General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Lol! I'm reading as I cook chicken thighs. Des is watching Thomas. Hubs is still down for the count. The ducks are quacking for me to feed them. House is a wreck. Thinking about taking Des to grandma's a day or two early :haha:

We are going to maybe sell eggs on Sunday, if we have enough. Depending on how that goes....might try to talk hubs into penis roulette ;P
Gigs! {waggy finger} Don't take Des too early before O!
You know you are team:pink:
If you wanna Girl:baby: You need to molest SO:sex: cpl days before O!
I am so tickled you have duck eggs!
Tell me- here in FL ppl are getting big on having their own chicken in neighborhood yards ( thus the reason I was helping my friend build a coop ystrdy).
What is the drive for duck eggs over chicken eggs? Is it because the size is bigger? Or are they healthier? Taste different?
I don't know anyone around with ducks- other than the ones that just randomly gather at our lakes around the neighborhood:haha:
OMG ladies! I was cracking up reading these things! J and the paint store?? Please open a paint store!!!

And gig penis roulette? Im dying! Lol

I've missed a lot today. Haven't had may symptoms. some cramping gain today, but could have been gas since it was after I ate.
psssshhhhhh, that's totally your uterus starting to push your guts out of the way! When are you testing???

J...where do I start with! personally, I think they are waaaay more cuter than chickens. They are also pack animals, so they kind of herd around together whereas chickens will wonder all over the place on their own. they are also way hardier, and they enjoy shitty weather (like rain and snow). Chickens will stay under shelter in such conditions. the biggest drawback with ducks is they are messy mf'ers! they poop all over, and it's wet because THEY LOVE WATER. if there is a "pool" deep enough for their body, they'll try to get in it. they poop up their water, which is annoying because it has to be changed a couple times a day, but it's also beneficial because we use that water to water our plants and it's great natural fertilizer (it's how we grew all our food this year). So, eggs...they are ultimately larger, but they start out small. and by small, I mean like the size of a large chicken egg (they get a bit larger than a jumbo chicken egg in the second year, so I've read). They are more dense with nutrients and vitamins than chicken eggs, and a bit fattier too. this makes them more ideal to bakers because their fat content and lower water content makes, so I've read, for fluffier cakes and pastries, etc. I just bought some brownie mix to test it out later this week :D I'm skeptical. The albumen (egg white) is thicker on duck eggs, and sloughs out of the shell at a slower rate...but to me it's tastier than chicken whites. the yolks are pretty similar, but they are slightly richer in taste. this is a comparison between pastured chicken eggs, not store bought ones. store bought eggs, with their pale yellow yolks, are disgusting and I haven't had those in years.

wow...that was a mouthful...

ok, the problem with timing bd'ing is that I have no idea when I'm due to ovulate. ovulation varies every month, but the time after ovulation to my period is always 13 days. so how do I time that?! I figured I'd just jump his bones and stop when I start getting my ovulation pain, which generally means O within 12 hours. I know, that is still giving me a chance at a boy...but if I'm sexin' it up until then, that gives me a better chance anyway, right?

or maybe I should get OPK's...but that just leaves me with more things to hide from hubs :haha: and more money I shouldn't be spending...
Still playing catch up! Been a busy day! We offered on a townhouse, but the buyers are wary because their last deal fell through. The guy was offering 40% down! Thankfully, my stepdad has a good repoire with their agent and he explained that our down payment is so low because we are first time homebuyers. So keeping our fingers crossed!

SO is fever ridden. I don't want to tell him while he is like this. :( I wanted to make a crack about how we should have a contingency to keep all of the baby toys in the play room, but he is just so, SO miserable. I don't want this to be how we remember me telling him. Is it bad I have no desire to be near him? He wants to cuddle, but he is still over 100!
yikes! No, I think it's totally understandable you don't want to get sick!!! looks like we're in the same boat :( I keep backing away from hubs when he gets too close lol; I've also been following behind him and throwing everything he's touched into the wash :haha:

Congrats on the offer! Hope they accept, as that would certainly be nice timing! And don't worry about telling hubs, you'll do it when the time is right...but I am dying to know his reaction and how you do it....
Gigs Thx for the info. Very helpful and cool!
I have a 180gal fish tank with koi in my dining rm...can't build a pond in this neighborhood sigh
But I use their water on all my veggie plants hehe ( yay poop water)
On another note, as I was reading your "how to know when" I was screaming at the laptop OPK!!OPK!!! :haha:
They are easy to hide. I hide all my stuff from my nosey behind mom. I just keep 1 set of instructions, and ditch all the boxes at the walmart trash can outside - or any gas station trash can lol.
Truuuuust I am a pro at this after a year lol.
I can fit 20+ tests in my purse easy peasy:smug: and strut past mom like nothing.
Thennn in your case take those thin little sealed test packets and wedge them in the bottom of a box of maxi pads or tampons.
No prob at all- men don't usually like fiddling with our fem hygiene items :shrug:
LOL! you are a sneaky one, aren't ya?

and OMG, 180 gallon?! that's mighty impressive! My largest is a 55g, then a 20g long, then a 10 gal. I'm such a horrible fish owner now, ever since I got the ducks my poor fish have been neglected. I've been refilling evap water rather than changing it, which is a huge NO NO and I've lost a few fish from it :( I feel horrible. As such, I've been trying to sell the 55. I once had dreams of a large female betta sorority, but alas, not in this life. I've been keeping the 10 and 20 fine...I need to swap some fishies around. Sadly I lost my 2+ year old betta yesterday who lived in my 20 gallon. My 10 is split in 2 and has a betta on each side. I have about 7 tetras in the 55...think i'll move them to the 20 and break down the 55........................

wow, ok, i'll stop talking about fish now. I'm on my lap top (versus the ipad) and I have a keyboard and it's so much easier to type! so I tend to rant...sorry 'bout that!
BOTH of you[-X Thou shalt not contaminate the uterine holder (YOU) lol
You both knowww boys have cooties! This is just further proof:haha:

But really Dobs- Tell hubs you don't wanna take anything to work germwise.
And def wait on the reveal so long as you don't think he'll be mad you kept it from him.
Gig Tell hubs you both can't be sick with the ducks and Des and all.

Get some Lysol spray you two and stick to fist bumps:rofl:
I hide all my s*** from SO haha. Including my 30 tests. I threw most away before he came home, but I'm still attached to like 10 of them. OPKS can be cheap if you order online or get a generic brand like Target. They are REALLY helpful if you don't have consistent O and don't want to temp.

J, yay chickens! We went to an open house near my mom's house for fun, and they had a chicken coop! One guy was like do the chickens come with the house? He was so excited. Lol. I helped clean out a chicken coop once! Came down with mono shortly thereafter. Not sure if those two things were related hahaha.

Mrs, sounds like someone is a stretching and a moving!

My mom just called behind my stepdad's back to tell me that he said they will help me if the offer goes above our loan. :)
:happydance: woohoo!!! money!!! That's awesome. I am so excited for you! sounds like you're ready to settle (and perhaps wayyy over the whole house hunting part, amirite?)
Mrs G - No paint store for me lol I would end up wearing "silver bracelets" and spending the night at the "Crossbar Motel":nope:
No bueno!
House hunting sucks, and I want to close ASAP. Honestly, I don't want to announce my pregnancy until I'm moved in so I really want this to go through. If it does, we could be moving in next month. Just in time for my prenatal. Also, my Panorama is with a gyn on that side of the bay. So it would be so much easier to go get that done. :)
I just want it BAD! It is perfect for the dogs, and three bedrooms would mean the dogs get a room, I can actually nest and have a nursery, and we still have a room. :)
Gigs I love fish tanks ! I had 4 at the last house and usually build a small koi pond at each house.
As for water changes, I have not done water changes in over 10 fish loss at all. I just make sure my filters turn much more than the 5x/hr they recommend for the full tank. I used to be superduper religious on them and lost fish here and there- hated cichlids -so pretty but they tear each other up like pirahna:growlmad:
I find if I ONLY replace the evap water when needed, and be sure to use a good dechlorinator/nitrate/nitrite remover you won't have any probs. OHHH and feed the minimum so not much waste - and def have a pleco for bottom cleaning or some cory cats etc. I love AmQuel. It is not cheap but 1 capful (5ml) dechlorinates 40gals!
1 bottle lasts a year lol.
Pfft unless you have super sensitive fish like need to do water changes.
Oh unless you have a mass food dump in by accident or get any fish disease and have to treat the tank.
You should check out the smaller Split tanks (2 to 5 gals) they have for betas. They are usually acryllic, and have 2-4 separations so the males can show off to each other but be safe. Much less to care for, and betas in the wild live in SUPER mucky ponds in Thailand etc so they are fine with less space. I tried to breed them 1 year, but never made it past all the babies right after they hatch :(
J, I love that you are a fish guru. I always wanted to get into it, but I could never keep my tanks up. I had a saltwater 30g but I thought it would be fun to get live rock (the one that hasn't been treated or whatever). It'll be fun I thought. Let's see what hitchhikers I get... I got some BEAUTIFUL feather dusters. Which was cool... until the aiptasia set it. r_r
J- I still think you'd be awesome at opening a paint store. And man you're sneaky! I can't hide anything!

Gig- please tell my uterus it needs to be making a baby! Lol since you know what it's doing. I can't wait until testing day!

Dobby- congrats on the bid! So many fun and exciting changes this week! Lol

I think someone asked if I was testing early? Lol idk. But my answer is no!! (At least I hope)
Dobs - sending you some house mojo Oh wait
WTF Dob!? I totally see a second line where you signed that Townhouse Offer!!
:haha: Hey worked for your BFP:shrug:

Oh and I gave up on salt tanks looong ago VERY expensive. Me and a friend used to go to the bay here at low tide and scoop up critters in nets and put them in our salt tanks. MUCH cheaper, and the water is already balanced hehe.
Mine lasted 2 yrs, but I just hate the salt all around from the evap...messy
J, LMFAO!!! I seriously thought about that. I was like.. I need hermit crabs... hmmmmmm the bay is RIGHT there hahaha. I actually didn't mind them once they were up, but I have only had them on small scales (20-30 gallons). But after that stupid aiptasia thing I just threw my hands up and got a snake haha.

Thanks for the house mojo! I need it. This is as close to perfect as I am going to get on my budget. :)

Mrs. No promises not to peer pressure you into early testing. I want to peer pressure J into testing tomorrow, but I'm trying to be good. I'll just mention it in passing to somebody else where she can totally see it hahaha
LOL Uh huh ...Smooth Dobby lol.
I was tinkering with the idea of FMU since it will be 3 days since my mega dip...I'll prolly use a wally cheapie...def not wasting a frer
...:roll: You are such a bad influence :haha:

My first salt tank was a 15 gal with the complete sealed top...forget the brand. Had a tiny clown fish and anemone ( took forever to find a matched pair small enough.
Cost me $300 to set that damn little tank up!
Was good for a year, but got red slime all over the gravel and rocks at one point- which I was told was good?? Blech!
Final straw was when I lost my last peppermint shrimp and chocolate star fish sl-ow-ly started falling apart in pieces!?? I was so sad as he was still alive, so I put him in a bag of salt water from the tank and then in the freezer...
Basically he would go into a hibernating stage and die unaware...So sad..
I had just little crabs - bitty bitty ones for a few months, but then I noticed when I would sprinkle food in at night the friggin rocks would have HUGE thin LONG worm looking things stretch out ALLLLL over the damn tank to get the food!!
No one could tell me WTH they were and they were freaking me out.
I made my ex hub ( the good one #1 lol) take it with him one day to dump it in the bay, since I felt bad killing anything.
Now I would only grab stuff from the bay if I do it again- easy and FREE!

What kind of snake do you have? I toyed with getting a King snake or the really bright green one...forget the name...but mine would only get bugs as I can't feed live things - in school we taught them to eat frozen rats...just warmed them under a heat lamp and dangled em...not so bad.

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