Morri, do you know where the thread is with that leaflet about induction?
Sarah (and anyone else expecting their first!) I'd highly recommend NOT thinking about 37-42 weeks, or even focusing on your due date - count to 42 weeks from the beginning, as it's so disheartening otherwise when you go overdue - I also refused to name a date with DD2 as I hated people pestering me, is the baby here yet, er yeah, she was born and we just forgot to mention it - I don't thin!
Saphira, I admire you though with such a small one to look after and being pregnant - at least my two are out of the house at Kindergarten some of the time! - we've also been without a car since we moved here in April, so rainy days have sucked big time to get to do anything!
Morri, I had to pay EUR 5 for my Tardyferon, how come you didn't pay anything, does that depend on your Krankenkasse or on which Apotheke you go to? I've been taking mine only about 2 weeks as they didn't bother to call and tell me my results were too low, made me wait until my next appointment, so should have been from 34 weeks, actually from 38 weeks!
Whisper, glad it's not a UTI, plenty of fluids sounds like a good plan!
My mum and dad get here in two days! Yay, I'm excited, and also relieved as it looks like the baby will stay put until then now. I can't believe that it's so soon now, even with my pessimistic 42 weeks, that's still 16 days or less! I still haven't packed my hospital bag though!