Shae got it! I see, I see. Hopefully no period on wedding day! I do think the glow will last, especially as you two continue to build that life together. What about tangibles? Similar to Gigs pros/cons/plan of attack. Are there certain things that you an SO can agree to achieve? Though it’s a bit late for that haha. I think you’ve been pretty transparent it was marriage and that’s coming on up. For me, it was my age, my career, and having a secure place to live. Isn’t it sad that having a stable partner was never factored in there? Oops. I have no insight on the hormones but lol fish vs fsh. How do you feel about it being that last stretch? excited for all the appointments? Homestretch! Can’t believe its less than 100 days! I agree, whatever you’re comfy sharing we’d love to see photos! I’m with you. You either peaked in high school/college but if I’m being honest that mid 20s was my favorite. No real responsibility outside of work. Making moves, making money. Could eat out or travel or do what I wanted when I wanted. I love my life now, but it’s different. 22-27 was lit. You seem tall to me. Like, in the nicest way possible, a Barbie doll. Tall but small.
Fluek right?! Like all these tests are so personal. The hormones, the urine

Sleep deprivation and AF is a lame combo, hopefully you get a chance to rest soon! Yay for leftovers! Glad the party went well.
Gigs 9 acres! Love that! i have the opposite problem. I have to convince A to stay inside haha. The kid was not built to be contained

Building a treehouse would be awesome! Sounds like a lot of work, but I love in those hallmark movies when the kids have a treehouse they built with their parents in the backyard.
Re OA: He just wants to DTD lol. I had asked him if he still wanted to maintain something casual, and he had said no because he felt like that is using me at the time. I had asked him something, oh what the knot was that he used when he tied me up because frankly I'm not trying to let that go. And he said he wasn't going to tell me but he'd show me but he didn't want to use me. I pointed out that I showed up every single time with my make up done but in a way it wouldn’t smear on his bed, matching bra and panty, full waxed, in 4in heels, and in either a dress or skirt so heels could stay on as clothes came off. So, was I really being used or was it consensual and pre-determined?

Not out here saying that a woman’s outfit is a green light to a guy at all, but in my case my words and actions were definitely predetermined. I told him just don't cross boundaries unless he's serious and he can stay on my roster. Safe, consensual, and good are not easy to come by for FWB. Especially ones that feed you first and let you stay and talk after lol.
Re dating: In terms of finding people, for me it’s all on the apps. A lot of my happily married friends my age meet people through work. Like they work for a big tech company and bump into someone from a totally different department at a work party. In fact, my mom’s coworker left teaching to go work for a tech company because she wanted to find a man and lo and behold she was engaged, married, and pregnant within like 2 years. I find Bumble and Hinge to be the least creepy. Guys are much more polite these days and open/honest right away about what they want compared to like 5 years ago. I think maybe because the apps have cracked down on lude behavior. unsolicited pics. Most of it comes down to screening. Like my bff she’ll go on a date every day or multiple in a day because our baseline requirements are different and she doesn’t screen guys before she goes out with them. Me. We have to talk on the app for 2-3 days before I’ll give you my number or a text app number if I’m still on the fence. Then we have to book a date a week out. Partially because I have to book appointments and clear it with my mom and I don’t do work night dates unless I already know you. I used to also require a phone call before the first date, but I’ve stopped doing that because tired. I’d love to meet someone more organically, but none of my friends know single guys OR the single guys they know are not looking for serious relationships. My friend keeps letting her friends set her up and it’s like blind dates from hell every time haha. Or the guys I’ve seen her set people up with are her situationships!!! Then she’s all shocked when it blows up in everyone’s faces.
Re Short Guy. Dragged myself out. He texted that he was running late 15-20m, and so I went to get A dinner and ended up being late to his late. Which worked out because then we only had 40 painful minutes at the bar. I was taller than him because I wore ankle boots. I wouldn't care but, I'm going to be a bit ableist here, looking at his hands and face you can tell that he's not 5'2 like the men in my family are 5'2-5'4 but there's something atypical. Couldn't say what but yeah, given he wants kids and I already have a kid with special needs. It's not ideal.
Pluses: He paid for my half beer. He paid for the tickets to the show. He brought the wine. He drove me from the bar to the show and home because I took a Lyft there. Comedy show ended up being really funny. Nobody bombed. Unique first date.
Cons: The height is a problem for me having now seen him. He didn't hold the car door open for me. When he dropped me off, he accidentally drove two houses down from my mom's. I hadn't even crossed the property line on one house before he drove off. To be far, it's a very safe neighborhood on a cul-de-sac but still... These things bothered me because we had talked at length about how I'm very into chivalry and things like that. He used his phone to get directions to the show, but when he pulled it out again to get directions to my mom's his Bumble app messages were open. So he had checked his messages while he was in the bathroom. Too touchy. I think he touched me every five minutes. Which would be cute if I liked him lol. He doesn't really have ambition. He dropped out of a lot of things and is just like... I don't know. I don't get that sexy hunger to excel from him. Not that I'm here judging (but I am because I grew up in hoity toity ville) while he did pay for everything, it wasn't out of the realm of a standard first date. My beer was $8, my ticket was $27, he drives a Prius and taking me home was on his way home, and the wine he brought was a $20 red blend that a friend gifted to him. I spent more on my Lyft to get there lol.
Honestly, I'd have given him a second date if he was taller. Everything that wasn't good was overlookable for a date two. But toss in the height/potential genetic condition when he wants to have kids like... I just can't do that. I don't know if I want another kid at all anymore let alone another child that will have extraordinary needs. But I'm glad I went because the show was good.