You are right Campn- but even with a contract certain states will force the father to support the child ( like Cali for ManFriend) He got screwed royal even with a legit contract notarized and all that she did not want any monetary support for the child.
I guess she applied for a loan or grant assist for school ( likely govt) and when the state saw she had children, they came after him to BACKpay 5 yrs, and continue till she's 19 lol. He was pissed! ( her other child is from the man she's married to now so he didn't get screwed so to speak).
It's all on trust but that's why alot of donors don't give their real names, or no Surname, never meet at their home etc.
Personally I have only dealt with folks I know- but I still write their tags down, and pay attention to anything they tell me- can find ALOT on social media.
For ex On first donor- I "knew" of him from the clinic I used as a surrogate ( he was a sperm donor there) BUT I didn't know his last name- we openly talked about not sharing personal info due to him having a fam son- not wanting child support issues etc- well I wrote his tag down - but you can't find much on that unless it is reg to them, or if you hire a PI pfft.
I found out a full background on him, bcuz he said what church he attends- they had a facebook page with pics from events ( he coaches the bball team there) sooo looking at like 400 pics- voila He was in one and they tagged his name.
I was able to order a full background crim history etc online for like $15...I also kept the DNA undies from the first pick up lol.
This young donor same thing. BUT he has me pick up right by his home, so I know his street( one way in/out)
I wrote his tag down this last meet up, BUT in googling his email addy which we first contacted thru it came up on facebook LOL.
Voila! Got his first and last name...and now I know his employer, friends and fam cuz the page is public view lol.
I stashed all the info away, as long as the remains of the specimen cup- DNA filed away just in case needed.
I don't need child support, so would never do that, but you never know...genetic issues etc