Dobs I agree with Gigs, photos are required!
Gigs literally, I don’t know how to do them and it would need to be transvaginal at that stage but if I had my own machine that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t try lmao. I know that I’ll for sure be getting a Doppler for when I’m far along enough to hear the heartbeat that way.
Confession time, on Friday I was at work chatting with a male coworker (he’s an ICU nurse) and he’s super funny and kind, and at the end of the day I was like “crap, I can’t be friends with him anymore, he makes me laugh/smile just a little too much” and then I got home and saw EWCM and that explains literally everything

I’m not a horrible person, I’m just fertile

but I’m still gonna keep my distance cuz it’s just not worth the risk. That’s how sketchy stuff starts and I won’t allow that. A married coworker in the ED told me that she’s had to cut at least two female friends out of her life (she’s bisexual, married to a man) because she realized she was catching feelings for them and she valued her marriage too much to risk that progressing. Made me feel a little better that it’s common and that my response of setting firm boundaries and only interacting with him in a group coworker conversation or for patient care purposes is the correct response.
So that said, I am indeed currently fertile. My LH is bumped (baseline is ~0.1 on Inito, it’s currently 6.8) but not yet positive. OPK looks like I’ll be positive at some point tomorrow, most likely. I’d only be in for an O-5 if I manage to ovulate by Tuesday morning. Hopefully I’ll be able to catch a slip up in the meantime, but I wouldn’t get my hopes up lol.