Girls around 30 weeks want to wait out the final stretch together? Update:32 weeks

They wont "induce" before the due date, but they will stretch and sweep if they think the bubs might be too big.

It might be warm today, but it's pouring with rain :(

My hands are puffy too, I took my real wedding ring off about 10 weeks ago and changed it for a different band. Now it's too small as well. Bummer
My doctor has agreed that if possible she will do the sweep before. I'm hoping at next appointment I will have dilated enough for her to do the sweep. If not I'm definitely scheduling another appointment before my due date to try! They also can give the gels in the office that help prepare cervix for induction.
Miss i know its hard and sometimes feels like it will never be our turn but like you say no one stays pregnant forever :flower: i think its just seeing ladies pop before their due date makes us think we should too :wacko: i never even thought about popping before my due date until i started seeing babies arrive early on here :thumbup: what are these gels that help with induction? I never heard of this before :thumbup:

Sarah i think Miss is right, those cramps sound like early labor :happydance: you lost more of your plug yesterday too so it is very likely! How exciting!!! :happydance:

Mazzy your so positive :flower: i wish i could feel happy like you LOL i just spend my time moaning :haha::winkwink:

My hands have been swollen since around 31 weeks and i took my rings off then cos they were getting so tight i didnt want to wait till they had to be cut off :wacko:
I feel like I'm whining all the time too. I just thought that I would go early because my dating ultrasound was so vague.

Sometimes I wonder if these new pregnancy tests are almost a problem rather than a blessing. I've known that I was pregnant since 4 weeks, which makes it seem SO much longer. I wonder if it's better that we used to find out between 8-12 weeks. The wait wasn't so long.
I'm not positive about the gels. But both times I've asked what will be done if I get close to my due date the gels have been mentioned. They help to ripen cervix is all I know and they can be administered in the office. They have prostaglandin in the gel which helps to prepare cervix. Some women go into labor with the gel some dont. I will hopefully get more info at next appointment but that won't be til next Wednesday.

I'm feeling more positive today. Did some light cleaning this morning and had a good walk. I've decided to focus on resting as much as possible. Tomorrow my mother begins her leave from work and we will start deep cleaning the house and preparing meals to freeze for the first few weeks that baby is here.

Sarah I found out before 4 weeks even when I saw a teeny faint line. I think it probably would be a blessing to not know but seeing as I was on medication that could've harmed baby had I taken it too long during first trimester, I'm glad I found out so soon. I almost envy the women on shows like I didn't know I was pregnant because they don't deal with the horrible waiting game!
I really wish i didnt know till later too! we were TTC for over 9 months so i did the test before i was even due my period LOL its been tortuously long especially the first 12 weeks may as well have been 12 months :wacko: next time i will defo try not to worry so much and let it happens when it happens and try to kid myself on its not true for as long as possible :haha:

Ohh that prostaglandin is what they use for inductions here, maybe thats what it is then :thumbup:

I have had loads more energy this week, im hoping its the energy spurt they say you get before labor LOL but maybe i just getting better sleep :shrug: i have a new pillow for my legs and it seems to make turning easier and i think where bubs is so low its easier too :thumbup:

Miss thats amazingly thoughtful of your mum to take time off to help you prepare for the bubs :cloud9: my mum cooked us some meals for the freezer bless her but i cant see her ever taking time off to help me clean hehe :haha:
Mazzy your so positive :flower: i wish i could feel happy like you LOL i just spend my time moaning

Lol- u wouldn't say that if u heard my half hour rant to my sister today! Think her ear was sore listening to me! Was whining about my MIL - she's so annoying! Not only continuously going on about my weight ( I've only gained 2 stone!!) but keeps trying to get us to call our daughter after her mum!!! We've told her we're pretty certain we'll call her Ella Rose, so in reply she says ... What about Jessica? What about violet? Rhhh! Lol

Also we've been so busy getting house sorted I haven't had time to get too impatient! Everything will be sorted by Saturday- so I'll defo get much more impatient then!:wacko:
. Tomorrow my mother begins her leave from work and we will start deep cleaning the house and preparing meals to freeze for the first few weeks that baby is here.!

That's a good idea about the food!!! I'm defo going to do that! Will keep me busy too which is defo a good thing during these last few weeks!
Mazz I cannot stand my MIL! She wanted us to name child after her...... She's a fucking alcoholic and drug user who left her sons when they were 8 and 14. She has an excuse for EVERYTHING and truly believes she's a victim at all times. I thank my hubby everyday for moving us across the country away from her:haha: she constantly complains about how we took her only reason for living away by moving away after finding out I was pregnant. Such a drama queen!

I absolutely adore the name Ella Rose, though!

I'm hoping that the cooking and cleaning all next week will be a good distraction from how slowly the days seem to be going.

I CANNOT stop snacking today!!! Feel like a bottomless pit just eating and eating and eating!
So apparently my cervix is thinned? She wrote 2 with a V under it, no idea what that means. I have an appointment for a non stress test next wednesday, and then we're booking induction!
So apparently my cervix is thinned? She wrote 2 with a V under it, no idea what that means. I have an appointment for a non stress test next wednesday, and then we're booking induction!

Don't know what 2 over V means but YAYYYYYYY that they will be booking induction after non stress test :happydance:
Hubby and I dtd earlier to try and see if we could get things moving and then went for a walk. About an hour later started leaking (sorry, gross I know) but I don't know if its his deposit or fluid. I'm pretty sure it's stopped now. Probably a good thing she doesn't come tonight as OH has been drinking for the past three hours. :growlmad: He was supposed to rub my feet and test out the accupressure points that are said to help ripen the cervix tonight, too. I'm going to pinch him as hard as I can the moment he passes out tonight!
Yay Sarah for your cervix thinning!! Woot for the induction booking too :happydance: things are really starting to happen eh!!

LOL Mazzy i dont blame you for moaning about your MIL she sounds very annoying :haha: Ella Rose is a beautiful name :flower: i think having something to do toward bubs arriving defo helps, this week i have had appointments and meeting friends and bought a few bits for when we have visitors like new mugs etc and its made me feel useful again so i havent moaned half as much this last few days :haha::winkwink:

Miss you do make me chuckle pinching your OH :haha: your MIL sounds awful i think i would have moved away if i were you too :thumbup: keep us posted on your leaking! Sounds promising, i have heard dtd defo works to get things stated :thumbup:

My LO keeps sticking his bum right out! Like all day yesterday and then last night he was like he was moving down :shrug: so weird, i had a few more contractions but nothing regular so still no real signs anythings happening any time soon :wacko:
I'm tender :( that cervical check hurt. I'm not sure if she did a stretch and sweep or not or it just her hand up there made me tender.

She joked "no labour tomorrow, I'm in Toronto at a conference."

So I'm hoping that it's going to be Saturday, which is her due date!
Keeping everything crossed for Saturday Sarah :happydance: i have heard it takes a couple of days for the sweep to work so hopefully it will kick in soon for you :thumbup:

Roll on the weekend so we can have our babies, my induction starts Sunday night :headspin::wohoo::headspin:
No more leaking here. Did have some contractions after trying the pressure point but they faded into the night.

So excited for you two! Babies next week for sure!
I'm hoping that she shows up on her due date. My husband was 3 weeks early, and I was induced on my due date because my mum is so small they didn't think she could have me if they didn't induce her.

I feel crampy, but nothing serious compared to some of the other pains I've had.
I expected to have her early as hubby came 5 weeks early and I came 6. Both born by c section. MILs water broke and hubby was breach and my mother had the placenta tear away from the uterine wall. I was breach as well but was born by true emergency c section. So no advice on what either one felt like before they went into labor!

Glad my little girl is healthy but she's already beat her daddy and I by a long shot!

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