General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Shae it wasn't a good feeling but thankfully it was brief. Pushing really helped and in between pushes it just felt strange with her in my birth canal. I hope to do natural again and I'd say it won't be a problem. Oh and yes S turned 7 months in the 6th :)

It will be fun to read about your pregnancy journey one day. I hope this thread is still going by then too

So glad you passed maternal and newborn nursing. It's amazing the difference between a good clinical instructor and a bad one. So glad you had a good one.

That ring is gorgeous!!!!

Pretty 39 weeks tomorrow. It could literally be any day now! The heartburn at the end absolutely sucks!!! It did improve once S got a bit lower and put less pressure on my stomach. Hope you are doing well right now.

It accidently posted this so back to checking other posts
Camia good luck. I'd definitely test if you are late :)

Kitty bahaha I renember crying at an episode of star wars the clone wars :rofl: the hormones are so crazy at times

Jez sorry for a bad mental day on Thursday. Hope you are feeling better soon.

Dobby :hugs: you are strong
Camia good luck. I'd definitely test if you are late :)

Kitty bahaha I renember crying at an episode of star wars the clone wars :rofl: the hormones are so crazy at times

Jez sorry for a bad mental day on Thursday. Hope you are feeling better soon.

Dobby :hugs: you are strong

Tested twice now and both BFN but still no af. I'm getting frustrated lol. Boyfriend pointed out today that I'm always "mopey" the day before af starts and I have been today so maybe it'll start tomorrow. Or maybe I'm just done with this not knowing lol
Okay so really weird, had to have a scan today, baby is fine, good heartbeat etc, but measuring small. If I’m actually as pregnant as they say I am, I would have got a very positive test at only 2dpo with evening urine which I KNOW is impossible, what could be going on???

Also my HCG level came back at over 62,000 from 2 days ago which seems awfully high especially when they say I’m only 6 weeks!!
Kitty I’m not sure. Did you tell them that based on your pregnancy tests it would be impossible to be only 6 weeks? Were they concerned? What prompted the scan? Did you have bleeding?
Kitty I’m not sure. Did you tell them that based on your pregnancy tests it would be impossible to be only 6 weeks? Were they concerned? What prompted the scan? Did you have bleeding?

they said that sometimes the measurements can be a few days out, but over a week out seems really odd! But they didn’t bat an eyelid :shrug: I think they were super busy though so just wanted me out, there was over an hour wait after my appointment was supposed to be and that was in the morning. But yeh I had some bleeding so got called in for a scan
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shae - Congrats on passing. And good luck with your other exams. I'm not a fan of pear shaped stones, but that ring is pretty nice.

kitty - I don't really know what to say, but FX everything is fine.

Dobby - I'm keeping you in my thoughts. <3

AFM, still pg every here. I was considering trying to DTD with SO on Sunday night, but we had plans with my mom to go to a Chinese buffet place today that I like and didn't wanna risk being in labour and having to cancel. So, I thought we'd do it tonight, but he got a little pissy right before bed and I can now hear him snoring. Oh well. Otherwise, things are still going ok. Finished reading my hypnobirthing book, but I've hardly practised with the audio portion. Head's still down and more or less engaged, heartbeat's good, my BP's good (according to the MW appt I had today). So, now it's just a waiting game. I just wish I knew how long labour would take, so I could prepare properly. -.-

Here's a pic of my sister and me. We're due 52 days apart.

Kitty hm well since the heartbeat was good I’m optimistic. Not much to do except wait and see at this point, unfortunately. Hopefully them not being bothered by the week discrepancy means everything’s fine rather than it just being because they were busy. Fx’d the bleeding stops and your little bean grows!

Pretty it’s funny, I wasn’t a fan of pear shaped stones either. I only tried it on because the sales lady told me to lol, and I was quite shocked at how much I liked it on my finger.
Sorry about no DTD tonight. Perhaps more time for the audio portion of the hypnobirthing will end up being helpful? Either way, fx’d everything goes smoothly when the time comes. That picture of you and your sister is so cute!
Pretty you’re my hero. Not wanting to risk labor for Chinese food is totally a thought process I would have! Great pic and so cool to share this experience with her. Hopefully the kids will be super close cousins!

Kit that is bizarre. Is there any chance the measurements were off by days plus maybe a lost twin? Would account for the high hog. Though I have had singletons with high hcg before. Will you be getting any follow up? If they’re busy, you may have to fight to be heard. I’m sorry. But for now let’s celebrate a hb! That’s major. I’ll be sending all positive thoughts. There was a girl on here with confirmed O from temp and bloods with a single pregnancy detected at 6dpo. So I could easily see a 4 day miscalculation this early. My gun said it’s a big reason they try to avoid scans before 7w
Pretty you’re my hero. Not wanting to risk labor for Chinese food is totally a thought process I would have! Great pic and so cool to share this experience with her. Hopefully the kids will be super close cousins!

Kit that is bizarre. Is there any chance the measurements were off by days plus maybe a lost twin? Would account for the high hog. Though I have had singletons with high hcg before. Will you be getting any follow up? If they’re busy, you may have to fight to be heard. I’m sorry. But for now let’s celebrate a hb! That’s major. I’ll be sending all positive thoughts. There was a girl on here with confirmed O from temp and bloods with a single pregnancy detected at 6dpo. So I could easily see a 4 day miscalculation this early. My gun said it’s a big reason they try to avoid scans before 7w

In my head she just didn’t want to do a transvaginal to get a more accurate measurement. Which is fair enough in a way because they were only really checking it wasn’t a molar pregnancy, also in a way because she scanned me so quick I’m hoping for a second baby hiding behind the first that she just didn’t spot :rofl: I think it would be nice having twins, of course hard work but after losing them last year I sort of want some...

Doesn’t matter really I just want a healthy baby, I did get a picture if anyone wants to see the blur!

Kitty I’m surprised they didn’t do transvaginal considering how early you are, that’s odd. You’ve got an adorable blur in there :haha:
I was surprised too but there we go! And the bleeding has stopped and I feel terrible (can’t eat, vomiting anything I do eat, exhausted no matter how much sleep I get) but I suppose that’s a good thing :rofl:
Camia how do you track ovulation? Your ovulation date may be off. Has AF arrived?

Kitty oh wow if they didn't do transvaginal this early it can make a huge difference with measurements. It sounds like things are well. When is your next scan or check?

It is so funny how feeling terrible in early pregnancy gives us reassurance. Other than being exhausted I felt pretty good with S I was so scared something was wrong.

Pretty beautiful bump pic! Now I wish I had a sister. Also, love putting off sex to have food without worry of sex starting labor :haha: I hope baby makes his appearance soon. I'm so excited for you!!!

AFM doing okay. Been busy with work. Girls are doing well. I may be getting a new job at wok that would give me the flexibility of working at home part time.

What's everyone's Halloween plans?
I’ve got one this Sunday, hopefully things will have improved! Really good if you get that new job, I’d love the flexibility of being able to work at home sometimes but it’s just not possible with my job!
Fantastic kitty! I'd bet they didn't get a good scan last week. In any case, growth is definitely a good sign :) so happy for you!

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