General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

wth is a water line? I only know that term from agate geodes
Ooooo duh! PL :rofl: good question.

Exactly. Literally, I was feeling so blessed and happy with A at Disneyland. I was ok being single again and one kid then this. Just sad. I’ll get over it.

idk but I guess maybe just liquid that’s trapped in the indent of the control line? The poster said you can tell because when you push on the case that the line will move. I should be thrilled but yeah. I’m off to sulk
...did you try to squish it then?
I hate to say it but that line looks pretty dark after an hour....just my opinion & being honest.
Dobby I don't have any experience with the pink CB but dang I see that super faint line on the 10 minute. It's just clearer as time goes on. How awful to have those super faint lines if they are just evaps.

Yes I do use a bit of green food coloring as well as some mint syrup. I forgot somehow to take a pic before my work Christmas party as I made that and a basic one with strawberry topping. I'll plan on getting one this time whenever I make it.

Gigs, I haven't seen PL in a long time. Last I remember is same as yours.

Well I would share some for whenever I make the cheesecake.
Oh nice! Can’t wait to see!

Well, Mr. Toad’s wild ride is over lol. I did squish the tests last night, and the line did move then bounce back into place supporting this water line theory. Tested again this morning and definitively bfn. If any of these weird lines were legit, I’d expect some sort of line this morning. I’m more sad than relieved even though I know it’s for the best to not be pregnant. I have one test left, so I’ll test again if my period doesn’t show or (knowing me) tomorrow lol. But I’m pretty confident today would be accurate. It’s two weeks since the deed, so even if I Oed up to 5 days later today would be at least 9dpo and I’ve never had a positive later than 9dpo.
:hugs: so sorry Dobby, I know that even if on paper it's a terrible idea, the heart wants what it wants. I still personally think a sibling for A is in your future, but under the right circumstances. What's going on right now isn't what will be going on in five years. Heck, just look back at this thread and see!

I also tested this morning, BFN. Had a promising looking something at about 3 minutes it but it went away and definitely a nope for me. Looks like if we want an "oops", we'll actually have to try for it :rofl: For today, I have a live show in a little bit and then I hope I get to craft. I might also work outside. I just feel the need to produce something today. Also on my list are learning if I can grow my own wheat (how fun would that be, to make your own flour?!) and get back into my goat research :P I really would love to have milk here, I just think it'd but a fun hobby but also I'd love to get as little as I have to from the store/outside sources (we have a milk share so not from the store, but you get the idea). Other than hopefully being a money saver, I would just feel so much better not having to rely on the store "just in case". Too many shortages in recent years. Did I tell you all I started making sourdough? I got a starter from a friend and was making sourdough every couple of days. It was definitely not helping with weight loss but it was delicious!! But I got burnt out on it and it wasn't helping my waist line so the starter is in the freezer for now.

Flueky have you ever had grasshopper pie? I swear I must have had that for every birthday when I was younger, I loved it. It sounds horrible now though, but I haven't had it in probably 25 years. If you haven't heard of it it's a mint pie, I do believe there's creme de minth in it (is that even what it's called?), the liquor.
:hugs: Misery does not love company. Sorry for the bfn this morning. I agree, you might need to really try or at least maybe he stops pulling out? Oh going Little Red Hen status over there! I love it! Awesome about the sourdough! So yummy. Goes with everything imo.

All this pie talk is making me want dessert lol.

TLDR of this long rant coming up: Not opposed to a second kid with the right partner and open to finding them. But I like that I'd be 46 when A goes to college, I didn't realize how much ASD runs in my family as much as ex's, and dating sucks. :rofl:
Yeah, we'll see. Leaving it up to God's plan at this point. I'd have the find the right person and soon. I know I just told you the whole age doesn't matter, but I'm with you. I don't really want for the infancy stage again. I'm exhausted. Plus, it's kind of a nice thought to think that A will be driving and more self-sufficient in just 10.5 years. Each time we fly, it gets a little better and easier but still I couldn't manage a second kid yet. But the idea that my kid will be in college and I'll be only 46! My stepdad had my brothers at 50! They're just now wrapping up grad school, and then man is 80! Toss in being around my cousins kids and seeing how prevalent ASD is in the boys in our family, I just wonder what would I do if I have a second child with special needs. I think if I could choose, A won't do well with a baby/younger sibling. He's too spoiled. What he would want is an older sibling though. Idk. It's been like three days back on the online dating scene, and the lack of basic punctuation, spelling, and effort is nauseating. There's one guy that is pretty articulate, cute, 46. He didn't say if he has kids on his bio, which is usually code for kids and divorced. I don't mind, but yeah. Girl wants to know. I also feel like we've matched before, so it makes me wonder if there was a reason we never clicked. Could be the kids though. I was very anti kids until a year ago. Esp older ones that I wuld have had to be a teenager to be their mom. One guy asked me out too quickly and is lazy in his texts. Plus, he was like coffee and I had to give him the whole I'm not a coffee as a first date girl. You can take me to brunch or dinner. Which he said was fine but then was like I'll check back in a few days to schedule. And I'm like... um so we just won't talk? Then another guy was looking okay for a first date but then he made two jokes about renewing his CPR training and giving me mouth to mouth... like the first one got a pass and I ignored it. The second time I just told him I clearly ignored it the first time. I hate dating lol. We'll see. I love all the memes about plenty of fish in the sea but have you seen them and it's all these ugly deep sea fish :rofl:
Oh sweet baby J…. I left out all my tests and I live in a duplex that my mom owns. My brother came by to fix my neighbors fence while I was out at the movies but didn’t ask/tell me he’d go in my unit. He used my bathroom. With all of my test splayed out ffs
oh my gosh!!! Did your brother say anything?? I'd be mortified!!!
EWWW the CPR joke *vomit* that would turn me off immediately. That is just....ewwwwww come on dude. Maybe give other guy a chance? If you were matched before maybe it really suggests compatibility. And hey if kids aren't a buzz kill anymore....might be fore a try? Also that could be the perfect solution if you think A would be OK with an older sibling, a blended family could fit the bill. Wow kids at 50? That is uncommon for sure. I did have a classmate in highschool who had parents in their early 70's. I remember that only because it was so unusual I guess. Couldn't tell you what class that was or what I learned in it though, but I remember the random student's parent's age :rofl: I can't even remember her name lol
I've officially hit the 10lb down mark! Yay! My scale sucks but it settled about 162.0 (it was fluctuating between that, 161.4, and 162.8 but 162 got the most readings lol). Started at about 172.6 if I remember correctly (maybe have been 172.4). yay! Gives me something else to focus on for now :thumbup:
That's so awesome about the 10 lbs down! Congratulations!!!

Right?! I only know one other family that had kids at 50ish. They had one child and spoiled her. I can't remember if they had her late because they had trouble conceiving or if the dad was just older than the mom or both. But I remember them saying something about why they only had one kid and kind of hinting it was hard to have her. That's so funny though! It's so hard to remember people's names vs the random bits of info about them haha.

He did not lol. My guess is because they were negative, he didn't feel the need to get in my business. I did also have a covid test out, so maybe he just didn't notice or thought it was a covid test LOL. Except not the key says pregnant not pregnant. He was fixing the fence out in the rain, so he probably didn't care much/ think much about it. If he told my mom, she hasn't said anything.

Yeah, the guys are gross. I'm open to seeing where re-match stands. I only unmatch people if there was a kids age issue, they just want to be casual, or I found someone. So we'll see.

I love how PMS and pregnancy symptoms are the same. My lower back hurts (probably from A's soft mattress), I am having af cramps, I threw up after my afternoon coffee today and was nauseated this morning, and it looks like my lady bits sneezed. I should get my period overnight or in the morning if recent patterns hold true.
Sorry for the BFNs, ladies. :hugs: I know that even when the circumstances aren't ideal.... It just seems so exciting and heartwarming to think about a baby. I guess this feeling is how the species goes on!

Super awkward with your bro, Dobby. Though nice of him not to say anything! You never know- changing your thoughts on kids etc might totally change the dating pool. Maybe that boy at Disney was a sign that a blended family could be the answer...

It kind of sounds like you're leaning towards going for it, Giggle?! I'm excited on your behalf! :flower: And down 10lb is an awesome achievement.

Nothing too exciting going on here. But quite happy with that! :coffee:
My goodness guys, I was away for like 4 days and two of you had maybe baby incidents :rofl:

Gigs I’d buy your eggs if I lived near you! But honestly I think the biggest thing is lack of advertisement on social media. If an ad showed up on my phone for farm fresh eggs in my town, I’d be likely to go check it out. If I have to search for local eggs, I’m probably just not going to because I’m lazy. Unfortunately, ads cost money :(

Flueks wow what a transformation! I agree with everyone else that you have such a lovely smile in all the pics, regardless of weight.

Dobs what great photos! That’s so sweet about that boy who took A under his wing, especially in the context his mother gave. I bet she was one proud mama that day. I echo what others said about maybe giving a guy with older kids a chance, an older sibling could be so beneficial for A. Regardless, I’m sure whatever happens will be for the best.

Winter I didn’t even know MFM was a separate thing from OB lol. Is it kinda like high risk OB due to your history?

I also wonder about the people who used to post frequently, there’s all the people already mentioned and then some. I still have a video link saved that Jezika posted of her telling Tilly no when she kept going for the cat. And there was that girl who was from Egypt but living in the US, I don’t remember her screen name. And a Scottish girl who had her own tattoo shop. I worried about her due to her mental health, she was terrified she’d get stomach cancer like one of her parents and die young and was also struggling with severe depression. I hope she’s okay. And that South African girl who did IVF and then got divorced but was considering IVF again to give her kid a sibling and her ex-husband was on board. I hope Keepsmiling got through that most recent pregnancy with her hip issues. And that she finally fully left her POS absentee husband who only showed up at her house for BDing. I wonder how J is doing and if she’s still TTC. I figure she would’ve hopped back on if she got pregnant, honestly.

AFM I still haven’t ovulated and am now spotting heavily, so I think this may be a period for an anovulatory cycle. I’d rather it be that at this point so it doesn’t throw off my cycle dates for the honeymoon, they were good before and I’d be mad if a weird cycle made me not fertile the whole time. I had an estrogen surge at the appropriate time in the cycle and just didn’t have an LH surge follow it, so seems anovulatory to me. Probably the stress of the pastor situation.

Also, we got a different pastor from our church to officiate the wedding. I asked the previous pastor for recommendations and also said we were reaching out to this pastor, and he said if this pastor couldn’t do it he’d reach out to some people to try to help us find someone else, but luckily it’s all set.
Yay Shae I’m so glad the pastor situation is settled! Sorry to hear you may be having an anovulatory cycle. Hopefully it’s sorted before/during your honeymoon. I’m so excited! I was wondering where you were!

Future was lurking the other day. Honestly, I have the worst memory.

Winter lol right?! I have to remind myself the brooding is just biological instinct not me actually want a baby :rofl:

Idk. It’s always hard for me to picture a kid older than A because I had A at an age where I felt mature and ready for him. I feel like I can do the mom to a 5 y/o but to coparent a child 10-18 is like =|. And then, being my stepdad’s child, I worry about the finances of a kid who is about to need a car or college tuition. Not closing any doors at this point but idk. A is happy without siblings. It’s been asked and he’s said no every time :rofl: he’s also only asked about his dad once a couple of years ago. He’s completely happy with the status quo.
Dobby I bet it's like anything else new, you just adjust and figure it out and eventually it's not weird at all. Ok 18 might be weird. Ha how did we end up totally on the same cycle? I also was expecting af overnight/this morning. Nothing yet but I'm sure she's a'comin' around soon enough. My body likes to tease me like this, throwing in some 13-14 day LP's on cycles where I'm hopeful and paying attention. She's a dang tease.

Hubby continues to throw mixed signals. Our conversation this morning went like this (as we were laying in bed and he was hugging me, and ds3 was laying on my other side):
me: You really want to make another one of these?
him: Yes
me: Are you sure about that?
him: Yes
me: I mean like are you really serious right now?
him: I don't know. Maybe.
me: ...........ok because I really need to know these things......

and that was the end of that conversation lol
I think we're just a couple of waffles in the toaster side by side.

SHAE HOLY MOLY it occurs to me that you are not just 3 months away from your wedding (eeeek!!) but also from officially probably starting to ttc! Do you think SO will be willing to start trying right away? sorry if this has already been discussed. Also just for the record, baby making BD (versus any other time BD) is, like, the absolute best. It feels just so much more exciting. honestly that's probably part of the reason my own SO wants another baby, he love baby making BD lollll

OH yeah!!!! The girl from egypt, why can't I remember her name??? What I remember most was she had her face as her profile pictures and she was stunning. Memory wants to say it was something with a C but I feel like that can't be your memory is better than mine pulling all these people out! I remember everyone except the one from SA, that sounds vaguely familiar though...the one is Scotland was M&S. I think she was actively being checked out for stomach cancer and she never came back after that. I hope she's OK.
Anyway I'm glad you got the pastor situation sorted out. What a relief! What details are you still working out?

winter yay for things being uneventful!! how are you feeling, symptom-wise?
Dobs that’s fair if A doesn’t want one. When I was 4 I BEGGED for a sibling, though mostly because my preschool friends all had baby siblings, I hadn’t thought about it until then. My kindergarten teacher asked me every day if the baby had been born lol, it was her first year teaching so she was only 22 I think, I would’ve been the same way if I were her lol.

Gigs ugh those mixed signals are terrible, so frustrating. It sounds like he’s definitely saying yes, just has some reservations or fears along with the desire.

Re: SO, I don’t think he’d be willing to start fully TTC right away, but I think there’s a very good chance of NTNP at least during the honeymoon since we’ll be in that emotional whirlwind. He keeps saying he wants a family but he’s stressed about the money aspect, especially since I’m the breadwinner and that would put me out of work for at least 6 weeks. He would probably pursue licensure in his current field in order to make more money if I got pregnant in the next few years.

Re: details, I’m still deciding on whether or not to get a big silk floral arrangement for the gazebo. First alterations appt is yet to be scheduled, I did reach out to them to try to get that set up. The venue wants us to get a ceremony coordinator since they only coordinate the reception, we don’t really want to spend the money ideally but I’m going to look into it. I don’t see why the pastor can’t help us with that at the rehearsal, but it is kinda double duty I suppose. My mom just started planning my bridal shower. She didn’t have one because they eloped (due to pastor church reassignment issues, they had originally planned a big wedding) and doesn’t really know too much of how they work, so she’s just winging it lmao. She’s planning a brunch at her house, I suggested mimosas, and I sent her an example of a cute game where the guests draw what they think the wedding dress looks like and closest gets a prize or something (obviously those who have seen it don’t get to play lol). The groomsmen have to go get their measurements done for their suits, we ended up springing for higher quality suits from a local family owned shop, they had a lower end option for $325 for them, SO’s suit is much higher end and will be $700 with the dress shirt, but it’s super high quality, we figure you only get married once so might as well get the nice one.
Here’s a pic of him trying it on at the shop, this is pre-tailoring of course, he’s just holding the tie since he didn’t want to fully put it on lol. Obviously he won’t be wearing Skechers sneakers at the wedding either lol, and he’ll have combed his hair and trimmed his beard :haha:
Omg Gigs I would scream lol. I agree I think he wants it but doesn't want to fully commit or maybe wants it to come from you. That's frustrating though. I'm curious to see what happens next time you two DTD. Maybe he just needs to hear you outright say you don't want him to pull out vs him making the decision? Idk. AF is a tease. Always the way.

I'm literally no help. I'm terrible and blocked out most of the last few years hahaha. And I'm just bad with names. I do still think about (I wanna say KeepSmilin?) the one who had the girls with the guy who came around every so often. Reminded me of OA's situation. He says he doesn't sleep with his baby momma, but I have a feeling they do. Anyway neither here nor there. I wanted more for her too, too.

Shae there's never enough money haha. Hopefully you can enjoy some risky BD on the honeymoon. I hate reading years. It's been years! All worth it in the end though.

What are the pros and cons of silk for the altar? I hear people like silk. Looks good in photos and less expensive. Potential for repurposing down the line later. Hope you can get that alteration set up soon! Love the shower planning! Are you also having a bachelorette party? Anything with mimosas, games, and good company is a blast. Can't comment on the coordinator. Never got that far in my planning. I do remember seeing that it's good to invest in one just for the rehearsal and day of to alleviate stress/ deal with any last minute issues so you're not stressed out on wedding day. I agree! Splurge on the suit! Looks sharp!

AFM no AF yet but I did temp this morning and it was 97.1 :rofl: so I'm not stressed. I am getting some ovarian pain, peeing out tissue, and the mucus thing hasn't stopped. So I might email my doctor if I don't get my period by tomorrow/ it doesn't go away. Any of these issue by themselves, and I wouldn't care much. But I get ansy whenever my ovaries hurt so the triple threat of weird discharge and passing tissue has me concerned that something is wrong in there. I'm sure it's fine though. Like I said, not uncommon to have these symptoms before my period. Especially the tissue thing the last few cycles.
CAMPN!!! I knew it was a C! I just this thread to reply and it suddenly hit me :D

ok back to the conversation....girllllllllll you're 100% going to cry come wedding day seeing him all dressed up! Are you doing first looks? mmmmmmhmmmm, love me a man with facial hair!
My mom basically took care of my whole wedding, I just had to give opinions here and there, but told me after the fact how grateful she was to have a "day of coordinator" who just took over during the entire day. Kind of like a wedding planner, but just for the day of the actual wedding. Maybe you could look into something like that?
Are you guys paying for the mens' suits or did they have to pay? were they purchased or rented? Do you have bridesmaid dresses? What do they look like?
I agree with Dobs on silk flowers because no one is getting close enough to see if they're real or not and they'll probably look pretty in photos. but only if they're cheaper. I haven't purchased a legit arrangement in some time, so I have no idea cost.

Ugh I did my nails for the first time in a couple of months and they are long (I did tips) and kind of annoying...they're going to take some adjusting. B*tching because I'm typing and this is slightly frustrating.

So we're almost done with 13dpo and no af..........this is interesting. I'm afraid to test again because nothings brings her faster than wasting a test, lol. I've had a couple times of the "wet" feeling this evening and certain she was here, but so far nope. She's typically a show up on 12dpo kind of lady, if not then overnight into 13dpo, or at least the morning. making it to 14dpo did happen one time in recent memory but that's it....and in fact last month she showed up closer (or possibly on) 11dpo, so this is different.

I'm sure she'll be here tonight or tomorrow but if not then maybe I test on 15dpo. So....fingers crossed....maybe? I just don't even know what to hope for except for the best outcome, whatever that is meant to be!

Ha just reloaded and saw dobs is in the same boat with the no show lollll sorry though. What do you mean passing tissue? yeah that temp doesn't sound pregnancy-y. But ovary pain when af is due?
Have you ever considered an IUD?

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