Girls around 30 weeks want to wait out the final stretch together? Update:32 weeks

So got a horrific comment today while at the DMV from the pregnant clerk. She asked when I was due then said "oh last year I was pregnant and a week from my due date had a still birth after 2 days of induction" I was speechless. Who says something like that to a complete stranger that has just told you her due date is a week and a half away?! I'm still mortified!
Oh man I've had that too. I've had reduced movements a few times and heard "well my baby/friends baby/cousins baby died around then."

Like WTF...

I mean really, there is always a chance things can go wrong, but I could also be hit by a bus tomorrow. I'm not going to spend all my time wondering "what if."
It was just so extremely unexpected. I've had people say stuff before but never a complete stranger.

I like how you think, though and shall try to get in that mindset. Worrying will do nothing.

My little one has been extremely active today. Painfully so. I swear she's digging her toes as far into my ribs as possible then laughing.
I had that the other day, I'm finding that she's quiet the past two days. Still getting well over 10 movements in a day, I think she's getting ready to come though.
Oh yes mine has her quiet days. Today it just seems that she's stretching really hard. I don't feel pressure low so I'm anxious to know if she's really engaged or not. Yours should definitely be running out of room soon so I wouldn't expect a lot of movement. She's locked and loaded ;)
Hahaha Sarah you crack me up! :haha: shove out your lady bits!! :rofl:

Still no baby for me :growlmad: but tomorrow night they start my induction so not too much longer to wait :yipee:
Miss that's a horrible thing to say! :( I hate people telling me horror stories! When I was 8 weeks pregnant my friend told me about her friend who had miscarriage at 8 weeks and had to give birth to foetus! How horrible! :( I was like please don't tell me anymore I don't want to know thanks very much!!

Wow Sand!! All the best for 2moro! Woo hoo! Make sure to keep us posted I'm dying to hear all about it! :)
Thanks Mazz :hugs: will defo keep you updated :flower: bit scared LOL but so excited too :yipee:

How are you feeling hun? Any signs or twinges yet?
It's my due date today :)

Lets see if she is totally different from her mom and dad and shows up on time.
Happy due date Sarah :cake: keeping everything crossed she decides today is her day :flower:
I cannot believe someone would say something like that, thats terrible, stupid, stupid woman!

Happy due date Sarah!

Feeling pretty heavy down there atm, difficult to walk! Quite a lot of discomfort around my hips/bum aswell - feels different to my normal spd pain.
Had my mw appt last Wed, i'm measuring huge, off the chart huge. So gotta go for a scan on Mon to check baby and my fluid level, kinda worrying me a bit. Do I recall one of you lovelies had too much fluid or was it too little? xx
Thanks :)

Just wondering, and I can't remember if you mentioned it or not, why are they inducing you? They wont induce here until at least 41 weeks.
I cannot believe someone would say something like that, thats terrible, stupid, stupid woman!

Happy due date Sarah!

Feeling pretty heavy down there atm, difficult to walk! Quite a lot of discomfort around my hips/bum aswell - feels different to my normal spd pain.
Had my mw appt last Wed, i'm measuring huge, off the chart huge. So gotta go for a scan on Mon to check baby and my fluid level, kinda worrying me a bit. Do I recall one of you lovelies had too much fluid or was it too little? xx

I had too little fluid! But at one point I was measuring 3 weeks ahead and it turned out to just be the position of LO. I'm now measuring behind on fundal height but ahead on ultrasound. And the fluid corrected itself. Don't stress the measurements. They vary so much! You could've just been having a bit of a bloated day. The pressure and heaviness sounds promising! I haven't felt any of that but all my friends did before labor!

Sarah, I hope she arrives today! Or at least gets the ball rolling by this evening so she can be here tomorrow!

Smanderson please please keep us updated. Have three friends who's water broke the night before induction!

I'm going to have a walk today as I'm feeling up to it and probably do some bouncing on the exercise ball. Last night I swear she was trying to kick and punch her way out and I thought for sure all her dancing would break my waters but I think it was just her showing us she's getting excited to meet us :)
Bambino i agree with Miss, dont worry so much about the measurements they can be completely out depending on babies position and who is measuring you...a few weeks back i had 3 people measure me and all 3 got different measurements! admittedly 2 were students LOL :thumbup:

Sarah they are inducing me cos i have had high blood pressure since 31 weeks and they said they werent prepared to risk it past my due date :wacko: i dunno what difference it makes LOL having struggled through 9 weeks of it :haha::winkwink:

Miss i will defo keep you posted, i have been having either weak contractions or strong braxton hicks all day every 20 minutes or hoping its the start of early labor but they havent gotten any stronger yet so maybe just practice contractions again :dohh:

Did you manage to go on your walk yet miss? its supposed to be good to help bubs drop more too :thumbup: how cute she was having a little dance :flower:
I'm feeling good smand- absolutely no signs that labour is anywhere close though! :( no Braxton hicks or anything! I'd be very surprised if I don't go over! :(
Mazz dont let that fool you hun, i have known ladies on here to have no signs at all and then suddenly go in to labor :thumbup: its different for everyone cos others seem to get practice contractions and go on for weeks like that but defo its possible not to have signs hun :thumbup: Ohh and one lady was told on thursday labor was no where near by the midwife and had her baby Friday afternoon! xx
I'm skeptical on walking helping because I've been walking pretty much daily now for 2 months and she doesn't feel dropped to me. But I was "blessed" with extremely wide hips lol so perhaps I was just made for making babies and can't tell how low she is because of how I'm built. Haven't had my walk yet today, though. It's a lovely day so I'm probably going to head out for a stroll around the neighborhood soon but I'm also contemplating getting in the pool!

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