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Girls close to the end... .LABOR WATCH!

i have woken up this morning to lower back pain and pressure which is constant, not in waves. Went for a walk with my toddler and had severe stitch like pain and stabbing pains which made me stop but dont think they were contractions, probably just the result of being the size of a beached whale out walking!
hope it is the start of something though
I am done now
Yesterday evening I was having back pain (either constant or very spaced out, I would notice it at some times and not others, but it wasn't necessarily contraction), with mild cramps in my lower bump. When I went to bed for the first 45 minutes up peeing at least 6 or 7 times, and most the times I got up I was having a crampy BH, I couldn't tell if the BH were making me pee, or the urine in my bladder (and there was some there every time!) was making me have BH...or just baby's position, or what. Anyway, nothing came of it though.

DD was also moving a lot more yesterday, I hope it means something!
Whenever I wake to pee in the night, I have a BH. I've been told having a more than halfway full bladder can cause BHs and then of course so can moving when you've been sitting/laying can cause them, too.

I typically am up every 2 hours to pee but last night had a 4.5 hour stretch so that was exciting! hahaha
Whenever I wake to pee in the night, I have a BH. I've been told having a more than halfway full bladder can cause BHs and then of course so can moving when you've been sitting/laying can cause them, too.

I typically am up every 2 hours to pee but last night had a 4.5 hour stretch so that was exciting! hahaha

Yeah, actually I normally am having one when I get up to pee at night, but this was LITERALLY even 4-6 minutes. I didn't have a full bladder, just more than a few drips. I suppose it may have been how DD's head was lying?

After that, I slept for a couple hours before I had to get up again and had a moderately full bladder, no BH though.
So I had my midwife appointment this afternoon but just before we left my daughter smashed her lip on the door massive gash so managed to get her an appointment but it was to deep for doctors to deal with so had to take her to a and e! Lucky enough they glued it and hopefully will only have a little scar!

Midwife was ok my blood pressure was raised but I knew that it would be having white coat syndrome and stress is not a good combination! Urine All clear so that's good! Baby is back to back ( boo) and is not engaged anymore don't think he is planning on coming anytime soon 😢!

Hope everyone else is ok! Xx
Having regular contractions again...

Started out where I'd have a 60-90 second semi painful one and a 30 second non painful one alternating, about 2 minutes apart.

Now having 45 second semi painful, about a minute apart.

I guess we'll see if this goes anywhere...
Good luck, kiss!

Zebbed - did your doctor mention planning an induction if baby doesn't come within the next week?

I'm always curious how long different doctors let you go past your expected date as I'm getting more and more confident that this liitle girl is going to go past hers but I really don't want to be induced until its medically necessary.
Contractions are gone now. They got pretty intense for a while. I wasn't able to walk through them for about 30 minutes. All stopped soon after that though.
Good luck, kiss!

Zebbed - did your doctor mention planning an induction if baby doesn't come within the next week?

I'm always curious how long different doctors let you go past your expected date as I'm getting more and more confident that this liitle girl is going to go past hers but I really don't want to be induced until its medically necessary.

Nope no plan for induction all she did say was she will see me at 40+2 and 41+2 and they like to induce at term +10 so that's what I imagine will happen! I never saw myself being this pregnant after being induced with pre e the first time! Xx
I e spent the last two days with cramps and pressure in my bum. Some really intense BH but nothing regular. Good luck ladies!
Had a midwife appt today not much has changed baby is head down but still not engaged- she didnt seem too worried said that some babies dont until labour... We also talked about baby's position its in the ROL position and she said that it should turn in early labour.
Ive booked to see her next week again she said that the will offer me a sweep but only if the head is engaged😔 and will talk more about induction at term +12. So hurry up baby due date is Monday. X
Had my dr appt today at 38+5 and head is in position but nothing else is going on. Guess this baby isn't going any where any time soon. She seems to be pretty comfortable where she is. I've been having dreams of going into labor all week and thought it might be a sign of something to come soon... So much for that theory!
Pb sounds like we went to the same appt😂
Hehe sounds like my 38 week appointment this week baby is in the ROA position which is correct position but is still not engaged. Midwife said not to worry as baby might not engage until labour and the contractions will push him down.

She also said my next appointment I can have a sweep if baby has engaged and if not I will be induced at 41 weeks. But I have been bouncing on my ball to try and get him to go down and I think I may have lost a few bits of my plug had some BH yesterday but other than that all is quite.
No progress here either, its so disheartening every day that passes, i'm only 37 +5 but i feel so overdue for this baby!

Is anybody doing anything to try speed up the process? I've been bouncing on my ball like a crazy person but nothing! Hope something happens with one of us soon!
I hate my body teasing me! Last night I was having pains every 7 mins whilst sat down so stood up for a but and they went 😢! My 4 year old keeps telling me he is coming sunday so I hope she is right! I hate moaning about wanting him out but I am so done I want my body back and to walk normally! Xx
I hate being teased, too!

Regarding labor encouraging.. I used to do nipple stim but that would just give me fake contractions. I walk a lot and have been trying to sit on my birth ball more. I've considered sex but just sounds like so much work at this point....

We're going to the zoo today. Lots of walking there. I'm so ready yet also getting nervous about labor.
I hate being teased, too!

Regarding labor encouraging.. I used to do nipple stim but that would just give me fake contractions. I walk a lot and have been trying to sit on my birth ball more. I've considered sex but just sounds like so much work at this point....

We're going to the zoo today. Lots of walking there. I'm so ready yet also getting nervous about labor.

LOL I went to the zoo yesterday! Slight pink from the sun, tired feet, and nothing going on with the baby...hopefully something is going on that I just can't feel like effacement or something!

My doula came over yesterday and we talked about ways to encourage labor, she said sex is excellent, but even cuddling, hand holding, making out, etc has similar effects because of the oxytocin released. You obviously don't get the cervical softening effects, but she said feeling safe and warm and loved goes a long way into allowing the body to relax and go into labor, so even if you aren't up for sex...I thought it was good suggestion and I was happy to know all those nights we weren't up for sex but we cuddled and stuff it was helping, I hope!

I am not sure if I mentioned it on this thread, my OB has scheduled me to be induced Tuesday if I don't go into labor before.
I have been bouncing on my ball, drinking raspberry leaf tea, spicy food not tried sex yet don't think hubby is to keen :haha: but it would seem this little guy is more than happy where he is at the moment and now I finally have made it to single digits it makes the waiting even worse !!!!

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