General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

7dpo, no night sweats last night, finally! Though my inito said my progesterone dropped to 8, which isn’t thrilling… but my temp actually rose slightly? So I’m gonna not worry about it, temp is >98, that’s great for me.
Yay shae! I need to educate myself on all the temping stuff.
Yay shae! I need to educate myself on all the temping stuff.
Normal ranges really depend on the person. I know from charting many cycles that >97.5 is always a post-ovulation temp for me as long as it’s sustained for multiple days, and that >98 is quite good for me, I don’t usually get much higher than 98, my past few months show up to 98.2. My peak so far this cycle is 98.27. So, normal. Pre-ovulation, I go down into the 96s, as low as 96.1 in the past few cycles. Other people’s follicular phase baseline might start at 97.0, I just run cold. My thyroid is fine though lol
As usual, TMI warning lol. Currently trying to figure out if I have an increased sense of smell or if I’m just stinky today :rofl: I squatted in the supply room looking for something and caught a whiff of the nethers. Yikes.
Okay I gotta admit, I’m totally testing tomorrow even though it’s 9dpo lol, I simply cannot wait any longer :rofl: I’m sure it’ll be negative regardless, though.
Ahhh fingers crossed shae!! Increased smell has been a symptom for me but usually later on. As you know tww symptoms can be something or nothing.

What test are you planning on using?

I don’t think I’ve ever made it past 9dpo for a first test lol. That includes this time when I tested on a whim. I’m fairly certain it was 9dpo. When I plan On testing I think 8 is the latest I’ve gone! But usually 7 because I just don’t have that discipline
Gigs I have a bunch of 10miu wondfos. If I think I see something, I have 2 hospital tests and maybe a few FRERs? Can’t remember lol
Totally just took a test with super diluted no hold urine just to scratch the itch lmaoooo it was obviously negative. I’m hitting the turning point where I decide I’m probably not pregnant unfortunately, though mostly because my CM is turning watery and there’s way less of it, which always happens a few days before AF starts. On one hand I know that I might get all the same symptoms as pre-AF until hcg really starts building up, but on the other hand decreased CM and the change to watery usually is caused by dropping progesterone levels. Which would be weird at 8dpo, but idk. Blech. It usually takes until more like 10dpo+ for me to get the dread lol
The internet says the watery CM is likely from the secondary estrogen surgery around this time, so I’m back to square one. Also when I yawned I actually felt a lymph node under my left jaw, I definitely think they’re a little enlarged. Am I getting sick, or is it cold-like symptoms caused by immune modulation in early pregnancy? We’ll know in a few (long) days.
Yeah I woke up with a sore throat and feeling congested (though dry right now, just inflamed I guess). Pretty sure I’m just getting sick. Boo.

ETA: update, having some hot water with honey and lime juice (we’re out of lemon) and feeling much better. Unrelated, I picked up my skittish cat for the first time just now without getting scratched. He got squirmy after a few seconds so I let him down, but for a few seconds he just hung out while I held him against my chest. He ran away for a little bit after, but he came back near me 10 minutes later, so I think he forgives me lol.
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Booo, sorry for the bfn and the sore throat... That's rubbing salt in the wound eh?

I'm 4 dpo so shall be joining you in ridiculous early testing next week! My early symptom in the past has been heart burn (I usually only get this while pregnant) so I'm always on the look out for that..
Well 8dpo is still mighty early for a positive test but I’d have done it too lol. Did you test this morning shae? Sorry about the sickness :( mine’s still lingering over here. Still coughing and stuffy nose, although the nose may just be a pregnancy thing, still haven’t figured that one out. That is sweet if your cat to allow you to hold him lol

Autumnal I hate to root For you to have heartburn lol but fx for a blazing bfp in a few days!!
Oh also, I’m definitely sick. I feel like crap. I searched whether I can take DayQuil right now and it said one of the ingredients can constrict blood vessels which can prevent implantation. So I get to just suffer without even knowing if there’s anything to implant. Pain.
My mom thinks I might have the flu cuz I’m having back pain lmao this sucks. DH is picking up covid/flu tests for me. I’m basically living in bed today, I’ve only lasted an hour out of bed before lying back down. Apparently getting sick during the implantation window can screw with the delicate balance of hormones and inflammation, so it can prevent successful implantation. Agh.
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Another update:
Covid/flu test was negative, I’ll take another in 2 days to be sure. Tylenol helped a lot but after 3 hours my back ache is returning. Unrelated, I’ve had to pee like every 2 hours today despite being terrible about fluid intake and only having like 24 oz of fluid today. I told my mom not to use her psychic stuff to give me any inclination cuz as a Christian I recently felt personally convicted that I shouldn’t be using that stuff, so her responses have all been hearts and hugs which is so frustrating, I swear she used to say more stuff when she said she didn’t have any inclination yet and now I get a single emoji lol… but when I mentioned peeing every two hours I got a “hmmmm” which is the most I’ve piqued her interest this entire time. Then again, if it was hcg related you’d think I’d test positive. I may have taken 3 wondfos today cuz I’m nuts :rofl: all negative of course. I don’t want to use my 5miu hospital test unless I think I see something on a wondfo, I only have 2 so I don’t want to waste them. I also only have 1 FRER so that’s being saved as well.
Oh no shae!! I hope you feel better soon. ugggh to get this close and be sabotaged by a virus! I hope you see something tomorrow.
@shaescott I hope you feel better! So much is going around right now. I’m a supervisor in a group home and both clients had the stomach bug followed by 3 staff. I’ve been keeping my distance, masking, gloving, and all the things to keep it away. I’ve had a sinus thing though. I’m not sure what your weather is like but here in PA it was in the teens last week and this week is 50s with rain so that’s not helping. I hope you get your bfp soon! Most of my symptoms have never been different in every pregnancy, however, there is one that I had with them all. During the tww I would get the night sweats then one night around 7-8dpo I would shiver like that feeling before a fever. I guess it was implantation.

I hope everyone else is doing well. I’m feeling a bit burnt out. I’ve worked pretty much every day for the last two weeks. I only had off Saturday so we got out to see Santa at the firehouse and got my son a haircut that he’s needed for a while. Lol I’m pretty much done shopping for the kids, but still have to do family and teacher gifts. I wish I had more time in a day sometimes. I’m still waiting on the genetic blood test. I found out I can email the gender to someone and see the report without it. I’m excited to find out with everyone.
Jules here in VT it’s been pretty consistently a high in the 30s and down in the 20s when I leave for work at 6 am for the past 2 weeks or so. It’s been snowing literally every day this week, and today it’s raining instead. Yay slush. Sorry about the burn out, that’s a lot of days to work. I’m so glad I only work 3 days a week, even though the 12 hour shifts are admittedly quite tiring.

Gigs dude literally, I’d be so mad

Took an emergen-c drink and now I’m super nauseous, so that’s fun. I do need to eat, I haven’t eaten since like 1 or 2 when DH made me soft boiled eggs on sourdough bread (he did not toast it sadly but it’s the thought that counts lol). I have leftovers in the fridge that have a lot of immune system friendly ingredients but I have to convince myself to heat it up, and also eat it cuz I ordered extra spicy and my acid reflux is very unhappy right now :rofl: unrelated, I just smelled an unlit candle at the table while just sitting there. Hmmmm. I feel like I keep just catching a whiff of something today and yesterday.
Update: my progesterone level is 31, which is awesome. I tested it just now even though it was late in the day cuz my urine was super concentrated, my new box of inito strips arrived this afternoon. Still BFN though and totally wasted a FRER :rofl: Spotting has been slowing down the past two days and this evening it’s basically not noticeable at all in my CM. We’ll see what happens tomorrow, though.

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