Gigs uh oh, I remember when a lot of stuff was going down with your brother. How many years did he get? I’m honestly surprised he’s only got a few years left, considering. I’m sure it’s really hard for your mom because he’s still her baby and it’s really hard to let go of your child, even when they’ve done horrible things. At the same time, if god forbid I was in her situation, I would not allow him to live with me or be anywhere near my grandchildren.
Oh I 100% will be testing. O-5 is still a legit chance (10% on O-5 vs 33% on ovulation day), so I’ve already boarded the obsession bus. Not gonna lie, I’m going way overboard and am gonna be a total wreck if I’m not pregnant

yesterday I was looking at Thanksgiving pregnancy announcements because I’d be 12 weeks a few days before Thanksgiving. Turns out, there’s a ton of super cute options on Etsy.
I might be clinically… not insane, that’s not a diagnosis… but clinically something

my husband says that pregnancy/baby is my autism special interest. Tbh he’s probably not wrong. It’s been my number one interest since I was 14. I always wanted to be a mom, but basically as soon as I started dating DH, a switch flipped in my brain and suddenly sex and babies were all I could think about (the sex part has died down to mostly only when fertile, now that I’m not a teenager). I think God might have given me the biological drives of all the millions of women in the world who don’t want kids, all stuck in my brain. When people say they don’t like kids and don’t want them, I simply cannot comprehend it. Like you do you of course, don’t have kids if you don’t want them, but I don’t understand how every fiber of their being, at least during the fertile period, isn’t screaming at them to have a child. It feels like, biologically abnormal? That’s not at all a judgement on those people, I just don’t understand how some people have no biological urge to procreate.
I wrote all that last night and then knocked out.
This morning my temp is up 0.3 degrees from yesterday, which is not a terribly satisfying shift to me. In the past my temp shift has been at least 0.5 degrees and I usually hit at least 97.5 on 1dpo. I’m only 96.99. Another reason to have my thyroid checked, I suppose. My baseline could be lower now, I didn’t start temping until yesterday. I’ll have to keep temping for a few days to make sure I actually ovulated. Definitely gonna be pissed if after all my excitement my ovulation failed, and especially with last month’s poor progesterone production I’d be worried about ovarian issues/failure.