General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Oooh puppy fever!! Tell me more!! What kind are you looking for?

I’ve been casually perusing houses anyway, but now looking again because the space constraints of our place…but now we’re thinking we can maybe put in an egress window in one of the downstairs rooms to turn it into a bedroom. Unfortunately DS1 would have to be the one to take it and he is a bit freaked out by the basement, but maybe if we transition slowly it’ll be ok. Like turn it into a gamer room so he can play down there and get used to it or something.

Bit worried about expenses…a window won’t be cheap. Also we have a roof issue that needs to be addressed sooner rather than later, plus our front deck is literally falling apart. Together they are causes water issues for us that has caused the basement to flood a couple times. We’ve got a temporary solution with large totes for water catchment but that ain’t gonna fly long term
Agreed! Awesome progression! Aww yeah I can't imagine that decision of being done then having a surprise, but I agree. Lots of women on this site and even just in this thread who have definitely been there. And exactly! Just look at the beautiful bonus babies in this thread as a reminder that things will work out and this baby will be an amazing blessing.

May does sound busy. Maybe things will turn out that this LO gets a late April or early June bday. Never know til you know. Granted, I'm only focused on A and me but I remember being so update that his due date meant a likely July birthday. And then to have him just four days after my birthday. But it's actually turned into quite the blessing. We can separate our birthdays to different weekends, and it helps me to justify some vacations because they're a combination of celebrating both him and me. I'm sure you'll find a good balance of acknowledging everyone's special moments while hopefully not breaking the bank/ running into overlapping scheduling.

I feel like you've posted videos from the basement, but I can't remember. Is it redone already or does it still have that haunted basement foundation? I fell like my friend went through a similar thing. Her parents wanted to turn their basement into essentially her room/ place she could hang out with her friends. She was so against it until the flooring/walls were done. She didn't have any windows either because it was truly underground, but they did a nice job with the paint and furnishings and light. I can't believe how this garage has transformed into a livable adu really just through changing up the flooring, adding the cabinets, covering up all the exposed structural beams and painting. You said you were looking at homes, any catch your eye that could be potentials for y'all?

But yeah we have water damage in the roof here. He was supposed to redo the roof entirely but he's just been tossing something as a temporary fix for the past couple years. The other thing they did was elongate the gutters and dug a bit around the adu so it no longer slopes into the unit but towards the fence (which is next to an empty area of a parking lot).

Flueky I agree puppy fever?! If you cave, let us know haha. I have to live through all of you haha. But agreed any particular breed? What sparked it?
I rather like “bonus babies” ^_^
I’ve calmed down a bit but still getting waves of terror. I imagine that will slow down eventually, especially after we start telling people. I hate feeling like I have such a heavy secret. I’m going to go visit my local bestie later and am definitely spilling the beans to her at least! Hopefully that will alleviate some of this feeling.

Yes, we need some grading done too I think (sloping the earth the right way). Our basement is finished but has linoleum. Not too welcoming but some carpet would go a long way.
I rather like “bonus babies” ^_^
I’ve calmed down a bit but still getting waves of terror. I imagine that will slow down eventually, especially after we start telling people. I hate feeling like I have such a heavy secret. I’m going to go visit my local bestie later and am definitely spilling the beans to her at least! Hopefully that will alleviate some of this feeling.

Yes, we need some grading done too I think (sloping the earth the right way). Our basement is finished but has linoleum. Not too welcoming but some carpet would go a long way.
Right?! I was like I gotta come up with a catchy term for this. ;) was pretty pleased with bonus babies :rofl:

oooo nice well at least it’s partly there then. Maybe if he’s involved in the decor and gaming comes into play. I get freaked out re human threads and supernatural ones any time I move somewhere new though. Just nothing to it but to get through it. Having my dogs close helps too so speaking of puppy fever…. lol jk jk

Yay! I’m glad you’ll have someone to tell irl! Such A game changer to have someone irl to know and be excited with you.

So btw besides the timing and tests falling into your lap, any other inklings/symptoms?
No symptoms! None! Actually before I found out, I was thinking about how I have been starting to lose my appetite in my luteal phase which used to be my telltale sign of pregnancy, and I wondered if I always had it and only paid attention when I was trying to get pregnant or what…regardless I decided I couldn’t rely on it. As a symptom anymore. It was a passing thought. Anyway this LP my appetite remained as normal. Not anything crazy though, just nothing changed, so not really a symptom to note. Otherwise I did have noticeable af cramps on 7 or 8 dpo but I get those here any there anyway (usually closer to af), so it didn’t strike me as odd. I did kind of muse to myself about possibly being pregnant but I do that every single month if we have sex around O time, so nothing really unusual there.

I still don’t know why I took the blue test!! At what I think was 9dpo nonetheless! I have tested a few cycles since the last pregnancy, but usually it’s because I didn’t write down exactly when I ovulated, and I feel like my period might be a day or two late, but every single time I’ve done that, my period shows up the same day or the day after, and obviously the test is always been negative. I think the one time I tested early, hubby had a slip up, so I was thinking about it the entire two week wait. This time I’m completely blindsided! Hubby insists that he pulled put with time to spare so I have no idea. I guess it was just meant to be!

So part of my denial was….blue test was just and indent, and clear blue may have been faulty tests from the same box, or the lines were so faint they didn’t count. So I went out and got some tried and true FRER’s, which I don’t like for early testing anymore because of the indents I’ve gotten, but I figured if it’s gonna be pink, it’s gonna be pink. So I took one today and I finally believe it…still in shock though lol, but no longer in denial!

Adding that I think today is 11dpo but again since I didn’t get my usual ov pain I’m not 100% on that but the tests look right
So the kids were at MIL's yesterday...I decided to get some things "over with" that I'm super anxious about -- 1. making my first appointment, and 2. telling my Mom. The appointment making was pretty painless, I have one at 8 weeks. They'll do a dating scan at that point and medical history and blahblah.

Telling my Mom....not as easy! She reacted as I expected though so at least I wasn't surprised. Funny thing is she told me she had had a dream the night before that I was pregnant (well me and one of my fish lol) so I think she was pretty shocked that it seemed to have been more of a premonition. Then she did what I knew she would (which was why I didn't want to tell her), which was go into how she was worried about me and my health, and she just overall sounded disappointed. But we talked it out, and I reassured her that I'm also worried about my health and am going to do my best to be proactive with my health this time (which to me means a better diet so long as I can stomach it, and exercising throughout my pregnancy). She also said she wants me to make an appointment as soon as possible and maybe talk about being monitored extra this pregnancy -- funny how she still tries to mother me even now. I just told her that I probably will be regardless because of my age. By the end of the conversation she was better spirits, and was saying the things I needed to hear (that we are good parents, everything will be ok). She also very strongly agreed with me when I told her I was getting my tubes tied :rofl:

I did remind her that I was also an oopsie baby, but she insisted it was different because she had a small age gap...? I don't see how that makes a difference but whatevs.

Anyway we'll see how things pan out but I'm glad to have that out of the way because it was definitely contributing to my anxiety. I still have crazy anxiety but it's interspersed with feelings of calm so at least it's getting better. I hope I'll feel better after the first appointment...obviously I hope I to feel better before that but you get what I mean.

In the meantime I'm going to try to really knock out some crochet things to sell and make some side money. We got rid of ALL of our baby stuff so we'll be starting over. I hope all goes well at 8 weeks and then maybe I can see if my SIL has anything she wants to get rid of that we can use.
OMG GIGS! I can’t believe I missed this!!! Bonus baby here we go!!! Sorry the timing isn’t perfect, I know you had debated for a while on one more and then decided against it. We make plans, God laughs, they say! I wonder if this will be another little boy to continue to boy mom or if you’ll get a surprise little girl!
Shae! I was wondering when you’d finally show up to the party! Yes, “man plans, God laughs” is I think what I said to hubby lol

I’m also wondering about the gender but I’m not in the headspace yet to think too hard about it. I’m even too scared to look at the Chinese prediction calendar thing.

I’m too scared to do this but also scared to lose it, so my brain isn’t letting me get attached yet. I imagine after the scan I will sort through the emotions a bit better.
I forgot to post this yesterday but here’s another test pic. The bottom was yesterday’s test. This is roughly 9, 10, and 12 dpo. I have no idea if this looks good for progression since I’ve never used these before…

Today’s test on the bottom. I’m going to have to go back and look at old photos; I really don’t know about the progression but I think it’s ok…?

Getting a lot of those af feeling cramps today. My period is also due today. Funny to think how I would have been totally clueless if I didn’t test, would have thought af is coming right on time; would have been floored when I took the test tomorrow when af was a no show…

Overall I’m doing better. I’m finally getting a bit excited here and there, and really trying to let myself get excited and stop being fearful.

We are also now discussing how we’re going to modify the house to accommodate another human. The most cost-effective thing would be to put an egress window in one of our basement rooms. We are also discussing the possibility of an addition but that’s likely to be too costly. We also *have* to address the front porch…

I have no idea how we’re going to afford all this. My Mom mentioned she wanted to give us some of her inheritance early in the near future so that will certainly help, but I don’t like counting on things like that.

Refinancing/equity loan is also a possibility. Hubby also may be able to borrow from his business, but I don’t know how feasible that is. At least we don’t need a bigger vehicle!
Those are looking great! I’m happy to hear you’re intentionally setting fear aside to choose to be excited. Those are some good ideas, and you still have plenty of time to figure out logistics. Sometimes God has things pop up that we never would’ve thought of.
Thank you @HalfricanMa ! Yes I definitely believe God has his hand in this one, haha. Either a gift, a lesson, or both remains to be seen, but for now I am choosing joy ^_^

As an aside I realize my days could be off by 1 or 2 since I wasn't able to pinpoint ovulation this these could be more like 10 & 12 or even 9 & 11 dpo...i went back and looked at old tests and from my last pregnancy the compare to 10 & 12. The pregnancy before I got a super early and obvious first line at 8dpo. So it's really anyone's guess and I need to chill out lol.

I've got one last test and plan to maybe take it next week to see a "dye stealer"...then it's just the wait for the first appointment so long as nothing else happens.
haha thanks dobs. No worries. I started a journal on here so i can talk things out with myself instead of dumping on you all lol
Gigs lol you mean like how I dump on you all :rofl: progression looks great! That appointment can’t come soon enough! I just know I’m gonna be going nuts for that month of waiting.

TTC update: Hubby really really wants a baby and has said that if he gets this job and makes it through the training period (6 months?) and is placed at a company, we can start TTC as soon as we move to wherever they send us. I’ll just have to also work full time at least until I give birth, and then part time at minimum until he finishes his contract and can get a higher paying job. So that would make the timeline under one year, if he passes the entrance test and is able to get through the training (it’s very rigorous). Please everyone pray for my hubs that he can pass that exam and get through the rigorous training so we can start our little family <3
Prayers sent up shae!! I'm still going to hope for a slip up, especially to selfishly have a bump buddy lol. When will he find out about the position? And if you do have to move, do you know where or would you find that out later? Also even if you were pregnant now, just means you'd be moving at 6 months pregnant and that's no biggie. Totes doable. So I'm still team slip up lol

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