General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Winter oooo five healthy embryos! Yay!

Flueks sorry S isn’t quite ready, hopefully in a few months she’ll get the hang of it right away!

Dobs idk what a lot of those terms are but lots of kids have ADHD, they don’t get sent to special ed classes, that would be silly. SO has ADHD, he was always in gen ed.

Gigs yay for a baby girl for your SIL!!! I so hope I have some girls in the future. I’ll just keep popping them out until I have one of each :rofl:

AFM big life updates!
I’ve decided to start travel nursing. I love my current job, but I realized there’s no way I’ll be able to afford my wedding and honeymoon with this pay, it’s just not going to happen. As a result, I signed up with a travel nursing agency, one that a friend of mine is using, and I found a job near my parents’ house that will pay double what I’m getting now after taxes. I’m currently getting $36 an hour, I’ll be getting $53 an hour plus $483 a week in meal stipends and $875 a week in housing stipends. The stipends really are the kicker. If I work a major holiday, I’ll get $120 an hour. It’s a 14 week contract working 3 12 hour day shifts a week. I’m so thrilled I was able to get a day shift position! I was expecting to have to do nights, and I was not excited lol. I don’t even lose pay doing day shift, which is awesome.

As a result of signing the contract, I booked our hotels for a 19 day honeymoon in Italy!
Gigs major congrats to your SIL on her healthy baby girl! That’s awesome that you were able to go visit her so quickly. I’m sure SIL loved her necklace. Such a sweet and thoughtful gift.

Winter yeah it’s so rough is it covid or just a bad cold. Sorry you also weren’t feeling great!

Flueky oooo zoo friend trips are always fun! Sorry the haircut wasn’t the best fit. Hoping you can find someone that gels with her better next time. NW on potty training. She’ll get there.

ETA: Shae: that's so awesome about the new contract! And yay 19 days in Italy! Such a lovely honeymoon! And what a fun story if you conceive there hehehe but either way what a lovely way to celebrate your new marriage.

SDC is special day class. He’d be in a mild/moderate class. There’s 6 kids in it now, but technically they can go up to 12 I believe. I don’t want to play into stereotypes, but A is clearly benefitting from being in gen ed with neurotypical kids. Putting him in with a class of kids who also have maladaptive behaviors is just going to set him back. He adjusts to his peers. I also just took him to a school event, and it was like not a second went by that a kid wasn’t asking to hang with him. He has so many friends across all grade levels. Even one of his 5th grade fan girls said, “Oh yeah, A is definitely one of the popular kids.” So I’m not moving him.

My life keeps me distracted. I made it clear to the SpEd director he has a legal right to stay put until we can reach an agreement, so she needs to stop threatening to remove his services. I have meetings every week after school so I’ll deal with her later.

Coworker doesn’t have the long term potential to be worth the drama. OA has been making a noted effort to say good morning and be more communicative. I don't know how he physically handles all this travel. He texts me every time his planes take off or land, and it's just insane. Last weekend, he flew in Friday afternoon and out again Sunday afternoon. This weekend, he was in Friday afternoon and out again Saturday afternoon.
Winter 5 embies?!!!! Nicely done! I think I’d have a difficult time picking the sex…I’d probably ask the doctor to flip a coin and then not tell me lol. You know, in the case that no embryo stands out as “the best”, because obviously you should go with whichever has the highest chances. And just to reiterate, hubby is against doing two embies, right?

ahhh ok I see Dobs. That’sa male reason ds1 is homeschooled. I feared even though he’s high functioning they’d put him in sped classes (especially when he was younger) and he mimics behaviors, especially sounds. On the other hand I feel like he’d be bullied in standard classes…thank God for homeschooling and that he likes it!

fluek I’m on team wait to potty train and try again. All three of my boys were late to potty train by societal standards but caught on super quickly. They all trained at about 3.5 years. They just weren’t quite “getting it” before that. I’m glad I waited! It was so much easier (compared to when we tried to train ds1 at 2.5 years—nope. He peed on the floor so many times. We put it off and when we felt like he was actually ready he trained in like 3 days. Pooping was another story though…..!)

Dobs OA just sounds so insanely unavailable that I am rooting for you to find someone else lol. His lifestyle is exhausting just to read! That would be an extremely difficult relationship to manage. I hope you figure it out <3 and yeah agreed that dating a coworker could get messy!

wow shae, or should I call you Money Bags…? Nice pay increase! I had a friend who did travel nursing and she was telling me how she made bank. She never gave me exact number though…that’s crazy! What will your responsibilities be? And dang 19 days in Italy?! Nice. We just traveled out of state lol. It was enjoyable though.

took photos of my niece today but i’ll share later. MIL is good, also super pumped about the new little lady! Weekly treatment (instead of every other week) starts Thursday I think.
I’m going to post this one pic so y’all can see but prob delete later. This is her <3 I take their family photos and I was so excited to do this one. I got the idea for the pumpkins off etsy (they sell digital backdrops and you photoshop the baby in). Coincidentally my Mom had just brought me a ton of pumpkins from her garden so timing was perfect and SIL loved the idea too so we went with it! There are better pics than this one but this is my fave. MIL and I made the floral headband but it is wayyyy too big. She is a very tiny baby, currently just shy of 6lbs. Anywho SIL wants to use the headband for a photoshoot when she’s older/bigger.

Omg Gigs that photo is epic!!! Does she have to do any special formula for being so little or no?

honestly I’m insanely busy so it’s nice he’s so busy. I have a lot going on that needs my attention. I miss him when I wake up or I’m falling asleep but outside of that I’m wrapped up in all my own a* lol. I find availability exhausting. Availability to me means you lack ambition to be busy :rofl:

kk finish later watching house of the dragon
That’s an interesting perspective Dobs lol, but my hubby has the same mentality. If you’re not busy, you’re not doing anything with your life lol

no, she didn’t need anything extra. She’s perfectly healthy, full term, breastfeeding like a champ. SIL birthed her naturally and even got to pull her out herself, and didn’t even tear! It was really a picture perfect birth experience, the type we all dream of. Baby is just wee! I have to laugh because SIL told me and hubby at one point she thought this baby was going to be the biggest of all of them lol
Will write more later- just had to say that that picture is absolutely stunning, giggle! I know you have a million things going on, but you could really start a photography business!!!
Gigs that’s awesome! I’m glad things went so smoothly. I just know they immediately wanted A on neosure because of his weight, but I think maybe also because he didn’t latch and his sugar was low.

where did you go? Was it a vk?

i also was going to say the same thing as winter. I have a photo just like that from A’s nb shoot but it isn’t even half as good

seriously if I had the patience or energy to homeschool him then I would. It’s such a tough call but I know neither Gen ed or sdc is right for him, but sdc is worse. So they’re going to have to sue me basically to get me to agree lol

yeah like when guys text me all day every day or ask me out TOO frequently or without at least two days notice, it’s a huge turn off. My life is busy. I need you to be busy. I actually don’t take issue with OA’s schedule. Frankly, his job and how he works at it is a huge turn on. It was the communication shift when he got overwhelmed that I didn’t care for. And the fact it’s non negotiable that if he’s only home for one day then he’s taking his daughter somewhere fun…. So sexy.
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Ah ok well whatever makes you happy!

and good on you being a proper momma bear for A. He’s lucky to have you <3

What do you mean where did I go? You mean to visit the inlaws? They live really close. Hubby’s bro & fam (the one that had the baby) live close as do MIL & step FIL, but in a different direction. This SIL is the one I butt heads with sometimes but things have been really good recently.
Ooo I thought you said you recently went out of state but my brain isn’t working or you said it in relation to visiting in laws? Idk my brain is broken lol

thank you I told my two sped teachers at my site and they were like Aw hell no lol
No I haven’t been anywhere far since last fall. We traveked through west virginia and it was lovely, except for the shady night we spent in a run down motel in Kentucky. That was sketch af. But I wish we had the funds to do it again this year. I love my kids but I enjoyed the break from them. Hubby missed them the first day lol; but I guess that’s understandable since I spend way more time with them.

poor ds3 has the flu :( So far it’s just him so prayers that it stays that way are appreciated. Such a bummer because all the kids and hubby were just sick with a cold 2 weeks ago (somehow I managed to avoid it, yay!). I think they caught it from their cousins when we were over visiting. They both go to daycare so no big shocker there, they were recently sick with a fever which I wasn’t aware of until after their visit *eye roll* oh well!

oh also totally forgot to mention that holding my niece definitely gave me the baby feels! We’re done for sure but man that made me question it for a few minutes lol
So ds3 had his virus for literally that day and was fine the next day. So weird but thankful it wasn’t actually the flu. No one else seemed to get it until tonight :(. Now ds2 has a fever. This weekend is supposed to be my birthday celebration so we’ll see if that happens anymore. I hope that I don’t get it, that no one else does, and that it runs its course super quickly for ds2!

also we had a scare with SIL; she had an infection post delivery that landed her in the ER this past week! Thank God she’s home now and OK. They were freaking her out, told her she may be in heart failure!!! Fortunately they ruled that out but omg how terrifying!

how’s everyone else been? I feel like I showed up and killed the thread lol
Gigs sorry ds2 caught the virus :(
Postpartum infections can be so scary, I’m so glad your SIL is okay!

Lol you didn’t kill the thread. I’m on less in general just because life is busier but also frequently without change. I’ve gotten into a rhythm with my cycles I think, although this month I can tell I’m probably gonna have delayed ovulation cuz I’m still spotting from my period on CD16, generally extended spotting causes delayed ovulation for me.

BUT I do have some updates today.
I got my engagement pics back last night and save the dates have been ordered today! The “save the date” is in gold foil so it’ll be shiny irl.
A ton of people have been asking me for the date recently so I was like crap, gotta get those out ASAP.

I can’t remember if I said we were going on a honeymoon to Italy for 19 days yet, I’m too drunk rn to go back and see if I did lol. But we are. I already booked the hotels, we’ll be going to Naples (and Pompeii day trip), Amalfi, Rome, Florence (and Pisa day trip), Venice, and Dobbiaco in the Dolomite mountains of northern Italy. Super exciting. We can only afford it because of the new job I’m starting next month. I booked them all as pay right before the stay and free cancellation just in case things fall through.
Shae I love your STD! Wait…. Maybe not the best acronym to go with. But seriously it’s absolutely perfect. And love that you did engagement photos

gigs so glad SIL is ok. Sorry about the virus and FXed everyone is feeling good to celebrate your bday

I am hiring a lawyer. Things hit the fan hard like superintendent level bad. I’m so exhausted and A knows somehow and he’s been triggered all week
Dobs lol that acronym for save the date always makes me laugh. I’m glad you like it :)

Sorry SHTF :(
Winter, that makes sense about choos8ng the healthiest embryo.

I may look into the book. Thankfully, V fully potty trained when she did. S is almost the same age as V was so I'm hoping in the next month or two. I'll just see how ready she is.

Shae awesome about the travel nursing position! Sounds like a sweet contract. I hope you enjoy it! I thought about it in the past but I never did.

Beautiful save the date photo! Also your honeymoon plan sounds lovely! Do you both have passports already?

Gigs, yeah I feel like there is such a push to potty train around age 2! That is fine if your child is ready but my girls were not ready then at all. V potty trained around 3.5 as well. It was quick and easy. We had tried some on and off before then but it was horribly unsuccessful. So I'm much more laid back about it.

You did a wonderful job on the newborn photo! I'm sure the rest are great as well. She is adorable

LOL too funny she thought she was going to be the biggest baby! I did the same with S. V was 5lb 13oz born 34w 6d so I fgured a full term baby would be quite big and I was a 9.5lb baby. Nope S was tiny 6lb 4oz and full term. E was my biggest but only 7lb 1oz. So glad SIL is doing okay now!

Oh no for all the recent sickness in the house! We had a bad cold, I almost wonder if it was RSV as it's beyond a normal cold but negative for covid and doesn't feel like the flu. Only S and E managed to escape getting sick. I still have a lingering cough and congestion but it's better than before. I hope you get to enjoy your birthday weekend and ds2 is better now.

You definitely didn't kill the thread, I'm just not usually active other than reading during the week.

Dobby I'm so sorry SHTF. I really hope that he gets to stay in GenEd. So sad you have to lawyer up.

AFM still getting over this dang respiratory infection, I'm almost back to normal. V is better, and DH is getting better. My mom got sick but not from us as she got sick about a week after visiting us. Got my flu shot at work yesterday though and the girls got theirs as well. E did excellent, she just pouted her lower lip but no crying. S moved her leg and cried a lot. V cried a lot but was still at least. Felt bad for them but just wanted to keep them from getting really sick if I can.

Not much going on this week, I've been the admin on call so been on edge about getting calls. Though tentatively planning a drive through the mountains in NC next week to see all the leaves changing colors. The leaves have changed here and there are stunning this year! So colorful and vibrant! We have had several years of the leaves all just being a pale yellow and browns.

Not much else here. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend !
I love your save the dates, Shae! Where is your dress from? And congrats on the new job.... That's amazing! Very smart to do that now while you have the flexibility/energy to do it and make some bank. Amazing that it will fund such a fantastic honeymoon, too! I feel like the year ahead is just going to be amazing for you ❤️ you have so many things to look forward to!

I'm sorry, Dobby. I just don't get why they're so aggressive about it. Like, why can't he try and finish out the year, and see where he is at then? I absolutely get that at some point they need to insist if a child is not doing well, but it really doesn't sound at all like that's what's happening. :( I am glad that A has you to fight for him.

Hope you're feeling better soon, Flueky! We've had some horrible cold, too. I had awful body aches and thought it was the flu or covid, but nope! Another friend had her toddler home for a week with a really high fever and just weird respiratory/virus symptoms. Nobody could tell her what it even was! So, it is definitely that time of year.... Your car trip sounds beautiful! I've never been to NC, but would love to go! (SC too!)

Funny you say that about killing the thread, giggle! I worry that I turned up on the scene and killed it with my input. Y'all have been in touch for so long at this point! Happy birthday!!! I hope you get to celebrate :)

AFM- nothing going on! Am starting the prep for a transfer at the start of December. Turns out to be a lot more involved than I realized! I have a bunch of new prescriptions to fill and it will takes weeks to prepare. I have a feeling it will work, but that kind of scares me, as I don't want to be overconfident!
Flueks thank you! Yes, we both have our passports.
Sorry about being admin on call and still being sick. I never want to be in admin, I don’t want the responsibility and don’t want to be anyone’s superior.
The leaves up here have turned into wonderful shades of orange and red, I hope you get to go drive around to see some good colors. Foliage in New England is always lovely, we are very lucky here. I can see a scarlet colored tree out my window right now <3

Winter the dress is from JanieLanie, looks like they don’t have it in that color anymore though :(
Yay for December transfer! I will pray for success!
I’m going to be MIA while I play MLK. Three grown a** adults physically prevented my son from going to school yesterday.

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