General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

It just seems to pile up... And my kids mess up their drawers which drives me crazy. I'd like to get a stacking bin type thing and put everyone's stuff into their own bin when taking it out of the dryer then it would be easier to fold!
Update: temp rose yesterday to like 97.9 and continued to rise today to 98.2, so it looks like I just had a delayed temp rise.

Gigs ah 16 weeks! Are you starting to show yet?

Autumnal I would drive you nuts, my room is a disaster zone of clothes flung everywhere. Nothing gets folded or put away, I simply have the clean baskets and the dirty basket. It is not a good system :rofl: but I am lazy, and putting away clothes constantly sounds terrible :haha:
yay for temp rise!!
Oh yeeahhh, definitely showing. That bumps bumpin'. I think this is the earliest I've shown actually. Because of the nature of this whole pregnancy it's been really hard for me to feel like I'm actually bumpin' rather than just gaining weight/getting fat...which is silly, I know. I'm working on it :P But my fundal height is hiiigh. I'm pushed out in the weird way where my uterus is kind of elongated upward rather than side to side, so it's actually up above my naval (which is not typically until 20+ weeks) but it's not wide side-to-side. I have no idea how he's laying but I'm guessing he's head up or head down, or just developing high in the left corner or something. No idea.

Anyway I'll get a pic up, actually I've been wanting to compare it to my bump with ds2 (since I was on the same timeline, due date-wise) he's the last one I really documented the bump. I didn't really take too many pics with ds3 because I became extremely inactive on facebook.

Autumnal maybe one of those 3-hamper rolling rack things? It's like three baskets together. I think it's used primarily to separate colors from whites but You could definitely just use them to split up clothes.
Something like this? btw this is an affiliate link, I made an amazon affiliate account awhile ago to earn a couple extra bucks but honestly it just makes sharing links easier lol. I don't get paid s* from amazon.
ohhhh or this, this is classy plus make a new surface to fold clothes on maybe
@gigglebox I was big my last pregnancy straight away! But the polyhydramnios made that happen. My bumb didnt look different than norm, just much larger. Three times normal amniotic fluid the entire pregnancy. Because of how large my uterus got, i’m thinking my third pregnancy will likely show early. Really hoping to conceive soon.

My 3 yr old just brought my 1 yr old a piece of chocolate for staying in her bed last night haha! Dh & I are working on getting both kids sleeping in the same room on a full mattresses pushed together. She’s nearly 13 months and so tall that she’s able to get out of her crib. (Anyone with suggestions on getting them staying in their room all night?)
Back to the story…She took a little bite or two but tossed the chocolate and jumped back on the boob. Best compliment from a child who hasnt learned to talk yet! Apparently mama milk is yummier than a square of chocolate!
Awww that is so adorable!! And also yay for yummy mommy milk lol

Here’s the pic, let is me at 17+2 with ds2. Right is 15+6 with this one. My dress drapes a bit so not as form fitting as the first one. I’m also probably 5-10lbs heavier this time as I started out about that much heavier. But even so, my bump looks/feels comparatively much larger. Fluid levels have been good so maybe this is just a fourth pregnancy thing.

Cute bump pics. Looking gorgeous @gigglebox! I love that dress btw!

It astounds me how different pregnancies can be. My first was amazing my second was miserable and I’m feeling so unsure now of what a third may bring (if i conceive again).
Other than size/shape, how has this one compared symptom wise?
Thank you! I got it from ebay and wore it at thanksgiving.
so true, all these pregnancies have been different despite all being boys. Symptom-wise I was good up until 8 weeks to the day when I was struck with a 3 day headache and it kicked off my ongoing nausea. Everything subsided in week 14, so I feel fortunate it was pretty manageable and I haven't dealt with it for awhile (save for a couple headaches here and there). My first was the easiest with symptoms, and the second was so rough. I was nauseated immediately. In fact I was sipping on my morning coffee and felt like I was going to puke at about 8 or 9dpo (can't remember exactly) which is what made me test, and it was positive. I was off coffee for most of that pregnancy. The third I honestly don't remember too much, I know I was feeling nausea but I don't think it was as bad as with the second.

So if I had to rank symptoms it'd probably be something like (in order of easiest to hardest): 1, 4, 3, 2. But two was the worst. So much so that I "knew" it had to be a girl, haha.

Halfie remind me what you have again (b/g?)?
Gigs oooo I totally want those laundry hampers :rofl: maybe one day I’ll have the laundry room for it. Adorable bumps! Honestly I feel like the left bump is what I look like after a big dinner :rofl: but the right is definitely carrying higher.
Such a cute bump gigs. I agree it looks a little higher!

Having a three year old and a one year old is just peak cuteness. I miss those days!! If I get pregnant soon, my youngest will be pretty much four and a half when it's born..

Ahh I just got my positive opk finallyy
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Yay for ovulation!!! I agree, the youngins are adorable. I think age 4 is possibly my fave, they are so cute and unfiltered and hilarious. Plus old enough to do more things.

I took a more accurate pic of myself for comparison. I realized the pic from thanksgiving was after i ate :blush: so yeah I looked extra huge. Here’s me just now, 17 weeks. I’m still obviously bigger but I think I was more like 10-15lbs heavier to begin with this pregnancy vs ds2 (rather than the 5-10 I mentioned earlier). You can definitely tell my ribs and ass are larger now lolDA1A035D-9704-430E-B64C-FC320771F238.jpeg
Autumnal yay for positive OPK!

Gigs honestly I think you look a little smaller on the right, but maybe it’s the angle?

AFM my standard luteal phase spotting started right up on 4dpo (yesterday). Today my face is breaking out, which usually doesn’t happen until PMS. Otherwise I’m pretty okay.
Shae you are kind lol
Hmm how long does the spotting typically last?

Ugh having this lingering cough and stuffy nose from sickness is so frustrating, especially since laying sown and coughing, and also occasionally sneezing, it triggering my round ligament pain -.- grrrr just had to vent
Gigs typically once it starts, it continues until AF arrives. Sorry about the cold and round ligament pain :(
Dude I am losing my mind with these night sweats. I’ve been waking up soaked in sweat despite a cool room for the past 3 days, and I’ve had to get up and shower immediately because I stink SO BAD. Last night I took a nap after work and just used deodorant wipes when I woke up cuz even DH could smell my horrific nether regions :sick: but when I woke up this morning I was like “nope, shower, now”. I also got up early Thursday to shower before work because of the sweating. I normally get night sweats at the end of my luteal phase as like a PMS symptom. This is very not normal for me. My progesterone is 13, so it’s not as high as I’d like it to be, but it’s still high enough (10+) and my temp is 97.9 today which is quite normal for me.
Copying and pasting I see Shae. Don’t be lazy :rofl: I hope it’s a positive indication for you! Is today already 6dpo??? When are you realistically going to bust out the tests?

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