Winter, I agree sounds like keeping distanced but also keeping it real is good. I am sorry though that it’s impacting your relationship with your parents, especially during your pregnancy. having a LO at home. Definitely vent here all you need. Sorry about his son. That’s awful. I’ve had a few students with situations like that, and I agree with Shae that it sticks with you no matter how young you are.
Shae Gigs beat me to all of the questions haha. I think your plan is great, and like it’s been said if you have a plan worked out prior to the rehearsal then you’ll see if there’s any adjustments to be made. Idk if it’s been said or already a plan, but a point person in friends and family day of for emergencies? I don’t handle stress well, so if a vendor had an issue day before or day of it would kill my anxiety. I’d wait someone to field those calls like MoH or something. It’ll be great though. I’m so excited for you! Wedding cross sounds pretty. Not gonna lie, when you said put it outside I def was like oh man maybe not in the front yard though

my grandparents have a makeshift cross in their front yard. It’d give off major KKK vibes if it wasn’t next to a BLM sign and a Black Jesus
The appointment sounds fun! I’d be curious to see if there’s anything said that is new to you. It always amazes me that the information we all know is not common knowledge. Like I don’t know if I mentioned it, but I had to give my friend a crash course on how long sperm lives, how long the egg is viable, how pregnancy dates in relationship to ovulation… back to the point, yay for being back on track for a honeymoon ovulation.
Gigs I’m sorry you have covid! I don’t know the official stats, but I’ve used a variety of tests OTC or from work. Binax was one of them. I’ve never had a false positive or false negative on any of my home tests. My brother did have a false positive on a test a fe weeks ago, but I don’t know what brand. He said he had a same day PCR that was negative. Then he had another PCR two days later and did another at home test and both were negative. He kept testing every few days on home tests for a week and didn’t get another positive. He didn’t have symptoms. He hadn’t been exposed. So it does happen. Glad it hasn’t been too bad for you! Sucks to be run down and sick.
6 years, right?! I think about that when I think about how much A has grown and I have a little, “Wow! My online ttc group has been going strong that long and then some!” I’m really sorry you’re dealing with that. I went through similar things when my brother moved in with my mom, and it has impacted my ability to just pop over or leave Aiden there. Or awkward moments where one time I had to basically tell my brother to his face that he’s the only family member not authorized to pick A up from school. Not for the same concerns, but he is bipolar and he yells at A/ says inappropriate things. After being at my mom’s so long, he doesn’t even like to be around him anymore. It’s totally fair to be cautious and, frankly, assume he is still a continued threat. Especially with the way things are, a lot of our legal system is hindsight. Your kids have to get hurt before anything is done. It’s a sticky wicket, and I wish there was a clear answer. I think it’s fabulous that you and your mom are able to talk about it though and it sounds like she is trying to take your boundaries into consideration. Don’t be sorry. Feel free to talk it out. Maybe it’ll help process.
Ah my poas sister. I feel you. The struggle is real. Keeping my Feed
Re report card: Well, it’s just a complaint. But I shouldn’t have to file a formal state compliance complaint to get his report card. I gave them a deadline, so she sent a petty no grades except deflated behavior grades and no comments. I sent the admin a 4 page letter of how to fix it and asked for a parent-teacher conference. If they don’t fix it, I’m filing the complaint and going to the board meeting to put them on blast. She had the nerve to tell me I'm not longer allowed to email his team just admins and that I'm threatening them... like no, it literally says on the complaint I have to make a good faith effort to resolve it first AND notify them that I intend to file a complaint.
Outside of that just so busy. M + F, A has speech and swim. T I now have this 2 hour training after school. It's like 16 hours of Zoom class then an extra 8 hours of coursework for a 2k stipend and brownie points with my boss. But then I also have IEPs and GLAD trainings on Thursday's. I was lead teacher on a field trip I didn't plan and had never been to before. On top of dealing with all this school bs.
All of a sudden, my attorney is saying we should agree to extend the trial. And I'm like... I said that! You said not to. So whatever. I have to go through his latest IEP today very carefully. She's put some traps in there, but it's so long. I was meant to do it last night but the bs report card pissed me off, so I did that instead.
A wrote an L and an F the other day! It wasn't exactly "pretty", but to go from scribble tumbleweed to something that looks actually recognizable is huge. They're doing handwriting without tears at school, and I'm trying to do it at home as well. I'm tired, but I'm trying to be better about working on his academics at home. He's still triggered from last week's power outage.
OA and I text a lot, mostly innuendo but the occasionally g-rated. Haven't seen him since V-day though. He's been traveling a lot, which I feel bad because one perk of this job was supposed to be less travel.. but he's been at three out of state conferences already. Nobody interesting on the dating apps. I'm getting to a point where I see cute little girls, and I don't get broody 95% of the time. I'm just getting excited as A progresses and we can do more things together.
I have to figure out childcare for next year. I don't know if I'll be able to or even want to keep him at the place he is now. But wherever he is, it has to be within the city because otherwise the bus isn't allowed to pick him up. My mom is saying I can drop him off, but if the bus is late then she'd be late for work. And there's no guarantee of what pick up time he'd get. The boy across from her gets picked up at 7:30, but A isn't picked up at his daycare til 7:45. My mom has to leave at 7:30 (that's why she knows when he's picked up, she seems it every day when she leaves for work). Sigh.