General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Gigs haha I’m totally team slip up, having a bump buddy would be so much fun! He says I’m not allowed to get pregnant before we move cuz I won’t be able to help carry boxes :rofl: how are you feeling? Any symptoms yet? Nice dye stealer!

I’m going to try to focus on my health the next 6 months, getting my hormones in check and getting in an exercise routine to make TTC hopefully faster and a pregnancy easier. I have family visiting this week but once they leave I’m hoping to start an exercise routine. My weight has been stable for a year and I’m not overweight, so I’m less worried about calories and more just eating consistently and making sure I’m getting enough nutrients. I’m bad about eating on my days off, I live on coffee until dinner time usually. On work days I eat 3 solid meals lol. I think it’s because on days off I sit on my butt. I don’t need the calories of 3 full meals when I’m not doing anything but basal metabolic rate. But like… idk if it’s good for me? Low progesterone can be caused by thyroid issues, so I hope I haven’t screwed up my thyroid with my weird eating habits lol. I’m thinking I’m going to try to get my TSH checked.

I’m also going to start taking magnesium glycinate supplements to reduce cortisol (another cause of low progesterone) and start taking Elix, an herbal tincture to balance your hormones, you take a quiz and based on your symptoms they give you a blend. Can’t say if it works yet, haven’t started, but I checked reddit for reviews (seems to be my go to these days) and it’s helped a lot of people with imbalances. I don’t actually believe in the principles of Chinese medicine like Qi (what Elix is based on), it says I have Qi stagnation, but I do think the Chinese medicine diagnosis can likely be comparable to a scientific bodily issue, and the herbs have been studied scientifically. So we’ll see. I think it’s worth trying to prep for TTC. Hopefully my spotting is just caused my some imbalance and not like… ovarian failure.

ETA: just discovered I can get a whole thyroid panel done at home with a finger stick, so I ordered a test kit. I know it’s ideal to test more than just TSH, and my insurance doesn’t cover labs until the deductible, so it’s likely way cheaper and more comprehensive to buy a home kit lol.
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Sounds like a good plan Shae. If I could do all my labs at home by myself, I totally would. I despise medical attention, haha. You wouldn't know if from how many times I've been in the hospital though :rofl:

Oh I don't think I'd considering that a dye stealer yet, although someone in my journal said the same thing, haha. I said it's more like a dye hog....just a touch darker than control. I ordered a 3 pack of frer, and I just picked up 4 dollar tree tests, one of which I already took. This will be it though, no more tests for me. Kind of sad in a weird way!

So I am feeling much more irritable today than usual, and also I'm more sensitive to things that don't usually make me gag but today they are. Not full on gagging, but I feel it in the depths of my stomach -- one was from cleaning up partly cooked blood from a chuck roast/steak, the other was from oatmeal that just....I couldn't with the consistency! I forced it down not to waste it but I won't be eating any more of that.

I do remember last time I was pregnant with ds3 I couldn't handle raw meat or the smell of it cooking from pretty early on. I hope I don't deal with too many weird symptoms, or really many symptoms at all...but time will tell of course.

Have you guys heard of snugglers? Like for little kids? I'm working on one now and it's the freaking cutest!! It was supposed to be a dragon but I don't think I'm going to add wings because I couldn't find the color yarn I needed. It just kind of looks like a little dinosaur, which I'm on board with. I'll have to show a pic later
The snuggler! Sorry i realize it’s kind of hard to tell what’s going on…Just trust me it’s cute lol. It's head and feet are stuffed but that's it. It's just limp and super soft. I wasn't sure on the size of the eyes but DS2 says "the bigger the eyes, the cuter it is" haha

I also custom made the eyes ^_^ They come clear and I use resin and some adornments to make them sparkle, and in this case add the little flower details.



Thanks ladies! I’m in love with this yarn, which gives the look of little flowers everywhere. I’ve just started a new one in blue.
Very cute! Dye hog is clever but also yay! Such great progression. Oof hopefully the nausea doesn’t get too bad. Oatmeal can be gross sometimes haha. That was good of you not to waste it but wouldn’t have judged if you tossed it.

Shae FXed all goes well. For what it’s worth, I helped A’s dad move when I was about in tri 3/around 6 months. Carrying boxes up and down stairs. Carrying his heavy bedframe. Not advisable but I was gaslight. That being said, I feel confident in saying that helping him move is not the reason for any of A’d afflictions and I had an uncomplicated pregnancy. So I am still team slip up. I know movers are costly, but hired hands aren’t. Don’t know if it’s a CA thing, but we always have people on certain corners or at hardware stores looking for quick cash jobs. With the exception of my last move, that’s how I’ve always had help. My stepdad of grandpa would get a couple guys and it was like $40pp to pack up the truck. We’d always get the lunch too even though they never ask. Just something quick so they can get back and hopefully get another job that day. Or like coworkers and friends? Not anymore because my back hurts, but in my 20s/pre I’d do a lot for a friend. Especially for pizza :rofl:
^That or just offer a few friends or family beer :) That's always worked for us lol

Also I have every intention of continuing my strength training, no reason you can't. Lifting *super* heavy stuff I don't think is advised, but if you're having an easy pregnancy, I don't think there's any harm in it unless you are having some difficulty (like back pain, as an example).

Look of Kaleigh Cohen on youtube. I love her workouts! She does strength training and leads cycling classes. She actually just had a baby about two weeks ago and was doing her videos up until she delivered (now she's uploaded pre-recorded ones she made when still pregnant). Totally inspiring. I mean to be fair she literally works out for a living but still.
Today’s progress pic ^_^

Also I don’t want to put the cart before the horse but I think we may have agreed on a boy name already! I will share it down the road once we see how things goes but it really has eased my mind about everything. This has always happened in my pregnancies, I’ve never felt truly “all in” and connected until we have a name. This is just the first time it’s happened this early lol. But it’s helped me emotionally a ton.

In the meantime hubby made a joke about using offbeat old names, so we’ve been jokingly calling it Wolfgang :rofl: i’ve gotta admit that one is growing on me but maybe as a middle name lol

Dobs what ever happened to A’s dad?
Lovely progression! Love that you’re feeling all in

Omg Wolfgang I love it. I saw this reel of some guy in Europe using old classical names for the letters of the alphabet. Wish some would make a comeback lol.

He’s not dead. The child support still comes in :rofl: he reminds me of OA. He’ll never stop being a narcissistic a*. I’ve never changed my number, and I haven’t heard from him or his parents. Not my monkeys, not my circus. I had a dream last night that some boy who looked like Zac Efron was my bf.

I’m content. I really don’t see a point in dating. Financially, I’m well off. My only debt is from the legal battles. I make good and stable money. Biologically, I do not want more kids. If I didn’t keloid, I would ask to tie my tubes at this point. Intimacy has never been fulfilling for me so I don’t feel like I’m lacking and in this day and age of hook up culture that’s easily enough to get. OA was nice in the sense that it forced me to take care of myself, care about my looks, and take time for myself. I don’t need a man to do that. Just blah.

There’s like one person I’d consider dating but he’s married and his mom has so much unhealed trauma. We always got on and people assumed we were deeply in love and dating because of just how out energies are. He has rescued me many times from exes and never once made me feel small for going back to them after they literally hurt me. We were both parentified children who grew up without our bio dads. Nerdy jocks. He’s the nicest guy I know. And I hate his wife. She’s a good person, but I think his mom chased a lot of people away (me included) because she couldn’t let go. His wife is the only one who wouldn’t take her s*. Like toxic wedding day MIL level s*. And I know she must not like me because I didn’t get invited to the wedding when I’ve known him for over ten years at that point and he invites me to things/we’d see each other at mutual friends’ stuff. But yeah I dislike her because he settled. He used to always play sports and coach youth sports, and we talked about how he wanted kids but was scared about not knowing what a good dad looks like. But suddenly he’s with her and they’re no kids. His mom wants a grandkid. My bestie is close to them and swears I have it wrong/people can change, but guess what he told me yesterday?! He wishes he could have a kid! He wants to watch them grow. To teach them things. But of course it’s probably not in the cards and he’s just hoping his wife changes his mind or they have a slip up. What else did he tell me? He wants to go to this anniversary event in Germany. Work has been rough, he’s overdue for a vacation, saved up money but he can’t book anything because his wife is refusing to get a passport! Saying it’s too much work/hassle to suddenly get a passport now. But we come from travel bug families. We’ve had passports since childhood. She’s grounded him. I clearly have a lot of resentment towards her. I love him. We’d never work, but I love him. And he deserves the life he grew up wanting. Sorry haha I’m extra mad about it because just talked yesterday. I was supposed to meet up with them for an art festival but it’s right by OA’s house and I’m still ready to swift kick him in the dark places

ETA my mom basically summed it up. Now that A and I are living on her property with her, we’re basically coparenting. A bounces between the two houses. She watches him when I need to do things lol
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Wow! Great that you feel a bit better having a boy name chosen; I’m excited to hear it. Wolfgang is hilariously awesome! 10 points for that!!
Lines are looking fantastic!! Yay!
@DobbyForever yikes what an unfortunately situation for you friend. Do you think that relationship will stand the test of time? I bet his wife and mother have a horrible relationship if she has that kind of attitude! And what a shame about going to Germany! I hope he goes anyway. Sounds to me like a good opportunity to get a brake from his oppressive wife. Also I can think of many, many things worse than dating Zac Efron's doppelgänger XD
That's so nice that you have a good enough relationship with your mom that she can help like that. Especially the trust.

@HalfricanMa thank you! Haha "hilariously awesome" sums it up pretty well! You know we've always had long lists of girls names that we liked, but now I don't think I'm crazy about any of them anymore. I guess tastes change, even with names. Our "for sure" name was Ember...I still like it, but I don't *love* it like the boy name. I used to though. Could also just be my brain trying to protect my heart though! We'll revisit girl names once I have proof it's a girl lol
I think it will. Like there's nothing majorly wrong it's just not the wife he wants. But he's a people pleaser and he has enough that he wouldn't leave her. Oh that's the other thing he says stuff like "yeah she lets me have my nerdy hobbies". Like I respect that people can and should have separate hobbies from their spouses but his nerd/gaming culture was such a huge part of his identity that I hate that he feels like he can't fully embrace it. We're talking this guy bought alien (the movie franchise) art at the art and wine festival lol. Dresses up as a DND character for ren faire. At his birthday, there were this LARPers and we broke off to go play but he felt like he couldn't because his wife didn't come. Small s*. Right?! I really want to be like f- that then guys trip! Or go without her lol. Such a stupid excuse. But he said maybe if he has a game plan to get the passport and makes it super simple maybe he can convince her. So here's hoping. He's gained a lot of weight since he married her and doesn't get out as much. I rarely see him at events that I used to always see him. But oh well. She had the lady balls to stand up to his mom which is more than we can say for a lot of women. The most annoying part was at his birthday she gave me a big hug and was like omg of course i remember you! wow! you're still so beautiful! and I'm like nope nope nope. I still feel 21 in your kitchen. '

Gigs are you going to do a sneek peek or wait it out?
that’s too bad. I mean I know he could be perfectly happy but it’s hard seeing how people were compared to who their significant other changed them into. Especially if it’s crushing passions. That makes me a little sad!

I’ll probably opt to do NIPT testing if they offer it and J guess would find out the sex at that point. I’m torn between a reveal party and just hubby and me finding out and keeping it from everyone else lol. Hubby may not want to know at all; he expressed wanting to be “team green” last time but I vetoed :blush:
Today’s test. The line came up the fastest it ever has, but I don’t know about this progression…no obvious “dye stealer” yet :-k the past three have looked pretty much the same. The difference is how fast the test line is popping up…also the control line today was slow to show but then finally did and got every bit as dark as the test line by 5 minutes.

That first ultrasound can’t come soon enough!
Yeah. The gaming was one thing but him not being a dad when I know he wants a kid. Ugh

Well he can be team green and the rest of us team we wanna know :rofl:

Ugh I hate that 2 week area where the tests start to progress oddly. So stressful. You still feeling good?
Yup other than copious amounts of anxiety, I feel great! I finally got decent sleep last night, too. The past several I’ve been waking up and not being able to fall back asleep for an hour or longer.

Lol!! Right? This mama doesn’t have the patience for an 8 month wait to find out. Besides we have to get all new things and I’m not keen on gender neutral stuff, especially if it’s a girl, I’m getting allllllllll the floral things! And when it’s a boy, it’ll be fun having the kids help pick everything out.

I will say I think they’ll be pumped to be involved. This is the first time the kids will “get it”. Ds1 just turned 5 when I had ds2 but with his language delay, I don’t think he really understood until baby was here, and he definitely didn’t have a strong reaction from what I remember. Honestly I don’t really remember telling him :-k
I still had two more cheapies left (25miu from dollar tree) so whipped one out today for the heck of it. No denying the progression on this one…!

Well had to take the puppers to the vet today. Poor thing has bad allergies and a skin infection :( hundreds of dollars and 3 new prescriptions later, hopefully we can get her back to good, and keep the itching under wraps. She’s miserable. Our last dog had skin allergies too (grass) but his got better over time. Here’s hoping hers does too because dang, she’s expensive and high maintenance!

whoops meant to put this in my journal LOL -- oh well now you guys get to hear about my dog's skin condition whether you like it or not XD

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