General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Came back to say- thank you for sharing your spotting in first tri stories. I really appreciate it, and that's very reassuring [-o< hoping for the same outcome!
Gigs, thanks for the advice. Going to think about it more and will decide if I want to commit to talking to DH about it. I'm thinking more towards starting a small garden this year and slowly growing the garden and adding chickens though later.

You are more than welcome to keep posting about ttc convo if you want to. Also, maybe hubby gets baby fever around Valentine's day LOL

No clue on how to celebrate, but it's quite an achievement that it's kept going.

Shae there is an income threshold and those families get in first. If there are still spots open then the families above the income threshold are able to get in. More than likely those with lower income probably do need more assist than those with higher income so I get it. I just wish it was available for all.

Hope you can find a pastor. that really stinks that your pastor canceled.

Winter, with inflation I don't think paying for preK is an option. However, I think it'll be okay for her even if she doesn't get in. I really wish I would have tried to get V into preK but there was so much going on.

Praying for good news at your US Friday! I feel like the spotting is nothing serious but it is so hard not to worry.
Awww Winter a friend with kids the same age is invaluable. I'm glad you also got to hold baby! I'm doing the same with my niece, haha. It really is nice! I'm sorry you didn't feel comfortable sharing your news yet. I am so upset for you that you feel like you can't celebrate this life yet. But I totally understand, and obviously whatever makes you feel comfortable is best :hugs: spotting is so normal in pregnancy, but your fears are not unfounded. Hopefully it stops and you will have a wonderful scan come Friday! I am looking forward to u/s pics if you feel like sharing them :hugs:

Yes, fresh eggs are great to have, however we have waaaayyyyyyyyy too many and I can't seem to get rid of them! We don't eat enough and people around here don't want them. I might have to set up a road side stand or something! Listing them on craigslist hasn't worked. Facebook doesn't let you sell eggs. Also the birds are a lot of work but DS1 feeds them every night so that's a huge load off our plate. I actually have been wanting goats for about a year now, I really want the milk...but keeping a goat in milk seems like a huge amount of effort. For now we've been buying raw milk shares which is nice, but does come with a 40 minute round trip every week. Still, much less effort than keeping a herd and breeding goats, I'm sure. But it might be fun to have them; my understanding is for goats you kind of need to have a desire to keep them not just for milk but as pets, too.

Shae what a frustrating situation!! I have no doubt you'll find someone in time, but I'm also kind of surprised he didn't offer any backup suggestions. That would really annoy me. Hey, your SO's brother might really like officiating; it's kind of an honor! At least you have that as a back up plan. Good luck finding a replacement though! I know you're bummed, you've had that specific pastor in mind for some time I know :(
Fluek are they chickens for eggs or will you run some meat birds, too? I'm not sure if local availability allows you to be picky on breeds but I highly suggest Bielefelders, they are beautiful and super friendly and dual purpose.
Lol at the baby fever around Valentine's Day! :rofl: I definitely feel you on inflation as discussed earlier, Flueky. If she just did mornings and only 2 or 3 per week, it might be more affordable than you think. I'm sure that she will do fine without it if that's what happens, and still- hope she gets in at V's school, anyway!

We would definitely take your eggs, giggle! I can't believe nobody wants them given the price has gone up so much recently. Are there Farmer's Markets around you at all? That's awesome about your son helping out with the chickens. It's so hard to imagine having kids that big that do chores and what not!

I had some more/slightly heavier spotting/bleeding this morning and cramping, so called and they had me come in. My Dr seemed worried at first, but did a scan and we could see baby with heartbeat ❤️ and no obvious source of bleeding (no hematoma or anything). He also took a swab for BV. That would be a nice explanation, but i had BV with pregnancy #1 and had different symptoms (and no bleeding). So :shrug:. He was reassured, so that made me feel better. But I'd really like this to just stop completely. He also suggested that I see a MFM (not sure if you do that instead or as well as a regular OB?) because of my history. So, will think about that and look at options. Might message my regular OB to get her input too.
Gigs that's crazy that you can't seem to get rid of excess eggs. I would definitely use for eggs and would consider using for meat later. Ty for advice on breed. I will have to write that down for later.

Winter, I may look into that if V's school doesn't pan out.

Glad that you were able to get a scan today and that baby girl was nice and healthy. Will you go back Friday for a scan or no? I think getting your OB's input would be good.
Winter you must be so relieved!! That's wonderful that you got to see little bub again. I went under the care of MFM with my first pregnancy (not sure if I ever told you that story, but we had a terrible 11 week scan, first dr told me I should call my OB to schedule a termination; geneticist said (before doing tests) that I should anticipate a m/c by 15 weeks); they thought he had a genetic abnormality (everything came back normal), then they thought he had a heart condition that would require surgery after birth, if he made it that far (nope); he came out perfectly healthy, ironically on April Fools' day. He's the one that takes care of the chickens now ;) MFM sounds scary but they were super supportive and nice and plus I got a scan every 1-2 weeks so lots of pics of baby! It was a little inconvenient but I didn't mind all the extra pictures ;) I did still see the regular OB as they (group practice) handled delivery, but not as often.

haha thanks ladies for your support about the eggs :P I think a lot of people around her got chickens when we were all stuck at home, so a lot of people have them or know someone who does. Honestly I just don't know where to advertise them! Ohhh maybe I'll try NextDoor...

so hubs is super stressed at work and talking about quitting (sound familiar Winter?); he's an owner though, I have no idea how that will work...if he wants to sell his share or just take an owners check every now and then (a couple thousand every few months -- not a salary!)....I don't know what's going to happen. He's burnt out and I wish I knew what to suggest.
Gigs, oh no! I'm sorry he is feeling so stressed with work. I hope things will settle down.
Will check in soon. Glad I went on this trip. Reminded me that A and I have a great life. Didn’t bring my computer

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Ahhhh such a cute photo!!! omg save those for Christmas cards this year -- so wonderful!!

Thanks Fluek, we'll see. He just called me to tell me he'd be late and sounds like he's in slightly better spirits, so maybe he and the other owners discussed a game plan today...I did the math and found out that he could drop a day a week off his schedule and I should be able to pick up the slack with my side gig if I devote that day to working, so that's a consideration. We really can't make any decisions until we get our taxes back this year though...that will help guide us I think. we'll just have to wait and see!
Kind of caught up but pitiful reply. No coffee yet :rofl:

Shae that’s such a pain about the cancellation. I understand it but still. If it’s his best friend and that important to the groom, just seems like maybe there could have been better communication to pick a date that didn’t require him to bail on a commitment. But like others said, this could lead to a beautiful moment. I hope you find a pastor, but if it does end up being SO’s brother then that could be collateral beauty for sure.

Gigs I’m in shock about the eggs! I’d totally love to have a neighbor with fresh eggs. They have gotten crazy expensive in store, but you need eggs! You can’t just stop buying eggs. I mean you could but what a sad life. Sorry about the financial stress. Hopefully this year’s taxes pan out better and glad hubs was in a better spirit the other day.

Flueky hope the pre k works out! Sorry if you said but when will you know if there’s a spot for her? The party sounds lovely! All your parties are so fun!

Winter I’m so glad you were able to get in for a scan and everything looks good. Sorry hubs is frustrated at work. Can he look for something else and get another job lined up first? Or was he just venting?

AFM it’s been quite a vacation. Flew to San Diego on Friday after work. Luckily my local airport/my mom’s go to airline are sunflower lanyard trained so everything is easy except the wait post security and pre boarding. My two cousins, their SOs, and their kids stayed the weekend. 6 adults and 8 kids… and I’m the only one who brought toys for their kid…. Needless to say, A loved seeing his “cousins” but ffs I was thrilled when they left. Especially since three kids were sick (fever, diarrhea, vomiting, coughing). Saturday was a beach day. Sunday we took the kids to Belmont Park (a beach boardwalk). I felt a little bad because my s* cousin wanted to go thinking my mom would pay but she just gave each of my cousins $100. But when each ride costs $5 and you have 5 kids…. She gave me $75 so I opted to get A an unlimited wristband and just a few for me to ride companion. Luckily the ride he rode five times he made a friend (8) so the kid helped buckle him for me and talked to him and was so sweet. He was like I wish I could be his big brother in real life! :cry: his mom says he’s always in trouble at school so it was nice to hear something positive for once when we were just gushing about how sweet he was.

Monday, we drove up to Anaheim. We stayed in the Grand Californian in a partial view room, so we got a obstructed (trees) but still cool view of the Ferris wheel/park. Could see a bit of the world of color show from the balcony. My mom took pictures of us on Goofy’s Sky Ride from the room :rofl: we got in late so just did room service for dinner and went to bed.

Tuesday was D Day. Early access to Cali Adv, did everything he wanted there and I got my Pym Particles lol. Took a break at 9:20 to head to the hotel for character breakfast at Storyteller’s Cafe with my mom. Then back to Disneyland until 8:30pm! Things got hard because I couldn’t get him to eat much and the hanger was real after about 1/2pm. But we were able to have a great day ride thanks to my safety tether, the disability access accommodations, the quick service app for food/drinks, and that they serve alcohol :rofl: It was nice to just be A and me because my fam gets frustrated and no pressure to please anybody else. And I was surprised that he’s a little speed demon. He loved all the big kid rides like Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, Big Thunder, and Guardians. In line, he’d stop a lot and just hug me and say thank you.

Wednesday, I got lucky and snagged a res at 7:45 for breakfast at Goofy’s Kitchen. Much better than storyteller’s. Then back to SD. Couldn’t beach as we’re on advisory due to the storm, so A had his first hot tub experience. My uncle and auntie are here now. We couldn’t pop up to see my grandparents because were sick now, but A’s had a blast seeing everyone. And I’m just so glad we didn’t get sick until yesterday haha.

It’s crazy how much we spent though for basically 1.5 days. My mom was nice enough to pay for one character breakfast, one night in the hotel, the rental car, and some cash for snacks. So she really took the hit financially for me, which was nice because I had to pay my attorney another 4k. My credit card is near maxed and i already put my tax refund towards it. We’re currently at 23k….

We head back today FXed. Flight was only delayed not cancelled last I checked. Really hope SW doesn’t have a repeat disaster.
oh my gosh Dobs that story about the kid who helped A is so precious!! I just know you absolutely made his mother's day. And they A was such a love but to you in gratitude! <3 <3 <3 what a wonderful experience. Sounds like it was exactly what you needed. How did A like the hot tub experience? Booo for illness. Who the heck brings there severely ill kids on vacation??! I can see if you're isolated and want to wait it out, but to bring them around everyone...? Just a little inconsiderate imo. Anywho I hope you catch your flight no problem.

afm...hubby has a renewed spirit, thank God. It turns out the owners think they may be at the point where they can hire out someone to do their position and not go to work at all, but still get paid. You know, like owners typically do....they typically aren't there running the whole place constantly. If they can pull it off, that is HUGE. I mean that's his salary still without having to actually work. It just opens up a huge world of possibilities! I could put more effort into my selling to make more that we could use on "extras", something we haven't been able to do since we became a single income household. It means possibly actually going on vacations. It means family days at the amusement park, or home repairs we can't afford (our front porch is literally falling apart right now, but we can't afford the lumber to do the whole project). Hubby has a dream of opening his own disc golf course that it could ACTUALLY HAPPEN....I am just so excited about the possibilities! We'll have to see how things pan out....for now he got a bonus (thank God again!) so we did get a little relief from money stuff for now.

Also it's funny how I went from "ugh I hope hubby's bd messiness didn't result in a pregnancy" to "I kind of hope I'm pregnant..." so fast :rofl: With the new development it kind of changes everything. Finances was a big part of why we said no more. But I'm also getting older and that's not going to means any babies I have, I'd be 37+. I just don't know about all that....but I am (no so secretly) hoping we miraculously took this month, even though the odds are somewhere between slim and none. definitely still tested today though :haha: and yea big fat nope on that one. 8dpo today.
You both look great, Dobby. And A is honestly just such a beautiful little boy. Im so glad that you had a great little vacation! Just what the doctor ordered :hugs:that little friend on the ride, too :cry:❤️- I'm apparently too pregnant to take heartwarming stories!

Yes, you'd shared your story about your son, Giggle. It still blows me away! Amazing that you had the faith to trust in him, and that he was fine! ❤️ I really hope that the work news will turn a new page for your OH. And amazing that he got a bonus right when you needed it! Disc golf sounds fun. I really hope y'all get to live that dream! And I also hope you're pregnant! Lol!

I got a call from the MFM last night. I had thought that I would see them alongside my regular OB, but they would actually take over my care completely. I was surprised, as an MFM wasn't mentioned ever until my scan the other day!! I spoke to OH, and I guess I will go for it. It seems like you get much better and much closer care. I do like my OB, but was remembering a few things that I wish had been handled differently (ie.I had to push for a proper scan on a better machine during one of the MMC experiences). So, I will likely see the MFM for my first appointment around 11/12 weeks. I will go for another scan at the RE's office tomorrow, so hope everything is still good then, and everything stays normal from here. [-o&lt;
Sounds like a good plan Winter! Has the spotting subsided? I hope the time between now and when you feel movement goes quickly. It’s so much easier when you can feel them!

thank you for your well wishes <3 and we are blessed with our money situation as it always seems when we’re totally in a pickle, something comes through. We’re not living in luxury by any stretch but we have what we need and we are thankful!

The plan for the shop and not working relies on them finding two new hires, both A level technicians, which is pretty difficult…so prayers and good juju appreciated that they’ll find that!

and yeah pregnancy odds are definitely not in my favor but it’s fun to pretend :haha:
oh my gosh you guys...I am just so hormonal and upset about not being pregnant. I haven't felt this way in awhile. Tortured myself with a test anyway, knowing full well it'd be negative...I guess I was still hopeful! UGH I hate feeling this way!! I hate being a waffle! I was so certain I was done and finally OK with that and now I'm back on the fence and I hate that!!! The fear of regret it real, y'all. Maybe if we get ourselves into a better financial spot we can revisit this conversation again in a couple of months or so and see if I still feel this way. The decision would be easy if I didn't have to do the infant stage! I have always felt this way, I don't mind pregnancy, but infancy is rough. If I could give birth to a toddler (ok maybe not that size but you get my point) I'd have a million of 'em!

Anyway back to trying to just focus on weight loss for now I guess. I'm almost officially down 10 lbs which is exciting. It's been slow going (this is since about mid-december, then breaking for the holidays and picking back up at the start of January) but I am happy with the progress in the right direction. Beats the heck out of 3lbs over 3 months like last time!! My that was frustrating. Also I'm hoping the slower I lose, the easier it will be to maintain.
Gigs hopefully they can find the hires! My brain hasn’t entirely processed what you’re explaining lol. But a disc golf biz would be cool! waffling is totally normal! I’m team money finds a way because my cousins have like 5 bio kids and 2-3 step kids and they’re not making bank but it works somehow.

speaking of read but didn’t understand I tried googling MFM lol I don’t get that either. I need coffee hope todays scan goes super well and puts your mind at ease!

Afm cold in my house. Felt off at Disneyland so just to make myself feel better took a test and got the worst evap ever. Just saving up enough wee to confirm it’s an evap. Definitely evap because nothing was there in the timeframe (1st pic). ETA: 2nd pic was like a solid hour later. Had gone grocery shopping and went to throw it away. I don’t feel preggo just sick. I’ve been good about my pills this month. I did have my period early but I don’t think that matters. Never been an issue before. ETAA: that was a dramatic hour haha. But yeah cbe is stark white so I’m ruling evap.

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If that's an evap, it is pretty solid, Dobby...! :shock: I don't have the test knowledge that y'all all do, but i would keep testing for a few days just to check. That looks very much like my first positive 5 days after the transfer (equivalent to 10dpo), where it was visibly there but you had to kind of hold it in the right light etc to see. By the next day it was clearer. Do you have a FRER? When did you last DTD/do you know when you ovulated?

MFM = Maternal Fetal Medicine. It's basically a Specialist who takes care of you through the pregnancy, instead of an OB because you are high risk. So far I like the sound of it... Have one appt set up and it starts with a comprehensive scan and then a consult. My last hurdle to accepting their care for the whole pregnancy is finding out the cost. Though I am half assuming that with a birth, we'd hit every deductable, so shouldn't be too bad. But I dont know- I'm always surprised whenever I think I understand medical billing. #-oid also deliver at a hospital further away from home, which would mean less visits from OH :cry:, though for a few days that's not a big deal.

I had my scan, and all looks well. Although (this old chestnut ](*,)) the quality of the scan was pretty crappy. The other day, the Doctor could point out little feet (so, definite development from 7w when I had the last scan). Today, poor thing was just a blob! But she was clearly moving around quite a lot ❤️ and had a good heart rate at 175. Spotting didn't happen at all yesterday and a tiny bit today, so everything looking good! I have gained weight and definitely look fat! I'd love to tell some friends, but will wait for the NIPT and that next/better scan. Mostly because I don't want LO to find out until we know it is all good and can explain it to him. He's suddenly very clued in and picks up on things we used to be able to say in front of him :rofl:

Big hug, Giggle! That hope is hard to overcome, and I absolutely understand your mixed feelings- especially because your OH keeps bringing it up! :hugs: I think that you have a good plan to see if the feelings persist. I kind of think that this will be our last baby, but I think I'm the kind of person who will always pine for another. Your weight loss sounds amazing! Well done!! :dance: Both you and Flueky are giving me hope that I will eventually lose some weight. :rofl: Have you asked your OH if he's serious when he isn't in the heat of certain moments?
That's great news! I'm so glad she's doing well! Sorry about the scan quality though. I understand the scans are meant to be medical procedures vs keepsake moments but still haha. Especially at this gestational age! It's my favorite.

Yeah I got confused because I tried reading the Stanford's website for it, and it's seems like an off way of doing it. Then a lot of sites said the MFM was in addition to not replacing your regular ob. And then I was just confused and gave up LOL. Hopefully the price point is good! It'd be nice to have a specialist overseeing everything. Sounds like your care team is really on top of things! How much farther is the other hospital? I can't wait for you to share your news with everyone! And to hear how LO reacts. So cute! Are you going to tell people right away that it's a girl? Call me a drama queen LOL but I'd still play coy about the gender hahaha and have a mini reveal. Like I knew A's sex but I did a little reveal to my students and family/friends.

You def can! But yes! Gigs and Flueky are killing it on the weight loss!

Re the evap Target was out of frers, not that I like them now anyway haha. It's definitely pink in person, which is what made me retest with the cb early. I trust the cb though. I have one more, and I'll test tomorrow.

I'm on a combo pill, so I'm not supposed to ovulate. But I suspect I do because I get all of my ovulation symptoms/ last year I caught an egg on the pill. i was not great with my pills in January (missed multiple pills/ took pills super late) but I knew I wasn't having BD that month so I didn't care much. I'm pretty sure I was better in Feb. I know I stopped my last pack a few days early because I think I missed my Friday or Saturday night pill and just decided to let me period come vs doubling up just to go on sugar pills. So my withdrawal bleed started Mon 1/30 instead of like T/W. I started my pack on Sunday 1/5 ("CD 7). OA and I DTD 1/12 (arguably 1/13 because it could have been after midnight idk "CD 14)). But I should have been ok because even though I let my period come early, I had a full week of pills by the time he and I did it. So it wasn't unprotected. It would be ironic thought because I told him to use the other door that night (long story) and he wouldn't do it because he didn't want to take advantage of me :rofl: r-r I'm pretty sure it's an evap though. I don't handle pregnancy well. I'd know if I was pregnant. I had some sketchy moments but nothing that screams preggo symptoms.

But I also waffle because I obviously cannot afford (emotionally or financially) a pregnancy but I'd be sad if I wasn't. I think I'm one and done. I did make a new dating profile though LOL my friend was like you need ONE sexy picture and I'm like I have zero in the last five years so :rofl:
Also Gigs I love that you think I have my life together enough to make Christmas Cards lol. Maybe in 2025. That's my goal.
They have such easy ways to make them now though!! I think maybe shutterfly does them? You basically just need a photo and to type in your name. Although I suppose then there's the whole mailing envelopes....
I got all paranoid this past year about sending them; it occurred to me that any weirdo could intercept my card, open it, see my beautiful boys, then have their names and their address. I left my last name off the envelope and put the return address to my PO box :rofl: straight up protective mama moment right there :blush: maybe overkill but I felt better...then I was like these recipients probably have no idea who the card is from hahahah (they had pics of the kids but not us lol) -- so like cousins who haven't seen us in awhile were probably confused. oh well!

Ohhh yes good question! Winter we need to know all about your reveal plans! Also have you thought of names?

I did briefly talk to hubs about #4 tonight. Actually he kind of brought it up. I called ds1 over for a hug, and it just hit me how freaking huge he is! I said to hubby, "What am I going to do? I'm running out of boys!" He said, "well if you promise you won't die, and if we get work straightened out, maybe we could do one more....". I just kind of brushed it off with a "yeah we'll see...." kind of thing, and also pointed out that I'm no 'spring chicken' and my biological clock is running out. He said, "I know..." and that was the end of it. Honestly I'm just so torn on it. I feel like I have my hands full, but I also feel like I will want a fourth in the future and that option will either no longer be available or it will feel "too late". It already does feel too late, to be honest....actually it feels like it's now or never. I don't want such a huge age gap between the last two kids and it would already be nearly 5 years. But yeah if hubs can work from home, or I can and he can be home, I mean that's a total game changer....

Dobs to quickly explain, basically the owners get taxed an insane amount for owning the business and with income tax (meaning they are all paid employees as well). If they only took bonus checks as income, they'd not be taxed as high and have more to take home. They all get taxed on their income, as well as any profit sitting in the bank, even if it hasn't been paid out -- it's still split evenly among the owners and taxed as income. So as an example (these aren't real numbers), if hubby makes $70,000, and there's $30,000 sitting in the bank, he's actually taxed as if he made $80,000 that year. It's stupid and makes no sense. You really see how insane taxes are for business owners once you become one. Did you know, at least here, the owners also have to pay half of the employee's taxes??? That's so insane to me!

Anyway if they hire someone to do their job as mechanics and promote within to managers, they'll be fully staffed and can afford to both pay the employees with the money they're bringing in as well as pay themselves solely bonus checks. That would free them all up to do side work and get paid working somewhere else or doing something else. Or in my case, watching the kiddos so I can work ;) I hope that makes sense. I don't entirely get it myself but they ran numbers and blah blah blah, seems like they got it figured our so fingers crossed :)

ANDDDDD if no baby, I really want to get goats. I mean you have to care for those and have to keep them having kids (ha, funny) to stay in milk so that's like basically the same thing right? XD

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