General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Your pain tolerance will get you far in labor Shae :haha: but it's true, if you can handle it for a minute or 3 you can make it through, one contraction at a time!
Halfican I can't even with your tests. Is that from the same box as the other one? You need a fresh box of a completely different test, methinks.
Hi MrsKatie, welcome :)
Autumnal I always wanted a June or August baby since we don't have any in the family, and also those months sound like lovely names! sorry this month isn't looking hopeful :/
Come rant with us here RedRose :P
Jules I am sorry about the spotting! I had that too with my first ultrasound, not my pap though. I was also wayyyyyyyyyyy overdue for mine (my last one was with my last pregnancy 6 years ago..opps.) Glad all is looking good so far!
I miss the busyness of the forums. I didn’t even see a pregnancy group that’s active so I’ve just been popping around. I still love the forums. Social media has its place, but is over saturated and I hate recording myself. I also like that this is less judgmental because it’s private. You don’t have to know everyone names so people are more open.

Anyway, spotting was minimal and went away. It’s snowing today! It’s been a super mild fall then boom… it switches to snow. Then tomorrow it will be 54. Make it make sense. Lol I have one kid sick and praying it doesn’t spread around. She just has a low grade fever, but hasn’t had much of an appetite. I’m hoping it passes so we can have a nice Thanksgiving break.
ahh sorry about the sick kiddo! Snow is fun though!

I got AF. But pretty optimistic about the next cycle.
I've got all my Christmas stuff done for my kids and have to start thinking about other gifts now. Getting some knitting done.
Oooh Autumn I’d love to see any projects you’re working on! I can knit but I definitely prefer crochet.

Jules yay for snow! We have been in a “snow drought” for the past two years and have seen collectively less than 5” :( so upsetting! I’m really hoping for a good storm this year. We installed a wood stove the year before last and I have dreams of using ir during a lovely snow fall. We got to last year but the snow was not that impressive.

What’s everyone doing for thanksgiving? We’re not hosting but my MIL has asked us to bring THREE dishes, plus the egg nog :/ is it just me or does that seem like a lot?? It’s going to be a packed party too, 20 people (including 6 kids). I’m simultaneously looking forward to it and dreading it lol
Sure, do you have a Ravelry account? I post my stuff on there, I could PM you my username. So sad you don't get any snow!! I missed the snow so much (we lived in Florida in 2021-2023) and then this past winter in Canada it was so nice to see snow again..

We celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving in October and I made the turkey for my parents and us (7 people) and I might make a little one again for American Thanksgiving, just because it is my husbands favourite holiday so why not. Asking a guest to do three dishes is rather a lot. Maybe she is feeling overwhelmed or something.
The snow was just flurries all day, nothing stuck. It was pretty though! It varies every year, but most of the real snow doesn’t show up til late January and February. We had a really warm fall so I was shocked it actually did anything at all.

Autumn- That’s super impressive that you’re done with Christmas! I’m only about 1/3 done and my son’s birthday is 12/31 so I have to plan for that as well. I would love to see your projects as well. That’s something I tried to pick up, but never got the hang of it.

@gigglebox - I would say it’s a lot for a small gathering, but makes sense if there’s a lot of people. Most dishes only serve about 2-5 people. We’re having a small dinner on Thanksgiving with my in laws. They usually get it already made from somewhere, but I’m ok with not cooking. On Saturday I’m going to my brothers and we’ll have a big dinner….there’s a lot of us. Lol
Ahh I think I've come down with another cold. In the last month and a half we have had like three different colds and pink eye multiple times. Little kids are gross and mine go to the germ factory/school. I'm going to try and infect my husband ASAP otherwise he will get sick later and act like it's the bubonic plague during my FW. Hahahahah
oh no Autumn! Solidarity though, I've got a cold too :/ what a time to get it. It started a couple days ago and I was hoping I'd feel better by today but I work up feeling the worst yet with a messed up stomach and nausea, in addition to the headache and snotty nose. At least I'm not coughing...but ugh. I took some tylenol and hoping I feel well enough to go to Thanksgiving later. Fortunately so far no one else is sick so that's good! I'm really not sure if the nausea is illness or just being pregnant, it's so hard to tell.

Omg leave poor hubs alone :haha: I hear so much about the "man flu" but my husband is the opposite. I have to tie him to the bed to get him to rest when he's sick (which is a rare occurrence indeed). I'll never forget the time he had the actual flu and went outside to mow the lawn. He looked so insanely miserable out there pushing the mower! I finally went out there and stopped him and forced him inside lol. He didn't fight me too much, if memory serves he went in, plopped on the bed and immediately passed out lol

I don't have ravelry but I'd love links!! I make stuff and right now exclusively sell on youtube (I'm not sure if I mentioned that earlier). I have an etsy but none of my crochet stuff is on there, just a couple jewelry pieces I put together.

What are some traditional Canadian Thanksgiving dishes?

Jules that sounds lovely. Do you get along with your inlaws well enough? Two celebrations, you lucky duck! How are you feeling btw? Any aversions that are going to make the meals a struggle?
Your DH sounds like a trooper lol. Mine is not like that..
Thanksgiving in Canada is pretty much the same except without those weird casseroles. Some people put apples or sausage or other weird things like that in the stuffing though
@autumnal Feel better soon! I laughed so hard at the hubby comment because I always think the same thing. Lol My husband is NOT a trooper and always gets it wayyyy worse than everyone else. I’m always relieved when it’s the same time as everyone else. If not, it’s always a week later.
@gigglebox I get along pretty well with my in-laws. They bought the Thanksgiving from a nice restaurant and I just had to pop it in the oven. It was pretty great not having to cook all day. Overall I’m feeling ok. I feel like my nausea is back where it was in the beginning. I feel ok in the morning then it hits around 2ish and gets worse til I take a tums then go to sleep. I can only drink seltzer water as a drink. I was able to eat most of Thanksgiving, but I avoided the eggs and the pie just didn’t hit like it usually does.
Thats great you do YouTube! I’m not very social media savvy, I feel like I don’t have any talents or much to say. I’m also camera shy. Lol
Autumnal oh no! I’m sorry you guys are down with a virus :( my DH doesn’t usually get viruses, he has a much better immune system than I do, but when he gets a bad cold he’s definitely a bit of a baby :rofl: I give him props though, when I’m sick he takes care of me and makes me homemade chicken soup.

Re: Thanksgiving, we had 3 dinners haha, Tuesday was with my uncle and local family (aunts, cousins, adorable new baby cousin), Wednesday was with my parents and sister (it went well, thank God), and Thursday was with DH’s family. His 14 year old cousin was sneaking looks at my boobs the entire night LMAOOOO, to be fair my shirt was extremely low cut and the girls were popping, so I can’t be too mad about a hormonal teenager acting like a hormonal teenager, it was just slightly uncomfortable cuz he’s a literal child and I am 25 years old (I just ignored it and laughed about it later). DH said it was like having a crush on your older babysitter as a kid, pretty normal. He asked to switch seats with his mom before dinner started, resulting in him sitting across from me, which is when I knew what was up :dohh: I thought he was being sly about it cuz I never actually caught him looking straight at them, but DH and MIL said from their POV it was extremely obvious.
Photo of my shirt on Thanksgiving lollll I took this photo to show my friends the situation which is why I was making that face

Okay moving on… TMI BD talk incoming. Last night I was crazy hormonal and poor DH got jumped for BD, and he gave a bit less warning telling me to get off than he usually does, he normally gives me solid warning cuz he knows I like to be like nooo and not get off right away. Well this time he failed to give advance warning, and is pretty sure that I received a partial deposit. I know it wasn’t a full one due to, ahem, lack of excess liquid, but he also thinks the overall deposit was not as large as usual… today I have heavy EWCM :rofl: I haven’t done an OPK in the past 2 days because we’ve been in MA with family and I forgot to bring my OPKs, so I’ll have to test when we get home shortly. My cervix has been high for days, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s positive today or tomorrow. If it is, I’ll be yet again in a TWW :rofl:
Ohhhh i hope you’re in with a chance! That would be so exciting to have you in the testing!!
That’s a cute shirt and you’re right it’s definitely inviting the eyes so of course a 14 yr old boy takes some glances lol
Okay so OPK update, no positive today. It looked a little darker than baseline so I may be at the very start of my surge, if I’m lucky. I did an Inito test and my LH was 0.51, baseline for me is 0.09 or so, so I might be catching the very beginning of it, but it’ll be 10+ at peak. My estrogen was sky high in the 400s, so I’m obviously fertile. Hopefully LH will surge tomorrow and I’ll be in with O-2.5 to 3.
Ugh I'm jealous Jules, we were bumping each other in the kitchen trying to make 4 dishes to bring to the party. It was a pain in the ass. I'm going to say no to that next year. That said, my husband made some killer stuffing (that, LOL @autumnal , had sausage in it hahahah) and I made crab stuffed mushrooms that were fantastic, and the sweet taters I brought were pretty good, so all and all the dishes we made turned out the best so.....

The stoner in the family (well, kind of -- drunk aunt's boyfriend) made the mashed potatoes which were OK so long as you didn't bite into one of the completely uncooked chunks :rofl:

Anyway Jules feelin' ya on not feelin' all the food. I didn't even have pie, however my SIL picked up some pumpkin cheescake that was divine. My FIL also made ice cream and the chocolate flavor was great with the cheesecake. But I got so full so fast I really didn't get to "enjoy" everything like I usually do. Typically I take a small sampling of everything and then go back for more of what I liked most. This time I barely could get down the sample plate. I was so uncomfortable. I didn't feel full as such, just out of room if that makes sense.

omg Shae hahahahhahahahah that shirt is so cute and your face made me literally lol. Too funny. Boys will be boys! Glad the family meal wasn't as awkward as you were anticipating. Three celebrations! You're spoiled :p

Eeeee keep us posted on the lh surge!! That would be very exciting if it works out. Puts ya in girlie territory. Did you say if you wanted a boy or girl first, in an ideal world? Also getting the first part of the deposit is the most important part so I say as long as you ovulate you're definitely in with a solid chance!

Dobby not sure if you're lurking but I hope you're doing OK and you had a good thanksgiving <3
Same to all the long term thread girls/occasional lurkers!

AFM I have been waking up feeling like crap (headache, nausea, stuffy nose) but it subsides with tylenol. I've been managing to just take a dose in the morning even though I really rather not take it at all...but I do have to be functional, and it has definitely been helping. So far been feeling fine the rest of the day. My sleep has been complete crap though for the past week. Remids me of when I am much further along and wake up every time I move. I'm doing that now...really hoping I can get in a handful of OK nights sleep before there is a baby to take care of.

oh editing to add my libido has been IN.SANE. I remember this happened in my first pregnancy, I think around the same time. I would jump hubby the second he got home from work (I always got home before he did). He actually had to sit down and have a talk with me about giving him some space when he got home because he was physically drained from work already, and then having to immediately perform was a lot to ask lol. I'm just as bad now except we have 3 kids instead of none, so I have to be patient and wait for bedtime and that's been a challenge hahahahha. I'm really torn between enjoying it and finding it a major annoyance.
Gigs I’m sorry you’ve been feeling crappy in the morning. I’m glad the Tylenol is helping. I totally worry about my chronic migraines during pregnancy, I use ibuprofen or naproxen for them now, and I know you can’t take those in pregnancy, so I’ll be stuck with Tylenol.

LH surge is definitely starting. My T/C line ratio is 0.78, and per Inito my LH has risen to 7.4 as of 3 am. Hopefully I’ll have a full positive by evening!

ETA: no preference on which gender comes first, but I definitely lean girl in general. DH leans boy lol. I think at this point I’d just be thrilled to finally be having a baby.
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Right?! Especially since most was cooked & mashed to perfection, and the there were completely undercooked chunks. How?!

Shae come back and share that opk when it's bright!
YESSSSSS what is that, o-2 then?? ahhhhhhh!! fingers so tightly crossed!
@shaescott That’s too funny about Thanksgiving!!! Teenage boys are so embarrassing. Lol That opk looks great and hopefully you ovulate soon for your chance!
@gigglebox All of your dishes sound so good! Though, I can’t do mushrooms. I’m not a picky eater, but my mouth rejects mushrooms and olives in all forms. Lol It’s annoying because it looks so good. We did have a second Thanksgiving today with my side of the family and I made broccoli casserole so I didn’t get a complete out on making stuff. I’ve been waking up with the sinus and headache stuff too! It always gets worse in pregnancy, but it’s also so dang dry and cold. I got a bloody nose today. Enjoy the libido while you can. I feel like it does go up during some of pregnancy because everything is a bit more sensitive and hormones are all over the place.

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