Girls around 30 weeks want to wait out the final stretch together? Update:32 weeks

Admitted at 1 pm at 4 cms dilated. Contractions are 3-4 minutes apart. Going to try the birthing tub soon.
Wow - good luck Sara!

I'm feeling off today too miss! Feel restless and grumpy :/
Any update Sarah? Hope things are progressing well!!!!!

Mazz I've had loose bowels (sorry if tmi but I'm excited since its a sign lol) and a few cramps here and there but nothing too promising. Going for a long walk with my mom in a few minutes. Although I'm hoping I won't have to go to the restroom on the walk :/
Zoe piper was born at 8:50. 9 lbs 2 oz all natural with no meds. I have a second degree tear and I'm resting in the ward now.
Yay! Congrats Hun and bless you for going all natural!!!!! I'm sure she's perfect! Hope you get some good rest and enjoy snuggling that precious little blessing. So so so happy for you!
Oh forgot to tell you Sarah. OH has bruises now from the pinches... They are starting to ask questions at his work lmao! He's praying this baby comes soon so ill be "sweet" again.
Huge congrats Sarah, well done! Can't wait to see some pics so we can all coo over little Zoe! Xx
Congrats Sarah! Well done! Looking forward to seeing some pics! Xx
Congratulations Sarah! Looking forward to seeing pics- name very cute too :)
Urgh- fed up today. 1 week to due date but the reality has set in that it could actually be closer to 3 weeks by time I have baby if I go overdue until induction date! Just want to feel a twinge or see a show---something, anything!!!
Just left doctor. I am a "tight cm dilated" could not do the membrane sweep BUT tomorrow night at 8 I am going to the hospital to receive the outpatient prostaglandin gels to prepare my cervix for induction.

No ultrasound but my fundal height was only 34 so if I do not deliver this weekend after the gel attempt then I will have an ultrasound to check her weight and all on Monday. If I have not delivered by the first I will be induced that day since I have had the low fluid and smaller measurements.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel yet :D
U seem to have so much better care over there miss! I haven't seen midwife since last tues! And won't be seeing her till next tues for sweep! She said my induction would be booked for 11 days after due date! :( ur so lucky ull be induced on due date! So this time next week ull defo have baby! I've a feeling I've a long way to go! But I guess u never know
Well I had to make a fuss to get a plan set! I think that the main reason they are allowing induction is because of the fluid issues and the fact that my bump is getting smaller rather than bigger... It was 36.5 last week.

I have begun dilating finally so my guess is that you probably are as well! Don't lose hope. You'll have your darling little girl soon enough!
Thanks! I really hope so! :/ I'm feeling little jabs and occasional stabbing pains in my cervix area- so perhaps that's it dilating?!

My midwife said I was measuring a smaller fundal height too- but she said that was because baby had dropped...

Downing RLT as we speak! Come on Ella rose! Show me u at least intent to come out at some point! Lol
I had similar pains two days ago and I'd bet that's what it is. I'm going to keep walking and pray that tomorrow night I have made more progress and they can strip the membranes as well as try the gels.

Possible tmi but hubby said last night before sex that he could feel her right there. So I guess the walking has at least helped her to drop more. Will be walking and sexing it up as much as possible today and tomorrow!
So was supposed to go get the outpatient gels tonight but instead they are rescheduling me for the morning as they were busy at hospital. The lady said they have a lot scheduled for tomorrow as well but still put me down for 10am.... I'm going to be very upset of they call and reschedule again. The reason I picked this hospital was because it was never busy! Of course the night I go to get something to help get things going they are slammed :(

She also confirmed that the gels usually don't put women into labor.... So now I don't even know why I want to get them!

I was so excited and now I just feel shitty :(

And since they are sooooo busy what if tonight my water breaks?! Do I not go to that hospital? I know fat chance on that happening but just felt like bitching a bit.

Hope the other ladies still waiting are having a better night than me!!
Oh no miss- that's crap! U must be so disappointed! But as u said at least U'll have ur baby next week at latest because of the induction! I'm still in limbo! Still no signals that things r close! Bought a pineapple and a Lush Sex Bomb bath bomb- which supposedly helps bring things on as it has clary sage oil in it :) had my wax yesterday too and it was soooooo much more painful I couldn't finish it! Lol! So ill be using veet me thinks lol!

Apart from that I'm entertaining myself by watching 2nd series of homeland! It's quite good :)
Well they can only induce on the first if my cervix is favorable. I'm hoping that it at least works in doing that so that I will meet my little girl Wednesday.

Have you been walking at all?
Not really to be honest. Although I went into town yesterday and was walking around the shops for about 4 hours so I suppose that counts as something.

hopefully those creams will work well for u then!

What's movements for u like at the minute? I noticed that mine are much stronger- looks like shed really trying to escape from my belly hehe. Like her foot sticks out really far!

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