Ugh I'm jealous Jules, we were bumping each other in the kitchen trying to make 4 dishes to bring to the party. It was a pain in the ass. I'm going to say no to that next year. That said, my husband made some killer stuffing (that, LOL
@autumnal , had sausage in it hahahah) and I made crab stuffed mushrooms that were fantastic, and the sweet taters I brought were pretty good, so all and all the dishes we made turned out the best so.....
The stoner in the family (well, kind of -- drunk aunt's boyfriend) made the mashed potatoes which were OK so long as you didn't bite into one of the completely uncooked chunks
Anyway Jules feelin' ya on not feelin' all the food. I didn't even have pie, however my SIL picked up some pumpkin cheescake that was divine. My FIL also made ice cream and the chocolate flavor was great with the cheesecake. But I got so full so fast I really didn't get to "enjoy" everything like I usually do. Typically I take a small sampling of everything and then go back for more of what I liked most. This time I barely could get down the sample plate. I was so uncomfortable. I didn't feel full as such, just out of room if that makes sense.
omg Shae hahahahhahahahah that shirt is so cute and your face made me literally lol. Too funny. Boys will be boys! Glad the family meal wasn't as awkward as you were anticipating. Three celebrations! You're spoiled
Eeeee keep us posted on the lh surge!! That would be very exciting if it works out. Puts ya in girlie territory. Did you say if you wanted a boy or girl first, in an ideal world? Also getting the first part of the deposit is the most important part so I say as long as you ovulate you're definitely in with a solid chance!
Dobby not sure if you're lurking but I hope you're doing OK and you had a good thanksgiving

Same to all the long term thread girls/occasional lurkers!
AFM I have been waking up feeling like crap (headache, nausea, stuffy nose) but it subsides with tylenol. I've been managing to just take a dose in the morning even though I really rather not take it at all...but I do have to be functional, and it has definitely been helping. So far been feeling fine the rest of the day. My sleep has been complete crap though for the past week. Remids me of when I am much further along and wake up every time I move. I'm doing that now...really hoping I can get in a handful of OK nights sleep before there is a baby to take care of.
oh editing to add my libido has been IN.SANE. I remember this happened in my first pregnancy, I think around the same time. I would jump hubby the second he got home from work (I always got home before he did). He actually had to sit down and have a talk with me about giving him some space when he got home because he was physically drained from work already, and then having to immediately perform was a lot to ask lol. I'm just as bad now except we have 3 kids instead of none, so I have to be patient and wait for bedtime and that's been a challenge hahahahha. I'm really torn between enjoying it and finding it a major annoyance.