yay for temp rise!!
Oh yeeahhh, definitely showing. That bumps bumpin'. I think this is the earliest I've shown actually. Because of the nature of this whole pregnancy it's been really hard for me to feel like I'm actually bumpin' rather than just gaining weight/getting fat...which is silly, I know. I'm working on it

But my fundal height is hiiigh. I'm pushed out in the weird way where my uterus is kind of elongated upward rather than side to side, so it's actually up above my naval (which is not typically until 20+ weeks) but it's not wide side-to-side. I have no idea how he's laying but I'm guessing he's head up or head down, or just developing high in the left corner or something. No idea.
Anyway I'll get a pic up, actually I've been wanting to compare it to my bump with ds2 (since I was on the same timeline, due date-wise)...plus he's the last one I really documented the bump. I didn't really take too many pics with ds3 because I became extremely inactive on facebook.
Autumnal maybe one of those 3-hamper rolling rack things? It's like three baskets together. I think it's used primarily to separate colors from whites but You could definitely just use them to split up clothes.
Something like this? btw this is an affiliate link, I made an amazon affiliate account awhile ago to earn a couple extra bucks but honestly it just makes sharing links easier lol. I don't get paid s* from amazon.
ohhhh or this, this is classy plus make a new surface to fold clothes on maybe