Ooo sage green is pretty. I’m definitely an avoider of white things especially now with A haha. I’ll also be reconsidering heather gray after the embarrassing sweatstain situation
Quick trip to Montreal! Tres romantic! Glad you got a break and had some fun.
Sorry about all the blood snafus lately! Never considered that about the separate toilet area and how it can potentially be inconvenient.
The rational part of me is with SO but the live through others needs yall to have a baby. Though I’ve noticed i definitely have baby aversion now but it’s been replaced with illogical puppy fever. I get so many puppy ads lol. But I told my mom now that A is older and more able to travel and I don’t live alone and in a really safe city, I don’t know that I’d get another dog unless it was a service dog for A.
So on that note I am considering it because he needs someone to help him emotionally regulate. But I obviously can’t be around 24/7. My sheltie is 14 and struggling. Our Aussie is 10 in a few months and, definitely not at the same stage as older dog, starting to show her age.
Other note I’m so mad about Southwest changing their policy. Pre boarding with open seating has been so clutch for A and me.
Covid aside things are good. Have a hearing date though the district already admitted they are working on a motion to dismiss. Hearing is early September and waiting on a decision from a judge if A can enroll in school in the meantime. So FXed.
My attorney isn’t helping at all so I’m trying to get some consults this week to see about getting a new one.
Oh and between all this drama and stress and vacationing…. I’ve gained 20lbs. I don’t care aesthetically but I can see it impacting my hormones so I should do something about it lol.
Our birthdays were lovely. Pretty, I meant to pop in to say happy birthday to our little men! But things got go go go and now it’s August. I was depressed so I didn’t see my friends but had a great dinner at a Brazilian steakhouse that was so great about accommodating A. The trip to WDW worked out super lovely. Hit all my bucket list stuff. My brother flying in for a day was super nice. Tequila tasting was perfect. A had so much fun. Disneyland was good with us DAS but omg the cast members were so much more accommodating than here. Like here, if they’re traveling they will not stop to talk to you or anything. A found Moana leaving her photo area to go on break, and she insisted on stopping for hugs and pictures because he was just excited to see her. My mom didn’t even have to ask. I had no idea about lightning lanes and what not but they still let us on. Only weird hiccup was they almost didn’t let him go on Tron. He wore the same shoes at Knott’s and was way above the 48” line and even universal with smaller shoes he was just barely there and they let him go. He was like a full inch short of WDW marker. But I worked my magic and they let him on.
Then obviously got covid so here we are. My mom got pissed about something random so she kicked my brother out so I could move into the adu. Now she’s upset that she treated my brother that way and scared about his health. Which I get it. Last time he was there he needed chemo and was hospitalized. But it’s a nice place to live and not far. Plus he’s going to get some income from renting the second bedroom. But my mom wants him back so she’s back on the build a 1 bedroom adu. The upside is she said if/when that happens then she’ll move to the adu and A and I can stay in the main house. Just a matter of how. She wants to keep it under 300k but the only company so far who said that she won’t hire. She has an interesting proposal of selling her property in SoCal to me to get cash to build the adu while keeping that property in the family but she forgets the part where I have no money to qualify for a loan

like maybe if I get the settlement money from this hearing sure. But rn I’m like 15k in the hole.
Anyway hope everyone is doing well!