What position is your LO in ladies? I'm pretty sure baby girl is head up but possibly transverse. NO pressure on my bladder (lucky me!!) and feeling all of her kicks and hiccups at my belly button line. Nothing low. Doc said she's prob head up at my 31 week appt an at 33 week they didn't feel but I measured at 36 weeks so going back for an ultrasound on the 29th. It seems all my friends have head down babes and are complaining of pressure?
Happy Monday!
I've got a terrible cold I'm miserable !
Yay thats great news hun so glad things have slowed down i been struggling to sleep lately too sooo frustrating, difficult to get comfy, needing to pee, every time i turn over its agony still, only a few more weeks and we will have a new reason for lack of sleep but at least they will be snugly and cute rather than painful xxx
Jenny how you getting on hun? Any more signs of baby coming?
Misslatino, i think my bubs is head down, he has been at my last few checks and i am waddling like a duck not to mention i feel what i think are feet in my ribs but he was breach at my 31 week growth scan so you never know, he might flip again i have a scan tomorrow so hopefully will know more then
Try not to worry about bubs being breach they say they can even flip on the day so there is still time xxx