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Girls close to the end... .LABOR WATCH!

I want in too!! I'm 36&4, first time. If I've had any signs that labor is coming, I haven't picked up on them. I'm about ready to start trying some of those tricks everybody talks about!! Trying to hold out one more week before I do anything to help it along. But it's not easy!!! I'm out of work and homebound because of elevated blood pressure and it's making it so much harder!!!

:hi: This is my first as well so im grasping information from people i know, here and Dr. Google. Thanks to the internet. :haha: Anyways, looks like we're due on the same day. i'm 36w5d today. :dance: BH (braxton hicks) are getting stronger and vajayjay seemed to have swollen yesterday maybe due to the pressure i'm getting the past few days like a punching feeling down there whenever i get BH. My BP seems to we wonky as well got it elevated again 2 days ago so i was on sick leave yesterday. Leave starts on june 1st for me and that's when i'm going to try every tricks i read on how to induce labor naturally. Hope something helps.
My water dramatically broke out of nowhere on Saturday night at 11:30 pm. I had contractions from 1-5 am and they restarted after I got up the next day around 11 am. Active labor began at 1:30 pm, got to the hospital at 3:30 pm, and baby girl was born at 3:50 pm! Started feeling pushy in the car and my OB didn't make it in time. Overall all went well! Quick but much more painful than my first. Had some blood pressure issues the first 24 hours but now we're both doing well. Baby is breastfeeding like a champ!

Congrats Kiss!!!! :dance:

Congratulations kiss!

Happy due date to me! I have no signs of labour what so ever! It's really frustrating! I feel totally normal other than being heavy. Maybe he will make a shock appearance but I'm not holding my breath! Xx

Oh, happy due date to you.... Your LO will be in your arms soon. very soon.... :D
Joining this thread, 37w1d today andI want him out of me! Last night I had a BH that actually painful for the first time ever, which got me excited. Lots of sharp round ligament type pains but nothing else to report yet. Meeting with a consultant to discuss early induction due to health probs on Thursday so I really want him to come on his own. I think they'll want to do it at 39-40 weeks if not. Good luck ladies!
Goodluck with your appointment on Thursday JumpingIn.

AFM, i still want to cook our little one until 38w6d from then i guess i'll be so ready to want our baby out... Still it's just want i want, and we all know it's babies' decision when they want to come out couldn't beat that one. :haha:
Im 38 + 1 today and feel rather good! I did have a little jump on a trampoline yesterday that made me feel a bit heavy and lots of gardening so legs ache a bit today.

Nothing to report really unless this is my one last energy burst before baby comes, i'm usually not a morning person at all! This morning i was laid staring at my 3 year old at 6.30 waiting for him to wake!

Congratulations to everybody that's had their babies and those that are being induced this week!
I want in too!! I'm 36&4, first time. If I've had any signs that labor is coming, I haven't picked up on them. I'm about ready to start trying some of those tricks everybody talks about!! Trying to hold out one more week before I do anything to help it along. But it's not easy!!! I'm out of work and homebound because of elevated blood pressure and it's making it so much harder!!!

:hi: This is my first as well so im grasping information from people i know, here and Dr. Google. Thanks to the internet. :haha: Anyways, looks like we're due on the same day. i'm 36w5d today. :dance: BH (braxton hicks) are getting stronger and vajayjay seemed to have swollen yesterday maybe due to the pressure i'm getting the past few days like a punching feeling down there whenever i get BH. My BP seems to we wonky as well got it elevated again 2 days ago so i was on sick leave yesterday. Leave starts on june 1st for me and that's when i'm going to try every tricks i read on how to induce labor naturally. Hope something helps.

Cool, due date buddies!! :haha: yeah, I'm running out of patience fast. Told dh last night that he is about to start having a LOT more sex with me. He doesn't mind. :haha: giving her another week and I'll start trying something else.

But last night after DTD (sorry), I passed little pieces of what I think (read: pray) is my mucus plug!! Not tinged with any blood, but maybe it's starting to loosen up!! :shrug: I don't know but I'll take it as a sign of progress, if only because I'm gonna rip my hair out otherwise.
I want in too!! I'm 36&4, first time. If I've had any signs that labor is coming, I haven't picked up on them. I'm about ready to start trying some of those tricks everybody talks about!! Trying to hold out one more week before I do anything to help it along. But it's not easy!!! I'm out of work and homebound because of elevated blood pressure and it's making it so much harder!!!

:hi: This is my first as well so im grasping information from people i know, here and Dr. Google. Thanks to the internet. :haha: Anyways, looks like we're due on the same day. i'm 36w5d today. :dance: BH (braxton hicks) are getting stronger and vajayjay seemed to have swollen yesterday maybe due to the pressure i'm getting the past few days like a punching feeling down there whenever i get BH. My BP seems to we wonky as well got it elevated again 2 days ago so i was on sick leave yesterday. Leave starts on june 1st for me and that's when i'm going to try every tricks i read on how to induce labor naturally. Hope something helps.

Cool, due date buddies!! :haha: yeah, I'm running out of patience fast. Told dh last night that he is about to start having a LOT more sex with me. He doesn't mind. :haha: giving her another week and I'll start trying something else.

But last night after DTD (sorry), I passed little pieces of what I think (read: pray) is my mucus plug!! Not tinged with any blood, but maybe it's starting to loosen up!! :shrug: I don't know but I'll take it as a sign of progress, if only because I'm gonna rip my hair out otherwise.

I got signed off work at 32 weeks due to elevated BP, been trying everything since 36 weeks to get labor started, nothing happening....I also lost pieces of plug around 37 weeks, never developed into anything...I've been looking for signs of progress but nothing doing. At my last appointment a week ago, I wasn't even 1cm dilated. I am due to be induced today due to my high BP, I hope I'm more favorable now! I tried lots of sex, went through an entire bottle of EPO (vaginal and oral) been on long walks every day (got nothing but sore feet from it), bounced on/sit on my ball all the time (I even sit on it to eat dinner), I even tried eating ice cream (I'm lactose intolerant) to bring on some intestinal cramping and nothing happened.

I have been having a lot more BH lately, but nothing super regular. Last night I started feeling a lot of pressure down there, but still nothing. I wore my prettiest undies (to tempt my water to break in them, of course). We had a big storm last night and the power went out (isn't bad weather the perfect time for labor to start?)...so much DTD my poor DH is having issues keeping up....(I keep reminding him after today, no more DTD for weeks!).

:coffee: *sigh*
I want in too!! I'm 36&4, first time. If I've had any signs that labor is coming, I haven't picked up on them. I'm about ready to start trying some of those tricks everybody talks about!! Trying to hold out one more week before I do anything to help it along. But it's not easy!!! I'm out of work and homebound because of elevated blood pressure and it's making it so much harder!!!

:hi: This is my first as well so im grasping information from people i know, here and Dr. Google. Thanks to the internet. :haha: Anyways, looks like we're due on the same day. i'm 36w5d today. :dance: BH (braxton hicks) are getting stronger and vajayjay seemed to have swollen yesterday maybe due to the pressure i'm getting the past few days like a punching feeling down there whenever i get BH. My BP seems to we wonky as well got it elevated again 2 days ago so i was on sick leave yesterday. Leave starts on june 1st for me and that's when i'm going to try every tricks i read on how to induce labor naturally. Hope something helps.

Cool, due date buddies!! :haha: yeah, I'm running out of patience fast. Told dh last night that he is about to start having a LOT more sex with me. He doesn't mind. :haha: giving her another week and I'll start trying something else.

But last night after DTD (sorry), I passed little pieces of what I think (read: pray) is my mucus plug!! Not tinged with any blood, but maybe it's starting to loosen up!! :shrug: I don't know but I'll take it as a sign of progress, if only because I'm gonna rip my hair out otherwise.

I got signed off work at 32 weeks due to elevated BP, been trying everything since 36 weeks to get labor started, nothing happening....I also lost pieces of plug around 37 weeks, never developed into anything...I've been looking for signs of progress but nothing doing. At my last appointment a week ago, I wasn't even 1cm dilated. I am due to be induced today due to my high BP, I hope I'm more favorable now! I tried lots of sex, went through an entire bottle of EPO (vaginal and oral) been on long walks every day (got nothing but sore feet from it), bounced on/sit on my ball all the time (I even sit on it to eat dinner), I even tried eating ice cream (I'm lactose intolerant) to bring on some intestinal cramping and nothing happened.

I have been having a lot more BH lately, but nothing super regular. Last night I started feeling a lot of pressure down there, but still nothing. I wore my prettiest undies (to tempt my water to break in them, of course). We had a big storm last night and the power went out (isn't bad weather the perfect time for labor to start?)...so much DTD my poor DH is having issues keeping up....(I keep reminding him after today, no more DTD for weeks!).

:coffee: *sigh*

Oh dear. :nope:
Well, good luck today!! I hope things go smoothly and your LO is in your arms quickly, happy and healthy!!
What's EPO??
Wow, that's alot and upsetting misspriss.... FX everything turns well today hun.... :hugs:
Oh dear. :nope:
Well, good luck today!! I hope things go smoothly and your LO is in your arms quickly, happy and healthy!!
What's EPO??

Thanks, evening primrose oil :D

Wow, that's alot and upsetting misspriss.... FX everything turns well today hun.... :hugs:

Ah it's not too upsetting, just don't believer don't everything you read online will make a whole lot of difference. That being said, my cervix is getting softer, so that is good. I thank the EPO (and/or sex!) for that.

I don't look at it as disappointing. Despite the fact that my body is having issues with my blood pressure, it means my body is very good at maintaining a healthy baby to term, with no preterm labor or anything like that, good and secure where she needs to be. If I didn't have a history of severe pre-eclampsia, I'd probably tell my doctor I just wanted to wait it out. But with my history, I don't think it's worth the risk to try and go longer as my BP has gotten a lot more erratic recently.
I'm having the same BP issues, 2 weeks ago and 2 days ago. My doc won't even see me until 38 weeks. So if my BP rise again i will have to go to the hospital and force him to check me and do some tests to rule out pre-e. I don't want to continue having high BP for weeks when i know they can deliver my baby now.
I'm having the same BP issues, 2 weeks ago and 2 days ago. My doc won't even see me until 38 weeks. So if my BP rise again i will have to go to the hospital and force him to check me and do some tests to rule out pre-e. I don't want to continue having high BP for weeks when i know they can deliver my baby now.

Oh that sucks! My doctor has been very proactive about keeping an eye on mine. Mine started going up at the doctor's office at 32 weeks, but stayed low at home. It's been creeping up at home though, and also going up MORE at the doctor's office.

I did a 24 hr urine catch and bloods for liver function probably around 33 or 34 weeks, and at 37 weeks or so I had a growth scan that she had trouble finding fluid on and put me in the hospital for BP monitoring and an additional scan. My BP was fine at the hospital and I did another 24 urine and bloods for liver function and they all came back normal, and my scan was dead on perfect. But it's been borderline and sometimes barely high at home the past couple weeks, so we are going to go ahead and induce.

According to my calculations (and all my scans) I will be 39+4, according to my LMP my doctor goes by she is waiting until 40+2, so I think it's a good compromise between letting me to go as far as she is comfortable with my BP, and going ahead and getting her out so we can quit worrying about pre-e.
Thanks, I never heard of that but I looked it up and actually went to the store and got some!! I'm desperate!! :haha: fingers crossed it helps!!!
Good Luck Misspriss!

I've had my 38 week appointment and 3/5's engaged, so she's head down in the right direction so i'll take that! Not hopeful for going before my due date now though!

Got a stretch and sweep booked in for the 15th when i'll be 41 weeks which i hopefully wont need, fingers crossed!
Hello! Can I join? Ill be 40 weeks tomorrow. After doctors telling me I wont make it to my due date, im sad lol.

I was in assessment last night cause im having severe (but not contractions) pain, apparently my urine came back "iffy" so they need to let it grow and see what it is. I should know in a day. UGH.
She's here!

Well after my dr appt on friday where I was told nothing was going on, contractions started late Saturday night and went on into Sunday. I didn't even realize they were contractions until they started to really intensify around noon on Sunday. Then all of a sudden I lost my plug and my water broke within an hour of each other we went to the hospital around 10 pm with intense contractions being 2-3 mins apart but was sent home because we were told I was only 1cm dilated 2hours later we were back because I was vomiting from the pain and contractions rolled into each other. I had went from 1 to 5 cm dilated in just a couple of hours and by the time the epi was put in 20 mins later I was at 7 cm. the dialation slowed and by the time my dr arrived at 6am our baby girl had already crowned and arrived with just two pushes on 5/25/15 at 39w+1 weighing 7lbs 8 oz and 18.5 inches long.

Good luck to all you ladies! The end of the tunnel is near!

Congratulation, Kiss!
Congrats pb921124... Nice reading someone's labor story....
I had my little boy at 20:15 on monday :)

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