I'll add that when I did impatiently take OPK's (mind you I typically feel ovulation so they're a bit wasted on me, but I get impatient waiting) I found that I usually ovulated within 8-9 hours after my positives. I know everyone is different but that was my norm. I never temped though so can't comment on that. Haha Jules that's funny you got pregnant with the flu. Same happened to a friend of mine who had been trying for well over a year. She didn't want to miss her opportunity so even sick with the flu she made it work and that was the month she got pregnant.
To answer your question I'm 16+4. Honestly this pregnancy is flying by! The first few weeks were slow when I was waiting for the first ultrasound but after that...holy moly it's going so, so fast. I definitely look pregnant to those who know me, but maybe just chunky to everyone else. I'm definitely subconsciously doing the thing where I will rest a hand on my belly in public just to kind of indicate hey, this is more than just chunk lol. Yeah it's been tough bonding and part of that is because of my twitches; I get them so often that I've gotten used to subtle feelings like that and have more or less been trained to ignore it. So when I DO feel that it's baby, it takes me a second to realize it (I'm trying to really acknowledge any feelings out of the norm in my lower belly); and typically by the time I tune it to what I'm feeling, he stops. I know it won't be like much longer though.
Also this baby is kind of chill in general so far. He's been so freakin' still on the ultrasounds. I remember at 8 weeks all the girls in my bump group were like, "It was so wild to see little bean wiggling away!" and I'm like....I guess it's good he has a heartbeat

He must have been a dream to take pictures of at 12 weeks lol. Barely moving then, too. Hoping he's a little more active during the anatomy scan just so I can see him move. At least I can feel him moving here and there now. I think I'll feel better when it's more obvious.
Anyway are you finding out the sex of the baby? That would be so nice to have two of each but lord knows that I know we can't pick!
Shae that's so funny about the shoe box baby store. I also begged my parents for a sibling (I desperately wanted a sister) but didn't know until my late 20's that Dad got the snip after me. I remember my Mom sitting down with me and telling me that they wouldn't be having more babies, and even if they did, there was no guarantee it would be a sister. She had a point lol.
Are you being tested for the genetic issue or waiting until you're pregnant and they do a blood screening at that point? That's a bummer though

I feel fortunate that we have a birthing center inside our hospital. So if things go south, you're right at the hospital anyway. That definitely came in handy with ds2 when I labored there for like over a day. The tub was nice. Hubby poured warm water over my lower back which was helpful (I was in back labor). The ball was nice too...until nothing was touching the pain anymore anyway! But yea obviously fx you come back negative!!