! Like, as soon as it cleared up enough for me to baby dance, I got my positive OPK :rofl: it’s like my ovaries were waiting for a better chance at me getting pregnant lol. However, we were careful, because now is a bad time due to the upcoming wedding and honeymoon. Of course, we’re now arguing over when to start trying or at least NTNP, I want to start on the honeymoon and he is worried about money. He always complains about how much I spend, but I make more than him (even before the new job), I pay rent and he doesn’t, and I always make it work. I’m not spending so much I can’t afford rent or groceries by any means, we’re comfortable. So it kinda annoys me that he craps on my spending when I’m the one successfully supporting us. Anyway, he’s worried about rent when I’m on maternity leave, which is fair enough. Ideally I’ll travel for long enough to get a down payment on a house and a good amount of savings before giving birth. I make enough traveling that he could be a stay at home dad, and he’s perfectly willing to do so. He also is worried about political chaos and the possibility of war etc, but he’s been saying things are gonna hit the fan really soon for 5 years now, so excuse me if I don’t see the urgency he does. Plus people don’t stop having babies because life is chaotic. I don’t want to wait another 2+ years like he does. I’ll have been waiting nearly 10 years when we get married. I’m done waiting.


Dobs I’m sorry they’re still pulling crap on you, I’m glad it’s now public knowledge and that you’re keeping receipts.

Winter yay for transfer prep! Keep us in the loop!

Flueks sorry about the stomach virus, I’m glad it cleared up in time for the party. That cake sounds awesome!
Your kiddy birthday parties always sound so fun, Flukey! And that cake sounds delicious :) Sorry about the stomach bug- I honestly fear them! So awful if it hits hard. I'll have my fingers crossed that the new attempt at pictures goes well. :)

How are things going with A, Dobby? Do you have the option of trying another school? It all just seems so extreme and over the top. Was just thinking that if you can, you could try and enroll him elsewhere while all of this plays out. Are you still seeing OA?

I think that fretting about money is a man thing, Shae! My OH is really worried about money all the time. And he has complained a lot about the cost of all the IVF stuff. I hope that you can make a plan for TTC that you're both good with! My advice is not to rush, but not to put it off for years, either, given my experience (age does matter a lot in this area!). I think that NTNP at some point in the next 12-18 months seems reasonable. ❤️

AFM- I'm feeling really bummed. Went for what was meant to be a simple appt to start the transfer meds, and ended up finding out that my estrogen is high because I had an ovarian cyst. Had to have it removed, and then they said I'll actually need to take a month of drugs to suppress my ovaries before trying again. I mostly just wasnt expecting it, so felt totally blindsided and just sad. Went from finish line in sight/excitement back to (at least) a month delay, very expensive meds, and just worried that things won't work. :sad2:i suppose I'm just disappointed.
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