Thx Mrs G - thankfully no smokers in my life at all. Older son "vapes" but only flavored no nicotine, and that is only in his room or away from home.
I'm so jealous I sooo want the farm life while I am still young enough to handle the "setup" and build pens coops etc.
As for diet Nope. I eat a sald with chicken mandarin org and pecans every night before bed or a big bowlHoney oat flakes,raisin bran, or shredded wheat.
I used to drink about 6-8 cups of coffee a day, but honestly lost the taste for it this cycle, so I barely finish my one morning cup after wake up
As for cutting back anything NOPE- anything is fine in moderation, even sushi, so I eat it like every couple months, and when preg with DS ate it once a week.
He is SUPER smart ( been downloading apps and updating them on my ph and tablet since he was joke). I even had a couple cups of coffee a day with him, or my fav Mocha Madness smoothie (Chocolate smoothie with instand coffee grounds bzzzz hehe)
I eat a VERY wide variety of things but alot of fruit too. The only thing I changed was I never drank water really, so I make sure I drink at least 4 bottles a day now, other wise sugar free caffeine free coke, milk, or juice.
If I feel like McDonalds or pizza I eat it. It's much easier to go crazy and binge on bad things when you restrict totally. So ...moderation. I cook pastries as well, but don't eat alot of my own. I def like a dessert after meals so using fruit and yogurt parfaits with granola, or fruit dipped in vanilla yogurt or peanut butter. Or frozen yogurt...
But I don't ban myself from anything but alcohol, and in the third tri my doc says a glass of sangria on a rare occasion won't harm anything.
I have been on prenatals DAILY since 2006 when i signed with the agency to be a surrogate. Ppl think they are just for preg, but they aren't they are great for ppl who workout (even men- bodybuilders use them at times) and excellent for skin hair and nails! I also have been on VitB complex for about 4 months.
Only thing I added is the progest after back to back losses.
Literally eating Some Thai Coconut Curry Soup over Jasmine Rice, with some sriracha for spice! mmm