Sorry I've been away for so long- we had family come to visit, and I just didn't have time for the Internet. Then I just kind of continued staying off the internet as it was really good for my mood not to read the news.
I'm sorry, Dobby. This whole situation is so crappy. I'm sure it is incredibly hard to go up against the whole school admin machinery.

it is totally absurd that he can't be at school while you settle the whole issue. How are things going?
Your scrubs sound glorious, shae! And congrats on the new job!!! You can always go back to a different type of role in the future. For now, it makes total sense to just do what you've gotta do and save up everything you can!

This is such an exciting year for you!!!
I hope your FIL is doing ok, Giggle. That's terrifying. I suppose always good to be thankful for small mercies, like the fact it was only a small stroke. Glad that your MIL and SIL are doing well. How's your jewelry business going? I hope you have some nice Christmas plans coming together!
Did you end up doing pictures with just your girls, flueky? I love this time of year- perfect for picture backdrops! Hope the extended fam bounced back from COVID. We haven't had flu or COVID, but jeepers... LO brings home a new cold constantly! I'm usually pretty good at not getting colds, but he's hit me twice recently

he was really sick just before Halloween- clearly just a bad cold, but he was coughing so much he would throw up. Poor thing dropped a lot of weight and was miserable for a week. Lots of fever type illnesses going around our area, too.
AFM- I've just started to prep for the frozen transfer.

The transfer is likely to happen towards the end of the month, I think

it's all very surreal! I still can't believe how much has happened since we first started trying/being careless nearly two years ago