Dobs yeah that burn is pretty horrific. I mean, I’ve seen much worse of course, but they were literally in the hospital. Continuing on with your life and going to work with it is probably not something I could do. Burn pain is one of the worst pains in my opinion.
Yes, timing wouldn’t be ideal, but as my mom said when I texted her about it, at least the dress would still fit

I basically texted her asking “am I crazy or is there an increased risk here” and she was like “yes there’s an increased risk but the chance is still very low… but you’ve managed it twice, so we’ll see”. She’s quite confident that I had failed implantations those two times. She’s a bit psychic (always knows when people close to her are pregnant) and both times had inklings that I was pregnant, and she had bad feelings about non-viability as well. With the first one even my sister had a feeling of non-viability. Too bad I didn’t get that gift lol.
Honestly if I were pregnant I’d probably consider just having sips of the wine on the honeymoon (one sip of each drink only), because a study in the UK showed no effect on children from light drinking during pregnancy. I doubt SO would allow it though, he’s expressed that he’ll be very protective of the baby and not wanting me doing anything with even a tiny or potential risk. He’s said sushi is an absolute no and I told him it’s literally way safer than a medium rare steak (which is actually a no-no). At that point I’d probably discuss with SO if he wants to cancel the wine tours and just try wine at the restaurants and on the food tours, he was told recently that the house wine at Italian restaurants is super good and there’s no need to splurge on the fancy stuff. All my bookings related to wine can be cancelled within a few days of the tour, so we have that option.
I also figure that if I was pregnant I’d be 8 weeks 5 days at our wedding and as long as we had an ultrasound with a strong heartbeat, I think it would be fun to announce the pregnancy to all our friends and family at the reception. So much better than a Facebook/Instagram post (we’d still make one for people not at the wedding of course). If God forbid we lost the baby after 8 weeks it would suck, but we’d probably just make a post announcing the loss if that happened after we’d told people. I’m getting a bit ahead of myself though
On a different note, I started taking pure barre classes last week. There’s a studio right next to my favorite cafe, which is less than 10 minutes from my apartment. You have to sign up for classes in advance and if you cancel less than 4 hours before the class you get hit with a fee, so it motivates me to treat them like appointments and actually go. I booked myself for the next month. I’m enjoying it so far. The classes are hard so I can’t say I’m enjoying myself *during* the class terribly much, but I feel great after the workout. They have a few different class formats, and I tried a new format yesterday, I’d been doing classic and tried the resistance training class, and I managed to pinch a nerve in my left arm, I felt fine during it but I woke up in the middle of the night with pain radiating down the my fingertips. I’ve had that happen from canoe trips before so I think it was the rowing motion with the resistance bands. That didn’t happen from the classic class though so I figure I just won’t do the resistance training class anymore and I should be fine. I was supposed to do a classic class this evening though and I cancelled it this morning because of my arm, it just hurts all the time and worse with movement, and Google says I should rest it. I’m actually disappointed that I can’t go to the class today, I know it’s smart not to go because they do a lot of movements that put lots of weight on the arms (like planks) and that could make the pain worse, but I feel good after the class and am excited to be consistent with working out for once. I have a hard time with motivation to work out so it’s a very good thing for me to be sad to miss a workout.